HomeMy WebLinkAbout031339J 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, March 13 at 7:30 P M 199 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in Regular Session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida at 7:30 o'clock P.M. March 13, 1939 Present: Commissioner Edward Hikk bins, iylayor Walter S Coleman " H. James Gut If M.J.Lodge If G E Rollins City Attorney Fred R Wilson City Clerk H N Sayer Chief of Police R G Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of regular meeting of February 13th. adjourned meeting of February 21st. 8-0113 and regular meeting of February 27th. 1939 read and approved. Current invoices and payrolls for the month of February 1939 properly aduited and vouche as evidenced by vouchers nos 746 thru 848 submitted, exaained, approved and payment authorized. Monthly reports of the Streets, Sanitation, Health, Water, Police, Fire and Library Departments for the month of February 1939 submitted and examined. Financial statement and statement of revenues and expenditures during the month of February 1939 submitted and examined. Bank statements in ail accounts for the month of February 1939 properly reconciled,submitt and examined. Mr J H Hintermister next appeared with reference to the insanitary condition of sewer emptying into lake Monroe near his residence at French Ave. and Seminole Blvd. Matter referred to Supt. Moughton for attention. Mr. D L Thrasher, agent for Prudential Insurance Company next appeared and outlined a proposal for increasing the Group Life Insurance on City employees from $500.00 to $1000.00 each. Matter taken under consideration . Mrs B A Crosby next appeared and requested the parole of her husbcnd covicted in ,the Municipal Court under date of March 3rd. 1939, for operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor, and now serving a 60 day sentence. Matter referred to Chief Williams and Municipal Judge Miller. Mr Ed Biggers next made application for employment in thePolice Department, and same was ordered filed. Bids next received to furnish fuel distillate for the diesel engines at the Municipal 'Plater Plant during the ensuing year as follows: Stbndard Oil Company The Texas Company H.B.Pope Company Inc. Gulf Oil Corporation Sincliir Refining Company Current Price Per Gal. F. 0. B. Sanfo rd. .05260 .0526 .0526 .0525 -0526 Maximum Price Per Gal. F. 0. B. Sanford. Thereupon Commissioner Lodge moved that the low bid be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried. .0576 .0651 .0576 ©575 .0576 o-VA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, March 13 at 7 :30 P M_1 9 39 Mr. E W Copeland next appeared and registered a complaint to fence being erected on the northeast corner of Sanford Ave and Geneva Ave. across the street from his home. I: Matter referred to Chief Williams for investigation. Application next received from Fred Sims for permit to sell beer and wines at 207 West First Street, and same waa referred to Chief of Police Williams to investigate and report at next meeting. Commissioner Rollins next moved that the Standard Accident Insurance Company be relieved from any further liability under the bond 43070 of F.S. Lamson, as City Clerk, and Bond #SAr- 272622 of H.N.Sayer, as Accountant, effective as of February 16,1939, and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute release on behalf of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Application next received from the Seminole High School P.T.A. for permit to hold rummage sale on Sanford Ave., Saturday March 18th, for benefit of under - privileged children. Request approved. On motion duly adopted, the Commission next authorized the cancellation of 1918 tax certificate No.9 against the W. 1/2 of Block 4 Tier 18, this property having- been foreclosed on by the City for subsequent taxes. City Attorney Wilson next advised the Commission that Section 897 of the Compiled General Laws of Florida provides that: Any Ex- service man, a bona fide resident of ,a the State of Florida, who has been disabled in war, or by misfortune shall be entitled to an exemption up to $500.00 in value of taxable property as provided for in Article IX Section 9, of the Constitution of Florida, and that in his opinion this applied to to Municipalities. Thereupon, on motion duly adopted, the Tax Assessor was authorized to allow the aforesaid exemption, upon the applicant producing prima facie evidence that he is entitled to such ,exemption, as required by said Laws of Florida. The Clerk next advised that the initial 1/7 paid on delinquent taxes and special assessments under the provisions of Ordinances Nos 269 and 275 and credited to account of the property owner was not a sufficient amount to pay any one year's tax in full in most cases, and requested authority to apply same against the interest thereon. Thereupon, after careful consideration and on motion-duly adopted, same was author- ized. On motion duly adopted, the Commission next authorized the employment of Mr. IfJ. E. Watson to assist in making the 1939 personal tax assessment , Deputy Assessor Ernest Krupp being ill and unable to do this work. Fire Chief Cleveland next reported that the Fire Station building is badly in need of painting, and Supt. Moughton was instructed to obtain cost on same. Consideration next givon to the need for further WPA projects after those now in progress have been completed. Thereupon, after considerable discussion Engineer Fred T. Williams was instructed to prepare project for paving of Fifth Street from Myrtle Ave to Elm Ave.; widening and repaving of Union Ave from Sanford Ave. east 955 ft.; Palmetto Ave. from First St. to Commercial St.; Commercial St. from Park Ave. west to Railroad; Railroad Ave. from Commercial St. to First St; Magnolia Ave. from Fifth St. to Tenth St.; Sixth St from Oak Ave. west 131 ft. ; Ninth St. from Park Ave. west to Railroad; Tenth St. from - Park Ave. east to Sanford Ave. and Celery Ave. from Locust Ave. east to Mellonville Ave. 1 ill 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, March 13, 7:30 P M 19 39 R.ri and a fire hazard, and recommended that same be condemned. Thereupon the City Attorney was instructed to prepare a resolution condemning this building , for passage at next meeting. V Request next received from H.J.Powers to be allowed to pay delinquent taxes for the years 1930 thru 1938 under the adjusted basis against the West 112 of Lot 5 Block 6 Tier 6, amounting to $302.27, having applied for a loan through the Federal Housing Administration prior to Jan 31. 1939, to pay these taxes but unable to secure same until this time. Request approved. Request next received from Lola Nettles to be allowed to pay delinquent taxes for the years 1931 thru 1938 and special assessments under the adjusted basis against Lots 619 Block 11 Tier E, amounting to $192.00, this property having belonged to her mother who died recently leaving sufficient insurance to pay these tuxes but unable to collect on same until after January 31, 1939- Request approved. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned to meet again at 7:30 o'clock P.M. March 23, 1939- %`z%GCe Attest: Mayor. `+ City+ erk. Also an estimate of cost of replacing sewer between Sanford Ave. and Cypress Ave from railroad north to Lake and between Elm Ave. and Laurel Ave from Eckerson Canning Plant north to Lake Monroe. Supt. Moughton next reported that the $150.00 authorized for repairs to grandstands at the Municipal Athletic Field was not sufficient to make the needed repairs, also advised the need of guy wires and an oil switch for the lighting equipment. Thereupon, on motion duly adopted, the Commission authorized the expenditure of an additional $250.00 for this purpose. On motion duly adopted the Commission next authorized the purchase of 110 gallons of "Celcurel' at a price of $10+.50 for paintiq bleachers at the Diamond Ball Field and at the Municipal Athletic Field also buildings and back stops in Fort Mellon Park. Invoice from Bond Buyer, New York City, covering four insertions of publication of 11 Notice of Hearing on Petition in Bankruptcy to the Creditors of the City of Sanford, Florida.,," amounting to $100.00 next presented, and on motion duly carried, approved and payment ordered. -Fire Chief Cleveland next reported that the building located on east side of Oak Avenue between Twenty -First and Twenty - Second Streets was in a dilapidated condition and a fire hazard, and recommended that same be condemned. Thereupon the City Attorney was instructed to prepare a resolution condemning this building , for passage at next meeting. V Request next received from H.J.Powers to be allowed to pay delinquent taxes for the years 1930 thru 1938 under the adjusted basis against the West 112 of Lot 5 Block 6 Tier 6, amounting to $302.27, having applied for a loan through the Federal Housing Administration prior to Jan 31. 1939, to pay these taxes but unable to secure same until this time. Request approved. Request next received from Lola Nettles to be allowed to pay delinquent taxes for the years 1931 thru 1938 and special assessments under the adjusted basis against Lots 619 Block 11 Tier E, amounting to $192.00, this property having belonged to her mother who died recently leaving sufficient insurance to pay these tuxes but unable to collect on same until after January 31, 1939- Request approved. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned to meet again at 7:30 o'clock P.M. March 23, 1939- %`z%GCe Attest: Mayor. `+ City+ erk.