HomeMy WebLinkAbout081240I I C 1 C L MINUTES 3 2 5 CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Aug.12 at 7 :30 P M 19_40- The City Commission of the City of 6anford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. August 12, 1940. Present: Commissioner `~alter S. Coleman, Mayor. " H James Gut " Edward Higgins " M J Lodge " G E Rollins City Attorney Fred R. o"ilson City Clerk H N7 Sa.yer Chief of Police R.G. Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Current invoices and payrolls for the month of July 1940, properly audited and vouchered as evidenced by vouchers Nos 2374 thru 2467 submitted, examined, approved and payment authorized. Monthly reports of the streets, sanitation, health, water, police, fire, library, golf and recreation departments for the month of July 1940, submitted and examined. Financial statement and statement of revenues and expenditures during the month of July 1940, submitted and examined. Bank statements in all accounts for the month of July 1940 , properly reconciled, submitted and examined. Laura Clark next appeared with reference to the old building located on Lot 42 Block G, Chappell's Subdivision , that is in a. dilapidated unsafe condition, and requested the Commission to grant her an extension of time to repair same, she having been notified by the City Attorney to place this building in a safe condition or the City would condemn and remove it in accordance with instructions issued at the meeting of July S, 1940. Thereupon, after careful consideration, the Commission granted an extension of 90 days for the aforesaid building to be repaired and placed in a_ safe condition. On motion of Commissioner Higgins, seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried, the Commission next approved the purchase from ors Mary B. Cutting, Chicago, of three Refunding Series B bonds at a_ price of -00.00 per bond and interest, and 10 Refunding Series A Bonds from Baynard Bros. Realty & Insurance Company, St. Petersburg,Fla.. at a price of 0261.25 per bond and interest. Application next received from Ruth Jones for permit to sell beer and wines at 1207 W. Thirteenth St. and from Joe Houston for permit to sell beer and wines at 1301 W. Thirteenth St., and same were authorized, subject to the approval and instructions of the Chief of Police. On motion of Commissioner Higgins, seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried, the Commission next authorized access by the Clerk and City Attorney to safety deposit Box No265 at the janford Atlantic National Bank for the purpose of depositing therein thirty City of Sanford eater Plant Revenue Certificates purchased from Central Foundry Company as an investment for the Insurance Fund. Request next received from Miss Fannie Reba Munson for permission to tear down a three -room one -story frame dwelling house located on Lot 1 Boyd's Subdivision, and use the material from same to remodel a. five -room one -story frame dwelling house and garage located on Lot 2 Boyd's Subdivision, both lots being assessed together on the City's tax rolls, of which there are delinquent City taxes against same for the years 1927 thru 1939• i 326 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, August 12 at 7: 30 P M 19 4U Thereupon the.Commission granted Miss Munson permission to tear down the afore- .equest next received from the banford TaIicab said building and use the materials for the purposes as stated above, it being understood that the removal of this building will not affect the City's tax liens against this spaces for them on Park Avenue in front of the property. The Clerk next reported that Jule Whittley, colored City employee, who was afflicted with tuberculosis and the City paying f or his hospitalization and treatment in the State Tuberculosis Sanitorium at Orlando, died August 10,1940. A.D.Rosier Plumbing Company a.t On motion of Commissioner Rollins, seconded by Commissioner "Xut and carried, the 915 West Commission next approved the payment of 4150.00 to Fred R. Wilson, City Attorney, for advanc the years 1931 thru 1939 in on legal services in connection with foreclosmre on vacant lots in z)a n Lanta. 2nd Section. and Magnolia Heights for delinquent tax liens and street paving assessments. , Bill of Fred T. ;'7illiams in amount of $220.60 covering engineering services during amount of the month of July 1940, in preparing preliminary estimate of the proposed WPA project for and that there is no assessable improving the Municipal Airport, next presented, and on motion of Commission Higgins, personal property left at this location for the City to levy upon and sell for said taxes seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried, same was approved and payment ordered. stating Inspector Duncan next reported that the old frame warehouse building located at the northwest corner of Holly Avenue and Commercial Street is in a dilapidated unsafe condition and a fire hazard. Thereupon the City Attorney was instructed to prepare a resolution condemning this warehouse building , for passage at the next meeting. Communication next read from the National Youth Administration, '' +y eshington,D.t3. advising that effective August 15, 1940 all NYA projects will be discontinued, except those that are in connection with the National Defense Program, and same was ordered filed for further consideration. The Clerk next reported that the claim filed with Glenns Falls Indemnity Company against Surety Bond of Robert M. Hardaker as City Recreation Director for recovery of City funds in amount of $19.55 taken by Mr. Hardaker at the time he left the employment of the City had been paid by the Insurance Company, and that the balance of salary in amount of $23.00 due Mr Hardaker had been paid to the Sanford Atlantic National Bank, in accordance with his letter of authorization dated February 19, 1940. On motion duly adopted, the Commission next approved the sale to A.Duda & Sons, Ovie Florida, of the balance of second hand redwood water pipe on the yard at City's Concrete Pipe Plant for the sum of $475.00 Thereupon, after careful consideration and in view of the fact that there is no assessable personal property at the aforesaid location for the City to levy upon for its tax claim, Commissioner hi`gins moved that Mr.Rosier's offer of 420.00 for full settlemnt of the delinquent personal taxes for the years 1931 thru 1939 against A.D.Rosier Plumbing Company be accepted, and the Clerk be authorized to cancel the balance in amount of $103.50 .equest next received from the banford TaIicab Company for the City to reserve two parking spaces for them on Park Avenue in front of the Gilbert Hotel, and same was referred to the Chief of Police. Deputy Tax Collector Powers next reported that A.D.Rosier Plumbing Company a.t 915 West First Street owes delinquent personal taxes for the years 1931 thru 1939 in , amount of $123.50, which he has been unable to collect, and that there is no assessable personal property left at this location for the City to levy upon and sell for said taxes stating that Mr. Rosier has offered to pay the City $20.00 as full settlement of these taxes. Thereupon, after careful consideration and in view of the fact that there is no assessable personal property at the aforesaid location for the City to levy upon for its tax claim, Commissioner hi`gins moved that Mr.Rosier's offer of 420.00 for full settlemnt of the delinquent personal taxes for the years 1931 thru 1939 against A.D.Rosier Plumbing Company be accepted, and the Clerk be authorized to cancel the balance in amount of $103.50 II II 1 0 1 1 r '� MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, _emu- uSt12at 7-1-3a P III 19-40_ Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. The following applications for adjustment of taxes and /or special assessments were next received, and on motion duly carried, same were authorized and approved: L E White Lot S Block 12 Tier 7 Taxes & Penalties 1934/39 52.41 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to 18.77 Special Assessment & Interest 278.48 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 6.83 Elmer J Toll W. 36 ft of Lot 139 all Lots 140 and 141 Sanford Heights Taxes & Penalties 1935/39 28.54 ADJUSTMENT AUGHORIZED Mattie L Stprke Lot 1 Blk 9 Tr. 1 Adjusted to: 18.53 Taxes & Penalties 1937/39 37.58 Adjusted to: 18.00 There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: City erk. '3z7