HomeMy WebLinkAbout020239ao MINUTES February 2 at 11 A.M. 9_39 CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,-, The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in special called session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 11 o'clock A.M.February 2, 1939. Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins,Mayor. W Walter S. Coleman of H. James Gut. " M.J.Lodge " G.E.Rollins City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Clerk F. S Lamson_ Meeting called to order by the Chairman who announced that the meeting had been called to discuss with E. P Owens, Secretary, and W. M. Madison, Counsel, of the Florida League of Municipalities , the League's program for the assistance of Municipalities at the 1939 session of the Legislature, and to transact any other business that may come before the Board. Thereupon Messrs Owens and Madison presented and explained the following program that had been adopted by the League : RESUME OF LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM OF FLORIDA LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES FOR the assistance of cities and villages of the Stb *e. 1. An Act to appropriate one half of Inheritance Tax Moneys to municipalities as an indemnity for revenue losses suffered therein by reason of the Constitutional Amendment exempting homes from ad valorem taxation for operating costs of government. 2. An Act to apportion one half of Intangible Personal Property Tax Moneys to mu #icipalities as an indemnity for revenue losses suffered therein by reason of the Constitutional Amendment exempting homes from ad valorem taxation for operating costs of government. 3. An Act authorizing a two cent municipal gas tax, the payer thereof to receive credit therefor on his State Gas Tax, and the proceeds thereof to be used exclusively for maintenance, repair and construction of city and village streets, roads, viaducts and bridges. 4. An Act authorizing and requiring the 6tate Road Department to take over the repair maintenance and construction of city and village streets and roads that serve as connecting links between roads in the State Highway System. ` 5. An Act permitting municipalities to collect reasonable service charges from the users of certain municipal services or facilities. 6. An Act supplementing the authority of municipalities to impose license and excise taxes. 7. An Act repealing the provisions contained in the 1937 General License Law prohibiting a municipality from licensing out of town wholesalers' vehicles selling merchan- dise therein. �. An Act relieving municipalities from payment of the State G s Tax on gasoline used in municipal motor vehicles performing certain municipalglovernmental servLoB,a. 9. An Act exempting municipally owned utilities from payment of the State excise tax on the gross receipts of such utilities. 1O.An Act establishing that municipalities are not divested of their properties , tax liens and special assessments by operation of the Murphy Act. MATTERS OF POLICY a. Strongly opposed to any measure designed to make the Murphy Act, or provisions similar thereto, applicable to municipal tax liens or special assessments. b. Further study of proposals to revise or change the ad valorem tax system left in the hands of the following committee: R.E.L. Chancey, Mayor of Tampa; Ernest E. Mason, City Attorney of Pensacola; Austin Miller, City Attorney_ of Jacksonville; John W. Needham, City Commissioner of Fort Lauderdale; S.Y.Way Mayor of Orlando. C/ Vigorously opposed to any measure having the effect of curtailing or destroying local self government. 1 1 I I 1 J 1 1 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, February 2, at 11 A M19_ 35 Mr. Ownes next outlined the expen$es incurred in connection with carrying out this program and requested financial assistance from the City as had been done in previous years. Thereupon, on motion duly adopted, the Mayor was authorized to execute contract with the Florida League of Municipalities for Legislative Services, at cost of $250.00 payment therefor to be made at once. Consideration next given to the condition of the Municipal Athletic Field, it being brought to the attention of the Commission that the bleachers needed replacing, the temporary bleachers heretofore used having collapsed; and that the wire in front of both the grand -stand and colored section needed replacing. 61'. Thereupon Supt. Moughton was authorized to replace the wiring in front of the grandstand and the colored section, and to erect permanent bleachers in the section heretofore used for that purpose, the Clerk being authorized to award the contract for materials to the lowest bidder. In connection with lighting the diamond ball park, instructions were next issued that bills for electric current used for this purpose should be paid by the City from the gate receipts of the games played. Resignation of F.S. Lamson as City Clerk and Assessor, to be effective as of February 16, 1939, or at ouch time thereafter as the Commission might consider best in order to insure no disruption in carrying on the work of his office, next presented. In doing so, Mr. Lamson expressed his appreciation for the splendid cooperation accorded him by the members of the City Commission, both present and past, and assured the Commission of his continued interest in the affairs of the City and his willingness to assist in any way possible at any time that such assistance may be either needed or desired. Thereupon, on motion duly adopted, Mr. Lamson's resignation was accepted, effective as of February 16, 1939, his salary, however, to continue through the month of February, 1939, in lieu of vacation. Consideration next given to the appointment of a successor to Mr Lamson as City Clerk and Assessor. Thereupon, on motion duly adopted, Mr. H N Sayer, Accountant in the office of the City Clerk since February 1, 1928, was appointed as City Clerk and Assessor of the City of Sanford, Florida, effective February 16, 1939, the matter of compensation being deferred until the next meeting. The Clerk next reported that in accordance with instruction of the City Commission., December 31, 1938, Refunding Bonds Series A, Numbers 4944/5173., inclusive, and Refunding Bonds Series B, Numbers $12/626, inclusive, had been executed by the Mayor, City Clerk and the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Thereupon said bonds were ordered placed in a safety deposit box in the Sanford Atlantic Na.tional Bank in accordance with the instructions of the City Commission of December 31, 193$. The Clerk-then presented the balance of the Refunding Bonds Series A originally printed but no longer needed, numbers 5174/5274, inclusive, with all coupons attached, and same were destroyed by bucking in the presence of the Commission. There being no further business, the meeting then adjourned. Attest: City Clerk.. Mayor.