HomeMy WebLinkAbout0624401 �J 1 1 1 MINUTES J CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,------ une 24 at 7:37 P Y 40 The City Commission of the City of - anford, Florida met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of anford, Florida, at 7 :30 o'clock P.I. June 24, 1940. Present: Coma-iissioner T,�alter S. Colemen, Mayor. It H James Gut " Edward Hio�ins if M. J Lodge .. " G. F. Hollins City Attorney Fred R. .'Gilson City Clerk H.N.Sayer Chief of Police, R.. Williams. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. The Clerk next presented tentative budget of revenues and expenditures for the fiscal year 1940 -1941 and same was taken under consideration and study. On motion of Commissioner hid ;ins, seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried, the 3 (11 Clerk was next authorized to transfer 13,107.75 to the Certificates of Indebtedness Redemption Account at the :enford Atlantic National Bank, to be used to retire the Certificates of Indebtedness due July 1, 1940, the bank to be authorized to pay such certificates of indebtedness as they are presented for payment and char.-,,e to this account. Application next received from ":'.R.Smith for permit to sell beer and wines at 121 S. Park Avenue, and on recommendation of Chief of Police ,dilliams, same was approved. -reports of third spring analysis of milk beicig furnished by dairies operr ting in the dity of 6anford, as prepared by the X -Ray and Clinical Laboratores of Sanford, and Florida. State Board of Health Laboratores at Jacksonville, next presented, such reports showin all such milk well within the requirements of Grade "A" milk 4r. Jahn L. Galloway next appeared on behalf of the American LeVion and requested the Commission to pass an ordinance requiring all aliens to be finger printed by the Police Department, also submitted copy of an ordinance that several cities have adopted, prescribing such requirement. katter referred to the City Attorney. Consideration next given to matter of requiring all bicycle owners to register their bicycles with the City, as a means of protection against theft. Thereupon, after considerable discussion the City Attorney : ^:as instructed to pre- pare for cDnsi.era.tion at the next meeting, an ordinance requiring all bicycles to be re��istered with the City as to ownership, make, type and serial number, and the securing of an annual license plate for each bicycle. Mr. R.',%. Strickland next advised the Cotr,aii ssi on the First Methodist Church is returning County the contribution in the amount of .Z1 ,00.00 to the Seminole/Chamber of Co.:::erce that was appropriated by the City at the meeting of -Lay 13th,1940, tc help defray the expenses of the Annual State Methodist Conference held in Sanford on June 12th. thru 17th., stating that there were suffieient funds with which to pay the expenses of this conference with- out using the contiibution from the City. thereupon on :notion duly carried, the Co.taiission authorized the �100.00 returned from. the First Methodist Church to be appropriated to the Seminole County Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of helping defray expenses of conventions and conferences that may be held in Sanford in the future. The Clerk next reported that ors Frances Dutton °:` oodruff had o,-id the balance due in amount of H262.50 on the purchase of Lots 10, 12, 23 and 24 of Flock S, Bel -Air Subdivision, in accordin,-ce with escrow agreements authorized at the meetings of January 22nd. and February 12th. 1940. 302 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, —__ June 24 7:30 P_M19 40_ Mr. C R Dawson next eopeared and r quested permission to erect a pole in the parkway on the north side of of Eighth Street between Park Ave. and Oak Ave., to be used in connection with an amateur radio station he is operating in his home at 708 Park Avenue. Request ;ranted provided there are no objections by the adjacent property owners. Request next received from Henry LV.atthews for refund on City license in amount of J2.50 obtained on Ilay 22, 1940 to operate an ice stand at corner of Ninth Street and Cypress Avenue, claiaiing that he was unable to arran-e for selling ice at this location. Thereupon, in view: of the fact that the aforesaid ice stand was never opened for bu si the Uo7unission authorized the Ulerk to refund Henry Matthews the amount of ; 2.50 paid for City license to operate same. Considerption next given to iPA project Fort Mellon Park. for constructing a recreation building in Thereupon, after considerable discussion the Co:r:r,ission authorized Elton J Uoughton Architect to prepare specifications for a. recreation building to ce constructed of Palmetto logs for further cinsidere.tion. The following -,pplicetions for adjusta:ent of taxes for the year 1933 and prior were next received, and on motion duly carried, same were approved as authorized by 7eso- lution Nos. 573 and 574: Deland Finance Coproation Lot 29 Block G,Cheppell's Subdiv. Taxes & Penalties 1927 thru 1939 223.63 A DJUM,i E;NT A P Connelly & Sons Lot 1 Block 14 ADJUST E1\7T AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to $66.96 tier 6, Taxes & Penalties 1927 thru 1939 AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 66.28 Special Assessment & Interest ADJUST,mE T AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to There being no further business the rneeting then adjourned. Attest: 263.74 1.4o6.50 atti Mayor. �e ss L L 1 C 1