HomeMy WebLinkAbout102340ei MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 23, at 3 P of 40 The City Commission of the City of c,an.ford, Florida, met in special called ses- sion at the City Hall in the City of aanford, Florida, 2t 3:00 o'clock P.P. October 23, 1940. Present: Commissioner T;elter S.Colemen, Mayor. it H James Gut It Edward Hi ­,ins if M. J. Lodge if G.L.Rollins City Clerk H.i�.Sayer. Meeting called to order by the Chairman who announced that the purpose of the meeting was to Give further consideration to the ;'PA project application cover- ing the construction of the new aviation field, and to transact any other business that may come before the Board. Consideration was then o -iven to the type of administration building to be included in the project. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Co�r.missioner Higgins was authorized to confer with the State Administrator of the :pork Projects Administration in Jacksonville with a view to securing a set of pions and specifications for the administration building for the new aviation field. The Clerk next reported that Fred W. Hogan, who has been assisting in the Recreation Department under the WPA Statewide recreation Projects has had to take a thirty days lay-off, effective October 3rd.,1940 due to the requirements for eighteen months continuous employment, and that he had been receiving a salary in amount of 462.40 per month from the '.SPA f ;r his services. Thereupon, on motion duly adopted, the Co.::mission authorized the employment of Fred Hogan in the Recreation Department during the thirty days lay -off period f r.D n the ' PA project, at a salary ai ;62.40. Bid next received from StemTert- i"ellon Company of Orlando for furnishing all labor and materials for constructing three terrazzo shuffleboard courts at the corner of Palmetto Avenue and Second Street, as follows: 3 Standard Terrazzo Shuffleboard Courts approximately 5 inches thick, with lines and numerals in dark cardiff green field to be sprinkled with assorted colors. $472.20 Thereupon after careful consideration, end in view of no other bids having been presented, Commissioner Lodge :roved that the bid of Stewart- ;Lellon Coaipany in amount of 4472.20 'be accepted, and the construction of three terrazzo shuffleboard courts be authorized. Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried. In response to a request of the dele -ration of golf players at the meeting of September 23, 1940, the f oliowinYz esti:n, tes of the cost of repairing the club building and remodelling the pro -shop, shovers and locker rooms at the municipal golf course were next presented. eic,3v;; front porch and rebuild concrete terrace on club house $1 -0.00 Hemove upstairs .porch on club house and replace same with shed roof 75.00 Re- papering walls in club house 35.00 iviscellaneous repairs to club house 0.00 Punt and labor for re- painting club house 140.00 ir_aterials and labor for tearing down and rebuilding pro -shop showers and locker rooms 1 0' 00 Total. 1, 50.00 Thereupon after careful consideration, end in view of tale necessity for this work, Co::missioner Gut ir,cved that an expenditure of approxirr,ately - 1450.00 be author- ized for repairing the club house end rebuilding the pro -shop, showers and locker rooms at the golf course, in accordance with the plans as outlined eoove. 11 1 1 1 1 1 I1 u 1 i L MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,__ October 23 3: o P iyi 1 9_40 Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. On motion duly carried, tale Corrrrnission next authorized the employment of Howard raville as carpenter foreman and supervisor of the aforesaid work authorized for the )Lunicipa.l doll course, at a wage scale �f w1.00 per hour, the expenditure for such foreman having ib;een included in the foregoing estimate. There bein -, no further business the rneetin adjourned. Attest: 0 0 P.4,4 Mayor. 13 6