HomeMy WebLinkAbout102840lie e )6 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 28 at 7:30 1 g 40 The City Commission of the City of =anford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in tine City of - enford, :Florida, at 7:30 O' Clock P. iI. October 26, 1940. Present: Commissioner % a"lter O. Coleman, i"ayor. if H. James Gut It Edward Hi6-gins it M.J.Lodge G E Rollins City Attorney Fred R. "rilson City Clerk H iV Sayer Chief of Police R.G.`. illiarns 1eeting called to order by the Chairman. Lieutenant Colonel Geo A.DeCottes, 124th. Infantry Post Commander of the- Florida National Guard, next Fppeared and made a- further request that the City pay one -he! of the salary of the caretrker of the Armory property in ''anford, which will amount to 437-50 per month, during the period of active service of the local troops of the National Guard, stating that unless the City and County deJ.'ray such expense of a caretaker during saia period, the buildinG will have to be locked and boarded up and not be available for use by the local Horne Guard organiza-ti.an. Thereupon, after further consideration, and in view of the need of the Armory building for the local Home Guard organization for drill and class room purposes in connection with the i�a.tional Defense Program, Co.nrnissioner Gut moved that the City Pay '$37.50 per month for six months toward the salary of a caretaker of the Armory property while the local troops are in active service, provided the County ti,ill pay the balance of such salary. aeconded by Co :rrrr�istiioner Rollins and carried. P Rev. w:artin J. Br=im next presented a petition signed o , a number of residents of Park a=venue requesting the Comrf.ission to i..- ,-aedietely promulgate ?nd , ut into effect a traffic regulation prohibiting the further use of Park Avenue "by trucks. Action deferred. Request next received from • .'',alter Holly that the City waive a license in amount of j40.00 and allow ailas Green's Minstrel to shore in aanford on December 28th. under the auspices of the Colored .gorldrar Veterans Legion Post, statin; tiat Silas Green's 1. i,.isntrels will give the t'ost an amount ecual to "said license, whicl will be used for providing Christmas gifts for under privileged children of aanford. Thereupon, Commissioner Higgins moved that the City charge Silas Green's 11instre]. a license to show in Sanford, and donate 440.00 to the Colored 7iorld '= ar Veteran Legion Post toward providing Christmas gifts for the colored under privileged'chi"dren of Sanf ord. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. In response to request for bids for furnishing uniforms for the Police and Fire Departments, the following bids were next presented, together with sprriples: w+.4.Watson Lot 7013 Coat and Two Pants ;44p.75 Lot 5014 11 If 11 11 36-50 Lot 5015 If " if 'r 8.75 Lot 5016 It if of " 0.75 Lot 5017 u n n n . �0 Lot 5015 if It it it 1.75 Overcoats each 25,00 Shirts, each 2,00 Yowell Company Lot 516 Coat and Two Pants 39-75 Lot 534 rr r. rr 30.75 Lot 551 If n n 3x.75 Shirts, each 2,00 1 1 1 Fj L 1 1 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, "SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 23 at 7:3j P ,'1 g 40 3R7 Thereupon Commissioner Hid ins moved that the business be 11.ivided between .E.'�atson and Yowell Company, and the selections of aiFterials referred to the Police and Fire Chiefs for recommendations. Seconded 'by Commissioner Lodbre end carried. Application next received from Cleo Teat for perriiit to sell beer 2nd wines at 1610 . 13th Street, ar:d on raco,,mnendation to Chief of Police • iiliaais, same rvas approved. Application next received from Glenn T.Brown for permit to sell beer and wines at Southwest corner of =Tench Aven..e and 6e::inole Souleverd, also permit to operate a dance hall at said location. Thereupon the -Tax Collector was authorized to issue license to Glenn 'T. Brozn to sell beer end wines and operate a dance hall at the aoove location, upon the approval and instructions of the Chief of "olice. Bids next presented for one year subscription to 46 ma�2zines and periodicals for the Hanford Public Library , as follows: The Read Shop ';103.90 Bertie Hughes 106.80 Coleman's Office Equipment Co. 89.00 Thereupon after comparison of she prices submitted, Coa:nissioner Higgins moved the lowest bid, that of Coleman's Office Equipment Company in amount of :89.00 be accepted. Seconded by Coai:missioner Lodge and carried. s aequest next received from the Lions Club that the City install a neon sign at the northeast corner of Park Avenue and First Street, which they have purchased to advertise Sanford's celery; and se.r:e was authorized and referred to Inspector Duncan. ter. Joel S.Field next appeared on behalf of the American Legion Post and requested the City to purchase more street display flags to replace the worn flags that were oraered destroyed by the Commission at the meeting of Iiay :3,1940. Thereupon, on motion duly adopted the Vlerk was authorized to purchase 36 new flags for display purposes. On motion duly adopted the Clerk was next authorized to obtain bids for furnishing 300 feet of 22 inch fire hose for the -"-ire Lepartment. On motion duly carried the 1:ayor was next authorized to issue an election procla- oration calling a General Municipal Election to be held Lecember 3, 1940, for the purpose of electing one City Commissioner for a term of three years to fill the vacancy to be created by the expiration of the term of office of Commissioner i'alter S. Coleman, the following Ueing designated as officials of said election: For Clerk E. F. Lane For inspectors: ,ors aargaret r .Barnes, bar. J.H.Beck and qtr. N.O.Gerner. Request next receivea from John Schirard i or the City to reriicve :�. i oak tree from the parkway in front of his home at 107 IN. Tenth Street, and on recommendation of Supt, !YDuohton, same was authorized. On motion of Commissioner Rollins, seconded by Commissioner Hi��ins and carried the Commissi -on next authorized access by the Clerk and B.C.Moore, Auditor of the firm of Pentland,Gray & Moore to the safety deposit boxes at the Danford Atlantic rational 'Bank for the purpose of verifying the contents. Communication nest read from Municipal Jude miller recommending the parole of J.P.Stevens, convicted in the x+�unicipal Court un:,er date of )ctober 14,1940, of disorderly conduct, case 1�1o. 27360, and sentenced to 30 days imprisonment. 3 6"S MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 25 at 7: 30 P M 19 40_ Thereupon on motion duly carried, the parole of J.P.Stevens was Granted. Bill of Architect Elton J. luloughton in amount of X10. J0, covering plans and specifications for removing a window in the City Hall building and replacing same with door , next presented, and on ;notion of Co.,naiissioner Higgins, seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried, same was approved and payment authorized. City Attorney �l,ilson next presented 'Master's Deed to the following described Lots in Lreemwold subdivision acquired by the City through foreclosure of tax and special assessment liens. Lots 2, 3, 6,9,15i16,17 and 16 Block 1; Lots 1,2,17,1 and ly of Block 2, Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 27, 25, 29 and 30 Block 3, Lots 2,3,10 and 11 of Block 4; Lots 19,34,33,37,35 and 39 of Block 5; Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9 and 10 of Block 6; and Lots 10, 11,12 and 13 of Block 7 —A of Second Section of Dreamwold, according to Plat Book 4, Page 30 , 2eminole County records. Bill of Title Guaranty & Abstract Company ir, amount of 35.JJ covering abstract furnished on Lots 15,1',17 and 18 Mock 1 , Dreamwold Second 6ection next presented, and on motion ,duly carried, same was approved. end }ayment authorized; said lots being the property authorized to be conveyed to F.L.:iiller in exchenJe for certain unsol lots in Lake View Cemetery. The Clerk next reported thpt the following described property containing approxi- mately 05 acres was included in the 90 days purchase option secured from Lrs Lou Bryant at a cost of 4200.00 , which covered the purchase of a tract of land containing approxi- mately 240 acres at a price of F$25.`)O per acre, butte,.. that it was found that Lrs Eva Taylor held title to the aforesaid tract containing approximately 65 acres and the City had to secure a 90 days purchase option from v:rs. Taylor at a cost of A100.00 at the same purchase price of $25.0J per acre, advising that the .100.00 paid to :sirs Bryant for option on same will be applied on the purchase price of the balance of property included in her option. The 'A' ; 1/2 of S 1/4 of Section 5 Township 20 South, R2nge 31 East. (Less E. 15 acres of S :' 1/4 of S VV- 1/4) Thereupon Commissioner Gut _roved that the $100.00 paid to Mrs Eva. Taylor for a 9U days option to purchase the aforesaid property at a price of 425.JO per acre be approved. Seconded by Commissioner Hi-Gins and carried. On :notion duly adopted, City Attiorney '��ilson ;,as next authorized to confer with Attorney Robert P. Pleus of Orlando, concerning the Petition in Denkruptcy filed by the City to complete the refunding of its bonded indebtedness. On motion of Commissioner HioGins, seconded by Commissioner Gut end carried, the Commission next approved the payment on account to H.hi.`vNetson in amount of 4200.00 for services rendered in acting es agent for the City in acquiring property for the proposed aviatic:n field. Consideration next given to request of Fire Chief Cleveland to purchase a second hand loud speaker unit from Hofmann Electric Service Company for the Fire Department , at a price of $5J.J0 Thereupon after considereble discussion, as a result of which it was learned that the loud speaker unit had been installed in the Fire: Station at least two months prior to the request for purchase, Commissioner Rollins moved that the Clerk be in- sructed to write Fire Chief Cleveland a letter calling; this fact to his attention, and inform him that the Cor,,nission disapproves the purchase of any equipment for the Fire Departrrient before it has beer, authorized by the Board. 'The Co >maiission next proceeded to revise the City �iegistration Roll, striking II �1 II 1-1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,_ October 28 at 7:10 P 4940 thereform those who were known to have died, moved from the City corne disqualified froai voting in City election. On motion duly carried, authorization was next `ranted to new L C Sa.itn Typewriter for use in the City Clerk's office from Company at a price of X143.98. The follovcin Epplicati.ons for adjustrc,ent of taxes and /or or had otherwise be— r the purchase of one Haynes Off ice Pl.achines special a.;sessments were next received and on motion duly carried, same were approved: F.'.Thiopen Lot 36 Rooinson Su-vey Taxes and =- en?tties 1928/39 201.44 ADJUST v.l T ATUTLIH.J.PLIZED Adjusted to �3J.58 H L `Smith Lot 4 Block -) _..ayfeir Taxes & Penalties 1927/39 2o2.56- ADJUSTtF -i14T AUTHORIZED Adjusted to 23.71 Special Assessments & Interest 471.0$ ADJUaT±_� T AU ;HORIZED Adjusted to 11. 12 '�eo H.Starke Lot 3 Block 6 Tier Z Taxes & Penalties 1930139 17.68 ADJU' fv):ENT AUTHJRIZE'D Adjusted to 6.10 ;)eo H Starke Lot 4 Block 6 Tier E Taxes & Penalties 1930/39 17.66 ADJUST�IiLi�T AUT HORIZED Adjusted to 6.io Geo.H.Starke Lot 5 Bl.Dck 6 Tier E Taxes & Penalties 1930/39 17.66 ADJUSTv! -dT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to 6.10 There being no further business the meeting adjourned. AttP ,t: