HomeMy WebLinkAbout0713361 1 [1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,_ July 13 7: 30 P M _1 9__36 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florid&, at 7 :30 O'Clock P.M.July 13, 1936 Present; Commissioner S.V.Shinholser, Mayor. " W.R.Dupree " W.A.Leffler 49 " M.J.Lodge. i " P.N.Whitehurst City Attorney Fred R. 'Xilson City Clerk F.S.Lamson i Chief of Police R.G."Xilliams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. i Current invoices and payrolls for the month of June 1936, properly audited and Vouchered as evidenced by vouchers nos. 7924 through 7979, and 7951 through 7995 submitted, examined, approved and payment ordered. Monthly report of the streets, sanitation, health, water, police, fire and library department for the month of June 1936, submitted and examined. Financial statement and statement of revenues and expenditures during the month of June 1936, submitted and examined. Bank statements in all accounts, properly reconciled, submitted and examined. Minutes of adjourned meeting of the City Commission and Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board of June 29th. 1936, read and approved. Mr. Garland W.Spencer next appeared with further reference to hib applicationi . for permit to erect automobile service station at the northwest corner of Park Avenue and Thirteenth Street. At this time the Clerk presented copy of minutes of meeting of the City Planning Commission held July 10th. 1936, as follows: MINUTES CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Meeting called 3:30 P.M. Friday, July 10, 1936. Meeting called to order . Members present H.B.Pope, Chairman Mrs. Walter L.Morgan. Fred.T.Williams Elton J. Moughton. Members absent Mrs. I.E.Wa.tson, Sectly. Geo. D. Bishop Ralph B.Wight ( Resigned) E.J.Moughton appointed temporary secretary in absence of Mrs. 9Patson:. The Chair read a letter, dated July 7th, from Mr. F.S.Lamson, City Clerk relative to request for permit to erect a filling station on the northwest corner of Park Avenue and Thirteenth Street. Also a letter from Mr. Garland W.Spencer, owner of the property, and a list of signers of a petition asking that permit be granted for the erection of the filling station. As the discussion started Mr. P.Bayard Smith, representing the Equitable Life Insurance Company, stated that this company owned the property just west and that pending hearing on the matter from the company he wished to register a protest against the erection of the filling station in this neighborhood. Mr. Messer, representing Mr. Farrell, a property owner diagonally across the street from the lot in question registered a protest against the erection of the station. The fact brought out that the owners of improved property immediately around the property in question had not signed the petition asking that a. permit be granted for a gasoline service station. These non — signers include Mr. Scott, whose property is south across Thirteenth Street Mr. Hand, whose property is on the southeast corner , Mrs Ewing whose property is on the north side but separated by one lot owned by Mr. Spencer, and the Equitable Life Insurance Company whose property is west across the alley. 5-0 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 13, at 7:301P M 19 ---3_6 The owner of the vacant property on the northeast corner signed the petition. There was a general informal discussion by the parties interested and the members of the Commission. The Chair then asked the Secretary to read two communications. The first from Mrs. W.E.Watson, member of the Board, in which Mrs. Watson asked E.J.Moughton, to aot as her proxy and instructing him to vote "no" in granting the permit. The second letter was from George D.Bishop, member of the Board, in which Mr. Bishop stated that he was in favor of granting the Wilcox and Branaen permits but was opposed to granting a permit for the filling station at the corner of Park Avenue and Thirteenth. The following motion was then made by Mr. Fred T. Williams, "The Planning Commission: recommends that the request for permit to build a filling station on the corner of Thirteenth Street and Park Avenue be rejected so long as this property remains in a zoned Residential District." The motion was seconded by Mrs Morgan. After further discussion the motion was put to vote and unanimously carried. The Chair read a letter, dated July 8th, from Mr. F.S . Lamson, City Clerk, relative to the application of Walter L. Brannon for permit to erect a sandwich stand at the north- west corner of Third Street and Sanford Avenue, Mr. Fred T.Williams made the following motion:" The City Planning Commission recommends the granting of this permit provided all provisions of the Sanford Building Code and the State Rules Governing Construction of Restaurants are complied with. The motion was seconded by E.J. Moughton and unanimously carried. The Chair read a letter , dated July 1, from Mr F.S. Lamson, City Clerk, relative to the request of L.M.Wilcox for permit to operate a small grocery store at the corner of Holly Avenue and West Third Street. Supporting this request was a waivure of objections by nineteen residents of that district. Mr. Williams made the following motion " This property is located in a B Residential District, in which a business building cannot be erected. However, inasmuch as a portion of the building on the property has been remodeled into a store room the Commission, feels that this matter is now outside their jurisdiction." The motion was seconded by E.J.Moughton and unanimously carried. Mr. Williams brought up the matter of widening Second Street from Sanford Avenue to Oak, and Magnolia Avenue from First Street to Fourth under new W.P.A. projects. This was unanimously approved by the Commission, Other projects including repairing of Jail, Library , and work on the Fourth St. Park were brought up for discussion but no action was taken as these projects had been approved at a, previous meeting.. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Elton J. Moughton, Elton J.Moughton, Temporary H.B.Po a Sect'y. H.B. ope Chairman. Thereupon considerable study was given to the advisability of rezoning the property in the neighborhood of 13th. St, and Park Avenue, after which Commissioner Leffler moved that the matter be carried over for further discussion with the City Planning Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Whitehurst and carried. Mr. R.B.Wight next appeared with further reference to request made at the meeting of July 6th. 1936 for an extension for an additional ten years of the lease dated May S, 1934, between the City and Minn & Lovett Grocery Company covering the property more particularly described in said lease end located immediately east of the property of Mary B.H.Herring on Seminole Boulevard east of French Avenue. Thereupon, after considerable discussion, Commissioner Whitehurst moved that the City agree to cancel the present lease with Minn & Lovett Grocery Company for this property as of January 1, 1937, and execute new lease a.s of that date for a ten year period, under the same terms and conditions as the lease dated May S, 1934, subject to prompt acceptance of this offer by Winn & Lovett Grocery Company and provided the new additions as contemplated to the present improvements on this property are made. Seconded by Commissioner Dupree and carried. Report next presented by Engineer Fred T.Williams concerning efforts to acquire additional right of way on the East side of French Avenge from Fulton Street to Seminole 1 1 [I 1 1 1 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 13, 7:30 P M -19--3-6 Boulevard, and advising that due to the location of the buildings of the Sun Oil Company, it will be impractical to secure more than 20 feet instead of 26 feet as originally contemplated. Mr. Williams also presented diagram of a road which it is proposed to open along the east side of the Catholic and Lake View cemeteries to serve the properties south of these 51 cemeteries and thus eliminate the use of the road between the Lake View and Evergreen cemeteries as recommended by the Cemetery Committee. Thereupon, in view of the fact that the proposed road will be a county road, Mr. Williams was requested to handle with the Board of County Commissioners. W.P.A.Engineer W.S.Earl next advised the Commission that the sewer project here- tofore submitted for laying the be- lance of sewer pipe now on hand , had been returned for revision, the present requirements calling for 20 percent donation by the sponsor instead of 15 percent as heretofore. Mr. Earl then submitted the revised project calling for $10,251.00 of Federal funds and $2706.00 to be donated by the sponsor, and on motion duly carried, same was approved and the Mayor and Clerk authorized to execute same on the part of the City. The Clerk next presented applications received from R.C.Crook at 400 W. 13th St. and W.H.McClintock at 1601 W. 1st St. for permit to sell beer and wines, and on recommendation . of the Chief of Police, same were approved. On motion duly carried, the Clerk was next authorized to make payment of $52495.00 to apply on judgments obtained by Kenneth M. Keefe, et al, and $90,00 to apply on judgment obtained by the United Mutual Life Insurance Co., these amounts having been collected for account of the respective creditors. The Commission next gave consideration to the fact that the contract with the Florida Power & Light Co. for furnishing electric energy at the water pumping station will expire on October 1, 1936, provided due notice is given by the City not more than 90 days and not less than 30 days prior to such date of its wish to terminate the contract; otherwise the contract will be automatically extended an additional 5 years. Thereupon, after considerable discussion, Commissioner Leffler moved that the Florida Power & Light Co, be notified that it is the Cityts desire to terminate the contract for furnishing electric energy at the water pumping station on October 1, 1936, it s expir- ation date, and that if they desire to negotiate with the City for a new contract, they do so within the next two weeks. Seconded by Commissioner Whitehurst and carried. Consideration next given to application of W.L.Brannanf or permit to erect sandwich stand on the northwest corner of Third St. and Sanford Ave. Thereupon in accordance with recommendation of the City Planning Commission, appli- cation approved, provided the proposed building complies with all requirements of the Building Code. Petition signed by twenty —nine residents and /or property owners on West Thirteenth Street in Goldsboro, next presented, requesting that this street be widened. CD Matter taken under consideration. 52 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 13, at 7:30 P 149-__.36 Communication next read from O.P.Herndon, County Clerk, expressing the appre- ciation of the County Commissioners for the splendid spirit of cooperation: shown by permitting the use of theCity Hall on June 2nd. and 23rd., as a polling place for the first and second primary elections. Request next received from M.E.Moye for permission to pay 1934 and 1935 taxes against the E. 67 ft of Lot 6 and N. 10 ft of E. 67 ft. of Lot 7 Block 7 Tier 3, without paying the 1933 and prior taxes at the same time, it being his intention to apply to the Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board for adjustment of the latter at a later date. Request granted. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 7:30 O'Clock P.M. July 20, 1936, after which the Board then re- convened as a Mudicipal U Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board. Thereupon the following adjustments in taxes for the year 1933 and prior, and special assessments were authorized and approved: Lula L. Prince Lot 4 Block S Chapman & Tucker's Addition Taxes & Penalties 146.49 Street Paving lien & Interest 523.29 Adjustment authorized: For taxes 12.74 cash. For paving lien 33 .04 with City bonds. Lula L Prince Lot 10 Block A, South Sanford Grant Taxes & Penalties 140.90 Adjustment 12.39 cash. F� i 1 r 1 Adjustment 97.09 cash Lula L Prince Lot 9 Block 11 Tr. D Taxes and penalties 59.45 Adjustment: 40.31 cash Lula L Prince Lot 7 Block 12 Tr. C. Taxes & -k'enalties 140.80 Adjustment 97.08 cash Lula L Prince Lot 3 Block 13 Tr. D Taxes & Penalties 68.87 Adjustment: 54.33 cash. Mrs Betty Betts Lot 5 Block 12 Tr. 5 Taxes & Penalties 297.71 St. paving lien & Interest 1034.34 Adj ustment For taxes 238.52 cash For street paving 599.92 with City bonds. C.O.Neiswander S. 131 ft of Lot 7 N. 29J ft. Lot 8 Blk 4 Tr. 10 Taxes and penalties 217.00 Adjustment: 156.45 cash. Mary Singletary Beg. 100 ft E. of N W Cor of Lot 23 Robinson Survey run S. 120 ft. E. 50 ft N. 120 ft. W. 50 ft to Beg. Taxes and penalties 129.22 Adjustment: 57.37 cash 24.00 with City bonds. Roscoe Martin. Beg. 50 Ft. E. of N W Cor of Lot 23 Robinson's Survey , run S. 120 ft. E. 50 ft N. 120 ft W. 50 ft. to Beg. Taxes and penalties 234.09 Adjustment: 142.33 09073 19.00 with City bonds Preston R. Stephenson: Lot 11 Leavitt's Subdiv. Taxes and penalties 24.16 Adjustment 12.39 cash. F� i 1 r 1 II II r u u LJ MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 13, at 7 :30 P M 19.E Preston R.Stephenson Lot 12 Leavitt's Subdiv. Preston R. Stephenson Lot 13 Leavitt'sSubdiv. Preston R. Stephenson Lot 47 1st Addn to Pine - hurst. The meeting then adjourned. Attest, City Clerk. Taxes and penalties Adjustment: Taxes and penalties Adjustment Taxes and penalties Adjustment '—Mayor. 74.99 50.99 cash. 74.89 50.99 cash. 94.13 42.73 cash. 53