HomeMy WebLinkAbout08103660 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, August 10, 7130 P M 1936 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 O!Clock P.M. August 10, 1936. Present: Commissioner S.O.Shinholser, Mayor. ?y.R.Dupree " M.J.Lodge " P.N.Whitehurst City Attorney F.R.Wilson: City Clerk F.S. Lamson Chief of Police, R.G. 711illiams Absent: Commissioner W.A.Leffler. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Current invoices and payrolls for the month of July 1936 properly audited and vouchered as evidenced by vouchers Nos. 7996 through 8067, submitted, examined, approved and payment ordered. Monthly report of the streets, sanitation, health, water, police, fire and library departments for the month of July 1936, submitted and examined. Financial statement and statement of revenues and expenditures during the month of July 1936, submitted and examined. Bank statements in all accounts for the month of July 1936 properly reconciled, submitted and examined. Minutes of regular meeting of the City Commission and meeting of the Municipal Delin- quent Tax Adjustment Board of July 27, 1936 read and approved. The Clerk next reported on the result of the independent canvass ordered made at the meeting of July 27th to determine the wishes of the owners of property on Park Avenue between Tenth Street and Fourteenth Street as to whether a permit should be granted for the erection of an automobile service station at the northwest corner of Thirteenth Street and Park Avenue as follows: Number of property owners in favor of issuance of permit. Number of property owners ( including R.M.Warren and E.L.Bailey who had both opposed to issuance of permit. previously expressed their wishes by letter or telegram, and G.W.Spencer, owner of the property. 16 Number of Property owners who could not be contacted. Number of property owners who preferred not to take a stand in the matter. 2 Thereupon, in view of the result of the independent canvass, no further action was considered necessary. Applications next received from G.W. Spencer for permit to erect store building to be used for grocery store purposes on Lot 3 Block 14 Tier 4 and permit to operate open air curb market on Lots 4 and 5 Block 14 Tier 4. Action deferred pending receipt of opinion from City Attorney as to the Commission-'s authority in this matter. Request next received from S. Benjamin for permission to pay the 1934 and 1935 City of t Sanford taxes against the S 112 of Lot 7 and all of Lot 8 Block 3 Tier S, without the payment of the 1933 and prior taxes at the same time, it being his intention to make application for adjustment of'the latter taxes at a later date. Request granted. Application next received from E.A.Londenberg for renewal for one year from July 1, 1936 1 1 LJ 1 1 1 1 Is MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, August 10, 7:30 P M _19__36 of lease to City owned farm land described as Lots 2,4, and 8 of Block X, St. Gertrude's Addition 4ttthe same rental as heretofore, to -wit: x$300.00 per year. After considerable discussion Commissioner Whitehurst moved that the application be approved and the property be leased to Mr. Londenberg for one year from July 1, 1936, at a rental of $300.00 Seconded by Commissioner Dupree and carried. Consideration next given to the parking problem on Park Avenue between Second Street and Tenth Street, due to the increased width as a result of the recently completed WPA project covering the widening and repaving of this Avenue. Thereupon instructions were issued to Supt. Moughton to paint diagonal parking lines on both sides of Park Avenue between Second Street and Fourth Street, and diagonal parking lines on the east side and parallel parking lines on the west side of the Avenue between Fourth Street and Tenth Street. Sketch next presented by Engineer Fred T.Williams showing how the Municipal Athletic Field can be used for foot ball games by the Local High Schools without harm to the baseball diamond, and requesting permission to use the field for this purpose. Permission - ranted. The Clerk next reported $1650.00 on hand applicable to the judgments of the Bondholders Protective Committee, and on motion of Commissioner Dupree, Seconded by Commissioner White- hurst and carried, same was ordered paid. Consideration next given to the clean -up campaign being conducted under the supervision of Special Sanitary Inspector A.R.Marshall. Thereupon, in order not to interfere with the carrying on of this campaign, Mr Marshall's employment was ordered continued through the month of August, 1936. Communication next read from the St. Johns River Line Company protesting against the assessed valuation for 1936 against their warehouse and dock property at the foot of Palmetto Avenue described as follows: That part of the following described property lying north of the north line of Seminole Boulevard: Beginning at the northeast point of the intersection of Palmetto Avenue and Commercial St., run north 448.93 ft. N. 69 degrees 17 minutes Nest 91.94 ft. north 445.07 feet East 201 feet, south to Commercial Street, west to Beginning. and same was ordered filed for consideration by the City Commission when sitting as an Equalization Board. The need for a new truck by the Water Department and also one for the Street Department was next brought to the attention of the Commission and same was taken under consideration. The meeting then adjourned to immediately re- convene as a Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board. Thereupon the following adjustments in taxes for the year 1933 and prior, and street Paving assessments , were authorized and approved: Minnie L. Odha.m Lots 42,43 and 44 Revised Plat of Druid Park Taxes and penalties Paving and interest Adjustment: For taxes For Paving Mrs Martha. C Moffitt Beg. at Pt. 418 ft. Sly from Int. of Celery Ave. and Mellonville Ave. Run Sly along W. side of Mellonville Ave. 100 ft. f. 235 ft Nly 100 ft. E. 235 ft to Beg. Taxes and penalties 60.14 2906.37 13.54 cash and 35.01 with City Bonds. 878.95 with City Bonds. 101.63 Adjustment 60.92 cash. 131 62 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION; SANFORD, FLORIDA, August lO, at 7:30 P 9 36 Mrs Martha C Moffitt Beg at Pt. 180 ft W. of Int of Celery Ave and Mellonville Ave Run W. 55 ft thence Sly 418 ft. E. 55 ft Nly 418 ft. to Pt. of Beg. In Sec. 31 Tp. 19 S.R. 31 E. Taxes and penalties 46.90 Adjustment: 38.75 Meisch Roa.lty Co. Lots 4 and 5 Block 12 Tier Taxes and penalties 113.30 Paving and interest 1713.99 Adjustment: For Taxes 43.90 cash For paving 932.99 with City Bonds. Evelyn H Durlin Lot 10 Block 4 Tier 4 Taxes and penalties 506.84 Adjustment: 291.07 cal3h. Mary J Knox Lot 117 Sanford Heights Taxes and penalties 46.43 Paving and interest 298.59 Adjustment: For taxes 18.05 cash. For paving 187.41 with City Bonds. R M Warren Lot 10 Block 8 Tier 1 Taxes and Penalties 345.47 Adjustment 199.29 cash Hester Felder N. 30 ft of Lot 4 Bik 12 Tr. A Taxes and penalties 62.28 Adjustment 35.84 cash. Henry Wight Lots 1, 2 and Frac. 3 Blk 6 Tr. 7 Taxes and penalties 428.86 Adjustment 255.88 cash Henry "light and C F Wight E 5819 ft. of Lot 6 and E. 54 ft. of N. 44 ft of Lot 7 Boock 6 Tr. 7 Taxes and penalties 285.69 Adjustment 166.90 cash R. McPherson Lot 1_Block 8 Tier D Taxes and penalties 70.68 Adjustment 42.13 cash. R. McPherson Lot 2 Block 8 Tier D Taxes and penalties 62.01 Adjustment 36.96 cash. R. McPherson Lot 7 Block 8 Tier D Taxes and Penalties 53.35 Adjustment 31.78 cash. R. McPherson Lot 8 Block 8 Tier D Taxes and penalties 60.32 Adjustment 35.95 cash. R. McPherson Lot 2 Blk 18 C. & T. Add. Taxes & Penalties 42.85 Adjustment 35.00 cash. Mamie Kate Hall Lot 6 Block 16 Tier 4 Paving�,add"Interest. 1481.99 Adjustment 854.32 with City Bond s. The meeting then adjourned. Mayor. Attest: City Clerk.