HomeMy WebLinkAbout012339MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, January 23 at 7:30 P M-19--39 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7 :30 o'clock P.M. January 23, 1939• Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins, Mayor. " Walter S. Coleman " H. James Gut " M.J.Lodge " G E Rollins City Attorney Fred R. Wilson. City Clerk F.S. Lamson Chief of Police R. G. Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of regular meeting of January 9th and special called meeting of January 12th. 1939, read and approved. A delegation of golf players, headed by Otto Caldwell, president of the Sanford Country Club, next appeared with reference to the maintenance of the Municipal Golf Course, particularly the additional nine holes now being prepared as a WPA project. Thereupon , after considerable discussion, the Chairman appointed a Committee of three, composed of Commissioners Gut, Rollins and Higgins, to confer with the officers of the Sanford Country Club with a view to working out some plan for presentation, tO the Commission, the Clerk in the meantime being instructed by the Board to continue the payment of $20.00 per week to be used for additional labor in preparing the greens in the new portion of the course. Mr. Andrew Carraway, Exalted Ruler of the Elks Lodge, next requested permission to hold their regular annual Seminole County Fair on that part of Fort Mellon Park lying between the East half now in process of development, and the Mayfair Hotel, on February 13th. thru 18th. 1939• Communication then read from T.R.Archibald, Manager of the Mayfair Hotel, o0jecting to holding the Fair so close to the Hotel, but on- assurance of Mr. Ca.rraway that order would be kept at all times, and in view of the fact that no other suitable location could be obtained, permission granted. Mr. G.W.Spencer next appeared in behalf of Mr. John Musson, advising the Commission that Mr. Musson is the owner of Bond No. 131, Series 00, with all unpaid coupons attached and requested to be allowed to use this bond in part payment of taxes, as adjusted, on certain properties owned by Mr. Musson. Thereupon, on motion duly adopted, the Clerk was authorized to accept this bond for a. tax credit of $420.00 (flat) and to apply this credit against such taxes as Mr: Musson may designate. Request next received from Mrs. Fred Hogan, wife of a former policeman for assistance in obtaining a new brace for Mr. Hogan's leg, broken in a motorcycle accident while in the employ of the City. Thereupon, the Clerk was instructed to obtain prices on such a brace, it being felt that although no responsibility rests upon the City, there may be a. certain moral obligation. 1 1 II i 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, January 23 at 7:30 P M.1 9-59 Request next received from Mr. Forrest Gatchell for the installation of an overhead street light in the alley running north and south between Fourth and Fifth Streets, between Sanford Avenue and Palmetto Avenue, and same was taken under consideration. Request next received from Mr. Morris Moses for a refund of a part of the bond of $50.00 estreated in the Municipal Court December 27, 1935 in the case of William O'Connor, arrested under date of December 19, 1935, for drunkenness. Request refused on advice ftom Chief of Police Williams that Mr O'Connor had been arrested before on the same charge and had put up this bond with intention to estreat it rather than serve a straight sentence in jail. Commissioner Rollins next moved that the $100.00 promised Florida National Exhibits to be used to assist in the expenses of Florida Inc, under date of January 24, 1935, exhibits throughout"Ithe North, be paid at this time, and that an additional $100.00 be paid to assist in the expenses of the Florida exhibit in the World's Fair to be held in New York City during the coming year. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. Two communications next read from the Florida. League of Municipalities, calling attention.to two bills to be introduced in Congress, one placing a tax on State, making State,County and Municipal salaries subject to income tax; the other County and Municipal Securities and also placing a Federal Tax on fuel oil. Thereupon, on motion duly adopted, the Commission went on record as opposed to the passage of these measures and authorized the Mayor to a-,--,dress communications to the Florida senators and representatives in Congress urging that these measures be degeated. Communication next read from Ralph Bagwell, Secretary of the Seminole County Chamber of Commerce, outlining plan presented by A.C.Slaughter, Secretary of the Greater Orlando Chamber of Commerce, under which Orlando, Sanford, DeLand, Creseent City, Palatka and Jacksonville are to form an association to especially advertise State Road No. 3 similar to the fashion that the Orange Blossom Trail has been promoted, Mr. Bagwell requesting the Commission's reaction to such a plan and calling attention to the fact that its support would probably call for some financial assistance. Thereupon Commissioner Rollins moved that the Commission endorse the plan and authorize financial assistance, if needed, for the year 1939 to the extent of $50.00, further consideration to be given if and when additional funds may be needed. Seconded oy Commissioner Gut and carried. Communication next read from Alex R. Johnson requesting an appropriation of $25.00 to apply on expenses of an exhibit to)be placed in the Seminole County Fair by the Seminole Chapter, Future Farmers of America. Thereupon, in line with practice heretofore followed, Commissioner Lodge moved that $25.00 be appropriated for this purpose. Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried. Communication next read from J. Sdhirard requesting an adjustment of his water bill for the month of January, amounting to $17.12, the excessive size of the bill being due to a burst pipe under the house, but due to the long established policy followed by the City that the responsibility after the water passes the meter rests upon the consumer, request could not be granted. .ri 7 58 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, January 23 at 7: 30 P M 19 39 In accordance with request of D.S.Stafford and on motion duly adopted, the Commission next authorized the Tax Collector to accept $25.00, if paid on or before January 31st, as initial payment on the taxes for the years 1929 through 1937, as adjusted in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 548 against the N. 38 ft of Lot 12 Block 5 Tier 3 end allow Mr. Stafford an extension of 60 days in which to pay the balance of such taxes. On motion duly adopted, the Commission next approved the request of Mr.. R.Z. Johnson to be allowed to pay the taxes for the years 1927 thru 1937 and special assessment as adjusted in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 548, against the W. 67 ft of the E. 167 .44 ft of Lot 2 Block Z St. Gertrude Addition, amounting to $237.30 in the following manner: $37.30 to be paid by January 318t. 1939 and the balance-in instal4ients of $20.00 per month with the proviso that the entire balance be paid by December 31, 1939; the 1938 taxes to be paid by March 15th; the unpaid balance of the taxes thru 1937 remaining from time to time to draw interest at the rate of 8 percent per annum. Communication next read from E.C.Woodcock applying for the position of Inspector for building, light wiring, plumbing and sanitation, and same was ordered filed. Consideration next given to the advisability of allowing the fire fighting equip- ment to be taken to fight fires outside the City limits. Thereupon the Chief of the Fire Department was authorized to use his own judgment in such cases. Fire Chief Cleveland next requested authority to employ one additional fireman from February 1st, at $65.00 per month, using for this purpose the balance remaining unexpended in the appropriation for extra firemen. Request approved. Consideration next given to the question of fire and theft insurance on the two police autoimobiles, the total cost f dr such insuuance being $17.40 per year. Thereupon Commissioner Lodge moved that fire and theft insurance be placed on the two police automobiles, but same died for want of a second. Further consideration next given to the need for toilet facilities adjacent to the shuffleboard courts at Seoond St. and palmetto Ave. , Supt. Moughton submitting two estimates, one for $450.00, with lavatories and the other for $350.00 without lavatories, these estimates being based upon using paving brick now owned by the City for the building and obtaining bids for the plumbing work. Thereupon, Commissioner Lodge moved that Mr. Moughton proceed to install the toilet facilities, with lavatories, and that the Clerk be authorized to award the contract for the plumbing to the lowest bidder. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. On motion duly adopted, the Commission next authorized the Sanford Kiwanis Club to wreck and removed an old dilapidated building located on Block 14 Chapman & Tucker's Addition south of First Street, now owned by the City, the salvaged material to be used in the construction of a Boy Scout Camp on Silver Lake. On recommendation of Commissioner Gut, the Commission next approved the tearing down of an old house located on Lot 4 Block 24 Clark's Subdivision, but disapproved the tearing down of the house located on Lot 9 Block 8 Tier E. requests to tear down 1 1 G 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, January 23 at 7: 30, P M19--39 these houses having been presented to the Commission at tae meeting of January 9th. and referred to Commissioner Gut for investigation. Police Chief Williams next reported the advancement of Patrolman J.A.Howard to the position of Sergeant, with salary of $1560.00 per annum, and on motion duly adopted, same was approved. Bill of Maguire & Voorhis for $51.55 , for services in connection with examining title to lots to be exchanged with Daniel F. Joy for certain lots now in Fort Mellon Park, next presented and ordered paid. There biting no further business, the meeting then adjourned. Attest: City Clerk. Mayor. 59