HomeMy WebLinkAbout112739C 1 C 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, November 27 at 7:30 P M 19 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida , at 7:30 o'clock P.M. November 27,1939 Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins, Mayor. " Walter S. Coleman " H. James Gut " M.J.Lodge " G.E.Rollins City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Clerk H N Sayer Chief of Police R.G.Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of Adjourned meeting of November 4th., Special meetings of November Sth and 10th, regular meeting of November 13th. and Special Called Meeting of November 21st. 1939 read and approved. Application next received from C.W. Sullivan, proprietor of the Montezuma Hotel for permit to erect a small road sign on the northwest corner of Park Avenue and Third Street, and same was granted. Mr. Waldo Aldridge , member of the Sanford Toutist Club next presented a petition signed by a number of the local merchants and business men requesting the Commission to make such improvements to the shuffleboard courts at the corner of Palmetto Avenue and Second Street as to provide efficient playing facilities and a pleasant place for the entertainment of winter visitors. Thereupon the Commission assured Mr Aldridge that such improvements will be made at the aforesaid courts immediately upon the ascertainment of what is necessary and an estimate received of the cost therefor. Messrs Fred Dorner and W.H.Reitz next appeared on behalf of the Elko Lodge and requested permission to hold their regular annual Seminole County Fair on that part of Fort Mellon Park lying between the east half now in. process of developement, and the Mayfair Hotel , on February 12th thru 17th., 1940. Thereupon after considerable discussion and upon the assurance of Messrs. Dorner and Reitz that the Fair will be strictly entertainment and educational features, with no gambling concessions allowed in connection therewith, and that order will be kept at all times, permission was granted. Application next received from Mrs. T J Murph for permit to tear down a one story frame building on the W. 1/2 of Lot 10 Block 9 Tier D. also a one story frame build- ing on the E. 112 of Lot 13 Holden Real Estate Co. Addition, offering to apply the total money received from the sale of the two houses in the amount of $25.00 each to the pay- ment of delinquent City taxes against this property, and same was granted. The following bids for furnishing all materials and labor in the construction of recreation building No. 1 Fort Mellon Park, in accordance with specifications pre- pared by Elton J. Moughton., Architect, next opened and filed for tabulation. F.A.Dyson Total $3.141.26 J.T.Pope " 3.050.00 W.W.VanNess 3.080.00 said bid proposals in detail and the itemized specifications are on file with the records in the Clerk's office. ..204 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Nov • 27 - 7: 30 P M 19__39 Bids next presented for one year subscriptions to 46 mage tines and periodicals for the Sanford Public Library, as follows: Mrs Mary L Strong $103.45 Miss Bertie Hughes 100.00 Coleman's Office Equipment Co 94.15 Thereupon, on motion of Commissioner Lodge, seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried, the lowest bid, thit of Coleman's Office Equipment Company in amount of $94.15 was ordered accepted. Application next received from J A Calhoun to erect a one story concrete building on the northwest 1/4 of Block 3 Tier 12, at the Southeast corner of Poplar Avenue and First Street to be used as a dwelling, grocery store and automobile service station.. Thereupon, after careful consideration, Commissioner Coleman moved that the aforesaid permit be granted, provided the driveways and paving, and the instal- lation of the gasoline pumps conform with the requirements of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Application next received from W.A.Hopkins for permit to erect a frame one story building on Lot 1 Block 6, Chapman & Tucker's Addition located on the south side of Fourth Street between Sanford t�kvenue and Cypress Avenue. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Gut moved that this permit be rejected due,to said location being in the fire zone. Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried. On motion of Commissioner Lodge, seconded by Commissioner Coleman and carried, the Commission next approved recommendation of the Chiefs of the Police and Fire Departments, that the bid of Yowell & Company to furnish uniforms at $39.00 each, and that of W.E.Watson at $3$.50 each, be accepted, the business to be divided as follows: Yowell & Company to furnish 7 uniforms for the Police Department and W.E.Watson to furnish 6 uniforms for the Fire Department. Also that 48 shirts be purchased from Yowell,& Company for the Police Department at $2.00 each, and 36 shirts from W.E.Watson for the Fire Department at $2.00 each. Application next received from Henry J. Potts Manager of the Filbert Hotel for permit to sell beer and wines in the hotel bui ding, and on recommendation of Chief of Police Williams, same was approved. Application next received from Charlie Gibsom for permit to sell beer and wines at 300 Sanford Avenue, and on recommendation of 3hief of Police Williams, same was approved. Communications next read from Mrs. C.D.Brumle , 400 Palmetto Avenue, and Mrs Mary A Schaal, 404 Palmetto Avenue, registering complaints of the smoke and soot from pressing clubs in that neighborhood, and same was referred to Inspector Paxton. Further consideration next given to the request of Mrs. Elizabeth Vaughn., local forewoman of the Housekeeping Aide Project for a m nthly donation toward travel expense for this project. Thereupon after considerable discussion and ia view of the services rendered in assisting needy families by this project, Co missioner Coleman moved that the City furnish gasoline and oil in the amount of 16.00 per month as its donation toward the Housekeeping Aide Project. Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried. MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Nov. 27 at 7:30 P M 19 39 20,051 Report of second analysis of milk being f urhished by dairies operating in the City of Sanford, as prepared by the X —Ray and Clinical Laboratories next presented, such report showing all such milk within the requirements of Grade "A?! Milk; except Benson's dairy which has a bacteria count of 1000 more than is allowed under this grading. .Communication next received from the Seminole County Chamber of Commerce with reference to Sanford being represented at the meeting of the International Association of Retired Railway Employees to be held at Sarasota on Dec. 7 -10, and same was referred back to the Chamber of Commerce for representation, due to the Commissioners not being able to attend this convention. Request next received from Inspector Paxton that he be given the old 1924 model Ford sedan, Motor No 9369217 which has since been converted into a pickup truck by the City, but due to its obsolescence, is now out of service and stored. This car having been acquired by the City on June 12, 1929 by:trading in Mr. Paxton's own personal Ford touring car as partial payment. Thereupon on motion duly carried, the Commission granted the aforesaid request and authorized the Clerk to transfer the title certificate on the Ford car , Motor No. 9368217 to Mr. Paxton. Bill of Elton J. Moughton, Architect, in amount of $75.00 for preparing plans and specifications for construction of the proposed recreation building in Fort Mellon Park next presented, and on motion duly adopted, same was approved and payment ordered. Consideration next given to amending the sections of the license ordinance relating to contractors, junk dealers and dealers in second hand goods. Thereupon after considerable discussion, same was referred to the City Attorney and Chief of Police for recommendations. Commissioner Lodge next introduced Resolution No. 563 and after being read in full by the Clerk moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Coleman and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Higgins Aye " Coleman Aye " Gut Aye " Lodge Aye " Rollins Aye said resolution No. 563 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO-563. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO.MISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CANCELLING, PURSUANT TO AN ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, A TAX CERTIFICATE AND SUBSEQUENT TAXES, INCLUDING TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1939, HELD BY SAID CITY AGAINST LOT . BLOCK 3 TIER 6 OF E. R. TRAFFORD' S MAP OF THE TOWN OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, 0WNED BY CELERY CAMP NO. 625, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. WHEREAS, the City of Sanford, Florida, holds tax Certificate No. 47 dated July 4, 1932, for non — payment of taxes as assessed by said City of the year 1931 against that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the City of Sanford, Florida, and described as Lot 5 Block Tier 6, to E.R. 3 according Trafford's Map of the Town of Sanford, Florida, and liens for taxes assessed against said lot, piece or parcel of land 80- sequent to the taxes assessed against the same for the year 1931, including taxes for the year 1939; and, 20('j MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Nov. _ 27 at 7: 0 P M 19--D WHEREAS, said lot, piece or parcel of land is owned by CELERY CAMP NO 625 OF THE WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, a fraternal organization; and, WHEREAS, by Chapter 19,571, Laws of Florida, Acts Of 1939, the Legislature of the State of Florida cancelled the aforesaid tax certificate and all subsequent taxes against the aforesaid lot, piece or parcel of land, inc uding taxes for the year 1939, and directed the Clerk and Tax Collector of the C ty of Sanford, Florida, to cancel said certificate and subsequent taxes against the a oresaid lot, piece or parcel of land: FLORIDA: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, That Tax Certificate No. 47 issued by the City of $anfmrd, Florida, on the 4th day of July 1932, for non - payment of taxes assessed by as the year 1931, against that certain lot, piece or parcel of 1 and described as Lot 5 Block 3 Tier 6, according to E.R.Traff Sanford, Florida., and all subsequent taxes assessed by.said C lot, piece or parcel of land including taxes for the year 193', hereby cancelled and the City Clerk and City Tax Collector of Florida, are hereby directed to cancel said Tax Certificate N, all subsequent taxes assessed by said City of Sanford against piece or parcel of land, including taxes for the year 1939• d City of Sanford for nd in said City of Sanford rd's Map of the town of , ty of Sanford against said be and the same are said City of 6anford, 47 of July 4, 1932, and the above described lot, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall * ome effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this 27th day of November , 193. fM yor. WAlter S. Coleman J. Lodge s the City Commission of Attest: the City of Sanford, Florida. H N Sayer City Clerk. ( Seal) Further consideration next given to revising the s rest lighting schedule by placing a number of lights back in operation, incteasing t e otidlepower of certain existing lights, and new installations, final action being de erred until a later date. On motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried, the Commission next authorized the payment of $10.00 per month toy fire Chief Cleveland for the use of his personal car in connection with the duties of Dire Chief, effective December 1, 1939- Request next received from S.S. Telford to be allowed to pay the paving assessment and interest amounting to $152.06, under the adjusted basis amounting to $10.58, against Lot 6 Block 14 Tier 5. also. Request approved , provided City taxes for the years 1936 thru 1938 are paid Request received from Lilla Barnes to be allowed to pay taxes & interest amounting to $202.44 , under the adjusted basis amounting to 054.67 for years 1927/35 Inc against N 112 of Lot 3 Block A., South Sanford Grant.. Request approved. Request from Mike Saus to be allowed to pay the taxes for years 1930139 Inc. amounting to $404.539 under the adjusted basis amounting to 200.99, against N. 1/2 Lot 6 and S. 4 f t of W 1/2 of Lot 5 Block 10 Tr. C. E R Traff o d' s Map of Sanford. Request approved. 1 �J 1 1 1 II 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Nov - �7 at 7: 30 P M 19 39 On motion of Commissioner Coleman, seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried, the Commission next authorized the following adjustment of personal taxes: C E Gormley Year 1931 Amount $7' 50 Adjustment: Adjusted to $3.OU " 3- 1934 7.50 " 3.00 1939 7.50 " 2-.00 00 " Lossing's Transfer ( Ralph Lossing) 1931 6.00 " 1.50 1932 3.00 " 1.50 1933 3.00 " 1.50 193 55 �� 1.50 6 3.00 " 1937 3.00 " 1.50 1939 3.00 " 1.50 1939 3.00 " 1.50 John Jones 1936 4.50 3.00 1939 4.50 3.00 On motion duly carried, the Commission next authorized the sale to Mrs Pearl Hansel of personal property owned by the City in the Gables Hotel for the amount of $18.00, this property having been acquired by the City through a tax levy for personal property taxes for the years 1931 thru 1933 in the amount of $39.60 There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 2:oo o'clock P.M. November 29, 1939• Attest: City Clerk. MIMI 207 1