HomeMy WebLinkAbout1026 - 2010 JPASEMINOLE COUNTY /CITY OF SANFORD JOINT PLANNING AGREEMENT THIS JOINT.] LANNI G AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of 2010, by and between SEMINOLE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is Seminole County Services Building, 1101 East First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771, hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY ", and the CITY OF SANFORD, a Florida municipal corporation whose address is Post Office Box 1788, Sanford, Florida 32772 -1788, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY ": WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, it is beneficial to the public for local governments to work together in a spirit of harmony and cooperation; and WHEREAS, the CITY and the COUNTY have previously entered into Interlocal Agreements; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners and the Sanford City Commission have executed joint resolutions that expressed their consensus agreement as to urban planning, transportation impact fees, first response fire service, future annexation limits for the CITY, and water and wastewater service area boundaries for the COUNTY and the CITY in the Sanford /Seminole County Joint Planning Area (hereinafter referred to as the Joint Planning Area); and WHEREAS, the Joint Planning Area and future annexation boundaries should be specifically defined; and WHEREAS, in 1991 Seminole County and the City of Sanford had a Joint Planning Agreement that has expired; and WHEREAS, the provisions of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act (Part II, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes) and the Rules of the Florida Department of Community Affairs (in particular Rule 9J- 5.015, Florida Administrative Code) provide for intergovernmental coordination in the comprehensive planning process; and WHEREAS, the provisions of this Agreement are consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan (Chapter 187, Florida 1 Statutes), the Regional Policy Plan adopted by the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council and the comprehensive plans of the CITY and the COUNTY; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY and the CITY have determined that it is in the best interest of the citizens of the COUNTY and the CITY that this Interlocal Agreement also be entered into; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY and the CITY have reviewed their respective future land use designations and land development regulations for consistency with one another's comprehensive plans; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY and the CITY have adopted comprehensive plans, pursuant to Part II, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, which contain goals, policies and objectives that call for the creation of interlocal agreements which deal with annexations, services delivery, joint land use planning, and conflict resolution, among other things; and WHEREAS, the parties recognize that joint planning for the growth and development of their respective jurisdictions with regard to all matters of common impact and interest is consistent with State law and serves the public interest; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY and the CITY desire to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of their respective jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, land use matters which are the subject of this Agreement include, but are not limited to, annexations, comprehensive plan amendments, public service facility expansions and contractions, school site land acquisitions and proposed school construction and /or expansion on said sites, and all other land use actions of whatsoever type or nature which may affect or impact the parties to this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY and the CITY agree that joint planning agreements addressing multi - jurisdictional land use issues and provision of public services and facilities are a sound planning goal that serves to further intergovernmental coordination, and that additional agreements between the parties are highly desirable; and WHEREAS, Chapter 171, Florida Statutes, provides for the lawful means whereby municipal corporations may expand by annexation or contract their municipal boundaries; and 2 WHEREAS, the Joint Planning Area and future annexation transition boundaries should be specifically defined; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY and the CITY do not desire, and believe that it would not be in the best interests of the citizens of Seminole County, to allow for conflicts to become manifest or develop pertaining to the expansion and construction of the CITY's jurisdictional boundaries; and WHEREAS, the parties have the lawful right and power to enter into this Agreement, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, mutual covenants, and agreements and promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the parties, the parties do hereby covenant and agree as follows? SECTION 1. RECITALS. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and form a material part of this Agreement upon which the parties have relied. SECTION 2. PURPOSE, INTENT AND JOINT PLANNING AREA. (a) The purpose of this Agreement is as follows: (1) Adopt standards and procedures to insure that coordinated and cooperative comprehensive planning activities are taken to guide urban expansion in the CITY and the COUNTY. (2) Protect the general rural character of the Rural Areas of Seminole County as depicted in the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan and this Agreement, as it may be amended, by establishing limits for and conditions relating to future annexations by the CITY. (3) Provide each party with a level of confidence that their respective planning efforts will be implemented in a harmonious manner and that the planning efforts of a party will not detract from the planning efforts of the other party. (4) Promote continued intergovernmental coordination and cooperation between the COUNTY and the CITY. (5) Provide for constructive collaboration during the course of each jurisdiction making land use and annexation or contraction decisions. (b) The purpose of the following provisions is to provide the guidance as to how property will be developed in the Joint Planning Area, ensure that CITY and COUNTY land use plans will be implemented, and to provide formal conflict resolution procedures to amicably resolve disputes. 3 (c) The policies and procedures set forth herein shall apply only in the Joint Planning Area. For the purposes of this Agreement, the "Joint Planning Area" means the area reflected in Exhibit "A" to this Agreement which is incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 3. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING, FUTURE LAND USES AND DEVELOPMENT APPROVALS. (a) Findings. The COUNTY and the CITY have reviewed their respective future land use designations and land development regulations for consistency between their jurisdictions. It has been determined that many of their respective future land use designations and land use regulations are equivalent and of similar nature. (b) Future Land Use Equivalency. The "Future Land Use Equivalency Chart ", labeled Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein, describes equivalent future land use designations in the CITY and COUNTY comprehensive plans. These designations have been deemed equivalent due to their similar intensities and densities of allowable development. Both the COUNTY and the CITY shall ensure that all of their respective land use amendments and rezonings are consistent with the other jurisdiction's zoning and future land use designations for the subject property as described in Exhibit "B ", except to the extent set forth in Section 3(c). The COUNTY shall not oppose land development orders of the CITY if such actions are compliant with applicable law and all COUNTY zoning and land use designations as described in Exhibit "B ". The CITY shall not oppose any land development orders of the COUNTY if such orders are compliant with applicable law and all CITY zoning and land use designations as described in Exhibit "B ". The Future Land Use Equivalency Chart may be amended from time to time as agreed upon by both parties and each such proposed amendment shall include, an assessment and evaluation of all required planning elements including, but not limited to: (1) Public services and facilities (e.g., water, drainage, sewer, roads, public safety, law enforcement, schools, library services, etc.). (2) The identification and evaluation of current supply of vacant land already designated for the proposed land use category. (3) Fiscal impacts related to the cost of and payment for urbanization. (4) Rural /Urban transition controls. (5) Designation and protection of parks, conservation areas, open space, flood prone and 4 environmentally sensitive areas within the "Joint Planning Area ". (c) Recommendations For Future Comprehensive Plan Amendments. The purpose of developing jointly acceptable long range land use recommendations is to provide consistent guiding principles from which land use plan amendments can be reviewed. The "Recommendation For Future Comprehensive Plan Amendments" labeled Exhibit "C" and incorporated herein by reference, sets forth future land use designations that may be assigned to the described property. These proposed land use designations have not yet undergone extensive public review and may require services and facilities beyond those allotted in the COUNTY's or CITY's respective Comprehensive Plans' Capital Improvement Elements. Parcels of land in the CITY proposed to be developed in a manner consistent with the recommendations contained in Exhibit "C" and applicable law will not be opposed by the COUNTY. However, such proposed development must undergo joint review of the CITY and COUNTY regarding facilities and services to ensure that adopted levels of service are maintained. Parcels of land in the unincorporated COUNTY proposed to be developed in a manner consistent with the recommendations contained in Exhibit "C" and applicable law will not be opposed by the CITY. However, such proposed development must undergo joint review of the CITY and COUNTY regarding facilities and services to ensure that adopted levels of service are maintained. (d) Recognition of Rural Area in Comprehensive Plans. In 2004, Seminole County voters approved a County referendum that established a Rural Area and a Rural Boundary in the Home Rule Charter through a map and a legal description. The Charter Amendment also required the COUNTY to add the map and legal description to the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan, which the COUNTY added to the FLU Exhibits as the "Rural Boundary Map" and "Legal Description for Rural Area ". The Charter Amendment provided direction that, for the legally described Rural Area as shown in the "Rural Boundary Map ", the Future Land Use designations contained in the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan shall control the density and intensity of development. Additionally, the Board of County Commissioners must approve all changes to the Future Land Use designations regardless of whether any lands in the Rural Area are located within a municipality. In concert with this electorate decision, the CITY will also process a Comprehensive Plan Amendment in the next amendment cycle following execution of this agreement, to add the Rural Boundary Map and accompanying Legal Description to the Sanford Comprehensive Plan. 5 (e) Joint Review of Plan Amendments. During the development and drafting phases of the respective comprehensive plans or plan amendments of the CITY or the COUNTY, CITY and COUNTY staff shall transmit all of their respective draft planning documents to the other jurisdiction as part of the public participation processes and intergovernmental coordination mechanisms within twenty -one days prior to the first public hearing. (f) Special Area Studies, The CITY and COUNTY recognize there are certain areas within the Joint Planning Area that have particular development patterns and /or community needs. Further evaluation of these patterns and /or community needs may benefit the citizens of Seminole County The CITY and COUNTY may jointly study and provide standards that address such needs from time to time. Areas that may be candidates for special area studies include but are not limited to: Midway, Sanford Avenue Corridor, Silver Lake /Ohio Avenue, Lake Mary Boulevard (south side), the Rand Yard Road area, and areas surrounding the Airport. SECTION 4. ANNEXATION AND LAND USE JURISDICTION. (a) Land Use and Zoning Designation for Parcels Annexed Into the CITY. Upon annexation of COUNTY lands into the CITY, the COUNTY will not object to CITY rezoning, development orders or plat approvals as long as such actions are taken in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and applicable law. The CITY shall amend its comprehensive plan to include annexed lands during its first plan amendment cycle following such annexation. (b) Land Use and Zoning Designation for Parcels De- annexed From the CITY. Upon de- annexation or contraction of CITY property into the COUNTY, the COUNTY shall apply a COUNTY zoning district in accordance with this Agreement. The COUNTY shall amend its comprehensive plan to include de- annexed lands during its first plan amendment cycle immediately following such de- annexation or by initiating a comprehensive plan amendment. (c) Annexation Criteria and Restrictions. The COUNTY agrees not to oppose the annexation of any parcel within the Joint Planning Area that is undertaken in compliance with applicable state and federal laws. Further, the COUNTY recognizes that there currently exist large enclaves of unincorporated COUNTY lands surrounded by the CITY and that it is in the interest of both the CITY and the COUNTY that such enclaves be eliminated. As such, the COUNTY will not object to the creation of smaller enclaves caused by CITY annexation of certain properties within these larger enclaves, as long as the N annexation otherwise complies with State law. The parties further agree that neither the COUNTY nor the CITY will permit development at any density greater than one dwelling unit per acre in an area identified as number "5" in Exhibit "C ", except that nonresidential development shall be permitted consistent with the SeminoleWay initiative. (d) Interlocal Agreement to Annex Enclaves Ten Acres or Less in Size. The parties shall avoid the creation of enclaves and halt any serpentine annexations in the "Joint Planning Area," except to the extent that creation of smaller enclaves within existing enclaves is necessary to reduce the size of said existing enclaves. The parties agree that enclaves less than 10 acres in size may be automatically annexed upon property owner consent or transfer of fee ownership pursuant to F.S. 171.046(2) (a), which provides that such enclaves may be annexed through an interlocal agreement between a County and a municipality. Pursuant to F.S. 171.046, this annexation process is not available for property that is unimproved or undeveloped. Properties eligible for this, provision are identified on the map in Exhibit "D ". SECTION 5. DEVELOPMENT ALONG CELERY AVENUE. Property located adjacent to Celery Avenue shall be developed at densities no greater than those specified in Sections 1 and 2 of Exhibit "C ". Central water and sewer lines shall be installed prior to any new development along Celery Avenue. The CITY shall accept road maintenance and improvement jurisdiction over the length of Celery Avenue right -of -way, and West 13th Street from US 17/92 to Sanford Avenue, for the entire width of the right -of -way, where any properties abutting Celery Avenue on either the north or south side of the right -of -way have: (1) previously been annexed into the CITY prior to the effective date of this Agreement, and (2) are annexed following the effective date of this Agreement. The CITY will maintain the roadway at the current level of service operation and surface condition, providing customary maintenance and improvements as needed. The COUNTY agrees to contribute to the cost, in the amount of two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000), of reconstructing /resurfacing 13th Street from US 17/92 to Sanford Avenue, and to complete the resurfacing of Celery Avenue from Mellonville Avenue to SR -415 by October 1, 2010. Resurfacing will include base reconstruction as determined by a pavement condition analysis to be completed in FY 09/10 by Seminole County. Upon completion of the paving of Celery Avenue and payment of the $250,000 13th Street contribution to the City, the CITY and COUNTY shall enter into 7 an interlocal agreement, in accordance with Florida Statutes, for the purpose of transferring maintenance responsibility for Celery Avenue from the COUNTY to the CITY. SECTION 6. COORDINATION OF MISCELLANEOUS LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. (a) Uniform Right -of -Way and Road Standards. The CITY and the COUNTY agree to establish consistent road and right -of- way development standards and requirements for all cross - jurisdictional roadways. (b) Roadway Jurisdiction and Transfer. The CITY and COUNTY agree to develop an objective system of evaluating and determining when a roadway should be transferred to the CITY for maintenance and improvement. (c) Land Development Code Updates, Each jurisdiction shall provide the other jurisdiction with a timely opportunity to review and provide formal comments relating to all land development regulation updates or revisions proposed in their jurisdiction by providing the other jurisdiction with written notification of the pending update or revision at least two (2) weeks prior to any official action on the matter. Land Development Code updates relating to the Higher Intensity Planned Development District in the Interstate Highway 4 /State Road 46 area will undergo joint review and shall be incorporated into both CITY and COUNTY land development codes in order to more effectively manage development of this higher intensity area. (d) Review of Development Proposals for Transportation Impacts. Each jurisdiction shall provide the other jurisdiction with a timely opportunity to review and comment upon planned development project rezonings, proposed subdivisions and site plans located adjacent to the other's jurisdiction by providing all related documentation to the other jurisdiction at least two (2) weeks (ten business days) before the item is considered by a recommending or decision - making body. SECTION 7. CONFLICT RESOLUTION. (a) Intergovernmental Conflict Resolution. In the event that disagreements or conflicts arise between the parties relating to the terms and provisions of this Agreement, the resolution procedures of the Intergovernmental Planning Coordinating Agreement of 1997 will be followed and shall control as to any disputes between the parties. (b) Chapter 164, Florida Statutes. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed in any way to waive any rights M. deriving to a party under the provisions of Chapter 164, Florida Statutes, or its successor provision. (c) Time of Actions. The parties agree, to the extent practicable, to time their actions to maximize intergovernmental coordination, communication and cooperation. (d) Joint Review. "Joint Review" as used in this Agreement shall mean that the Planning Directors of each jurisdiction, or their duly appointed agents, shall review and discuss the proposed land development action. Should the joint review not result in an agreement between the jurisdictions, the matter shall be taken through the formal conflict resolution procedures described in this section. SECTION 8. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. The parties agree that they will not take any action that creates or carries a conflict of interest under the provisions of Part III, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes. SECTION 9. AGREEMENT AMENDMENTS. This Agreement may be amended and updated from time to time in order to keep pace with an ever - changing environment and community vision. Such amendments require execution by both governing bodies of the CITY and COUNTY prior to the Agreement being effectively amended. SECTION 10. TERM. This Agreement supersedes and supplants any prior existing Agreements between the CITY and COUNTY regarding land development practices. This Agreement shall be in effect for a five (5) year period beginning the date on which it is fully executed by both parties. This Agreement shall be automatically renewed for a subsequent five (5) year period unless one (1) of the parties thereto gives the other ninety (90) days advance notice, in writing, of its intention not to renew the Agreement. SECTION 11. NOTICE. Contact persons for this Agreement shall be the City Manager and the County Manager. City Manager City of Sanford Post Office Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772 -1788 Seminole County Manager Seminole County Services Building 1101 East First Street Sanford, Florida 32771 WX SECTION 12. STANDING. The Parties do not intend for this agreement to benefit any third parties and thereby create standing where none now exists. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day, month and year above written. ATTEST: CITY OF SANFORD - anet R. Doughe' y, Cl &k Linda Kuhn, Mayor AF City of Sanford, Florida Date:-j Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. y-L U -IU �-U cy 40r4oc- ATTEST: Maryanne Morse,, lerk-1-0- The Board of Caflinty Commissioner o Seminole COUNTY, FLOR D.. For the use and reliance of Seminole County only. Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. Count Attor e BOARD 111g 8y: Bob allari, a rman Date: As authorized for execution by the Board of County Commissioners at their r��e�ular Meeting of 1�fi 2' , 2010. 10 " I, - W ' ,1- , k 4�- k � F�. i � - �'�r'•= j i"ri Mm Ir 1, ilk 11 L U V Z w J M Cf w w V) M a Z J w w D F- LL F C Zp �_ J cr- ❑ N as N CL 0) Cl) a c �❑ p �❑ p a C J N N m c a o a Q o U N�= a V CL �0_m pN� N N p_ U_U aCV �U ❑ J �` ❑ r) d F ¢� Q� O M r , UU Q Q Q 4) N D ❑ oO m O E ❑ _ o r N i _ > O V O x CL wa CL C? c7 CA 0 (j U) j�s fn w (D CV a Q� aQ ::3f 0- Q�� CL a �a �N QNa o a ._c� — �° U)� U� cQQn�� 04 Q .� Q Q� p �a U) Cl) U) U_ U LL N N N LO F c0 0 f6 's V =; (�D M cf) Q Q � � �p ❑ 0 M"p • t a) N :3 `C ' J p p cap � rnC7 L J O O Lo C Z U , > O � Z O d M N O N_ � C t6 fII «�+ N cn N as ❑ A LL � W � U ® 70 O E 70 x oa 4 (D �.�np O C LL a) S tm d J N Q o 1 1 •(� .jam O U) -ama) C c' -o ac) `�a`�i a � � cca� M v)� a) m EQ� a) �o a C1L -�W E a) `-' W Q J C C CL " a) C C O- _ O L a) V CO > a w y..l _O a) L I � a N Q V L N i L r) c a) > c0 = a) > _ C _ as C o~ W(n0 V CO.� 1 U N U U (D O M 1 Cl)) a) D N � O C n- N N N Q Q Q v Q Q EL >' a) a) N cp O 4- :3 ^` a) L U W L W L 0 c � O E OE Q E CL p to =d V cU _ QU a� cn1 W U L ? >> V U � 2 Q W t O U a) Q w a - a c cn a) E ca J C N C O C C O E � m c6 L M C6 L d > t a) > a) V C O C a) cm LL = d Z V) H Z W W ❑ aLU 0a Z Z Z Z J as CL LU z_z OW 2 uj yOa LL C G 1- LL ma0 U w0� F- C5 L- � w F- O ZLL =) U) U o W F- 00 z 5 W UJ U U W w ^ ca ^ — -c; .r LO O N a) -1-- ' a) N — Co Co >+ 4- C a) "- ° _0 70 N N M-0 O C a) N L L C C C .� 4= Q J CC O `~ (a N C >i N N '� �+ O L CD N O N N c U) > a) U c •� O N ca -C O cn a Q Q� L Q cs a) U> a C C a) N= - 0 V C ` C a) N c � -a — � U ) a 70 N 0 O C: co 0 •a n N v- N �� E O O— �� a (a 0 O N .N V- C: ca C CO) (� •� Q U N ` a) O E C �_ U Z .F U O ° X N qj p LO p -F-+ - 4- O O O N •U ca -p �- Q a) X t' t6 c N Q E a) i. 0 C W N a) V C _ + a) c C a) N O) -p .O cn o W i .0 '� O O N -C a) N •� a) -FN.. 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