HomeMy WebLinkAbout1163 Brown and Caldwell4 PURCHASING DEPARTMENT TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM To: City Clerk/ City Manager RE: Brown & Caldwell In Sewer Lining Rehab Work Order No. 2 $39,798 The item(s) noted below is /are attached and forwarded to your office for the following action(s): Once completed, please: Return original Return copy El Special Instructions: For executed signatures on both parties. Please advise if you have any questions regarding the above. Thank you... From Date ,4. C ❑ Mayor's signature ❑ Recordi ndering Safekeeping (Vault) ❑ Payment Bond ® City Manager Signature ® City Clerk Signature Development Order Final Plat (original mylars) Letter of Credit Maintenance Bond Ordinance Performance Bond Resolution TADept_ forms \City Clerk Transmittal Memo - 2009.doc EXHIBIT A WORK ORDER FORM Work Order Number 2 CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA Master Agreement/Contract Number: RFQ 05106 -15 Dated: December 2009 Contract/Project Title: 1/1 Sewer Lining Rehabilitation Solicitation No: IFB 09/10 -10 IWW5901101 I Purchase Order No. Consultant/Contractor: Brown and Caldwell Consultant/Contractor's Business Address, Phone Number, Fax Number and E -mail Address 850 Trafalgar Ct., Suite 300, Maitland, FL 32751 ATTACHMENTS TO THIS WORK ORDER METHOD OF COMPENSATION DRAWINGS /PLANS /SPECIFICATIONS FIXED FEE BASIS X SCOPE OF SERVICES X TIME BASIS -NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT SPECIAL CONDITIONS TIME BASIS - LIMITATION OF FUNDS X PRICING (INFORMATION UNIT PRICE BASIS -NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT WO TERMS AND CONDITIONS TIME FOR COMPLETION: 30 -Aug -11 Days of the effective date of this Work Order Effective date- this Work Order: Date of Execution by City Time for completion: The services to be provided by the Consultant/Contractor shall commence upon execution of this Work Order by the parties and shall be completed within the time frame indicated above. Failure to meet the stated completion requirement may be grounds for termination for default. Work Order Amount: Dollars Expressed in Numbers: $ $39,798 Dollar Amount Written Out: Thirty nine thousand seven hundres and ninety eight with XX/1.00 In Witness Where of, the parties hereto have made and executed this Work Order on the respective dates under each signature: The City through its City Commission taking action on the and the Consultant/Contractor by and through its duly authorized corporate officer having the full and complete authority to execute same. CONSULTANT /CONTRACTOR ATTEST: EXECUTION. Q'-� . ; Signature, Signature, 9- Rj�G �ieai 1 /11 �� l S Sr, t� Ned/ ry 9 / 2�l1 ` l/t G ;/ A ZO!/ .7 L4A ' j "� /"• . Printed Name, Title and Date Pri ted Na and Date CITY OF SANFORD A / ign ure,, Purchasing Manager Purchasing Manager, Printed Name and Date C� _�, T—C/7-7 Signature, City Clerk Signature, C anager - Dr�?_4, City Clerk, Printed Name and Date City Mana er, Print 4d Name and Date Revised '1 -6 -2011 WORK ORDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS -Page 2 12. The Vendor /Contractor shall not disclose the existence of this WO without prior written consent of the City except as may be required to perform this WO. 13. All Material purchased hereunder must be packaged to ensure its security and delivery in accordance with the City's shipping and packaging specification and good commercial practice. Each package shall be labeled indicating the addressee of each package or shipment and the applicable WO number. All shipments shall comply with HAZMAT requirements Including, but not limited to, (DOT) regulations published in 49CFR 1399, OSHA regulations 29 CFR 4999. 14. The Vendor /Contractor shall perform the obligations of this WO as an independent contractor and under no circumstances shall it be considered as agent or employee of the City. 15. The Vendor /Contractor ensures that its personnel shall comply with reasonable conduct guidelines and City policies and procedures. 16. After each delivery, the Vendor /Contractor shall provide to the 'bill to address" an original, "proper invoice" (single copy) which includes: a) Vendor /Contractor's name(dba), telephone number, mailing address; b) City's P.O. Number; c) Date of invoice; d) Shipping date; e) Delivery date; f) Payment terms; g) Description of goods /services; h) quantity; D Unit price; j) Extended price; k) Total. The City has the right to reconcile invoice with the WO and adjust payment accordingly to comply with the WO. Payment will be made only to the Vendor /Contractor identified on the WO and for received and accepted goods/services. The City shall have right at any time to set -off any amounts due to the Vendor /Contractor against any amounts owed to the City by the Vendor /Contractor and shall in the case of Vendor /Contractor default retain the right to further adjust payments as consistent with the best interests of the City. 17. Payment of invoices will be in compliance with Chapter 218, Part VII of Florida Statutes, City Ordinance No. 3029, Purchasing Policy of the City and the stipulations, terms and conditions of this WO. Any cash discount period will date from receipt of invoice, receipt of actual delivery or date of invoice, which ever is later. 18. If this WO involves the Vendor /Contractor's performance on the City's premises or at any place where the City conducts operations, the Vendor /Contractor shall request information from the Purchasing Manager regarding insurance coverage requirements. In circumstances where insurance is required, Vendor /Contractor shall provide proofs of insurance required by the City, or City reserves the right to cancel this Work Order, immediately suspend performance by the Vendor /Contractor at Vendor /Contractor's expense and prohibit access to City premises until such proofs of insurance is verified Noncompliance with this item shall place the Vendor /Contractor in default and subject to disbarment from the City's Vendor /Contractor List. 19. The failure of the city to enforce any provision of this WO, exercise any right or privilege granted to the City hereunder shall not constitute or be construed as a waiver of any such provision or right and the same shall continue in force. 20. The Vendor /Contractor shall notify the Purchasing Manager of any Inherent hazard and applicable precautions, protective measures and provide any additional relevant information, including MSDS, related to the Material being purchased herein. 21. The City shall have the right at no additional charge to use all or portions of material found in the Vendor /Contractor's applicable literature relevant to the purchase. The Vendor /Contractor agrees to advise the City of any updated information relative to the foregoing literature and documentation with timely written notice. 22. A person or affiliate who has been removed from the City's Vendor /Contractor List may not submit a bid or transact business with the City in excess of Category Two for a period of thirty -six (36) months from the date of being removed from the City's Vendor /Contractor List. 23. In compliance with 8 U.S.C. Section1324a(e) (Section 274A(e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)), the City will not intentionally make an award or upon discovery of a violation will unilaterally cancel this WO with any contractor who knowingly employs unauthorized alien workers. WORK ORDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS -Page 3 24. This WO shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. In any action or proceeding required to enforce or interpret the terms of this Agreement, venue shall be of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Seminole County, Florida EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES CITY OF SANFORD PROJECT MANAGEMENT OF SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM REHABILITATION March 31, 2011 The City of Sanford Utility Department has embarked on a program of protecting the Lake Monroe Watershed. Included in this program are improvements to the sanitary sewer collection system to reduce infiltration and inflow (I/1) into the system and to reduce the potential for sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) due to pipe failures. The City has been evaluating and rehabilitating the sanitary sewer system on a priority and continuous basis since 2005 as funding has become available. An existing force main pipe that extends along Highway 17 -92 from near Lake Mary Bled. to Airport Blvd. has had numerous failures caused by deterioration of the pipe material. These pipe failures are difficult for City Utility Staff to manage because the force main extends along the busy 17 -92 highway and provides sanitary sewer service to numerous commercial businesses along that corridor. These include restaurants and hotels that cannot be without sewer service. The City of Sanford's Utility Department wishes to remedy the situation by lining the force main and restoring it to acceptable condition to near -new condition. The trenchless technology methods being used by the City to line existing defective graxity sewer pipes can also be used to rehabilitate the force main. This method will not require digging trenches to replace the old pipes but will require excavating and creating access points along the route of the force main for use in the lining process. Using trenchless technology disruptions to the public will be minimized during the project. New pipe liners will be inserted into the old force main pipe at the access points and steam will be applied to expand and solidify the liner, resulting in new pipe within the existing deteriorated force main. The City of Sanford Utility Department has been very successful obtaining grants from the State of Florida for the sanitary sewer rehabilitation program. Since the lining program began, the State has awarded three grants to the City totaling $700,000. In 2009 the Utility Department competed against with other utilities within the state to obtain stimulus funds through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (AARA). This fund is administered through the SRF program of FDEP. Utility Department Staff is to be commended for the hard work that resulted in their being offered a $2.6 million loan through the SRF (State Revolving Fund) program. Most applicants were not so fortunate because funding was so limited. That project is nearing completion and the State of Florida has offer the City of Sanford an additional $201,000 for pipe lining work. The Utility Department has chosen the force main along Highway 17 -92 as their current top priority for pipe rehabilitation. The City of Sanford wishes to employ an engineering firm to check and document the work and upon completion, certify to the City that the work was done according to standards and billed accurately. In addition, there is the need to keep the public and commercial establishments along Highway 17 -92 informed of the work. Brown and Caldwell (BC) is in a position to provide these services to the City of Sanford because of familiarity with the sanitary sewer collection system; the sewer rehabilitation program since 2004; and the work currently being for the on -going SRF /ARRA sewer pipe lining project. BC is under a continuing engineering contract to provide services needed by the City. The details of the work to be performed are described in the following Scope of Services. SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 1: Construction Inspection and Administration the Protect The City desires an independent engineer to certify that the work completed was done according to standards and billed accurately by the contractor. This requires periodic on- site inspections, review of television images and documentation of the completed work, review of invoices and orderly documentation of the program. Task 1 addresses the services provided to satisfy City, State and Federal requirements. 1.1: Establish Project Spreadsheets. BC will coordinate with Utility Staff to establish accurate and detailed spreadsheets to document the segments of the force main that are to be lined. The spreadsheets will be used throughout the project to track completed line segments. This information will be used to verify contractor invoices and ultimately constitute the documents that reflect all work completed. Time: 7 Hours Estimated Budget: $686 1.2: Kick Off Meeting with Contractor and City. BC will schedule and facilitate a kick off meeting prior to the initiation of construction. The purpose of the meeting will be to establish lines of communication among the City, Contractor and BC. Expectations for work documentation and proper im-oicing protocols will be communicated and discussed. In addition. proper procedures for responding to public and media inquires will be established. Time: 6 Hours Estimated Budgett: $1,032 1.3: Provide Spot Checks on Contractor's Work at Job Sites. To responsibly certify the proper completion of lining work, BC will field check the Contractor's work. It is not practical to provide full -time on -site inspection but all television images of the lined pipe segments will be reviewed under sub task 1.6. Time: 24 Hours Estimated Budget: $3,584 1.4: Review and Rectify Monthly Invoices, DVDs and Spreadsheets. BC will be provided monthly invoices, pay requests, and spreadsheets summarizing work completed (schedule of values) by the Contractor. In addition the lining Contractor will provide DVDs of television images taken of all lined pipe segments. BC will review the images to provide a visual review of the complete lining. BC will also compare the completed work as documented on the DVDs with work billed within the invoices and documented on the spreadsheets. Discrepancies will be resolved with the Contractor and City prior to recommending payment. Time: 66 Hours Estimated Budget: $8,912 1.5: Prepare Letters Recommending Invoice Payment. After any discrepancies are resolved and BC is satisfied the work has been successfully completed and accurately invoiced, a letter to the City will be prepared recommending payment. Time: 24 Hours Estimated Budget: $3,512 1.6: Provide Engineer's Certifications. When all work has been satisfactorily completed. BC will provide certifications to the City of Sanford. Time: 12 Hours Estimated Budget: $2,008 1.7: Project Coordination and Management. BC's Project Manager will coordinate meetings and communication with City staff, the Contractor. and BC Staff. It is anticipated that monthly status meetings will be held with City Staff as well as additional meetings and communications during the course of the lining project. Time: 44 Hours Estimated Budget: $7,792 Expenses. Brown and Caldwell will incur travel expenses during the course of the work described in Task 1. These will be billed without markup and at the prevailing Federal mileage allowance rate. Task 2: Public Information Services The City of Sanford has a history of keeping the public informed of construction projects and this sanitary sewer lining project is no exception. The Utility Department wishes to inform businesses along the Highway 17 -92 route in advance of this work so they are not surprised and also to minimize the number of inquiring calls to the City. BC has developed a plan to provide this service to meet the needs of the City. It will include the following sub- tasks. 2.1: Project Website. BC will work with City staff to maintain a project website. BC's Public Information Specialist will work directly with appropriate City staff to update the web site bi- weekly for up to four updates, to include the current project status and anticipated next steps. Time: 12 Hours Estimated Budget: $1,792 2.2: Provide Advance Letters to Customers. BC will coordinate with the Contractor and City staff for the production and mailing of letters approximately two weeks in advance of pipe lining work. The letters will provide an explanation of the work to be done, what the customers can expect to occur. and a schedule. Time: 14 Hours Estimated Budget: $1,260 2.3: Coordinate with Risk Management. Due to the trenchless technology that will be used during much of the project, it is unlikely that damage claims will be filed by customers. However, in the event there are damage claims BC will provide up to eight hours assistance to the City's Risk Management Department. Time: 8 Hours Estimated Budget: 51,712 2.4: Information Management. BC will provide coordination of public information throughout the project period. BC will meet or communicate with City staff to maintain a flow of information to the public. Time: 16 Hours Estimated Budget: 52,808 Task 3: Additional Services There is some uncertainty regarding the level of effort required to check the lining contractor's work through on -site visits and through the review of the DVDs and related documentation of the lining process. The above estimate is based on Brown and Caldwell's recent experience with alining project. There was excellent cooperation among all parties involved in the project; however the project at hand may involve a different lining contractor so the working relationship and work product may be different. If that is the case or if the City of Sanford requests additional services an amount of $4,000 is included in the budget for these additional services. BUDGET Brown and Caldwell will perform the above stated Scope of Services on a Time Basis Method as set forth in the Continuing Services Contract between the City of Sanford and BC. The work will be performed on a time and expense basis with a cost not to exceed $39,798. The basis for the not -to- exceed amount is prescribed in the following page along with assumptions and budgeted staffing requirements to provide the service described in Tasks I and 2 as well as $4,000 for Additional Services if approved by the City of Sanford Utility Department Director. It is understood that BC has the flexibility to shift hours and dollars among tasks and sub - tasks.