HomeMy WebLinkAbout052239MINUTES 107 CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, May 22 at 7;30 PM 1939 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. May 22, 1939. Present: Commissioner Walter S. Coleman, Acting Mayor. of H. James Gut M.J. Lodge " G.E. Rollins City Attorney Fred R. Wilson, . City Clerk H. N. Sayer Chief of Police R. G. Williams Absent: Commissioner Edward Higgins , Mayor. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Mr Howard Faville next appeared with reference to electricians wiring houses for tenants, stating that in installing 220 volt three -wire services for the tenants the property owners' wires were being removed and discarded., and in vacating the houses the tenants moved their wires, leaving the houses without any wiring and causing considerable expense to the property ownrs to replace. He requested that the City provide some protection to the property owners by requiring electricians to replace their services when the tenants' wires are removed. Thereupon, after considerable discussion, this matter was referred to Commissioner Gut to confer with the local electricians with referenceto having this requirement embodied in the proposed amended electric ordinance. Mrs Endor Curlett next appeared on behalf of the Sanford Garden Club and outlined the various activities of the civic clubs in beautifying Sanford and trying to make it more attractive for tourists, she also presented two petitions from the Garden Club requesting the Commission to pass an ordinance prohibiting the promiscuous placing of signs along the streets and highways in the City and the removal of such signs that hive 61re6dy been`.paced,.and that`,a.11 rubbish and garbage be placed and collected from alleys instead of the parkways. Thereupon, the Commission expressed their appreciation to Mrs Curlett for the splendid work being done by the Garden Club , and assured her of their cooperation. and support in this clean -up campaign. The Clerk vas then instructed to issued notice that all rubbish and garbage be placed on alleys where accessible thereto, and the matter of regulating the placement of promiscuous signs was referred to City Attorney Wilson. Mr. R.W. Ruprecht next appeared with reference to the property adjacent to the Municipal Athletic Field and described as the S. 628 ft. of Lot 22 and E. 114 ft. of the S. 628 ft of Lot 23 Pace Acres, deeded by the City to Seminole County on July 8, 1935, to be used by the State and Federal Governments for greenhouse and agricultural research purposes with a reverter clause providing the reversion of the title of said property to the City for failure to use said property as therein provided, stating that in order for the State to continue the maintenance of this property as an agricultural experiment statiorr: it will have to be conveyed from Seminole County to the State Board of Education, and that the City will have to release the reversion clause in the deed to the County. Thereupon, in view of the fact that the aforesaid property will continue to be used for greenhouse and research purposes, Commissioner Rollins moved that the reversion Clause in the dCeed of conveyance to Seminole County dated July 8, 1935, be released and extinguished by a quit -claim deed to the State Board of Education of the State of Florida, and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute same on the part of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. Minutes of adjourned meeting of April 26th, and regular meeting of May 8th, next read and Approved. MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, May 22, at 7L:30, P M 19 39 Mr. M R. Strickland, local agent for the Standard Oil Company next submitted a com- parative statement of taxes paid by the seTera.1 oil companies operating in Sanford and requested that the City's gasoline and oil purchased be prorated according to the amo of taxes paid by each company. Matter taken under consideration. On motion duly adopted, the Commission next authorized the payment of $25.00 to the St. Johns River Trail Association for membership dues for the year 1939• Commission Gut next moved that Commissioner Coleman be appointed as the official representative from the City in the St. Johns River Trail Association. Seconded by Commtssioner Lodge and Carried. Petition next presented signed by three owners of property abutting Second Street in the block West of Avacado Avenue requesting that Second Street be paved from Avacado Avenue west one and one —half blocks with some form of hard surface material, also stating the deplorable condition of this street. Thereupon, after considerable discussion the Clerk was instructed to advise them that this petition will be filed for further consideration when preparations are made for sponeoring another WPA paving project. Commissioner Gut next reported that the cost of ring guying the light poles at the Municipal Athletic Field would be $230.00, and moved that $50.00 be authorized in- addition to the $150.00 authorized for this purpose at the meeting of April 26th. in order to complete this work. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Report of second analysis of milk being f urhished by dairies operating in the City of Sanford, as prepared by the X —ray and Clinical Laboratories, next presented, such report showing all such milk within the requirements of Grade "A" milk. The Clerk next reported that a bill was passed by the 1937 Session of Legislature canceling all special assessment liens and taxes through 1937 against certain lots in Lake View Park Subdivision, in consideration of conveyance of certain lots to the City and Seminole County in a trade with Lake Front Improvement Company, but due to this transaction not being completed until April 142 1935, the aforesaid lots conveyed to the County were assessed for 1935 taxes, also, that the County had acquired title to lot 7 of this same subdivision on which there are unpaid city taxes for the years 1930 thru 1935 in the amount of $466.96 and street paving liens and interest in the amount of $650.41 , stating that the County had requested the cancellation of the afore- said liens and to exempt this property from taxation for 1939 and future years. Thereupon, in view of the fact that this property is now owned by the County and used for public purposes, Commissioner Gut moved that the following taxes and street paving liens be canceled: 1935 taxes in the amount of $375.24 against Lots 3,4,6 and 5 thru 19, and taxes for years 1930 thru 1935 in the amount of $466.96 and street paving assessments and interest in the amount of $650.41 against Lot 7 Lake View Park Subdiv. Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried. The Clerk next reported that for the years 1936,1937 and 1935 Lot 2 Block 9 Tier C, had been assessed as improved, whereas the building had been removed and it should have been assessed as unimproved. Thereupon in order to correct this error in assessment, Commissioner Rollins moved that the taxes for 1936 against this lot be adjusted to $5.10, 1937 taxes to $5.10 and 1935 taxes to $4.05, balance to be canceled. Seconded by Commissioner Gut And carried. 1 1 1 i 0 1 1 1 1 1 4 A IF 1 1 a MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, May 22 at 7 :30 P M 19 39 Report next read from Dr. J.:,1 Tola.r, City Physician, as to the condition of policeman R.C.1.7ilcox who is suffering from a stroke of paralysis, stating that he is improving steadily but in his opinion it will be some time before he Will be able for 4W active duty, and same was ordered filed with instructions that another report be made within two weeks. Chief of Police Williams was next instructed to place the motorcycle patrolman on Park Avenue a few hours each day. Bill of W.D.Bradford in the amount of $14.74 for expenses from March 21st. to May 5th. 1939 in connection with securing assents to the completion of the plan of refunding the City's bonds, next presented and on motion duly carried, same was approved and payment ordered. Request next received from Eddie Belcher to be allowed to pay delinquent taxes for the years 1925 thru 1935 amounting to $55.94 under the adjusted basis amounting to $16.73, against the W. 150 ft of Lot 59 Block K, Cha.ppell's Subdivision. Request approved. Request next received from Mrs May E. Dawson to be allowed to pay delinquent taxes for the years 1925 thru 1934 and street paving assessments amounting to $592.76 under the adjusted basis amounting to $296.06 against the W. 43 ft of Lots 1 and 2 Block 5 Tier 2, Sanford. Request approved. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: rk. Mayor. ' w