HomeMy WebLinkAbout031140c� f15 6 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FFL,ORIDA, March 11 at 7:;0-2-09-40 The City Commission of the City of - Pnford, Florida met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 o'clock P.11. March 11, 1940 Present: Commissioner `,',alter S. Coleman, 14ayor. If H James Gut Edward Hi,_ ^;ins '" .ii J L o dS e If G Z' Rollins City Attorney Fred R. ;ilson City Clerk H N Spyer Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of adjourned meeting of February 24, regular meetin; of February 26th. and adjourned meeting of February 28th , 1940, read pnd approved.. Current invoices and payrolls for the ::;onth of February 1940 properly audited and vouchered as evidenced by vouchers Nos. 1902 thru 1 2, submmitted, ex?;nined, approved and payment ordered. ivionthly reports of the streets, sanitation, health, water, police, fire, library golf course and recreation departments for the month of February 1940, suomitted and. examined. Barak statements in ail accounts for the month of February 1940, properly reconciled submitted �nd exa:riined. Firencial stetement and statement of revenues an,-' expe_^_ditures during the month of February , 1940 submitted and examined. Bids nexr received to furnish fuel distillate for the diesel engines at the municipal `rater Plent durin_; the ensuing year as follows: Current Price Per Gel. Maximum price per Gal. F.O.B.Sanford. F.O.B.Sanford. SinCla it Refining CompE ny • 0579 The Texas Company .OSdS ;goods Fuel Oil Company .05SS Gulf Oil Corporation .0588 Spot price date of shipment .0613 .o668 .06SS Thereupon , after a comparison of the prices submitted, Com,r:issioner Higgins moved that the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder on the maximum price per gallon, which was The Texas Co.npany. SeCD ded by Commissioner Rollins ana carried. The followin-- bids next received for furnishinU lubrication oil for the diesel engines at the &unicipal ''rater plant during the ensuing year as follows: Sinclair Defining Company .22 per gallon for Garnet Oil CC Gulf Oil Corporation .25 per gallon for No. 535 Oil Thereupon Commissioner Hi- :;gins :moved that the low bid be C ccepted. Seconded by Cori; :rii ssioner iut and carried. Mrs Llizabeth Vaughn,Forewoman of the Housekeeping Aide Project next appeared and made a further request for the City's contribution toward sponsoring this project to be increased to 412.00 per month, but in view of the fact that no funds are available for this purpose, this request could not ue ,ranted. Request next received from the Setiinole County -0asebell Association that the City repair the plumbing in the 2;randst2nd building at the :�unicipal At_letic Field, and have the baseball diamond wratered each day for the next thirty days, and sa.-r,e was authorized. 1 0 1 LJ 1 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SSANFORD, FLORIDA, X18 ]a 11, at 7#30 P AR 1 9 -4a Professor J N Crooms next appeared Pnd requested some financial assistance toward purchasing equipment for a brass band for Crooms Academy, stating that they had secured J a band instructor durin_ this term of school and was trying to raise '400.:)0 to purchase the necessary equipment for the band. Thereupon, after careful consideration, Commissioner Rollins :noved that $25.00 be donated toward purchasing equipment for this brass band. Seconded by Cos:_ni zsioner Hi ;gins and carried. Bids next received for furnishin seven sets of bed springs and mattresses for the Fire Deoartment as follows: -Danford Furniture Cccnpeny $22.00 per set Mather Furniture Company X22_.00 per set Thorpe Furniture Company x;34.00 per set. 257 Thereupon, in view of the fact that the two lowest bids were the same, Commissioner Rollins moved tnat the Fire Chief 11 ewe authorized to purchase the springs and mattresses from the one offering the best quality of merchandise of the two lowest bidders. Seconded by Commissioner Higgins And carried. Petition next received from residents in Oak :Till Ou'c;division requesting the City to provide sanitary sewage service and eaditionel fire piu-s for this subdivision. Thereupon the Clerk was instructed to advise them that the cost of such extension is far in excess of any funds the City rr.F y have available for this purpose. Conmunication next read from Ir. H M artson offering to sell to the City the E 112 of Lots 9 and 10 of Block 11 Chapman & Tucker's Addition, subject to taxes and special assessments, for a tax credit in a:mount of 4360.50, which will be applied in payment of taxes and speciel assessments aoa-inst Lot 5 Block 5 Tier 11. Thereupon, after careful consideration as to the value of this property, Commissioner Hi.�,' . ins roved that the City offer Mr. :atson a tax credit in amount of 260.50 in payment for this property instead of a credit of $360.50 as proposed in his letter. SecDaded by Commissioner Rollins and carried. Fire Chief Cleveland next reported that he had been invited to attend the Georgia State Fire College in Atlanta on gay 6, 9 and 10th as an instructor with all expenses paid, and requested leave of absence on scid dates. Request e: D pr. owed. City Attorney 'r,ilson next oresented a proposed ordinance limiting the number of reteil liquor stores and bars within the City and reoulatino the locations of new stores, prepared in accordprlce with instructions issued at the meeting of F abruary 26th. Thereupon after c. -,nsiderable discussion of the :setter, the :;-y= i:zence ordered tabled. Request next received from Allan jtewart, y ariager of the iiiu:nicipal Golf Course that the City purchase fifteen tons of 5 -5 -5 fertilizer at $24.15 per ton for the ;olf course instead of the sixteen tons of castor pomace fertilizer at .22.50 per ton authorized at the meeting of February 12, 1940, stating thet the castor pomace conteins orgenic matter that attracts cricket moles and chinch bugs. Thereupon, on motion duly adopted this chane in the grade of fertilizer to be purchased from Chase & Co:pany for the Golf Course was authorized. On motion duly adopted, the Commission next instructed Supt. Moughton to repair the door locks and replace the screens on the club building at the golf course. Communication next read from the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company requesting a 125,8 MINUTES FLORIDA, 14'a rch 11 a t 7: 3o P 1F 1 9 40 CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, —_ —_— _ letter agreement rith them covering use of the sidetrack serving property now owned by the City and forrrierly Owned by Florida ivcCracken Concrete Pipe Company. Thereupon Commissioner Hi --ins introduced resolution No. 571 and after being read in full by the Clerk moved its passage and adoption. �-Seconded 'by Co:-,:nissioner Cut end carried by the followin, vote of the Commission: Co:missioner Coleman Aye " Gut Aye " Hi- ;,ins Aye Lodge Aye " Rollins Aye said Resolution NO. 571 being in words and fiGures as follows: RL OLUTIOD No. 571 A RESOLUTID14 AUTIHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A LETTER A F.E=_r "ENT KITH ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COL PANY COVERI ,`G USE OF SIDETRACK SERVING PROPERTY NO' Xli`JED BY THE CITY OF S TdFaRD, FLORIDA, A-N-,D FDR_,� RLY 37,'NED BY FLORIDA MCCRACKEN CON - CRETE PIPE ClvPANY. ,,,H RLAS,, on the 14th day ofivla.rch 1924, Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co:-«pany tmade e written contract with the Florida -v:c ,bracken Concrete Pipe Company covering 850 foot sidetrack at or near the City of Sanford, Florida, end dEscribed as follows: Co:i:cnencin:,; at a point about 2351 feet southwestwardly of mile post S -1 on the Jacksonville District main line of the Railroad and extending in a_ northeastwardly direction a. distence of 850 feet, being 150 feet from sw'itchpoint to clearance point and 70 feet beyond the clearance point4 and on the rio,ht of way of said Railroad. and, "HE;RLAS, the City of Sanford, Florida, is now the owner of the property formerly owned by said Florida. ,.vicCracken Concrete Pipe Jo:npa.ny, and the City desires to use said sidetrack in accordance with the said agreement of march 14, 1924, between the said Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company and the said Florida- acCrecken Concrete Pipe Co:,peny, and the said Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company has submitted a letter agreement, dated February 21, 1940, between the City of Sanford and the said Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, for service over said sidetrack in the manner and under the terns of said agreement of iverch 14, 1924; and .`WHEREAS, the City Commission of the Cite of - anford, deems it expedient and proper. for the Cit, of Sanford to enter into said letter agreement with said Atlantic Coast Line RailroC d Co ,piny in regard to said si etrack; NO',Y THERE FOFE, BE IT RZSDLVED, by the City Co::.:niscion of the City of =anf Ord, Florida, that the Ice or end City Clerk be, end they hereby are authorized to execute the proposed letter a-reernent of February 21, 1940, between the City of -,anford and the Atipntic Coast Line Railroad Cox:pany, which said letter agreement, upon its execution by the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co:r;pany, shall oe recoraed tor-ether . ith this resolution. Br; IT FURTHLR RE; JOLV -D thet this resolution shall becoae effective i:.,,:ediately upon its pessa,_;e and adoption. PASSED AN'D ADOPTED this lith day of Lerch 1940. Attest: H N Sayer City Clerk. ( Seel) alter c;. Coleman _ iiA Y OIL . Edward Hi gins G L Rollins H James Gut M J Lode ___ As the City Commi��sian of the Cit_;- of zDanford, Florida. i� 1 [1 1 1 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, M a r c 11 a t 7: 30 P "r 40 - 19- The Clerk next advised the Commission that the Le;islative authority to adjust taxes for the year 19,713 end prior and special assessments on improved property expires iiay 1, 1940, and that there are a. number of parcels of improved property against which delinquent taxes end /or special assessments exist and are subject to Pdjustment. 259 Thereupon the Clerk was instructed to write ell owners of such properties a personal letter urging tnem to take advantage of tine adjustments being allowed before the authority for such adjustments expires. On motion duly adopted, the Coai::ission next authorized the Recreation Department to use the nursery field located on the water plant property for a plsyQround. Communication next reed from sirs. L B Clements requesting an adjustment of the CD following delinquent personal taxes against the Clements Apartments: 3alrnce of 19-12 taxes in a:,iount of 14. J and the years 1933 thru 1938 at $24.:)0 per year, total amounting to 4110.00. Thereupon, after careful consideration, the Commission authorized the cancellation of the balance of 1932 personal taxes in amount of :14.00, and - "*10.00 of the 1935 personal taxes against the Clements Apartments, provided the balance of $60.00 is paid at the same time. Application next received from Steve Cherry to be allowed to pay delinquent taxes for the years 1929 thru 1938 amounting to $127.72, under the adjusted basis in amount of ,70.43 against Lot 4 Block 13 Tier D and paving assessment amounting to $438.87, under the adjusted basis in amount of X21.51. Application approved. Application next received from Phillis iv.oseley to be allowed to pay delinquent taxes for the year 1929 thru 1939 amounting to $61.22, under the adjusted basis in amount of x;30.27, aoeinst Lot 2 Block 7 Tier C. Request approved. Application next received from Henry Mathis to be allowed to ppy the delinquent taxes for the year 1927 thru 1939 amounting to 4169.65, under the adjusted basis in amount of 475-10, against Lot 6 block 1") 'Pier 13, Seminole Park. Request approved. There bein no further business the meeting adjourned until 3:00 o'clock P.M. ke rch 1.2 , 194o. Attest: City Clerk