HomeMy WebLinkAbout0913401 1 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 13--,T.' 30 P M _1 9 40 The City CoiAmission of the City of - anford, Florida, met in adjourned sessim at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 o'clock P.M.September 13,1940. Present: Commissioner Walter S.Coleman, Mayor. " H. James Gut " Edward Higgins 0 M. J Lodge " G E Rollins City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Clerk H N Sayer Chief of Police, R G Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Application next received from Pentland, Gray & Moore, Accountants and Auditors, 3 5 for the regular annual audit of the City's books covering the fiscal year ending September 30, 1940, the agreement being that the total cost of the audit will not exceed $650.00 and if any saving in time can be effected, the City will receive the benefit of such saving. Thereupon , Commissioner Higgins moved that Pentland, Grey & Moore be awarded the Annual Audit of the City's books covering the fiscal year ending September 30, 1940, in accordance with the terms of their application. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. On motion of Commissioner Lodge , seconded by Commissioner Higgins and carried, tie Commission approved the purchase from Irs. Louise C. Cochrane, Brookline, Mass. of one Refunding Series B bond No. 275, with coupon due March 1, 1941, and subsequent coupons attached, at a price of $500.00 and interest. Application next received from Chase & Company to lease the City's farm property for another year, beginning July 1, 1940, at the same rental price of 9150.00, said property being described as follows: Lots 2, 4, and 9 of Block X, St. Gertrude Addition. Thereupon Commissioner Rollins moved that the City lease the aforesaid farm property to Chase & Company for one year at a rental of $150.00 Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. Application next received from W.1+4. 14ixon for permit to sell beer and wines at 1610 W. Thirteenth Street, and from Hrs Allie Hawkins for permit to sell beer and wines at 215 E. First St. ( George's place.) Thereupon the Commission authorized the Tax Collector to issue license to the aforesaid applicants to sell beer and wines upon the approval and instructions of the Chief of Police. Application next received from H A Manassa for permit to operate a bowling alley at 119 S. Park Avenue, and on recommendations of Chief of Police Williams, same was approved. Petition next received from merchants and business men on Park Avenue between First Street and Second Street requesting that parking space be reserved on Park Avenue in front of the Gilbert Hotel for the Sanford Taxicab Company. The Clerk next reported that two of the merchants on Park Avenue between First Street and Second Street had registered a protest against reserving parking spaces for taxicabs at this location. e U 6 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, -- Sept 13 at 7 :30 P M 19-0 Thereupon , after careful consideration, the Commission authorized a parking space reserved in front of the Gilbert Hotel for the Sanford Taxicab Company and instructed the Chief of Police to have this space marked off for them. Communication next read from ' «iunicipal Judge Miller recommending that the following cases be suspended: Case No. 26062 of Bill Morton, convicted in Municipal Court under date of September 6, 1939, of drunkenness and sentenced to $10.00 or 30 days, served out part of sentence and released on account of mental condition; Case No. 26560 of Paul Jones, convicted under date of Feb. 12, 1940, of drunkenness and sentenced to $10.00 or 30 days, served 1i day Case No. 26573 of John Franklin, convicted under date of Feb. 20, 1940 of soliciting business without a license and sentenced to $15.00 or 60 days, served 10 days. Case No. 27057 of Bill 1orton, convicted under date of June 11,1940 of drunkenness and disorderly conduct and sentenced to $15.00 or 40 days. Thereupon Commissioner Lodge moved that aforesaid cases be suspended as recommended by Judge 1.$iller. Seconded by Commissioner Higgins and carried. Communication next read from J A Scarlett, Attorney for Bodwell Realty Company, reques ing the City to release its tax and special assessment liens against all the property owned by Bodwell Realty Company that has been excluded from the City limits. Thereupon the Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Scarlett that it is the opinion of the Commission that the City would not be justified in releasing its liens against such proper- ties. On motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Higgins and carried, the Com- mission next authorized Fire Chief Cleveland to purchase two Indian Fire Pumps & Racks at a price of $25.00 each from D.B.Smith & Company , Utica,N.Y. Letter next read from the Board of Public Instruction of Seminole County expressing their appreciation to the City Commission for its donation of clay used in repairing and rebuilding school courts and playgrounds at Lake Monroe, Wilson and Lake wary Schools. Bill of architect Elton J Moughton in amount of $260.00 for preparing plans, speci- fications and the WPA project application for constructing a community recreation building In Fort Mellon Park next presented, and on motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commission r Higgins and carried, same was approved and payment ordered. The Clerk next reported that the Tax Collector had received the amount of $1,268.46 from the Referee in Bankruptcy for Zachary Veneer Company as full settlement of the City's tax claim in amount of $4,450.79 covering realty and personal taxes for the years 1931 thru 1938 against the Zachary Veneer Company, located at Commercial St. & Holly Ave. Thereupon Commissioner Higgins moved that the amount of $1,268.46 received from the Referee in Bankruptcy be accepted as full settlement of the City's tax liens against the Zachary Veneer Company for the years 1931 thru 1938, and that the Clerk be authorized to cancel the balance of the tax liens against said property for these years. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. The Clerk next reported that the extension allowed for payment of the instalment and current taxes Due April 1, 1940 as required by Ordinances Nos. 269 and 275 had expired on September 1st., and that several property owners paying delinquent taxes under the provisions of these ordl.nances had failed to pay the instalment due April 1, 1940 and current taxes. Thereupon after careful consideration, the Commission instructed the City Attorney to notify the property owners who have not paid the instalment due April 1, 1940 and current rl J nl MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, . Sept 13th at 7:30 P 14 g 40 taxes, in accordance with the provisions of the aforesaid ordinances, that foreclosure proceedings will be instituted against such properties immediately. Application next received from the Postal Telegraph Company for permit to install 337 an underground conduit across Railroad Ave. and under the alley between First Street and ComL-ercial Street, from Railroad Avenue east to Park Avenue, agreeing to pay the cost of repairs and replacements for damages to said streets. Thereupon the Coi�:mission granted the Postal Telegraph Company the aforesaid permit , provided the work is done under the supervision of Supt. Moughton. Commissioner Higgins next moved that Recreation Director Eleanor Morrison be auth- orized to attend the National Recreation Congress to be held at Cleveland , Ohio on September 30th. to October 4th. 1940, and that an expenditure of $30.00 be authorized to help defray her travel expenses in attending this Congress. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Commissioner Rollins next introduced Ordinance No. 297, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIyA, KIJENDI G PARAGRAPH ( e) OF SECTION 3 OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 126 ADOPTED ON THE 10th DAY OF 11AY 1926, AND ENTITLED: " AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A BUILDING CODE FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, PROVIDING BUILDING RULES AND REGULATIONS AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE." and same was placed on its first reading and read in full by the Clerk. Thereupon Commissioner Rollins moved that the rules be waived and said Ordinance No. 297 be placed on its final passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge. Thereupon the question recurred upon the waivure of the rules. The Roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Coleman Aye " Gut Aye " Higgins Aye " Lodge Aye " Rollins Aye Thereupon said Ordinance No. 297 was placed upon its final passage and adoption. The roll was called and the vote stands as follows. Commissioner Coleman Aye " Gut Aye " Higgins Aye " Lodge Aye " Rollins Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 297, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA AIJENDING PARAGRAPH (e) OF SECTION 3 OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 126 ADOPTED ON THE 10th DAY OF MAY, 1926 AND ENTITLED : " AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A BUILDING CODE FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD , FLORIDA, PROVIDING BUILDING RULES AND REGULATIQNS AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE." On motion duly adopted Ordinance No. 297 was then ordered POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, in accordance with the terms of the Charter, as amended. Commissioner Lodge next introduced Ordinance No. 298, entitled: AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC UTILITY FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD. FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF THE SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM AS NOW IN EXISTANCE AND ALL EXTENSIONS OR RE- PLACEMENTS THEREOF; ESTABLISHING AND PROVIDING RATES AND CHARGES FOR THE USE AND PRIVILEGE OF USE OF SUCH UTILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSITION OF SUCH CHARGES; T�%KING IT UNLAWFUL TO TAP OR USE SUCH SYSTEM WITHOUT A PERMIT AND THE PAYMENT OF ALL CHARGES AND FEES CHARGED THEREFOR, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY THEREFOR. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full b7 the Clerk. Commissioner Higgins next introduced Ordinance No. 299, entitled: c3�13 S MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,_ September 13,7:30 P M 1940 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSITION OF GARBAGE, DEFINING THE WORD "GARBAGE" AS USED HEREIN; ESTABLISHING AND IMPOSING A CHARGE OR FEE FOR THE SERVICE OF GARBAGE COLLECTION RENDERED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF SUCH CHARGE OR FEE AND ITS DISPOSITION; DECLARING CERTAIN ACTS OR PRACTICES AS HEREIN DESCRIBED RELATING TO THE ACCUMULATION,DISPOSITION, STORAGE AND HANDLING OF GARBAGE TO BE UNLAWFUL AND A VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full by the Clerk. Comsnissioner HI&- -Jns next introduced Ordinance No. 300, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, DEFINING 11MILK" AND CERTAIN "MILK PRODUCTS, 11 MILK PRO DUCER# PASTEUR IZAT ION 11 , ETC. PROHIBITING THE SALE OF ADULTERATED AND TWTISBRANDED MILK AND !,TILK PRODUCTS, REQUIRING PERIFITS FOR THE SALE OF MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS, REGULATING THE INSPECTION OF DAIRY FAR ",, "S AND MILK PLANTS, THE TESTING, GRADING;LABELING,PLACARDING, PASTEURIZATION, REGRADING, DISTRIBUTION, SALE,AND DENATURING OF MILK AND 11ILK PRODUCTS, PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLISHING OF MILK GRADES, THE CONSTRUCTION OF DAIRIES AND MILK PLANTS, THE ENFORCEMENT OF THIS ORDINANCE, AND THE FIXING OF PENALTIES. and same was placed on its first reading Commissioner Rollins next introduced Ordinance No. 301, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD , FLORIDA, MAKING IN UNLAWFUL FOR PERSONS, FIRMS, PARTNERSHIPS, CORPORATIONS OR ASSOCIATIONS ENGAGED IN BUSINESS OF BUYING OR SELLING CERTAIN FRESH MEATS OR FRESH MEAT PRODUCTS IN SAID CITYTO SO BUY OR SELL WITHOUT INSPECTION, AND APPROVAL AS HEREIN PROVIDED OF THE ANIMALS FROM WHICH SUCH MEATS OR MEAT PRODUCTS ARE PROCURED, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full by the Clerk The Chairman next reported that Mr. 0 P Hebert, President of Safair , Inc. of New York, who was in Sanford On September 7th. and made a survey of the municipal airport to coneider using it as a flying school for training pilots in connection with the Nation- al defense program, had advised that the airport, including the proposed enlargement, will be too small for a training field, but that he would use it temporarily if the Army approves his application for such a training school at Sanford, providing the City will acquire a tract of land a mile square in the property lying between Mellonville Avenue and Sipes Avenue, and Geneva Street and Thirtieth Street for a site for a new aviation filed and get the approval of the Civil Aeronautic Authority for its development':: and construction thereon of proper facilities under a WPA p-oject through the National i Defense Program, also that Safair,Ine. would be willing to pay a rental of $3,000.00 per year for the use of the fi%l d and facilities. The Chairman also reported that H.M.Watson and H C DuBose, Realtors, had agreed to act as agents for the City to acquire the afore- said site, and had made investigation as to ownership of the properties involved, also had negotiated with some of the owners in regard to purchase and had secured purchase options on the following parcels of land, subject to the approval of the City Commission. A 90 days option from H C & Daisy A Frantz at a cost of $25.00 to purchase the following described property containing 50 acres at a price of $1,000.00: Beginning 10 chains east of the northwest corner of the E 1/2 of the S . E 1/4 of Sec. 6 Township 20 S., Range 31 E. run S. 10.51 chains W. 10.06 chains. to west line of said E 1/2 of the S E 1/4 thence South to a point 10.34 chains N. of the S.W. corner of said E 1/2 of the S E 1/4, thence E. to a point 10.34 chains N. of the S.E. corner of said section6 , thence N. to the N.E. corner of the said E 1/2 of the S E 1/4 , thence West to point of beginning. A 90 days option from Lou Bryant at a cost of $200.00 to purchase the following described property containing 240 acres at a price of 825.00 per acre: S W 1/4 of N E 1/4 SW1 /4 (Less N 1/2 of N W 1/4 of/ N E 1/4 on which old W lly home is located) N W 1/4 of S E 1/4 ; N 1/2 of SW1 /4 of SE1 /4 ; SE1 /4ofNE1 /� and NW1 /4ofN E1 /4 of SE1 /4 of Sec 6 Twp. 20 S.R. 31 E., ; also W 1/4 of S W 1/4 ( Less east 15 acres of the S 1/4) alsoS W 1/4 of N W 1/4 ( Less East 420 ft. of the North 1020 feet) of Section 5 Town- ship 20 S. Range 31 E. A 90 days option from C W Goodrich at a cost of $50.00 to purchase the following described property containing 38.35 acres at a price of $25.00 per acre: N W 1/4 of N E 1/4 ( Less S. 110 ft) and all of N E 1/4 of N W 1/4 East of Mellonville Aveof Sec. 6 Twp. 20 S R. 31 E. ter, ,,, J 1 U 7 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,___ Sept 13 7:30 P M 19?+0_ 131� I � 13 9 the prices as stated above. Seconded by Commissioner Higgins and catried. There being no further business themeeting then adjourned until 7:30 o'clock P,T4 September 16, 1940. Attest: it - erk. 1 • LILY- Option to purchase State & County Tax Certificate No. 799 sale of Aug 3, 1931, from F W Ditto at a price of $50.00 against the following described property c�,ntaining 15 acres The E. 15 acres of the S W 1/4 of S W 1/4 of Sec. 5 Township 20 S. Range 31 E. Thereupon after careful consideration, and in view of the benefits that will accrue to the City by the establishment of a flying; school in Sanford .nor training pilots, Commissioner Gut moved that the aforesaid tract of land containing 640 acres, located between Mellonville Avenue and Sipes Avenue and Geneva Street and 30th Street, be approved as a site for the Municipal aviation field, and that Mr. H M Watson and Mr. H C DuBose be authorized to act as agents for the City to acquire this property , and that they be authori- zed to purchase the State & County Tax Certificate No. 799 against the above described property from F.W.D1tto at a cost of $50.00 and accept the 90 days purchase options for the City at a cost of $275.00 for the purchase of the other described properties at the prices as stated above. Seconded by Commissioner Higgins and catried. There being no further business themeeting then adjourned until 7:30 o'clock P,T4 September 16, 1940. Attest: it - erk. 1 • LILY-