HomeMy WebLinkAbout013040MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Jan a t 3 P M .19-4-0 24:t es I The City Cou,mission of the City of Sanford, Florida. met in adjourned session at the City Hall in the city of Sanford, Florida_, at 3:00 P.i�. January 30, 1940. Present: Commissioner 'J�alter S. Coleman, 1.1eyor. " H. Jairies Gut " Edward Higgins " IV. J Lodge E. Rollins City Attorney Fred R. -ilson City Clern, H N Sayer Chief of Police R.G. �iilliams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. 1 4r ^' ik. � ., r � g Communication next read from, r. Joe �.. �cCo�mick of Orlt�_nao requesting he be allowed to pay the personal taxes for the years 1932 thru 1939 in amount of $522.00 against his warehouse building located on Vest First Street and situated on land owned by the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company in the followin.) manner: Pay 1939 taxes in amount of $60.00 and $20.00 on the delinquent taxes now, and the balance of $442.00 in monthly instalments of 420.00 per month. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Hi;�gins moved that .ar. cCormick be allowed to pay the aforesaid taxes with eight percent interest on the unpaid balance from time to tire, under the terms as outlined above, providing he pays the current taxes as it con due. Seconded by Commissioner -iut and carried. Request next received from the '6anford Cash Feed Store for an adjustment of the 1936 personal taxes in amount of $24.00, claiming the assessed valuation of 4600.00 placed on the stock and fixtures to be far in excess o the actual inventory on January 1, 1938 which , was $250.00. Thereupon, after careful consideration, Commissioner Lodge :roved that the 1936 personal taxes of the Sanford Cash & Feed Store be adjusted to 57.50. Seconded by Commissioner Gut end carried. Further consideration next given to sponsoring the NYA project for constructing a floating ramp adjacent to the seawall in Lake Monroe near the bendshell for landing seaplances and small water craft, the City's share of the project to furnish all materials. After considerable discussion and upon the assurance of Mr. R.A.Goodspeed NYA Super- visor, that the cost of such materials will not exceed $175.00, Co.runissioner HiGgins moved that the City furnish materials in amount not to exceed 4175.00 for the NYA project for constructing this ramp. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. Request next received from the Florida State Bank of Sanford that the City accept $4,000.00 of the Neter Plant Revenue Certificates of the City of Canfor-d, : °hich the bank will purchase on February 1, 1940, in exchange for ,4,000.00 U.S. 2z to Treasury Bonds deposited in the Florida National Bank of Jacksonville for Safe- keeping for the City, these securities being de ,,,.osited to protect City of - anford deposits in said. bank. Thereupon, on motion duly carried, the exchange was authorized and the new security approved. On motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried, the Clerk was next authorized to purchase 132 feet, in varying lengths of 16 inch redwood stave pipe from the Pacific Tank & Pipe Company at a cost of .305.452 to be used in es I 2¢4 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,_ -aJ1 �� r'TT St 3 P M 19-40- repairing the existing water supply main frog, wells to pumping station. Request next received from the veminole County Medical Association that the City Commission appeal to the Fedcral Government to include a hospital for Sanford in the proposed program of erecting hospitals throu;Jhout the United States. Thereupon Commissioner Higgins introduced Resolution No. 568 and after being read in full by the Clerk moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried by the following vote of the Commission Commissioner Coleman Aye It Gut Aye It Higgins Aye If Lodge Aye It Rollins Aye Said resolution No. 568 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 568 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA REQUESTING THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO ERECT A HOSPITAL IN THE CITY Or SANFORD, FLORIDA, IN ACCORDANCE I I A PLAN PROMULGATED BY THE PRESIDENT JF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE ERECTION OF HOSPITALS THROUGHOUT THE NATION. WHEREAS, The Federal Government, in line with its benign policy t3 relieve the sick and suffering and promote the health and. happiness of the people of the nation, is pre- paring to erect e large number of hospitals throughout the country; and WHEREAS, the present hospital facilities of the City of danford, Florida, are wholly inadequate to .meet the needs of the City and its people and it is necessary for large numbers of the people of Sanford, in need of hospitalization, to seek treatment in hospitals in Orlando and other cities of the State, and the City of -anford is able to maintain and operate a hospital of size and facilities commensurate with the City's need, but is not financially acle to erect a hospital; and WHLREAS, the City of Danford is the headquarters for three units of the i4tional Guard of the State of Florida, ready for service in any emergency that might arise, and is the center of industries employing a large number of workers , many of whom need hospitalization from time to time, at moderate cost, and is also becoming, from year to year, a center of tourist attraction and activity; and NhEREAS, efforts for many months have been :made to secure the erection of a new hospital to supply the needs of the people of the City of Sanford and Ueminole County for hospitalization, and application was :made for the erection of a hospital with the assistance of the Public 'storks Administration, out on account of circumstances over which the local authorities had no control, erection of said hospital with the aid of the Public 11"lorks Administration, could not be accomplished; and WHEREAS, the City has acquired sufficient land, ideally located, to be used for the erection of a hospital; NOrY, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of oanford, Florida, that said City immediately make application to the Federal Government for the location and erection of one of the hospitals proposed to be erected throughout the country by the Federal Government; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Hon. Charles 0. Andrews and Hon. Claude Pepper, United States Senators from the State of Florida, and non. Joe Hendricks, Representative in Congress from the Fifth Congressional District of the State of Florida, be, and they are hereby requested to urge upon the federal Government the erection of one of 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,January 30 at 3 P 1 9_40 said hospitals in the City of Sanford; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, thet copies of this Resolution be immediately forwarded to Hon. Charles 0. Andrews and Hon. Cleude Pepper, United States Senators, and Hon. Joe hendricks, -representative in Congress; and BE IT FURTH�]R RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this 30th day of January 1940. Attest: H N Sayer ( Seal) City Clerk. .%alter S. Coleman Mayor. G.E.Rollins Edzard Higgins H James Gut 2.J. Lodge As the City Commission of the City of �anf ord, Florida. Further consideration next given to the remuneration authorized at the meeting of January 10, 1940 for Mr. G.P.Pexton , retired building inspector for the City, whereby, beginning January 1, 1940 , the City wili pay Mr. Paxton a pension of $ 5.00 per month provided he continues to keep the life insurance policy in force, which the City had been carrying for him under the group life insurance policy on employees. Thereupon, after considerable discussion, Commissioner Lodge moved that the above 2451 action of the Commission be rescinded, and that Mr. Paxton be carried on the City payroll in an advisory capacity at a salary of ;50.00 per month, and the City continue to carry his life insurance policy under the group life insurance on employees. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. Chief of Police Williams next reported that several of the policemen are absent from duty on account of illness, and that it will be necessary to employ two extra men during their absence, and same was authorized. The Clerk next reported that settlement had been mode with Fiduciary Counsel, Inc. by refunding the bonus and settlementof the accrued interest and satisfaction of Judgment, in accordance with Resolution No. X67 autrorizing same. On motion duly adopted, the Commission next authorized the delivery of Refunding bonds Series A, Numbers 5004 and 5005 , with coupons due Sept 1, 1937, Mar 1, 1938, Sept 1, 1938, Mar. 1, 1939 and Sept 1, 1939 detached, to sirs Grace W. Smith through the Sanford Atlantic National Bank in exchange for Series A -2 bonds numbers 62 and 63, dated Jan 1, 1928, due Jan 1, 1937 with coupons due Jan 1, 1937 attached; also the payment to Mrs Smith of $15.00 in settlement of past due unpaid interest on said bonds, Series A -2 and payment of $50.00 for the coupons detached from the Refunding Series A bonds numbers 5004 and 5005. On motion duly adopted, the Corranission next authorized access by the Clerk and City Attorney to safety Leposit box No. 177 at the Sanford Atlantic National Bank for the purpose of securing the Ref undino Series A bonds Numbers 5004 and 5005 deposited therein, to deliver to I,Irs Grace Smith in the exchange of bonds as authorized above. The Clerk next presented an itemized statement of revenues and expenditures for the months of October, November, and December 1939. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: City C1 W—re-1 MA�Nh- Mayor.