HomeMy WebLinkAbout071139MINUTES 12 5�;' CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 11, at' 7:30 P M 19_39 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adj6urned session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 O'Clock P.M. July 11, 1939• Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins, Mayor. It Walter S. Coleman H. James Gut " M.J.Lodge " G.E.Rollins City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Clerk H.N. Sayer. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Bids received at the meeting of July 10th, 1939 for making repairs to the water tank and tower at the Municipal Pumping Station next submitted by the Committee appointed to make the tabulations as follows: ITEMS 1 to 4 INCLUSIVE AS PER SPECIFICATIONS. Transit Mix Concrete, Inc. $1,649.80 H.R.Williams Machine Works 1,940.00 T.E.Welk Construction Company 1,890.00 After comparison of the bids submitted, Commissioner Lodge moved that the low bid of Transit -Mix Concrete, Inc. be accepted at a price of $1,649.80 Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried. Thereupon City Attorney Wilson was instructed to prepare proper contract with the Transit -Mix Concrete , Inc. for sandblast cleaning, welding and painting the water tank and tower, and the Mayor and Clerk authorized to execute same on behalf of the City. Bids received at the meeting of July 10th. 1939, for furnishing the necessary paint for painting the interior and exterior of tank and the tower next submitted as follows: PRICE PER GALLON Thereupon, after comparison of the prices submitted and the paints to be furnished, Commissioner Gut moved that the bid of Glidden Paint Company for f urhjshing Chromate Primer at $2.60 per gallon, Gray Synthetic Gum Vehicle at $3.00 per gallon and Metallite Aluminum at $3.23 per gallon, be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried. City Attorney Wilson next reported on the negotiations with the Sanford Atlantic National Bank with respect to securing a loan with which to finance the purchase and installation of a new pipe line from the wells to the Municipal reservoir and water the bank is requesting an application from the City offering as security pumping station, stating that for the consideration of such a loan- 7Uertificates of Indebtedness payable monthly from the revenues of the Water Department, a hydrant rental Harry P Leu, Item 1. Sarva Acid desisting Water Tank Paint 1.80 Inc. Item 2. Sarva Compound 1.70 Item 3. Gilsonite Asphalt Aluminum 4.60 Chase & Co. Item -1. Insole. Primer 2.30 Item 2. C.M.C.Finish 2.30 Item 3. Nubrite Aluminum 3.00 Glidden Paint Company. Item 1. Chromate Primer 2.60 Item 2. Gray Synthetic Gum Vehicle 3.00 Item 3. Metallite Aluminum 3.23 Hill Hardware Co Item 1. S -W Kromik Metal Primer #74 2,jC1 Item 2. S -W Interior Water Tank Coating 1.40 Item 3 S -W Aluminum Silver Bright #15 2.60 Sanford Paint & Glass Co. Item 1. Ironhide Inhibitive Red Primer 2.85 Item 2 Pittsburgh's Asphaltum 2.00 Item 3. Pittsburgh Outside Aluminum 2.75 Thereupon, after comparison of the prices submitted and the paints to be furnished, Commissioner Gut moved that the bid of Glidden Paint Company for f urhjshing Chromate Primer at $2.60 per gallon, Gray Synthetic Gum Vehicle at $3.00 per gallon and Metallite Aluminum at $3.23 per gallon, be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried. City Attorney Wilson next reported on the negotiations with the Sanford Atlantic National Bank with respect to securing a loan with which to finance the purchase and installation of a new pipe line from the wells to the Municipal reservoir and water the bank is requesting an application from the City offering as security pumping station, stating that for the consideration of such a loan- 7Uertificates of Indebtedness payable monthly from the revenues of the Water Department, a hydrant rental 2� MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 11 at 7:30 P M-19-39 of $10.00 per hydrant per annum which shall be applied to the payment of the aforesaid certificates, to apply one -third of the net revenues of the water department at the end of each fiscal year, and that when the indebtedness of the purchase of diesel engines and generator for the water plant is paid, the monthly payment of $300.00 now being made thereon will be applied to the payment of said certificates of indebtedness, also, certain stipulations as to the operations of the water plant. Thereupon, after considerable discussion, and on motion of Commissioner Rollins, seconded by Commissioner Coleman and carried, the Commission authorized the City Attorney to matt an applientioa to the Sanford Atlantic National Bank and the Florida State Bank of Sanfo for a loan with which to finance the purchase and installation of the aforesaid pipe line, as follows: " The City of Sanford makes application to you for a loan of $30,000.00 or such part thereof as you may desire to make for the purpose of purchasing pipes for replacing the present water pipes from its wells on State Highway No. 3 south bf the City to its pumping plant at the corner of 13th. Street and French Avenue in the City. As evidence of its indebtedness for the aforesaid amount, the City proposes to issue certificates of indebtedness in the denomination of $150.00 each, payable at the rate of two each per month, with interest on each certificate at the rate of 5% per annum, with the right of the city to anticipate payment of said certificates. The above mentioned certificates shall be payable only out of the net income, revenue and profits of the water works plant. The City agrees to pay to the water works department a hydrant rental of $10.00 per hydrant per annum which shall be applied to the payment of the aforesaid certificates of indebtedness. This will amount to approximately $2,640.00. The City also agrees to apply to the payment of said certificates of indebtedness at the end of each fiscal year one -third of the net income, revenue and profits of the water plant. This should amount to approximately $2,100.00. Said water hydrant rentals shall not be included in determining said net income, revenue and profits. The City will agree further that when its indebtedness for the purchase of Diesel engines for said plant is paid, the monthly payment of $300.00'now being made thereon will be applied to the payment of any of said certificates of indebtedness remaining unpaid. Payments on said indebtedness from the hydrant rentals and from one - t4ird of the net income revenues and profits of the water plant and payments now made on the Diesel engines after indebtedness for said engines has been paid will be pro- rated among the holders of the said certificates of indebtedness. The City will further agree that the present water rates will not be decrease during the term of the loan, and that there shall be no increase in administration costs of said water plant, not including, however, any additional labor that may be necessary. If the foregoing application meets with your approval the city will adopt proper resolutions for the issuance of said certificates as part of the maintenance cost of said water plant." Consideration next given to some definite time limit to the compensation now being paid by the City to policeman R.C.Wilcox who has been incapacitated since April 89 1939, due to an infliction of paralysis. Thereupon, after careful consideration and due to the fact that Mr. Wilcox has been in the employment of the City for a number of years, Commissioner Gut moved that the City continue to pay him the regular salary of $110.00 per month during the month of duly, one -half of this amount during the months of August and September, and after September 30, 1939 compensation from the City to cease; and that Mr. Wilcox be notified to this effect. Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried. Consideration next given to canceling and releasing of record all uncollec Personal Property Taxes levied and assessed by the City of Sanford for the year 1930 and prior years. Commissioner Coleman then introduced Resolution No. 558 and same was read in full by the Clerk. Thereupon Commissioner Coleman moved the passage and adoption of said Resolution No. 558. / Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried by the following vote of the City Commission: Commissioner Higgins " Coleman " Gut " Lodge " Rollins Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye ted C 1 [1 1 MINUTES 11:` 27 CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 11 at-7:30 P 9 39 said resolution No. 559 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 559. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF .SANFORD, FLORIDA,-CANCELING AND RELEASING OF RECORD CERTAIN PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES LEVIED AND ASSESSED BY SAID CITY OF SANFORD. WHEREAS, the records of the City of Sanford, Florida, show that personal property taxes for the years and in the amounts hereinafter stated have not been collected; to -wit: For the year 1923 11465.90 For the year 1924 21269.52 For the year 1925 3,050.35 For the year 1926 10,274.19 For the year 1927 27,513.36 For the year 1929 6,967.43 For the year 1929 9,052.77 For the year 1930 11,337.87 and $70,931.29 WHEREAS, in the opinion of the City Commission of said City of Sanford., Florida the aforesaid personal property taxes should be canceled and released of record. NO`9 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that the personal property taxes levied by the City of Sanford, Florida, for the years 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926s 1927, 1929, 1929 and 1930 and uncollected in the amounts hereinabove listed, be and the same are hereby canceled and released of record. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall go into effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this 11th day of July , 1939• Attest: Edward Higgins Mayor. M J Lodge Walter S. Coleman G E Rollins H. James Gut. As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. H N Saver City Clerk. ( Seal) Consideration next given to providing a plan for the payment of delinquent personal taxes in instalments by persons who are not able to pay the entire amount due within 30 days from date of notices mailed, said date expiring on July 22, 1939• Thereupon, after considerable discussion, the Commission authorized the tax collector to accept delinquent personal tax payments in instalments, the payments to be arranged so the entire amount will be paid within 12 months from this date. Also instructed that the deputy tax collector certtly to the list of delinquent tax payers he had contacted in an effort to collect the taxes; to these the collection costs to be added, but to remit the costs on such taxes that are paid at the office on which he has not made attempt to collect. The Clerk next repotted that the ninety days extension allowed for payment of the second instalment and current taxes due April 11 1939 as required by Ordinance No.269 had expired and that several property owners paying delinquent taxes under the provisions of this Ordinance had failed to pay the aforesaid instalment. Thereupon , the Commission instructed that a statement of the instalments and and taxes that are still unpaid at the end of thirty days be submitted for further considera- tion. 2 S MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,__ July 11 at 7: 330 P M 1 9_39 There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 7:30 P.M. July 17, 1939 • Attest: Gtt y C rk . M I N U T E S Le NO IW CITY COMMISSION , SANFORD, FLORIDA July 17 at 7 :30 0,11ciock P M 1939• The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. met in adjourned session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida at 7 :30 Wo lock P.M. July 17, 1939• Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins, Mayor. " Walter S. Coleman " H. James Gut " M.J.Lodge " G.E.Rollins City Clerk H.N.Sayer Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Request next received from the Farren Tree Surgery for permission to trim several trees on the alleys throughout the City that are interfering with the instal- lation of telephone cables that are being transferred to the Florida Power & Light Cols. pole lines by the Southern Bell Telephone Company. Thereupon, after considerable discussion and the assurance of Mr. Farren, that he will obtain the consent of the adjoining property owners before trimming any trees, Supt. Moughton was authorized to make a survey of the right of ways and grant the Farren Tree Surgery permission to do this work under his supervision. The Board then resolved itself into adjourned session as a Tax Equalization- Board f or the purpose of considering complaints registered a.s to assessed valuations for the year 1939, as well as to adjust any inequalities that may be found on the 1939 tax roll as prepared by the Tax Assessor. Thereupon after considerable discussion as to the equalities of the assessed valuations, the Chairman appointed a committee consisting of Commissioner Gut, the.Tax Assessor and Allen I Mosely to make a aanvass of the assessed valuations on vacant property, and submit a report on any inequalities found. The Commission then adjourned as a Tax Equal�tation Board until 2:00 o'clock P.M. July 27, 1939• Mayor. Attest: Clerk. i J I I 1