HomeMy WebLinkAbout0727366 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 27 at 7:30 P M -19 36 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 O'Clock P.M. July 27, 1936. Present: Commissioner S.O.Shinholser, Mayor. " W.R.Dupree " W.A.Leffler " M.J.Lodge City Attorney Frdd R. 'Wilson City Clerk F .S. Lamson Chief of Police R.G.Williams. Absent: Commissioner P.N.Whitehurst. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of adjourned meeting of the City Commission and adjourned meeting of the Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board of July 6th., regular meeting of the City Commission and Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board'of July 13th, and adjourned meeting of theCity Commission of July 20th.2 1936 read and approved. Request next received from Mrs. D.A.Manard for permission to remove two oak trees from the parkway on French Avenue adjacent to Lot 10 Block 2 Tier 9 and on motion of Commissioner Dupree, seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried, same was granted. Communication next read from J A Blount Jr. requesting that a reduction be made in the fine of John Young, sentenced in the Municipal Court under date of May 11th, 1936, to a fine of $25.00 or serve 50 days in jail, for drunkenness, and released to pay. Thereupon, on recommendation of the Chief of Police, request granted and $12.50 of the fine order --d suspended, on payment of the balance. Otto Caldwell next appeared on behalf of the proposed ."1PA project for re- conditioning the Municipal Golf Course and club house and urged that the Commission use its best efforts to have this project placed upon the preferred list. Matter taken under consideration. Arthur Branan and W.14Haynes next presented need for extensive repairs to the Chamber of Commerce building, submitting bids for doing this work from Clarence Smith and J.F.N.Huddleston, amounting to #377.00 and $364.50 respectively. Action deferred pending further consideration. Mr. G.W.Spencer next appeared with further reference to his application for permit to erect an automobile service station at the northwest corner of Thirteenth St. and Park Ave., urging that favorable a.otion be taken at this time, and basing his request upon the fact that the City has no official zoning ordinance. At this time City Attorney �+ilson read that part of Ordinance No. 126 concerning the erection or operation of any public garage, filling station or other place of public service in any location outside the fire district. Thereupon, in view of the adverse recommendation of the City Planning Commission, Commissioner Leffler moved that the request of Bar. Spencer be declined without prejudice and reserving the right to reopen the matter at a later date. 4 K I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFOR.D, FLORIDA, July 27 at 7:30 P M 1936 Seconded by Commissioner Dupree and carried. Commissioner Leffler then suggested that the City make an independent canvass of all property owners on Park Ave. between Tenth St. and Fourteenth St. , as to their approval or disapproval of the construction of an automobile service station at Thirteenth St. and Park Ave. Suggestion adopted and so ordered. The Clerk next presented WPA project application prepared by Engineer Fred T. Williams, covering the repaving and widening of Oak Avenue and Celery Avenue and the repaving of Union Ave., the total project calling for an outlay of $21,676.00, of which $4523.00 is the City's contribution. WPA project application next presented, covering the erection of ball players club house and extension of roof over the grandstand at the municipal athletic field, this project calling for an outlay of $7652.70 of which the City's contribution is $1553.60, it being the intention to use salvaged materials from dock at the foot of Myrtle Ave. as a part of the City's contribution. Thereupon, after careful consideration, Commissioner Dupree moved that these projects be approved and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute same on the part of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Consideration next given to the relative importance of the various WPA projects heretofore approved and also those approved at this meeting, the following schedule of relative importance being adopted for recommendation to the County Planning Council: 1. Repaving and widening of Second St. and Magnolia Ave. 2. Construction of ball players club house and extension of roof over grandstand at the Municipal Athletic Field. 3. Relaying Sewers. 4. Repairs to Municipal Pier. 5. Repaving and widening Oak Ave. and Celery Ave. and repaving Union Ave. 6. Reconditioning Municipal Golf Course and club house. The Clerk next presented financial report of the operations of the municipal golf course for the period from January 1, 1935 to March 1, 1936, as prepared by A.C.Fort said report being as follows: January 1, 1935 to September 15, 1935 Disbursements V ., IBM Seed and fertilizer 15.00 Poison bait 5.20 Machine repair and replacement 25.95 Power 53.60 Gas, Oil, tractor fuel 150.73 Labor 417.50 $674.01 Receipts Balance on Hand 31.24 Memberships 71.6o Cash from City 400.00 Jan,Feb.,Mch,Apr,May,June,July and August Gasoline sold 11.02 513.86 Sept. 15, 1935' Deficit $160.15 V ., IBM 5S MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 27, at 7:30 P M 19 36 Bro't Ford Disbursements: Labor 226.92 Machine repairs & replacement 1 6.94 Power 49.60 Gas, Oil, Tractor fuel 66.91 Memberships 375.00 Cash from City 300.00 Sept, Oo t, Nov . , Dec , Jan, Feb) Receipts Sept 15,1935 to Feb 29,1936 Disbursements Balance 644022 ;._0j U-4 • its $160.15 O- $ 640.52 $675.00 Balance of $34.49 turned over to A.C.Fort as of March 1, 1936. all bills paid and O.K'd by Charles Dunn, Treasurer. Application next received from E.D.Price , agent for Guy Elkins, for permit to demolish frame building on Lot 31 Woodruff's Subdivision, and on recommendation of Building Inspector Paxton, Commissioner Leffler moved that the permit be granted. Seconded by Commissioner Dupree and carried. Communication next read from former Municipal Judge Wilkinson recommending that $100.00 of the $200.00 fine levied against W.H.Mills in the Municipal Court under date of June 22, 1936, for operating an automobile while under the influence of intoxicating liquor, be suspended. No action. Application next received from J C Bennett to be allowed to pay the 1934 and 1935 taxes against - th.e following described property without payment of the prior year's taxes at the same time, it being his intention to apply for adjustment of the latter taxes. at a later date: Lot 9 block 9 tier 2, E.R.Traff ord's Map of Sanford. Beg. 4.35 Ch. E. and 6 2/3 ch. N of S 112 Mi . Po. Sec. 26 Tp. 19 R. 30 E. Run E. 10 ch. N. 3 1/3 ch. W. 10 ch. S. 3 1/3 ch. Application approved and so ordered. The Clerk next reported $1237.00 on hand applicable to the judgments of Keefe , et al, and on motion duly carried payment of same was ordered made. On motion duly carried, the Commission next authorized payment of $50.00 to the Seminole County Welfare Board to be applied to welfare work during the month of July 1936. Consideration next given to the matter of a tax enforcement campaign, also the possibility of the employment of a contact man to work in conjunction with the Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board, action being deferred until a later date. Report next received from Supt. Moughton showing the cost to install an CZ overhead street light at the corner of Sixth St. and Maple Ave., as requested by the Security Lumber Co. to be ,$43.00. Action deferred. The meeting then adjourned to immediately re- convene as a Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board. Thereupon the following adjustments in taxes for the year 1933 and prior, were authorized and approved: 1 1 C7 1 1 IL II 11 1 II MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July �7 at 7:30 P M _1936 Robert Hill Lot 6 Block 11 Tier D Robert Hill Lot 3 Block 11 Tier F E.C.Harper Lot 26 Lane's Addn. Albert Hall Lot 1 Block 13 Tier 1 The meeting then adjourned. Attests City Clerk. Taxes and Penalties Adjustment: Accept Taxes and penalties Adjustment: ACCEPT Taxes and penalties Adjustment: Accept Taxes and penalties Adjustment: Accept Mayor. 59, $75.27 43.82 cash 61.47 47.60 cash. 392.86 252.15 cash and 39.15 with City Bonds. 51.44 43.25 cash.