HomeMy WebLinkAbout0109414()0 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, ADJOURNED REGULAR ANNUAL The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned regular annual session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 71'30 o'clock P.M. January 9, 1941. Present: Commissioner H.James Gut, Acting Chairman. " Edward Higgins " W.C.Hill n M.J.Lodge " G.E.Rollins City Attorney Fred R.Wilson City Clerk H.N.Sayer Chief of Police R.G.Williame Meeting called to order by the Chairman. The first order of business being the election of a Mayor for the ensuing year, Commissioner Higgins then nominated Committioner Hill. Thereupon Commissioner Rollins nominated Commissioner Gut. Commissioner Lodge then seconded the nomination of Commissioner Hill. There being no further nominations, Commissioner Higgins then moved that the nomination be closed. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Commissioner Gut then asked the Board if they would like to make the election of Commissioner Hill as Mayor, unanimous. Thereupon Commissioner Lodge moved that Commissioner Hill be elected as Mayor of the City of Sanford for the ensuing year by unanimous vote of the Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Higgins and carried unanimously. Thereupon Commissioner Hill was declared to be unanimously elected as Mayor of the City of Sanford, Florida to serve during the year 1941. Commissioner Hill then signed the oath of office as Mayor of the City of Sanford, Florida, and took the Chair. In accordance with instructions of the City Commission, bids next presented for a used automobile for the Inspection Department as follows: Celery City Motors Altman Chevrolet Co. H H Sanford Buick Company 1939 Master DeLuxe Chevrolet Sedan Less credit for 1934 Ford Tudor Sedan 1940 Special Deluxe Chevrolet Sedan Less credit for 1934 Ford Tudor Sedan 1939 Special Deluxe Chevrolet Sedan Less credit for 1934 Ford Tudor Sedan 1935 Special Deluxe Chevrolet Sedan Less credit for 1934 Ford Tudor Sedan Strickland Motors Inc. 1939 Deluxe Fordor Ford Sedan Less credit for 1934 Ford Tudor Sedan 545.00 i9 5. 00 350.00 735.00 175-00 560.00- 650.00 175.00 475.00 500.00 125.00 375.00 565.00 225.00 350.00 Thereupon after comparison of the bids and the mechanical condition of the automobiles bid upon, Commissioner Gut moved that the bid of Sanford Buick Company for a 1935 Special 6 Deluxe Chevrolet Sedan at a price of $500.00 less credit of $125.00 for the 1934 Ford Tudor Sedan used by the Inspection Department, be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. 1 1 1 1 1 U 1 'LJ MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, - Jan 9 7:30 P M 19 41 Consideration next given to the matter of continuing the employment of Fred Hogan, who has been temporarily employed in the recreation department by the City since he was laid -off from the WPA recreation project on October 3, 1940. Thereupon after consiuera:ble discussion , and in view of the fact that Mr. Hogan I'm will not be re- certified on the WPA recreation project in the near future, Commissioner Gut moved that the City dispense with the services of Curtis Muse as laborer in the recreation department and employ Fred Hogan for this work at a salary of $15.00 per week. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Request next received from the 'anf ord Cab Company for two reserved parking spaces in front of their new location in the Cooper building on south side of First Street between Park Avenue and Oak avenue, and same was authorized, subject to the approval of the merchants and business men in this block. Communication next read from the members of the jallie Harrison Chapter,National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, requesting the City to dedicate the propert3 known as the Old Speer Grove, now owned by the City, located at the northwest corner of Mellonville Avenue and Nineteenth Street,as a City Park to be known as "Speer Grove Park," stating that they wished to observe Founder's Day, February Sth, by placing a. Marker on this property as a historical landmark and have the dedication ceremonies for the park, also, requesting a donation of $25.00 toward the cost of erecting the marker in this park. Thereupon, after careful consideration, Commissioner Higgins moved that City Attorney Wilson be authorized to prepare an ordinance dedicating the aforesaid property as a City Park, for passage and adoption at the next regular meeting, also that $15.00 be donated to the Sallie Harrison Chapter, National Society , Daughters of the American Revolution to help &6f ray the cost of erecting the marker in this park on Sanford Founder's Day, February 8, 1941. Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried. Request next received from P.R.Stephenson that a street light be installed at the intersection of Fifteenth Street and Myrtle Avenue, claiming that it is very dark at this intersection, due to the large oak trees extending over the streets. Thereupon Chief of Police Williams was instructed to make a survey of the street lights with a view of removing a light from some other location and having it installed at the intersection of Fifteenth Street and Myrtle Avenue. Commissioner Gut next intr:oaduced Resolution No. 557, and after being read in full by the Clerk, moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Hill Aye Gut Aye / /'f Higgins Aye If Lodge Aye to Rollins Aye said resolution No. 587 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 587 WHEREAS, The City Commissioners of the City of ^)anford, Florida, are thoroughly in accord with the intentb and purposes of the St.Johns River Trail Association of Florida, and WHEREAS, the City Commissioners of the City of Sanford, Florida, are fully aware of the immediate objective of the United States to prepare adequate defense against foreign aggression, and 402 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, January 9 at 7 :30 P M 19-41 WHEREAS, this Commission is advised that there is now established and being estab- lished within the State various Army Bases necessary to national defense, and WHEREAS, an effectual road system is of vital importance in connecting such bases, and WHEREAS, the connection of the Port of Jacksonville, the Jacksonville Naval Base, Green Cove Springs Auxiliary Base, Camp Blanding, the Air Base at Orlando, the Naval Base at Banana River is of material importance to this section, as well as the plans for national defense, and WHEREAS, there does not now exist an adequate road between the Port of Jacksonville and State Road No. 22 out of Orlando, and WHEREAS, the adequate construction of State Road No. 3 from the Port of Jacksonville to the intersection of State Road No. 22 at Orlando would serve as a practical and efficient connection between the Naval Base at Jacksonville and the Army Air Base at Orlando and Naval Base at Banana River as well as other Florida East Coast Bases and other Bases of Military operation in Central and South Florida.. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED: that the City Commissioners of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby request an urge the Federal Bureau of Public Roads and the Florida State Road De- partment to investigate carefully, consider, and if found practical to proceed with the improvement of State Road No. 3 from the Port of Jacksonville to the Intersection of 6tate Road No. 22 at Orlando. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the efforts of this Commission be utilized in every way possible to bring about the completion of such a military highway. Adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, in regular session on the 9th day of January 1941. ATTEST: H_.N.Sayer Clerk. ( Seal) W.C.Hill Mayor M.J.Lodge H.James Gut G.E.Rollins dward Higgins As ",ftty Commi sion of the City of Sanford Florida. Consideration next given to amending the WPA Airport Project Application to cover the construction of a 3,300 feet square All -over Landing Field, instead of a field with four 4.000 ft. paved runways, and administration building as proposed in the original project. Thereupon Commissioner Higgins moved that Engineer Fred T.Williams be authorized to Airport amend the aforeseid WPA /Project application to include only the construction of a 3,300 feet square all -over landing Field , the cost of preparing the project not to exceed $50.00 Seconded by Commissioner Rollins. -i Further consideration next given to the application of Assembly of God Church for permit to erect a concrete block structure church building on Lot 1 Block 14 Tier S, located at southwest corner of Laurel Avenue and Twelfth Street. Thereupon , after considerable discassion, Commissioner Higgins moved that the aforesaid permit be granted, provided the structure of the building will be of the same type as shown on the picture presented with the application. Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried. Communication next read from F.W.Bender, representative for the Cooledge Realty & Trust Estate, offering to sell the City the Cooledge Warehouse property located at the southwest corner of French Avenue and Sixth Street at a price of $6,500.00 on terms as f ollowo: 1 C F� 1 III MINUTES 403 CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, January 9 at 7:30 P M 19 41 Cash payment of $1,000.00 and balance of $50.00 per month, interest at 6% on the unpaid balance. Deed to be placed in escrow to be delivered when payments are completed. Said property being described as: All North of Railroad ( Less R /W. ) of Block 8 Tier 9, and All Block 8 Tier 10, Sanford. Thereupon, after considerable discussion, the Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Bender that the Commission will consider the purchase of the aforesaid warehouse property for the City, provided the total purchase can be made in monthly payments. Further consideration next given to the request of Fireman Chester T..Estes for an advance of $100.00 on his salary, to be repaid to the City at the rate of $10.00 per month. Thereupon, in view of the fact that the money is needed by Mr. Estes to defray the cost of medicslt$eatments for his wife, and upon recommendations of Fire Chief Cleveland, Commissioner Lodge moved that the City advance $100.00 to Fireman Chester T.Estes, to be repaid at the rate of $10.00 per month from his salary. Seconded by Commissioner Higgins and carried. Application next received from S.J.Nix for the position of Municipal Judge, and same was ordered filed. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: C?eaL�-� City, . 1 U Mayor.