HomeMy WebLinkAbout0614397.12 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, June 14 at 3,P M 19 39 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 3 :oo P M. June 14, 1939• Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins, Mayor " walter S.Coleman of H. James Gut It M.J.Lodge it G.E.Rollins City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Clerk N.N.Sayer Chief of Police R.G.Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Messrs Henry McLaulin Jr. and G.U.Stuart then appeared in behalf of the Sanford Business Men's Association with reference to peddlers, canvassers and itinerant mer- chants doing business in Sanford, and urged the Commission to pass an ordinance re- quiring any person engaged in selling, peddling, soliciting orders for, or conducting any kind of business, without an established place of business in the City to pay a license tax of $200.00 per year. Thereupon, after considerable discussion, City Attorney 4'dilson was instructed to investigate the license tax imposed by other Florida cities on persons conducting business of this nature. Report of an inspection made by Engineer Abrahams of the elevated water tank and tower at the P,Zunicipal Water Plant next submitted; such report showing the tank in bad condition and recommending the following repairs: Remove all paint and rust from inside of tank by sand blasting; sand blast all rust spots on outside of tank and tower; weld all leaking seams and rivet heads; paint inside and outside of tank and tower. Thereupon, after careful consideration, the Clerk was instructed to obtain bids on sand blasting, welding and painting the aforesaid water tank and tower. Application next received from E.W.Calhoun for permit to place a trailer on a vacant lot between Snow's Barber Shop and the Pr ncess Theater Building to be used as a 'cold drink, p =anuts and sandwich stand, and same was refused due to this location being in the fire zone. Application next received from the Florida State Bank of this City to be designated as a depository of theCity of Sanford funds. Thereupon , Commissioner Gut moved that the Florida State Bank of Sanford be designated as a depository for City of Sanford funds, providing satisfactory security to be approved both as to amount and validity by the City, be deposited with the Federal Reserve Bank to the credit of the City of Sanford to protect said funds. Seconded by Commissioner Coleman and carried. Request next received from J.I.Stevens for homestead exemption on Lots 56 and 57 Pinehurst Addition for the years 1937 and 1938, application for such exemption at the proper time having been neglected through an oversight. Application approved. Consideration next given to leasing the Municipal Athletic Field to the Seminole County Baseball Association for a period of one year from Feb. 1, 1939 as authorized larch 28, 1939, the Seminole Baseball Association having requested that the lease be made subject to renewal for a period of five years at its expiration. Thereupon Commissioner Rollins moved that the lease authorized Larch 28, 1939s 1 L: 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, June 14 at 3 P M 19 39 be canceled and in lieu thereof lease be executed with the Seminole County Baseball The Clerk next reported that tax certificate No 7 issued April 30, 1900 for unpaid taxe of 1899, tax certificate No 5 issued April 30, 1901 for unpaid taxes of 1900, and tax certificate No 10 issued April 30, 1902 for unpaid taxes of 1901 against lot 6 Block 2 Tier 8 appear on the public records of Orange County as unpaid, and the City's records do not show that they were assigned by the City , but said certificates cannot be found and are not carried on the City's records as outstanding. Thereupon Commissioner Rollins introduced Resolution No. 557 entitled: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, cancelling certain tax certificates issued by said City against that certain lot, piece, or parcel of land situated in the City of Sanford, Florida, herein described. and same was read in full by the Clerk. Thereupon Commissioner Rollins moved that said resolution No. 557 be passed and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Coleman and carried by the following vote of the Commission. Co „nmissioner Higgins Aye Coleman Aye ” Gut Aye Lodge Aye " Rollins Aye Said Resolution No. 557 being in words and figures as follows: WHEREAS, under date of April 30, 1900, the City of Sanford, Florida issued Tax Certificate No 7 for unpaid taxes of 1899 and on April 30,1901, said City issued tax certificate No 5 for unpaid taxes of 1900 , and on April 30, 1902, issued tax certificate No 10 for unpaid taxes of 1901, said tax certificates being issued against that certain lot piece or parcel of land situate in the City of Sanford and described as follows, to -wit: Lot 6 of Block 2 of Tier 8 of said City of Sanford according to E.R. Trafford's map thereof, which said tax certificates appear of record in the public records of Orange County, Florida, in Sales Book Miscellaneous No. 14, page 592, Sales Book Miscellaneous No. 15, page 584 and Sales Book Miscellaneous No 16 , page 141 respectively; and litihereas, said tax certificates were issued to said City of Sanford , and the records do not show that they were assigned by said City, but said certificates cannot be found and the City Commission deems it right and proper to cancel said tax certificates and the record thereof: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMIISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. That the above described tax certificate No 7 of June 30, 1900, Tax certificate No. 5 of April 30, 1901, Taax Certificate No 10 of April 30, 1902, against the above described lot, piece or parcel of land, be and the same are hereby canceled and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to enter a cancellation thereof on the record of said certificates in his office. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Association for a period of one year from the lst. day of February 1939, subject to renewal at its expiration, contingent upon the maintenance by the Lessee of a baseball team of the National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues, or its successor, and the use of said Municipal Athletic Field and equipment during said term for the playing of baseball games during the baseball seasons. Seconded by Commissioner Coleman and carried. The Clerk next reported that tax certificate No 7 issued April 30, 1900 for unpaid taxe of 1899, tax certificate No 5 issued April 30, 1901 for unpaid taxes of 1900, and tax certificate No 10 issued April 30, 1902 for unpaid taxes of 1901 against lot 6 Block 2 Tier 8 appear on the public records of Orange County as unpaid, and the City's records do not show that they were assigned by the City , but said certificates cannot be found and are not carried on the City's records as outstanding. Thereupon Commissioner Rollins introduced Resolution No. 557 entitled: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, cancelling certain tax certificates issued by said City against that certain lot, piece, or parcel of land situated in the City of Sanford, Florida, herein described. and same was read in full by the Clerk. Thereupon Commissioner Rollins moved that said resolution No. 557 be passed and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Coleman and carried by the following vote of the Commission. Co „nmissioner Higgins Aye Coleman Aye ” Gut Aye Lodge Aye " Rollins Aye Said Resolution No. 557 being in words and figures as follows: WHEREAS, under date of April 30, 1900, the City of Sanford, Florida issued Tax Certificate No 7 for unpaid taxes of 1899 and on April 30,1901, said City issued tax certificate No 5 for unpaid taxes of 1900 , and on April 30, 1902, issued tax certificate No 10 for unpaid taxes of 1901, said tax certificates being issued against that certain lot piece or parcel of land situate in the City of Sanford and described as follows, to -wit: Lot 6 of Block 2 of Tier 8 of said City of Sanford according to E.R. Trafford's map thereof, which said tax certificates appear of record in the public records of Orange County, Florida, in Sales Book Miscellaneous No. 14, page 592, Sales Book Miscellaneous No. 15, page 584 and Sales Book Miscellaneous No 16 , page 141 respectively; and litihereas, said tax certificates were issued to said City of Sanford , and the records do not show that they were assigned by said City, but said certificates cannot be found and the City Commission deems it right and proper to cancel said tax certificates and the record thereof: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMIISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. That the above described tax certificate No 7 of June 30, 1900, Tax certificate No. 5 of April 30, 1901, Taax Certificate No 10 of April 30, 1902, against the above described lot, piece or parcel of land, be and the same are hereby canceled and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to enter a cancellation thereof on the record of said certificates in his office. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. 14 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, June 14 at 3 P M 19 39 Passed and adopted this 14th day of June 1939• Edward Higgins Mayor. M J Lodge H James Gut G.E.Rollins Attest Walter S. Coleman H N Sayer As the City Commission of the City Clerk. ( Seal) City of Sanford, Florida Application next received from Clarence Henderson for permit to sell beer and wines at northwest corner of Seventh St. and Locust Ave. , and on recommendation of Chief of Police Williams, same was approved. On motion duly adopted Fire Chief! Cleveland was next authorized to attend the Convention of State Firemen's Association to be held at Tampa on June 19, 20 and 21st., the expense incurred to be borne by the City. Mr H H Coleman local manager of the Florida Power and Light Company next submitted a new rate schedule for street lighting. Thereupon, after a lengthy study and comparison of the new proposed rates with the present rates now in effect, Mr Coleman was requested to prepare a new contract under the type "S" rate and submit for further consideration. Consideration next given to the additional seating capacity that will be needed at the Municipal Athletic Field for the Florida State Leacue All -Star game to be played in Sanford on July 14, 1939• Thereupon, after considerable discussion, the Commission instructed that bids be obtain for material and supplies for the construction of additional bleachers with a seating capacity of 350. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Mayor. Attest: 1 1 1 1