HomeMy WebLinkAbout09283678 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 29 at 7:30 P #936 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 O'Clock P.M. September 28, 1936. Present: Commissioner S . 0 Shinholser, Mayor. " W.R. Dupree " W.A.Leffler " M. J Lodge City Clerk F.S. Lamson Chief of Police R.G. Williams. Absent: Commissioner P.N.Whitehurst. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of Regular Meeting of the City Commission and meeting of the Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board of September 14th, Adjourned Meeting of September 16th, Adjourned Meeting of September 18th. and Adjourned Meeting of September 21st, read and approved. Bids next received from R.J.Reel & Sons, Wight Bros. Co, Strickland Motors Inc., Proctor Chevrolet Co, and Sanford Buick Co., to furnish one piok -up truck for the service division of the Water Department and one 1i ton truck for the Street Department, and same were ordered tabulated by the Clerk and presented for final action at an Adjourned Meeting to be held September 30th, 1936. The Commission next resolved itself into a Tax Equalization Board, where- upon the following requests for reduction: of 1936 Tax Valuations were received: P.B.Smith, on behalf of S.S.Telford Objection to valuation of 1500.00 against Blk 3N. Tr. 10 and $75U.00 against block 2N Tr. 10 Sanford Gas. Company Requests reduction in Personal Property Assessment of $90,000.00 J J Cates Requests reduction.in assessed valuation_ of $17,500.00 against Lots 1, 2, Blk 3 Tr. 5 Florida Power & Light Co. Claims Personal Tax Assessment of $230,000.00 too high. C E Heinrich Requests reduction in assessment, valuation of $1150.00 against the S.W. 1/4 of Blk 3 Tier 17 Action deferred until an adjourned meeting to be held September 30, 19369 after which the Commission adjourned as a Tax Equalization Board and immediately re- convened in regular session to consider any further business which may come before it. Mr. R.J. Reel next appeared and requested that the sidewalk grades adjacent to his Automobile service station property at First Street and Myrtle Avenue be lowered in order to remove a-dangerous "dip" at the curb line, and same was referred to Supt. Moughton and Engineer Fred T.Williams to investigate. On motion duly adopted, the Clerk was next authorized to make payment of $50.00 to the Seminole County welfare Board to cover welfare work during the month of September, 1936. In accordance with the terms of the Charter, the Mayor was next authorized to issue an Election Proclamation calling a Municipal Primary Election to be held November 3rd. 1936, for the purpose of nominating two candidates for the position of City Commissioner, both for term of three years, one to fill the vacancy to be caused by the expiration of the term of office of Commissioner S.O.Shinholser and the other 1 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Sentember -28 a:# 7:3Q P' M 19_36__ to fill the vacancy to be caused by the expiration of the term of office of Commissioner M.J.Lodge. election: Thereupon the following were designated to serve as Clerk and Inspectors of said For Clerk: For Inspectors: W.M.McKinnon R.C.Whitten N. 0. Garner W.E.Watson. The Clerk next reported alternative writ of mandamus obtained by the United Mutual Life Insurance Co. requiring the City to make a levy of .24096 mills on the 1936 tax roll, the proceeds from such levy to be applied to payment of judgment obtained by said United Mutual Life Insurance Co, covering certain past due City of Sanford bonds and interest coupons. Blotter referred to City Attorney. The Clerk next reported alternative writ of mandamus obtained by Kenneth M. Keefe et al, representing the City of Sanford Bondholders Protective Committee, calling for the payment 047,480.00 from net revenues of the Water Utilities Department for a like amount of past due Water Bond interest coupons. Thereupon, in view of the fact that all net revenues of the Department of Water Utility have been appropriated to the payment of interest and principal on the bonds issued for the construction or improvement of the water works plant, Commissioner Leffler moved that the terms of said writ be complied with. Secondedi by Commissioner Dupree and carried. Commissioner Leffler next introduced Resolution No. 489 and moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Dupree and carried by the following vote of the Commission. Commissioner Shinholser Aye " Dupree Aye " Leffler Aye " Lodge Aye said resolution No. 489 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION no. 489 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA PROVIDING FOR THE CANCELLATION BY PERFORATION OF CERTAIN BONDS OF SAID CITY OF SANFORD) FLORIDA, NOW HELD BY IT AND IN THIS RESOLUTION PAR- TICULARLY DESCRIBED. WHEREAS, the City of Sanford, Florida, now has in its possession certain bonds of said City of Sanford which have been received by said City in payment of certain special assessments made by the City of Sanford, and certain bonds of said City of Sanford received by it in payment of delinquent taxes and miscellaneous items, and certain bonds of said City of Sanford purchased by said City from collections of delinquent taxes and dividends from closed banks, which said bonds are listed as follows, to -wit: BUND8 RECEIVED BY CITY IN PAYMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Numbers Series to Due AmaMj� 86,87 A -BB 1/1/26 7/l/35 6% 2,000.ou 416 A -BBc 1/1/26 7/1/34 6% 19000.00 36/37,39/41 Cert. of Indebt. 7/1/27 7/1/29 50 5,000.00 157,159 CC 7/1/ �6 7/l/56 54% 2,000.00 195,196 DD 7/1/26 7/1/56 51% 2,000.00 12,000.00 80 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 28 at 7:30 P Iq 936 BONDS RECEIVED BY CITY IN PAYMENT OF DELINQUENT TAXES AND NOff THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commissioners of the City of Sanford Florida, that the above described bonds of said City of Sanford, Florida,be cancelled by the City Clerk of said City by perforation thereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption, Adopted this 28th day of September A.D. 1936. Attest: F.S. Lamson. As City Clerk ( Seal) S. 0 Shinholser M. J. LOdge W.R. Dupree W.A.Leffier As the City Commissioners of the City of Sanford, Florida. Thereupon said bonds as listed in said resolution were canceled by perforation and presented to the Commission to verify Communication next received from the Florida Power & Light Co. agreeing to continue furnishing electricity at the Water Pumping Station for a reasonable period after October lst, 1936, the date of the expiration of the present contract, pending the completion of the new arrangements. Further consideration next given to request heretofore made of Florida Power & Light Co. to connect three white —way all night street lights on the south side of Seminole Boulevard between Park and Myrtle Avenues, and discontinue three other white —way street lights at certain designated locations to offset the cost I� r� n 1 1 KtSCELLANEWS ITEMS. Numbers ries Date DM_ Interest Amount 38 Cert. of Indebt. 7/1/27 7/1/29 50 $13,000.00 336 RR 1/1/27 7/1/35 50 1.000.00 000.E BONDS PURCHASED BY CITY FROM COLLECTIONS OF DELINQUENT TAXES AND DIVIDENDS FRCK CLOSED BANKS. Numbers Series -Date Due Interest Amount 129/131 268/272 CC 7/1/26 7/1/56 50 82000.00 69/70 HH 7/1/26 7/1/56 51% 2,000.00 1092110 J 7/1/25 1/1/31 5 -3/4 :.2,000.00 1231132 J 7/1/25 1/1/32 5 -3/4% 10,000.00 151/154 J 7/1/25 1/1/33 5 -3/4% 41000.00 41/50 Go 7/1/26 7/l/56 4% l0, 000.00 367/3689 Imp. 7/1/22 7/1/52 50 5,000.00 374/376 1922 50 Cert. of Indebt.7/1/27 7/1/29 51% 1,000.00 546/548 A -1 l /1/28_ 1/1/50 6% 3,000.00 53/54 A -3 1 /l /28 1/1/35 6% 22000.00 90 A -3 1/1/28 1/1/37 6% 1,000.00 161 A -3 1/1/28 1/1/43 6% 1,000.00 V491000.00 AND, WHEREAS, the City Commissioners of the City of Sanford, Florida, deem it advisable, expedient and proper that the above described bonds of said City of Sanford, Florida, be cancelled by perforation. NOff THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commissioners of the City of Sanford Florida, that the above described bonds of said City of Sanford, Florida,be cancelled by the City Clerk of said City by perforation thereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption, Adopted this 28th day of September A.D. 1936. Attest: F.S. Lamson. As City Clerk ( Seal) S. 0 Shinholser M. J. LOdge W.R. Dupree W.A.Leffier As the City Commissioners of the City of Sanford, Florida. Thereupon said bonds as listed in said resolution were canceled by perforation and presented to the Commission to verify Communication next received from the Florida Power & Light Co. agreeing to continue furnishing electricity at the Water Pumping Station for a reasonable period after October lst, 1936, the date of the expiration of the present contract, pending the completion of the new arrangements. Further consideration next given to request heretofore made of Florida Power & Light Co. to connect three white —way all night street lights on the south side of Seminole Boulevard between Park and Myrtle Avenues, and discontinue three other white —way street lights at certain designated locations to offset the cost I� r� n 1 1 1 1 1 fl MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 28 at 7: 3Q P M-1 9-3-6- of the lights to be connected, the Florida Power & Light Co. having refused to make such change until formal letter agreement has been executed and resolution authorizing the execution of such agreement has been adopted. Thereupon Commissioner Leffler introduced Resolution No . 490 and moved that it be adopted under protest on account of the failure of the Florida Power & Light Co. to comply with the City's previous request to connect the lights in question. Seconded by Commissioner Dupree and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Shinholser Aye " Dupree Aye " Leffler Aye " Lodge Aye said resolution being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. - 490 APPROVING A PROPOSED LETTER AGREEMENT DISCONTINUING CERTAIN STREET LIGHTS FORMERLY OPERATED UNDER THE SAID STREET LIGHTING AGREEMENT AND PLACING IN SERVICE CERTAIN OTHER STREET LIGHTS TO BE OPERATED UNDER THE SAID STREET LIGHTING AGREEMENT; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK OF AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY TO EXECUTE AND ENTER INTO THE PROPOSED LETTER AGREEMENT WITH FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: 1. That the proposed Letter Agreement between the City and Florida Power and Light Company, set forth in Section 2 hereof, be and the same is hereby approved as to form and substance. 2. That the Mayor and the City Clerk of and on behalf of the City, be and they are hereby authorized to execute and enter into with Florida Power & Light Company the letter Agreement described in Section 1 hereof, and hereinafter set forth in form. as follows : September 28, 1936. City of Sanford Sanford, Florida. Gentlemen: This relates to the request contained in the letter from Mr. F.S. Lamson, City Clerk, dated March 21, 1936, in regard to the placing in service of certain street lights under the street lighting agreement in effect between us and the discontinuance of other street lights formerly operated under said Street Lighting Agreement. We will, as of the 15th. day of October, 1936, discontinue three (3) 100 candlepower street lights. Said street lights to be discontinued hereunder are more particularly described as to number, candlepower, type, location, ownership and burning schedule on Exhibit "A" atte.clied hereto and made a part hereof. We will not bill you and you willnot be obligated to pay for the street lights shown on Exhibit "A ", as discontinued, while the same remain so discontinued. However, at any time, or from. time to time, at your request, we will place in actii>re service any or all of the street lights shown discontinued on Exhibit "A", and thereafter we will bill you and you shall pay for the same in accordance with the said Street Lighting Agreement. We will, as of the 15th day of October , 1936, place in service, under the terms and conditions of the said Street Lighting Agreement, every other-all night IOU candle -ppwer "White Way" street light on the South side of Seminole Boulevard starting with the light at the corner of Myrtle Avenue and running east. Said street lights to be placed in service under the said Street Lighting Agreement hereunder are more particularly described as to number, candlepower, type, location, ownership and burning schedule on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. We will bill you and you will pay for the said street lights placed in service as shown on Exhibit "A" in accordance with the terms and conditions of the said Street Lighting Agreement. If you agree to the foregoing, kindly so indicate by causing this letter and the attached copies to be executed by your duly authorized officials under your corporate seal in the spaces provided below for that purpose. Yours very truly, FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY By Acting President. 82 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 29 at 7:30 P M 19-3-6 We agree to the foregoing. CITY CF SANFORD BY Mayor. ATTEST: City Clerk. Dated September 28, 1936 Approved as to Form and Correctness this day of 1936. Attorney for the City of Sanford, florida. EXHIBIT "A" Street lights to be discontinued as of the in accordance with the terms of this Letter Agreement. NO CANDLEPOWER TYPE LOCATION 3 -139 4 -28 6 -134 100 100 100 WW WW S.W.Corner of 2nd Street & Park Ave. day of OWNERSHIP City East side Sanford Avenue at S & E Branch of A.C.L. Ry. SX corner 11th Street & Sanford Avenue Street lights to be placed in service as of the in accordance with the terms of this Letter Agreement. City City day of ,1936 BURNING SCHEDULE ANA ANA ANA 1936s No. CANDLEPOWER TYPE LOCATION OWNERSHIP BURNING SCHEDULE 3 -142 100 WW Seminole Boulevard City ANA 3 -144 100 1W " " City ANA 3/146 100 WW " " City ANA BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution is adopted under protest om account of the failure of the Florida Power & Light Company to comply with the City's previous request to connect the lights in question. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall be and become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of September 1936. S. O. Shinholser M.J.LodRe W.R.Dupree W.A. Leffler As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida.. ATTEST: F S Lamson City Clerk. ( Seal) Communication next read from A.P.Michaels confirming proposal made to City Commission under date of September 14th. to conduct survey and analysis of the City's Water Works System and same was ordered filed for future consideration. Communication next read from W.R.Lovett, President, Winn & Lovett Grocery Co. requesting that action be deferred for various reasons on the execution of the proposed lease on certain City owned property fronting on Seminole Boulevard East of French Avenue. Request granted, with the proviso that if such lease is not executed by January 1, 1931, when it is proposed to become effective, the agreement to execute such 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 28, 7:30 P M 19_36 lease becomes null and void. Communication next read from the Tampa Health Department advising that the Pit Sanitary Toilet Project, sponsored by the State Board of Health, had been very successful in that City. Thereupon; on motion duly carried, request of the State Board of Health to sponsor such a project in Sanford approved. Communication next read from Sanford Junior Chamber of Commerce commending the City for its efforts to regulate traffic within the City limits and thereby promote safety. Bill of City Attorney Wilson for $75.00 , representing services in connection with the dismissal of twenty -four suits brought by citizens of Goldsboro, next presented, and on motion of Commissioner Leffler, seconded by Commissioner.Lodge and carried , same was approved and ordered paid. Annual report of Mrs E.J. Moughton, Librarian, next presented and read Request next received from Gulf Oil Co . for permission to remove white way post from the N.W. corner of SecondStreet and Park Avenue, adjacent to their new automobile service station., it being their intention to erect a lighted sign at this location. Permission granted. Report next received from Inspector Paxton as to the dangerous condition of the brick building on the west side of Sanford Avenue between First and Second Streets occupied by "Simon't Store." Matter referred back to inspector Paxton to handle with the owner of the building with a view to having necessary repairs made. Instructions next issued to obtain bids for installing toilet facilities in the pavillion at the Evergreen Cemetery. Communication next read from the Chairman of the Special Cemetery Beautification: Committee requesting that $125.00 be allocated for purchase of fertilizer, plants, etc, for th cemetery and that in addition a. power lawn mower be purchased for use at the cemetery. Action deferred until adjourned meeting to be held September 30, 1936. The meeting then adjourned until 7:30 O'Clock P.M. September 30th. 1936, after which the Commission immediately re- convened as a Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board. Thereupon the following adjustments in taxes for the year 1933 and prior and street paving special assessments, were authorized and approved: J.J.Duren E. 56.5 ft of N W 1/4 of Blk 3 Tr. 17 Taxes & Penalties 312.74 Adjustment Authorized Adjusted to 231.90 payable with Cash Street paving lien: and interest 196.94 Adjustment authorized: Adjusted to 120.06 payable with City of Sanford bonds. J E Spurling Estate. Lot 1 Spurling Heights Taxes and penalties 215.64 Adjustment authorized: Adjusted to 37.45 payable in cash and 79.37 payable in City of Sanford bonds. Street paving Lien and interest. 6267.00 Adjustment authorized: Adjusted to 3692.25 payable in City of Sanford bonds. c� 84 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 25, 7:30 P M 19 36 APPLICATIONS HERETOFORE APPROVED AND NOT PAID AND, NOW SUBMITTED FOR RE- CONSIDERATION. Flora H Spurling Lot 2 Spurling Heights Taxes and penalties 124.37 Adjustment authorized: Adjusted to 46.90 payable in Cash. Street paving lien and int. 4327.97 Adjustment authorized: Adjusted to 2515.01 payable in City of Sanford bonds. L.A.Brumley, Agt. Lots 1,2 & 3 Bik 2 Tr. 3 Taxes & Penalties 3447.25 Adjustment authorized: Adjusted to 1991.75 payable in cash Street paving lien & interest 955.61 Adjustment authorized: Adjusted to 559.00 payable in City of -Sanford bonds. The Associated Mortgage Cos. Inc. Lots 1, 2 and 3 Block 4 Tier 1 Taxes & Penalties 3605.13 Adjustment authorized: Adjusted to 1772.05 payable in cash and 396.00 payable in City of Sanford bonds. The meeting then adjourned. Attest:4G��� ...City ,clerk....... . r O 1 C 1