HomeMy WebLinkAbout0426391 1 0 1 Fj MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, April. 26, 7:30. P M 1 9--39 Request next received from Mrs. Elsie Menendez that an overhead street light 9q be installed at the intersection of Orange Ave. and Eleventh St., and from Frank J. Shames that the overhead street light be turned on at the intersection of Fourth Street and Mellonville Ave. Matter taken under oonsideration.6 Request next received from Rev. Virdell Stafford, pastor of the Church of God for permit to conduct a tent meeting on the northwest corner of First Street and Elm Ave., but due to this location being in the fire zone, request refused. Chief of Police Williams next reported that Mary Walker had been convicted in the Municipal Court for operating a disorderly place at 1102 W. 13th. St. and requested the revocation of her City license to sell beer and wines at this location. Attorney S.J. Nix then appeared in behalf of Mary Walker and requested that her license not be revoked, stating that she would conduct this business in an orderly manner in the future. Thereupon, after careful consideration, and in view of the fact that this location is near a church and of the complaints registered, Commissioner Rollins moved that the City license issued to Mary Walker to sell beer and wines at 1102W. 13th. Street be revocked. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. Chief of Police Williams next reported that Fred Sims had been convicted in the Municipal Court for being drunk and disorderly, and operating a disorderly place of business at 207 W. First Street and requested that his City license to sell beer and wines be revoked. Thereupon the Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Sims that his City license to sell beer and wines was being revoked and that he would be given an opportunity to appear before the Commission at the next regular meeting for a hearing on this matter. Communication next read from the Seminole-County Bar Association advising the City Commission that they are sponsoring a Bill to amend Section 26 of the Charter of the City of Sanford, Florida, relating to the Municipal Court and providing for the qualifications, appointmea$, removal and compensation of the Municipal Judge and request — the approval of this Bill by the City Commission for passage by the 1939 Session of the Legislature. Thereupon, the Commission went on record as opposing this Bill and authorized the City Attorney to address communications to the Representatives from Seminole County urging that it be defeated, and instructed that the Seminole County Bar Association be notified of this action. On motion duly adopted, the Commission next instructed that the proposed Bill to be presented for passage by the 1939 Legislature to amend Section 7 of the Charter of the City, relating to providing a maximum fine of $500.00 and a maximum sentence of imprisonment of six months be withdrawn.. Further consideration next given to the request for payment from Hill Lumber & Supply Yard Inc. for a bill in the amount of $132.94, and from W.J.King for a bill in the amount of $20.00 for labor and materials furnished for repairs at the Municipal Athletic Field while leased and operated by H.M.Watson. Thereupon, after careful consideration, the Commission authorized the payment of the bill of W.J.King in the amount of $20.00 , and for the labor and materials 1-100 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, April 26 at 7:30 P M 19----39 for repairs to seats and grandstands of the bill of Hill Lumber &.Supply Yard Inc. in the amount of $89.94, but went on record as refusing to pay the balance of $43.00, representing the painting of signs and material for white - washing the fence, this being no obligation of the City and no benefits derived from this work. Application next received from Joe Moss for permit to operate dance hall in Fred Alexander's place of business on W. 13th St. Thereupon on recommendation of the Chief of Police, the Commission approved this permit, provided the license be issued in Fred Alexander's name, and the dance hall be closed on Sundays. Application next received from Joe Moss for permit to operate a dance hall in Jerry's Arcade building on Sanford Avenue, and on recommendation of the Chief of Police, same was approved provided the license be issued to Z.J.Jerry. Application next received from Joe Moss for permit to operate a dance hall in Angel's Place on corner of Seminole Boulevard and French Ave., and on reoommendation-. of Chief of Police, same was approved provided the license be issued in Mr.--.,Angel's name. Communication next read from the Crown Paper Company advising of the deplorable condition of North Elm Ave. and requesting that some consideration be given to the paving of this street. Thereupon.Engineer Fred T..Williams was instructed to prepare an estimate of the cost of paving Elm Avenue 24 feet in width with a rock base surface treated material and submit for consideration. City Attorney Nilson was next instructed to prepare an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 51 regulating the construction of driveways. On motion of Commissioner Coleman, seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried the Commission next approved the purchase from Cohu Bros. & Georgeson.,.New York City, of Refunding Bonds Series "A ", Numbers 145,146,147,632,633,2302, 2807,3068,3994,4113, 4114,4115 and 4117 with coupons due Spet 1, 1939, and subsequent attached, at a price of $268.75 per bond and accrued interest. On motion duly carried, the Commission next approved the endorsement to the Fire & Theft and Comprehensive Fleet Policy increasing the insurance on the police cars so as to include the radio equipment therein, and authorized the payment of $12.38 to A.P.Connelly & Son for the additional premium. Bids next submitted for furnishing labor to paint the fire station building as per specifications, as follows: William Musgrave $185.00 F.W.Temperton 245 00 William Eckhart 175.00 T.S.Crawley 195.00 Thereupon , on motion duly carried the Commission authorized that the low bid of William Eckhart in the amount of $175.00 be accepted. On motion duly adopted, instructions were next issued to advertise notice of tattention to present a Bill for passage by the 1939 Session of Legislature to cancel all taxes assessed upon the 1938 assessment roll of Seminole County, except taxes for State purposes, against the following property to -wit: Blocks 2, 4, 5, 10,_ 11, 16 and 17 and Beg. at the Northeast corner of Lot 6 of Block 4 Run N.E. on W. line of Block 2 to Lake Monroe; Wly along lake to the Extn N. of E. line of Block B, S.W. on N.W. Cor of Block 5 S.E. to Beg., all in Mellonville, as recorded in Plat book 1, Page 120 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. Said property being now 1 1 �J a MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Apr 26 at 7 : 130 P M 19 -39 owned by the City of Sanford. The Clerk neat reported that the following persons had been assessed for 1938 personal taxes in error: Mrs 0 C Gibbs assessed for personal property at 200 Laurel A venue, owned and assessed to Miss Street Roberts, and W.H.Arnold assessed for personal property at 1803 Sanford Ave., owned and assessed to Dr. S. Puleston. Thereupon in view of the fact that this was an error in making a double assessment, as the owners were assessed for this personal property, Commissioner Coleman moved that 1935 Personal Tax assessed against Mrs. 0 C Gibbs in the amount of $3.00 and the 1935 personal tax assessed against W.H.Arnold in the amount of $6.00 be canceled. Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried. - Application next received from I.T.Stringer for employment as a police officer, and same was referred to Chief of Police Williams. Consideration next given to the need of guy wires for the light poles 1(11' at the Municipal Athletic Field, also a new press boa, it appearing that the location, of the present one is very unsatisfactory. Thereupon, after.considerable discussion, and on motion duly carried, the Commission authorized Ah expenditure of $150.00 for material for guying the light poles, and an expenditure not to exceed $75.00 for materials and supplies for the press boa, the Seminole County Base Ball Association to furnish all labor. On motion duly carried, the Commission neat instructed that the bill to be presented for passage by the 1939 Session of Legislature to enlarge, re- define and declare the corporate boundaries of the City, be amended to have the east line of Virginia Avenue as the east boundary line of the City. On motion duly adopted the Commission next authorized the payment of $20.00 to Attorney Robert J. Pleus;, Orlando, for consultation with City Attorney Wilson in connection with the petition in Bankruptcy filed by the City to complete the refunding of its bonded indebtedness. Engineer Fred T. Williams next presented a sketch outlining the proposed WPA sewer project. Request next received from John Williams to be allowed to pay delinquent taxes for the years 1930 thru 1935 amounting to #358. 82, under the adjusted basis amounting to $202.61, against the following property: Beg. at the N.W. corner of W 1/2 of N W 1/4 of S W 1/4 of Sec. 36 Tp. 19 S.R. 30 E. run E. 82J ft. S. 264 ft W. 82J ft N. to Beg. Request approved. `v Request neat received from Dr. C M Mitchell to be allowed to pay delin- quent taxes for the years 1932 thru 1938 amounting to $2,594.25, under the adjusted basis amounting to $1,665.25 against the following property: Beg. 50 ft. E. of Int. of the E. line of Rand Ave. and N. line of First St., run E. 23.85 ft. N. 104.2 ft. W. 23.55 ft S. 104.2 ft to Beg. Request approved. There being no further business the meeting then adjogrned. Attest: 0.1 erk _ Mayor.