HomeMy WebLinkAbout101440MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,.— October 14,7:3o m 1940 The City Commission of the Cit :,- of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida. at 7:30 o'clock. P.M.October 14,1940. Present: Commissioner Walter S.Coleman, Mayor. " H.James Gut " Edward Higgins " M J Lodge G.E.:Rollins City Attorney Fred R.Wilson City Clerk H N Sayer Chief of Police, R G Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of adjourned meetings of Seotember 16th, and 19th , Snecial Meeting of September 20th. regular meeting of September 23rd., adjourned meetings of September 24th. and 26th.,Snecial meeting of September 28th and adjourned meeting of September 30th. 1940 next read and annroved. Current invoices and payrolls for the month of September 1940, pronerly audited and vouchered as evidenced by voucher numbers 2560 thru 2674, submitted, examined, anoroved and nayment authorized. Monthly reoorts of the Streets, Sanitation, Health, ?Water, Police, Fire, Library, Golf and Recreation Departments for the month of September , 1940, submitted and examined. Financial statement and statement of revenues and exnendi_tures durtnp the month of September 1940, submitted and. examined. Sank Statements in all accounts for the month of September 1940, nr•onerly reconciled, submitted and examined. Mr. J H Hintermister next aooeared and recuested the City- to remove the small watercraft and seaplane landing ramp from its present location at the bandshell , and install it at the seavrell in front of the Mayfair hotel. Matter taken under advisement. The folloving bids next received for furnishing materials ano labor for remov- ing a double window in the southeast corner of the City Hall building and replace same with single door and. transom, erect steps and platform thereto and construct a canopy above the door in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by Elton J Moughton, Architect. F A Dyson 390.00 W.W.VnnNess '�62.1V) J T Pope SOO.On Thereupon, on motion duly carried the Commission authorized that the low bid of J.T. -'one in amount of $300.00 be accented. 31d next received from H .! Gleason in amount of $57-50 , covering sanding and varnishing the floors of the office in the City Hall building that will be occupied by the Chamber of Co.nmerce. Ther•eunon, in view of the necessity for this work and no other bids having been presented, Commissioner Higgins :moved that the bid of H M Gleason be accepted and the work authorized. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. On motion duly adopted, the Clerk was next instructed to have the aforesaid office re- painted throughout. 1 1 1 1 F11 I I MINUTES CITY SANFORD, FLORIDA,October 14, 7:30 P M CITY COMMISSION, __ 19 4O Consideration next given to the request of the Sanford Herald. tkt the City Place an advertisement in the "Mail away" Edition to be published on October 28th. , and on motion duly adopted, a one -half page advertisement was authorized to be placed in this edition of the Sanford Herald. at a cost of Y34.44. On motion of Commissioner Lodge, seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. the Commission next authorized the nurcha.Fe from R.C.A.Manufacturing Company of one Mobile Radio Receiver at a cost of 480.00 to replace the receiver in one of the police patrol cars that is a,orn to such an extent as to hinder the efficiency of the Denart - ment. 13 6 1 Consideration next given to purchasing unif -arms for the Police and Fire Deoartments and on motion of Commissioner Higgins, seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried, the Clerk was instructed to obtain bids for furnishing same. On motion of Commissioner Gut , seconded by Commissioner Rollins and. carried, the Commission next authorized Fire Chief Cleveland to purchase four Indian Fire Pumps and Racks at a price of $25.00 each from D.3.Smith & Company, Utica N.Y. Conmunica.tion next read from the St.Johns River Trail Association with reference to the City renewing its membership to the Association for 1940 -1941 at a cost of 425.00, and some was referred to the Seminole County Uhamber of Con-nerce. Consideration next given to the need of repairs to the shuffleboard courts at the corner of Palnetto Avenue and Second Street so as to place them in good con- dition for the winter visitors. Thereuoon after considerable discussion, and in view of the unsatisfactory service received from the concrete courts, the Clerk was instructed to obtain bids for the construction of three terrazzo courts to renla e three of the old concrete courts. NYA Work Project Anolication next submitted covering the construction of a monkey island at the municipal zoo, the total cost of the project being 42,342.00, of which the City's share is $1,500.00 Thereupon Commissioner Higgins moved that the application be aoproved and the Clerk be authorized.to execute same on behalf of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried. Chief of Police Williams next reported two vacancies in the Police Department due to the resignation of Harry J.Byrd, night desk sergeant, on September 15th, and the death of A.R.11arshall, day desk sergeant, on October 10th. Thereupon on motion duly carried the Chief of Police was authorized to employ someone to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Harry J.Byr.d, at a salary of $90.00 rer month , subject to the approval of the City Commission. On motion of Commissioner Rollins, seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried, the Water Department was next a.uthroized and instructed to increase the water rate for homes, lodges and churches from 15.�, per thousand for all water used in excess of $2.50 ner month as calculated at the new rate, to 18% per thousand, effective October 1, 1940. The Clerk next re-oorted of an overcharge of $25.00 on City license No.353 in amount of $225.00 issued to P.3allantine & Sons on Dec.21,1938 to engage in business for the fiscal year 1938 -1939 as wholesale distributor of beverages containing not more than 14% alcohol, whereas this license should have been issued in amount of $200.00. ,e3 6 9 MINUTES Ccotber 14, st 7 :30 P " CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,_ Thereupon Commissioner Rollins moved ghat the Clerk be authorized to refund ;25.00 to P.Bellentine & ions for overpayment of the aforesaid license. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. On motion of Cimmissioner Higgins, seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried the Commission next authorized an advanced payment of $100.00 to Engineer Fred T.` iliiems, on account of services being rendered in preparing a_ 6PA project application covering the construction and development of the new aviation field. Request next received from .!rs A.D.Z�mith for the City to remove a tree from the jarkway in front of her home at 600 �'.agnolia. Avenue, and on recommendation of Supt. Moughton, same was authorized. Application next received from Sarah Bleir 1itchell for homestead exemption for the years 1935 and 1936 on Lot 7 Block 11 Tier G, claiming Chet application for such exemption at the proper time having been neglected through an oversight. Application approved. On :1ioticn duly adopted, the Commission Next authorized and instructed the Clerk to equip the City's rest rooms and comfort stations with soap dispensers, soap, towel racks , towels and mirrors, for the convenience of the winter visitors. Consideration next given to the request of Allan I Mloseley, office clerk of the Sinter Deoartment , for an advance of $150.00 on his salary , to be repaid to the City during the fiscal year 1940 -1941. Thereupon after consir�eracle discussion, and on motion duly carried, the Cori- mission authorized an advance of salary in amount of $120.00 to Allan I tv�oseley, to be repaid during the fiscal year 1940 -1941 at the rate of X10.00 per month. Consideration next given to the purchase of the follos °Sing described property con4 taining 5 acres from Christian Christensen a.t a price of X2:.)0.00, said land lying between wellonville Avenue and Sipes Avenues, and Geneva Street and Thirtieth Street, and being a part of the site for the proposed aviation field.. The N 1/4 of the E 1/4 of the 6.E. 1/4 of the T ,,Y 1/4 of erection 5 Township 2p South, range 31 East. Thereupon Co:«missioner Gut moved that H.Y.'liatson, who is acting as agent for the City in acquiring property for the proposed aviateion field, be authorized to purchase the move described property for the City from Christian Christensen at a price of $2.00.00 Seconded by Co,rirnissiDner Hi --ins and carried. City Attorney 71ilson next gave e brief summary of the progress of the City's petition in bankruptcy filed on January 2?S, 1939, under the = -ankruptcy Act, as amended, in an endeavor to complete the .refunding of its bonded indebtedness, stating that the American I ational Bank cf ashville Tennessee filed claim covering X152,000.:)0 unrefunded bonds and objected to the plan of composition; and after the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Florida ruled in favor of the Petition they appealed the case to the United States Circuit C curt of Appeals at New Orleans claiming the bankruptcy Act to be unconstitutional, and the said Court of Appeals ruled in favor the the City and that the American iational Bank had attempted to appeal the case to the United States Supreme Court and the Court had refused to hear the case. The following applications for adjustment of taxes and /or special assessments were next received and on motion duly carried, same were approved. Sarah Blair 1,11itchell Lot 7 Block 11 Tier G Taxes & Penalties 1928/39 168.55 ADJUSTIv E T AUTHORIZED. Adjusted to 454.06 Max Johnson Lot 7 Blocjspa�uuene Vista T.-xP C & Pesnities 1927/39 79.49 1 J 1 1 II 1 I II 0 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,_- _'ctober 14 at 7: Lot 7 Blk D Buena Vista. ( contd) P brl 1 9_40 ADJUS111:11T AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 47.43 Special Assessments & Interest. ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 9.12 372.30 kcFarland Edmond Corporation .Blocks 22 and 28 Mellonville Taxes & Penalties 1931/39 75 -3.17 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 140.79 Special Assessmments & Interest 7,751.86 ADJUSI'YEdT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 192.50 There being no further ousiness the meeting adjourned. Mayor. �F;.3