HomeMy WebLinkAbout111438[' I I! M I N U T E S CITY COMMISSION , SANFORD , FLORIDA. at 7:30 P M Nov :14, 1935. The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida., met in Regular Session- at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7 :30 o'clock P.M. November 14, 1935/. Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins, Mayor. If Walter S. Coleman It A. W. Lee " M.J.Lodge City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Clerk F.S. Lamson Chief of Police R.G.Williams. Absent: Commissioner W.R.Dupree ( excused on account of sickness.) Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of Regular Meeting of the City Commission and Meeting of the Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board of October 24th, and Special Meeting of the City Commission of November 9th., 1935, read and approved. Current invoices and - payrolls for the month of October 1935, properly audited and vouchered as evidenced by vouchers Nos 335 thru 436, submitted, examined, approved and payment authorized. Monthly reports of the Streets, Sanitation, Health, 'ater, Police, Fire and Library Departments for the month of October , 1935, submitted and examined. Financial Statement and statement of revenues and expenditures during the month of October 1935, submitted and examire d. Bank statements in all accounts for the month of October 1935 properly reconciled , submitted and examined. A delegation of local barbers represented by G.N.Spencer next urged the adopt- ion of an Ordinance regulating the barber trade in the City of �a_nford, similar to those now in effect in Ocala, Orlando, Daytona Beach, 'est Palm Beach and Miami, and same was taken under consideration pending the receipt of information from those cities as to the legality, effectiveness ,.etc, of such ordinances. Mr. Spencer next advised the Board of the intention of the owners of Lots 9,10 and 11 of Block 2 Tier 1, to pay the taxes on the portion of the property described as the vest 42 ft. 8- Inches of Lots 9,10 and 11 , and the W. 6 inches of the E. 72 ft. 312 inches. of the N. 23 ft. of Lot 11, and requested that the assessment against the entire property be divided on the basis of 44 percent for the above described west portion and 56 percent for the balance. Mattdr referred to Commissioners Coleman and Lee. Mr. J.K. Smith next requested additional street lights on Park Avenue south from Commercial St., and same was taken under consideration. Mr. Forrest Gatchell next requested that in order to relieve congestion on Fourth Street between Sanford Avenue and Palmetto Avenue, that parking on the south side of Fourth Street in this block be prohibited. Request approved and matter referred to Chief of Police to handle. Mr. Gatchell and Mr. Humphrey next requested action by the City to require the closing of all grocery stores on Sundays and same was referred to the Chief of Police to handle. • 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION - SANFORD FLORIDA at 7:30 P M. November 14, 1938. Engineer Fred T.Williams next reported that the WPA project which includes the paving of the parkways in the downtown business section had been approved and funds allotted for same. Thereupon instructions were issued to proceed with the paving of the parkways included in this project with the exception of Seniford-Avenue, Palmetto Ave, and Commercial Street., and the Clerk instructed to purchase the material required as the sponsor's donation. Report of the Sanford Country Club, operators of the Municipal Golf Course, for the year ending Sept. 30, 1938, next presented and read, and ordered filed. Application. next received from Price J. Angel for permit to sell beer and wines at Angel's Restaurant, French Ave and Seminole Boulevard, and on recommendation of Chief of Police Xilliams, same was approved. On motion duly adopted, the Mayor and Clerk were next authorized to execute satisfaction of old paving lien for paving on Oak Ave. adjacent to Lot 9 Block 4 Tier 4, it appearing that although there is no record of such lien being open on the City records, it appears on the records of Orange County as unsatisfied. Communication next read from D.S. Hendricks, as President of the Seminole Poultry Producers Association, requesting that a street light be placed at the corner of Eighteenth St. and Lake Avenue, adjacent to the new High School Agriculture Building. Letter ordered filed pending such time as an extra light will be available to be removed to this location. Application next received from Mrs Mamie Griffin to be allowed widow's exemption for the years 1935, 1936 and 1937 on lot 1 Block 6 Tier 6, it appearing that her husband died May 29, 1934, and through an oversight application for Widow's exemption was not applied for at that time. Application approved and the Clerk instructed to make proper adjustment of the taxes against Lot 1 Block 6 Tier 6 for the years 1935,1936 and 1937. Consideration next given to further operation of the plan of payment of delinquent taxes in seven installments, as authorized by Ordinance No. 269. Thereupon City Attorney Wilson was instructed to prepare an Ordinance allowing the payment of delinquent taxes through 1937, and special assessments in seven equal installments , in substantially the following manner: The 1935 taxes to be paid by Dec. 31, 1935• One- seventh of the taxes and penalties due for 1937 and prior, and special assessments, to be paid by Dec. 31, 1935. The next seventh to be paid 'by April 1, 1940, and an additional seventh by each April lot. thereafter-for the next five years.. The unpaid amounts due from time to time for 1937 and prior taxes, and special assessments, to draw interest at the rate of 8 per cent, payable when the installments are paid. Current taxes each year to be paid before they become delinquent. The amount due for taxes thru 1937, and special assessments, to be calculated on the adjusted basis if subject to adjustment by the Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board. On motion duly adopted, the 210 discount allowed on 1935 taxes paid during the month of November was ordered extended to include the month of December 1938, due to the delay in the adoption of the millage for the year 1938, and consequent delay in e c0mYJ 0,t1O FF' Of,:- they Tex Rol 1. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 �r I M I N U T E S CITY COQ! ISSION , SANFORD FLORIDA. 7:30 P.M. November 14, 1938. Communication next read from Mrs. Victor Check requesting that the taxes remain- ing unpaid ( 1930,1931 and 1932) against the E. 112 of Lot 2 Block 1 Rosalind Heights , be canceled due to being uncollectible on account of the City failing to supply sewerage and gas for this property. Request refused. ball Further consideration next given to the proposed diamond /field to be located on City property in Lake View Park between Hood Avenue and Palmetto Avenue. Thereupon, upon motion duly adopted, the City agreed to underwrite the cost of the installation, such cost to be repaid from the net receipts from games. The Clerk then presented prices received for materials for the fence to inclose the field, and the flood lighting equipment, as follows: For the Fence: Chase & Company 289.05 Hill Hardware Co. 4 75.00 For the Lighting Equip- ment Randall Electric Co. 420.36 Sanford Electric. Co. 450.00 Thereupon, on motion duly adopted, the bid of Chase & Company for the the fence, and that of Randall Electric Co. for the lighting equipment, were ordered accepted. The Clerk next reported that the National Youth Administration, a Federal Agency, had agreed to furnish the labor to build the field, provided materials and equipment are supplied. The Mayor next reported on the result of conferring with the Public forks Administration officials in Washington in connection with the application for loan and grant to finance the construction of a new pipe line from the wells to the Municipal Water Pumping Station, and power line to and lighting equipment in Fort Mellon Park, advising the Board that as a result of such conference, the application had been revived and approved, eliminating the power line and electric lighting equipment in the park, however, and that all that remained was for an allotment of funds. Thereupon, on motion duly adopted, $100 .00 was approved to apply on the expenses of such trip to Washington. On motion duly adopted, the Clerk was next instructed to obtain bids for furnishing uniforms for the Police and Fire Departments, and also for subscriptions for magazines and periodicals for the Municipal Library. Communication next read from Florida League of Municipalities, inclosing bill for $70.00, representing dues for the year ending June 30, 1939, and on motion of Commissioner Lodge, seconded by Commissioner Coleman and carried same was approved and payment ordered. The Clerk next reported that Capt. Rose desired the payment of the $400.00 appropriated for meals and beds for indigent transients through the Salvation Army, at the rate of $40.00 per month for the first six months, $35.00 for the next month and x$25.00 per month for the remaining five months of the year, and same was approved. On motion duly adopted, a further extension was allowed Mr. Hal !'Right for completion of the payment of the taxes as outlined in his proposal accepted by the City Commission at the meeting of August 16th. , 1938, representations having been presented showing that funds are being acquired for this purpose. Consideration next given to the proportion of the liens for paving on West First St. and Poplar Avenue, assessed against Lot 1 Block Z, St. Gertrude'S Addition, applicable to the W. 50.44 ft. of the S. 134.7 ft of said lot, less the S. 17.7 Ft. %I 2 I CITY COMMISSION , for Second Street. M I N U T E S SANF ORD FLORIDA at 7:30 O'Clock P M November 14, 1935. Thereupon, on motion duly adopted, the proportion of the total assessment against Lot 1, to be assessed against the ". 50.44 ft. of the S. 134.7 ft ( Less the S. 17.7 Ft.) was ordered based on one —half of the proportion of the area of this description to the area of the entire lot. There being no further business, the meeting then adjourned, after which the Board immediately re— convened as a Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board. Consideration then given to that part of the plan of adjustment of taxes for the years 1933 and prior, as approved at the meeting of the City Commission held February 7, 1935, wherein it required that in order to obtain such adjustments of taxes for the year 1933 and prior, all subsequent taxes and penalties must be paid in full. Thereupon , on motion duly a.d3pted, the requirement included in Items 1 and 2 of the aforesaid plan of adjustment that all subsequent taxes and penalties be paid in full, was amended so as to read as follows: " All subsequent taxes and penalties through the year 1937 to be paid in full." The following adjustments of taxes for the year 1933 and prior, and special assessments, were then authorized and approved: Lot 19 Fort Mellon 2nd Section: Lot 15 Fort Mellon 2nd Section Lot 17 Fort Mellon 2nd Section. Lot 16 Fort Mellon 2nd Section Lot 15 Fort Mellon 2nd Section. Lot 14 Fort Mellon 2nd Section Taxes & Penalties 1926 & 1927/32 117.49 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to $12.73 Special Assessment & Interest. 479.25 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 27.57 Taxes & Penalties 1926 & 1927/32 117.49 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 12.73 Special Assessment & Int. 479.2$ ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 27.57 Taxes & Penalties 1926 & 1927/32 117.49 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 12.73 Special Assessment & Int. 479.25 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 27.57 Taxes & Penalties 1926 & 1927/32 117.49 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 12.73 Special Assessment & Interest 479.25 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 27.57 Taxes & renalties 1926 & 1927/32 117.49 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 12.73 Special Assessment & Interest 479.25 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 27.57 Taxes & Penalties 1926 & 1927/32 117.49 f ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 12.73 1 1 1 1 C M I N U T E S CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD , FLORIDA. Lot 14 Fort Mellon 2nd Sec. ( contd.) Lot 3 Fort Mellon 2nd Section Lot 203 Woodruff Subdiv. Lot 204 Woodruff Subdiv. Lot 5 Renaud Park Lot 5 Renaud Park Lot 4 Renaud Park Lot 85 Fort Mellon Lot 53 Fort Mellon Lot 57 Fort Mellon 7:30 P M November 14, 1938. Special Assessment & Interest. ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 27.87 Taxes & Penalties 1926 & 1927/32 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 12.73 Special Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 27.57 Taxes & penalties 1931,1932 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 1.20 Taxes & Penalties 1931/1932 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 1.60 Taxes & Penalties 1929133 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes I & 'Penalties for '1933 and prior canceled provided all subsequent taxes paid in full. Special Assessment " &7148rest. ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 36.80 Taxes & Interest 1929/33 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes & interest for 1933 and prior cancled provided subsequent taxes and interest paid in full. Special Assessment & Interest. ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 36.50 Taxes & Interest 1925/33 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes & Interest for 1933 and prior canceled provided subsequent taxes & interest paid in full. Special Assessment & Interest. ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 27.32 Taxes & Penalties 1925133 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes & Interest for 1933 and prior canceled provided all subsequent taxes and interest paid in full. Special Assessment & Interest. ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 27.32 Taxes & Penalties 1927/33 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes and interest for 1933 and prior canceled provided subsequent taxes and interest paid in full. Special Assessment & Interest. ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 27.32 479.28 117.49 479.28 1.94 2.76 102. 30 66?.40 73.40 662 40 79.16 513.65 79.16 513.65 114.46 513.65 5 i 6 M I N U T E S CITY C&,,:MISSION , SANFORD FLORIDA November 14 at 7:30 P M. N E 1/4 of Block 11 lier 13 The meeting then adjourned. Attest: City Clerk. Taxes & Penalties 1930/33 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 23.64 Mayor. 1938. 343.40