HomeMy WebLinkAbout121139D 1 Y MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, December 11 at 7:30 P M 19 39 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. December 11,1939• Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins, Mayor. " Walter S. Coleman M H. James Gut if M. J. Lodge City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Clerk H.N.Sayer Chief of Police R.G. Williams Absent: Commissioner G. E Rollins. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of regular meeting of November 27, adjourned meeting of November 29th and special meeting of December 6, 1939 read and approved. Current invoices and payrolls for the month of November 1939, properly audited and vouchered as evidenced by vouchers nos. 1598 thru 1706 submitted, examined, approved and payment ordered. Monthly reports of the streets, sanitation, health, water, police, fire and library departments for the month of November 1939 submitted and examined. Bank statements in all accounts for the month of November 1939 properly reconciled , submitted and examined. Financial statement and statement of revenues and expenditures during the month of November 1939 submitted and examined. 21-7 Application next received from Howard Faville for position as Building Inspector, and same was ordered filed. Petition next presented signed by four residents living in the 600 block on Elm Avenue requesting that the dater Department install a new water main in this block so as to enable them to secure a better water supply. Thereupon the Clerk was instructed to obtain the cost of installing the size pipe necessary for efficient water service at this location, and also in the SOU block on Elm Avenue and present at the next meeting. Communication next read from Municipal Judge Miller recommending the parole of H. Halligan, convicted in the Municipal Court under date of October 24, 1939 of driving a car while drunk, case No. 26204, and sentenced to 90 days imprisonment also the revocation of his driver's license. Thereupon Commissioner Lodge moved that parole be granted as recommended by Judge Miller. Seconded by Commissioner Coleman and carried. Engineer Fred T. Williams next reported on the hearing which he attended in Washington D.C. on November 27th. on the construction,of the proposed St. Johns River- Indian River Canal, stating that its approval for for construction seems very favorable. Consideration next given to installing a storm sewer in the open ditch on Lot lU Block 2 Tier 5, located immediately east of the building occupied by the Altman Chevrolet Company on West First Street. Thereupon after careful consideration and in view of the fact that this ditch is on property owned by the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company and was constructed by them for the purposes of draining railroad property, it was the opinion of the Board that the installation of a sewer pipe in aforesaid ditch is not the responsibility of the City. Petition signed by several residents and property owners in the vicinity of Eleventh St. and Pine Ave. requesting that a street light be installed at this inter- section: was next presented. Matter taken under consideration. 2ts MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, December 11. at L. 30 P M 19_39 On.-motion duly adopted, the Clerk was next authorized to purchase 10 tons of asphal paving filler at $21.4U per ton, and 534 feet of 12" vitrified sewer pipe at 54¢ per foot for the WPA paving project. Further consideration next given to f urhishing backstops for the colored tennis court at corner of Sanford Ave. and Ninth St. and the court on West Seventbefith,St. the estimated cost being $50.00 Thereupon the Commission authorized the replacement o backstops on the court at Sanford Ave. and Ninth St., and agreed to furnish backstops f . r the court on West Sev- enteen thSt.- upon its completion and equipped for playing. Hill of Florida League of Municipalities in amount of $70.00 for annual league services for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940, next presented, and on motion of Commissioner Coleman, seconded by Commissioner Gut and Carrie ,same was approved and payment ordered. Request neat received from students of Seminole High 4ehool that the City pl oe an advertisement in the 1939 -40 issue of the Salmagundi as has been done in previous years, and on motion duly adopted, a one - fourth page advertisement was aathorized at a cost of $12.00 Report of third and fourth analysis of milk being furnished by dairies operating in the City of Sanford, as prepared by the X -Ray and Clinical Laboratories next presented, such reports completes the fall analysis and shows the avera a for all such dairies within the requirements of Grade "A" milk Mrs T.J.Murff next submitted an offer of $75.00 as full settlement of delinquent taxes for the years 1929 thru 1939 amounting to $613.92 against Lot 9 Stendiford's Addition, and same was fefused. In response to request for bids for furnishing two tr ffic signal lights to be im talled at the intersection of Park Ave. and Twentieth St. and Park Ave. and Geneva St., the following prices were next received. RANDALL ELECTRIC COMPANY 2. #y43E "EBglelux" combination unit signals and controllers , 4 -way, 3 color, span wife suspension type, 1A toptioationi. $214.96 each. 2. #gx43E "Eagle Standard" combination unit signals a d controllers, 4 -way, 3 color, span wire suspension type, synchr nous type con- troller mounted in bottom of section. $145.67 each. SANFORD ELECTRIC CONTRACTION CCMPANY 2 #XY43E "Eaglelux" ( same as above) 214.95 each. 2 #QX43E "Eagle Standard "( same as above) 145.67 each. W.S.DARLEY & COMPANY 2 National Standard Traffic Signals, suspension type built -in self contained controller, 4-way, 3 color, 12 bulb type with split amber controller 102.95 each. Thereupon after a careful comparison of the traffic signals to be furnished and the prices submitted, Commissioner Coleman moved that two National Traffic Signals be purchased from W.S.Darley & Company at a price of $102.95 a ch /. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Fire Chief Cleveland next reported that there are two fire hydrants that can be removed and used to replace hydrants that are in need of r pairs, one is located on West First St. between Terwilliger Lane and Riverview Ave., and the other on north Mangoustine Ave., and same was authorized. 1 1 1 I� 1 1 MINUTES 2 1 g CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Dec. 11, ' P M - -1 9--,39 Request next received from R.S. Miller representing Florida National Exhibits in charge of advertising the State through the Florida exhibits it various cities throughout the north, for a contribution toward financing its activities during the present winter. Matter taken under advisement. On motion duly adopted Supt. Moughton was next authorized and instructed to purchase Australian pine trees and plant around the outside of fence at the Municipal Athletic Field. On motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Coleman and carried, the Commission next authorized the following adjustment of personal taxes. NAME YEAR AMOUNT ADJUSTMENT G.A.Maffett 1932 4.50 Adjusted to $1.50 1935 4.50 n If 1.50 1934 4.50 If " 1.50 1935 4.50 " If 1.50 1. 1937 4.550 a n 1.50 1939 4.50 " If 1.50 1939 4.5o If If 1.50 G.A.Maffett's Garage Canceled 1937 4,50 " 1939 4.50 " J C Finnell ( Office) 1939 3.00 Adjusted to 1.50 H E Morris 1931 6.00 of 3.00 W A Leavitt 1936 6.00 If 3.00 1937 6.00 " 3.00 1936 6.00 " 3.00 1939 6.00 " 3.00 M D Getchell 1931 4.50 " 1.50 1932 4.5o " i.50 193 3 4.50 4 4.50 " 1.50 1935 4.5o " 1.50 1937 4.5o 1.50 A.L.Kelly 1931 3.00 Canceled. Lizzie Lewis Holmes Est. 1931 6.00 Adjusted to 1.550 1.932 4.50 If 1.50 1933 4.50 " 1.50 Mrs L A Miller 1931 7.50 Canceled 1932 3.00 " 33 19 " 34 3.00 If 1935 3.00 if 1936 3.00 If Application next received from the Sanford Atlantic National Bank and the Florida State Bank of Sanford to be designated as Depositories of the City of Sanford funds during the year 1940, agreeing to furnish satisfactory security in Federal, State, County or Municipal bonds, to be approved both as to amount and validity by the City to protect said funds. Thereupon. Commissioner Coleman moved that the Sanford Atlantic National Bank end the Florida State Bank of Sanford be designated as depositories of City of Sanford funds during the year 1940. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. Commissioner Coleman next introduced Resolution No. 565 and after being read in full by the Clerk moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried by the following vote of the Commission. 220 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, December 11 at 7:30 P M19 39 Commissioner Higgins Aye If Coleman Aye If Gut Aye " Lodge Aye said Resolution No. 565 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 565 If A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PROVIDING FOR THE REHABILITATION OF THE WATER PLAN' SAID CITY AND FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF CERTAIN REVENUE CERTIFICATES PAYABLE SOLELY FROM THE NET I: 4OF SAID WATER PLANT, TO FINANCE THE COST OF SUCH R WHEREAS, The City of Sanford, Florida, now owns, o: SANFORD, FLORIDA, OWNED AND OPERATED BY NEGOTIABLE WATER PLANT COME, REVENUE AND PROFITS HABILITATION. erates and maintains a water plant at the southeast corner of French Avenue and Thirteenth Street in said City for the purpose of providing said City and the inhabitants thereof with water and which said plant is supplied with water for the purpose aforesaid by underground pipes from wells of the City adjacent to State Highway No. 3 and approximately two miles south of the Citl ; and WHEREAS, said pipes conveying water from said wells to said water plant of the City as aforesaid have become so deteriorated as to constitute a menace to the health, comfort and welfare of said City and its inhabitants who use said water, and the replacement of said pipes from said wells to said water plant is necessary and imperative as a part of the maintenance and operation cost�of said plant; and WHEREAS, the net income, revenue and profits of said - water plant are in excess of the amount necessary to pay the principal and interest of the negotiable water plant revenue certificates to be issued as hereinafter provided and all other present fixed charges against said net income, revenue and profits, but are not sufficient to immediately bear the cost of the rehabilitation of the pipes aforesaid and the City Commission of said City deems it expedient, advisable and for the best interest of the City to finance the cost of said improvement through the issuance and sale of negotiable water plant revenue certificates as hereinafter provided. NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: 1. That the City of Sanford, Florida, purchase pipe of such quality, kind and quantity as may be deemed necessary and proper to replace the pipes now used for conveying water from the wells of the City hereinbef ore described to the water plant of the City aforesaid and that the pipes now in use for said pur#bse be replaced by pipe to be purchased as in this section provided. 2. That in order to finance the purchase of the pipe as provided in the next preceding section hereof the City of Sanford, Florida, shall issuer. and sell negotiable water plant revenue certificates in the agg agate sum.of $30,000.00 which said certificates shall be payable to bearer or orde solely out of the net income, revenue and profits of said water plant; and shallLbe in the denomination.of $100.00 each and payable at The Sanford Atlantic National Bank, Sanford, Florida, at the rate of six certificates in the order of their numbers beginning with Certificate No. 1, on the first day of each month after date thereof be inning on the first day of March 19409 with option of prior payment; said certificates shall be dated February it 1940; bear interest at the rate of 5% per annum payable semi—annually on the first days of August and February of each year after date as to all certificates maturing more than six months after date thereof; additional accrued interest to be paid on each certificate as it matures; said certificates shall be numbered consecutively from-1 to 300, shall be executed in the name of the City, by its M.yor and attested and have G F� J 1 1 1 1 LJ MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, n ea - 33 n� ±_T 30 X u 1 9 39 its corporate seal thereunto affixed by its City Clerk. 3. The negotiable water plant revenue certificates grovided for in the next preceding section hereof shall be in substantially the following form, except that Certificates Nos. l to 36, both inclusive, shall not contain the requirement for payment of semi - annual interest and the number of each certificate and the time when it becomes due shall be filled in as the number of the certificate and the time of payment may render necessary, to -wit: No." $100.00 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF FLORI DA CITY CF SANFORD, FLORIDA. NEGOTIABLE PATER -PLANT REVENUE CERTIFICATE. The CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, for value reoeived, hereby promises to pay to bearer or order the principal sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS on the day of ,19? , with option of prior payment, with interest at the rate of 0 per annum on said principal sum, payable semi - annually on the first days of August and February of each year after date hereof, payment of said principal and int- erest to be made solely from the net income, revenue and profits of the water plant of said City of Sanford, now owned and operated by said City. Both interest and principal 2z1 of this certificate are payable at The Sanford Atlantic National Bank, Sanford, Florida, in lawful money of the United State of America. This certificate is one of an authorized issue of an aggregate principal amount of $39,000.00 , all of like date and tenor except as to number and maturity, issued by said City under the authority of andin full compliance with the Constitution and statutes of the State of Florida, particularly the charter of said City and Resolution No. 505 duly adopted by the City Commission of said City on the 11th day of December, 1939, providing for the rehabilitation of the water plant of said City. Said resolution provides that the present water rates now fixed and charged by said City for water furnished the inhabitants thereof from said plant shall not be decreased so long as any of said certificates are outstanding and unpaid and that said City will maintain and collect said rates to provide revenue sufficient at all times to pay the cost of operation, maintenance end repairs of said water plant and to provide a sufficient amount of revenue over and above such cost of operation, maintenance and repairs, to pay the interest on end the principal of said certificates as the same respectively become due. It It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and statutes of the state of Florida. and charter of said City of Sanford, Florida, to exist, happen and be performed prdcedent to and in the issuance of this certificate have existed, have happened and have been performed in due time, form and manner as required by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Sanford, Florida, has caused this certificate to be signed in its name by its Mayor and attested and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed by its City Clerk as and of the let, day of February, 1940. CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA By Its Mayor. Attest: ... Its City Clerk. 4. That upon the issuance and execution of the negotiable water plant revenue certificates provided for in the next preceding section hereof, said certificates shall be sold by the City, provided they shall not be sold for less than the face value thereof, 22-2. MINUTES CITY- COMMISSION, SANFORD, .FLORIDA, Dea . 11 at _1l : 30 P M 1 9-39 plus accrued interest, and.the proceeds applied on the pu: pipe to be purchased by the City as aforesaid; provided, of said revenue certificates, as the City Commission may i delivered as part payment of the purchase price of the afi 5. That the income, revenue and profits derived f: City shall be applied first to the current cost of operat; rchase price of the water iowever, that such portion ieem proper, may be )resaid water pipe. ram the water plant of said Lon and maintenance of said plant and then to the present fixed charges against the some and the certificates to be issued hereunder. 6. That the City of Sanford hereby covenants and agrees with the holders of the certificates authorized herein to be issued that while any of said certificates are outstanding end unpaid as to principal or interest or both: (a) That the present water rates charged by the City for water will not be decreased nor shall there be any increase in administration cost of the operation of said water plant, not including, however, any additional labor that may be necessary in the operation of said plant. (B) That the City will maintain said water plant the same in an efficient manner and at a reasonable cost. (o) That the City will maintain: and collect char good condition and operate <F for water furnished by said water plant which will provide revenue sufficient at all times to pay the cost of operation -, maintenance and repairs of and all other present charges against said plant and to pay the principal and interest of the certificates authorized herein to be issued. (d) That so long as any of the certificates herein authorized to be issued are outstanding and unpaid, the City will pay to the water plant department an annual hydrant rental of $10.00 per hydrant, the rental t�us paid to the water department to be used exclusively to apply upon the retirement of said certificates but said water hydrant rentals shall not be included in d termining the net income, revenue and profits of said water plant and shall be addi Tonal revenue of the water plant to be earmarked for the purpose of providing addit onal revenue for the retire- ment of said outstanding certificates and shall be applie to the payment of said oertificates. (e) That when the City has completed the payment of the purchase price of certain Diesel engines heretofore purchased by it and being used in the operation of said water plant and which payments amount under the contract of purchase to the sum of $300.00 monthly, said sum of $300.00 monthly now ieing applied to the payment of the purchase price of said Diesel engines, sha�l be applied to the payment of the certificates authorized herein to be issued in addition to the payment of six certificates monthly as hereinbefore provided. (f) That all funds available for the payment of he certificates herein authorized to be issued prior to their respective maturities shall be applied on out- standing certificates thereafter first maturing on a pro ate basis among the res- pective holders of said certificates. (g) That any obligations that may hereafter be ma4e against said water plant of the City other than cost of maintenance, operation and repairs shall be subject and subordinate to the certificates herein authorized to le issued. (h) The City will not, as long as any of said cer ificates are outstanding and unpaid, sell , mortgage, lease or otherwise dispose of any property essential to the proper operation of said water plant. (i) The City will keep proper books of record and account separate from all other records and accounts in which complete and corr of entries shall be made in accordance with standard principles of accounting of all transactions relating u Cl C 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Dec. 11, 7:30 P M 9_39 22.i 1 to said water plant. That the City will furnish to the holders of any of the certificates herein authorized to be issued at the time outstanding at the written request of such holder not more than thirty days after the close of each fiscal period complete operating and income statements of said water plant in reasonable detail covering said fiscal period. (j) That any holder of any certificate issued hereunder shall have the right at all reasonable times to inspect the aforesaid water plant end all records and accounts thereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this 11th day of December 1939• Attest: H N Sayer City Clerk. ( Seal) Edward Higgins Mayor. H. James Gut Walter S. Coleman M.J.Lodge G E Rollins As the City Commission of the City of Sanford Florida.. Commissioner Gut next introduced Ordinance No. 289, entitled : AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 5 of ORDINANCE NO. 223 of THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA, REQUIRING LICENSES AND PAYMENT OF LICENSE TAX FOR ENGAGING IN MRTAIN BUSINESSES IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, PASSED AND ADOPTED ON THE 13th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1933, SO FAR AS SAID SECTION PRESCRIBES THE AMOUNT OF LICENSE TAX TO BE PAID BY CONTRACTORS. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full by the Clerk. Commissioner Coleman next introduced Ordinance Nn. 290 and same was placed on its first reading and read in full by the Clerk. Thereupon Commissioner Coleman moved that the rules be waived and said Ordinance No. 290 be placed on its final passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Gut. Thereupon the question recurred upon the waivure of the rules. The Roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Higgins Aye " Coleman Aye " Gut Aye " Lodge Aye Thereupon said Ordinance No. 290 was placed upon its final passage and adoption.. The roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Higgins Aye " Coleman Aye " Gut Aye " Lodge Aye Thereupon the Chairman announed that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 290 , entitled: AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE BUSINESS OF DEALERS IN CERTAIN SECOND HAND GOODS, WARES OR *MERCHANDISE IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. On motion duly adopted, Ordinance No. 290 was next ordered POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, in accordance with the terms of the Charter , as amended. Consideration next given to the operation and maintenance of the Municipal Golf Course and the necessity of a change in management and employ a manager 22.4 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORI 19-39 who can promote more interest in the playing of golf, and sell more memberships, thereby increasing the revenue. Thereupon application from Mr. Allan Stewart, professional golfer, was then received for consideration. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Coleman moved that Mr. Allan Stewart be employed as Manager of the Municipal Golf Course under the same arrangements and salary as Mr »: Fort, effective Jan 1, 1940. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. Thereupon the Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. A.C.Fort that in accordance with the above action, his services as Manager of the golf course will not be re- quired after December 31, 1939• There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 7:30 o'clock P M December 18, 1939• Attest: City C1 . ayor. 1