HomeMy WebLinkAbout0930361 1 1 11 MINUTES 8 CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 30 at 7:30 P16 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Adjourned Regular Session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 O' Clock P.M. September 30, 1936• Present: Commissioner S. 0 Shinholser. " W.R.Dupree " W.A.Leffler It M.J.Lodge it P.N.Whitehurst City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Clerk F. S. Lamson,: Chief of Police R.G.Williams. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. The Clerk then presented tabulated list of bids received for furnishing one piok -up' truck for the Water Dena rtment and one 1i ton truck chassis and cab, equipped as per specifications submitted, for use by the Street Department, as follows: PICK -UP' TRUCK ( Water Dept) STREET DEPT. TRUCK REEL & SONS ( Dodge) $419.50 and Model A Ford ^ Pick -up truck now used by $724.50 Water Dept. PROOT& CHEVROLET CO. ( Chevrolet ) $437.00 AND Model A Ford Pick -up truck now used by Water Dept. 749.05 STRICKLAND MOTORS INC.(Ford) $465.39 and Model A. Ford Pick - up truck now used by Water Dept. 792.70 less tax WIGHT BROS. CO ( GMC ) $522.00 and Model A Ford Pick -up truck now used by hater Dept. 755.30 SANFORD BUICK CO ( Mack Jr.) $726.00 and Model A Ford Pick -up truck now used by Water Dept. 977.96 of After comparison /the prices submitted and the equipment bid upon:, Commissioner Whitehurst moved that the bid of Reel & Sons to furnish one Dodge Pick -up Truck for $419.50 and the Model A Ford Pick -up truck now being used by the Water Dept. be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Leffler and carried. Commissioner Dupree next moved that the bid of Proctor Chevrolet Co. to furnish one 1J ton Chevrolet Truck, chassis and cab for $745.05 be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Leffler and carried. Engineer Fred T.Williams next presented amended plat of the American Fruit Growers A.F.G. Industrial Tract, and after ascertaining that all City taxed have been paid on this property, Commissioner Whitehurst moved that the plat be approved. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Mr. Williams next reported on efforts to obtain right -of -way for a road on the East side of Lakeview and Catholic cemeteries. 86 MINUTES TY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 30 at 7 *_30 P .11936 Matter then referred to City Attorney Wilson for opinion as to the City's right to condemn sufficient land required for the proposed road. Mr. Williams next reported that the request made for funds to light the High School Athletic Field had been without authorization of the School Board and that all football games during the 1936 season have been scheduled for daytime. Matter therefore tabled. Consideration next given to petition of D.L.Harper and others to abate a purported nuisance caused by horse stables and horses in the rear of 905 E. Second Street, but in view of the report of Inspector Paxton that these premises are kept clean, matter carried over pending,receipt of information as to how such matters are handled in other cities of a similar size. In view,of the fact that H.J.Lehman had signified his inability to serve as a representative of the City on the Advisory Council of the State Farmer's Markets for Seminole County, Commissioner Dupree then moved that H.M.Papworth be appointed to serve with Commissioner Leffler on this Council. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Communication next read from E.P.Owen Jr., secretary of the Florida League of Municipalities, requesting that the City appoint some member of the Commission to serve, along with City Attorney Wilson, on the League's General Legislative Committee. Thereupon, Commissioner Leffler moved that Mayor Shinholser be designated to repre- sent the City on this Committee. Seconded by Commissioner Whitehurst and carried. Consideration next given to the matter of renewing licenses for the sale of beer, wines and liquor in the City of Sanford. Thereupoixi Commissioner Whitehurst moved that all dealers in beer, wines and liquor be required to make application for permit to sell such beer, wines and liquor at the, beginning of each fiscal year. Seconded by Commissioner Leffler and carried. The following applications were then presented and on recommendation of Chief of Police Williams, approved for the year beginning October 1, 1936: N Constantine Seminole Boulevard & French Ave. M.F.Ceresoli 310 Sanford Avenue Harry W. McCalley 701 French Avenue J.A.Gramling 311 Sanford Avenue R.S.Murray 13th & French Ave. Martin Ceresoli and Nick Constantine 312 Sanford Avenue Beer and wines Beer and wines Beer and wines. Beer and wines. Beer and wines. Package Liquor Store. Mr. C.S.Henning next submitted a proposal to handle the refunding operations of the City if and when satisfactory arrangements can be made with the City of Sanford Bondholders Protective Committee, for a fee of $25,000.00 Matter taken under consideration:. Commissioner Leffler next introduced Resolution No. 491 and moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Whitehurst and carried by the following vote of the Commissi Commissioner Shinholser Aye " Dupree Aye " Leffler Aye " Lode Aye " Whi ehurst Aye LJI 1 1 1 1 1 I MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 30-,7:3Q P M19_-3-6 said resolution being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 491. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, appropriating any unexpended cash surplus on hand at the end of the FISCAL YEAR 1935 -1936 TO THE DEPARTMENT OF THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT OF SAID CITY, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1936 -1937, FOR USE FOR THE ORDINARY PURPOSES AND OPERATING EXPENSES OF SAID CITY. WHEREAS the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, deems it necessary, expedient and for the best interests of said City that any unexpended cash surplus as of September 30, 1936, of the revenues of said City for the fiscal year 1935 -1936 be appro- priated for the ordinary purposes and operating expenses of said City in the budget for the fiscal year 1936 -1937: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford., Florida, that any unexpended cash surplus as of September 30, 19369 of the revenues of said City for the fiscal year of 1935 -1936 be and the same is hereby appropriated to the Department of General Government of said City for the ordinary purposes and operating expenses of said City for the fiscal year 1936 -1937, and said cash surplus shall be incorporated in the Budget of revenues and expenditures of said City for said fiscal year 1936 -1937 for the ordinary purposes and operating expenses of said City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption.,. Passed and adopted this 30th day of September , 1936. S 0 Shinholser. N.J. Lodge W.R.Dupree W.A.Leffler P.N.Whitehurst As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. Attest: F.S.Lamson- City Clerk ( `'eal) On motion duly carried $21.30 was next authorized for the payment of meals and beds for indigent transients on orders furnished by the Salvation Army, this amount representing the excess tickets presented over and above the amount heretofore authorized for this purpose. Commissioner Whitehurst next moved that over - expenditures of the following divisions within the Department of General Government be approved, the amounts of such over- expendi- tures being more than off -set by savings in other Divisions: Municipal Court, Street Lighting, Docks & Wharves, Insurance, Library, Publicity, Division of Streets and Division of Police Protection. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Consideration next given to objections or complaints presented to the City Commission while sitting as a Tax Equalitzation Board at the meeting of September 28th. 1936, the following action being taken thereon: �f MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 30 at 7:30 P M-19 36 Name S.S. Telford { By P B Smith) a a Sanford Gas. Co Description Blk. 3N Tr. 10 " Blk 2N Tr. 10 Personal Property Obiection Claims $1500.00 too high Claims 750-00,100 high Claims $90,000.00 too high J.J.Cates Lots J.& 2 Blk 3 Tr. 5 Claims $17,500.00 too high Florida Power & Light Co. Personal Property Claims $230,000.00 too high C.E.Heinrich S.T. 1/4 of Blk 3 Tr. 17 Claims $115U.00 too high Railway Express Personal Property Requests re- consideration: of claim that $6000.00 is too high Aotion. No change No change Reduced to $50,000.00 Reduced to $15,000.00 No change. Reduced to $1000.00 No change Application next received from Robert North for employment as landscape gardener in connection with the beautification of the City's park system, and same was referred to a committee composed of Commissioners Leffler, Dupree and Lodge for recommendation. Consideration next given to the budget of revenues and expenditures for the fiscal year beginning October 1st, 1936, and ending September 30th. 1937, same having been prepared by the City Clerk, revised and amended by the City Commission, and now presented for final action. Thereupon Commissioner Whitehurst offered Resolution No. 492 and moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Dupree and carried by the following vote of the Commissi Commissioner Shinholser Aye " Dupree Aye " Leffler Aye " Lodge Aye " Whitehurst Aye said resolution No. 492 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION N0. 492. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE BUDGET OF THE REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES OF THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 11 1936 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1937. WHEREAS, in accordance,- with section 59, as amended , of the Charter of the City of Sanford, Florida, the City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, has made up and submitted to the City Commission of the City of Sanford,.Florida, an estimate or budget of the revenues and expenditures of the City of Sanford, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1936, and ending September 30, 1937, such estimate or budget having been made with particular application to the various departments of the City, said budget so prepared being in words and figures as follows: BUDGET ESTIMATE - 1936 -1937 RECAPITULATION Total Appropriation $148,077.90 Less Miscellaneous Revenues 55.915.00 92,162.90 Less Delinquent Tax Collections appropriated to Debt Service ( that part paid with cash and originally appropriated to Debt Service) 9.000 00 To be raised by Taxation. p4)162. 90 Appropriation for purchase of City of Sanford, Florida, bonds and certificates of indebtedness at Market prices, to be paid from debt service proportion of delinquent tax collections. 5,000. 00 1 rj 1 1 1 L � I � I, U lJ U 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD,_ FLORIDA, September 30 at 71-30 P M 1 g__3 6 Appropriation for Department of Water Utility, to be paid entirely from revenues of the Department of Water Utility. 31,905.00 _DISTRIBUTION OF MILLAGE Department of General Government 15.00000 Mills Department of Debt Service:- For items of interest included in those certain two judgments of the United States District Court wherein Kenneth M. Keefe and others were plaintiffs and the City .of Sanford, Florida , was defendant, docketed as case Numbers 2351 -T and 2511 -T, except those certain, bonds issued for the construction or improvement of the Water Works Plant of said City. 14.6898 Mills For Interest coupons and interest upon principal of bonds included in judgment of United Mutual Life Insurance Co. against the City of Sanford, Florida . ( Case No. N1922) .24096 Mills. For interest coupons maturing January let, 1930, July let. 1930. January let, 1931, July let , 1931, January let, 1932, July let 1932, January let, 1933, July lot, 1933, January let. 19341 July 1st 1934, January let, 1935, July let, 1935 January let, 1936, July 1st. 1936, January let, 1937 and July lot 1937, on bonds numbered 1 to 11, both inclusive, 29,30, 54 to 58 both inclusive, 61 to 65, both inclusive, 67 and 68 of that certain issue of bonds of the City of Sanford, Florida , designated " Public Improvement Bonds" Dated July 2, 1923, in the aggregate sum of $160,000.00 and maturing July let, 1953, held by C.J.Root. .06924 Mills. TOTAL 30.00000 Mills. SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS. DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL GOVERNMENT $91,916.50 DEPARTMENT OF DEBT SERVICE: For items of interest included in those certain two judgments of the United States District Court wherein Kenneth M. Keefe and others were plaintiffs and the City of Sanford, Florida was defendant, docketed as case numbers 2351 -T and 2511-T, except coupons of bonds issued for the construction or improvement of the Water Works Plant of said City. $55,000.00 For Interest coupons and interest upon principal of bonds included in Judgment of United Mutual Life Insurance Company against the City of Sanford, Florida. 902.15 For interest coupons maturing January let, 1930, July 1st, 1930, January lot, 1931, July let, 1931 , January let. 1932, July let, 1932, January let, 1933, July let, 1933, January let 1934, July lot, 1934, January lot, 1935, July lst, 1935, January let, 19360 July lot 1936, January let, 1937, and July let, 1937 on bonds numbered 1 to 11 both in- clusive, 29 30, 54 to 58 both inclusive, 61 to 65 both inclusive, 7 and 68 of that certain issue of bonds of the City of Sanford, Florida, designated " Public Improvement Bonds " dated July 2, 1923, in the aggregate sum of $160,000.00 and maturing July 1st, 1953, held by C . J. Root. 259.25 For purchase of City of Sanford bonds and certificates of indebtedness at market prices, the revenues for this purpose to be derived from net collections of debt service proportion.. of delinquent taxes. 51000. 00 TOTAL APPROP RIATIONS ( including appropriation for pur- chase of City of Sanford bonds and certificates of in- debtedness but excepting appropriation for the Department of Water Utility) 156,077. 90 DEPARTMENT OF WATER UTILITY ( To be paid from.revenues of the Department of Water Utility) 31,905. 00 For interest on bonds issued for construction or improve- ment of the Water Works Plant of said City, all revenues in excess of the appropriation to the Department of Water Utility - Estimated 12,595 •00 90 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD,. FLORI 19 1 L- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, .September 30_7:30 PAM 19_3-6- It ESTIMATED MISCELLANEOUS REVE HUES From cash surplus as of September 30, 1936, appropriated for operating expenses in the Department of General Government during the fiscal year 1936 -1937 15,000.00 Delinquent Taxes of prior years ( That part paid with cash and originally appropriated for operating expenses.) 15,000.00 Privileges and Franchises 9,500.00 State Road & Bridge Fund 3,000.00 Pound Fees & Dog Taxes 40.00 Inspection Fees 125.00 Fines & Costs 6,000.00 Interest 6- Costs on Taxes .2,500.00 Cemetery Lots sold 750.00 Sundry Miscellaneous Income 4,000.00 Total $55,915.00 Estimated collections of delinquent taxes for 1935 and prior years to be used for purchase of City of Sanford bonds and certificates of indebtedness at market prices. 51000.00 Estimated collections of delinquent taxes for 1935 and prior years, re- appropriated to the payment of interest in the Department of Debt Service for the fiscal year 1936 -1937• 52000.00 Estimated gross revenues of the Department of Water Utility. 44,500.00 APPROPRIATIONS, 4 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL GOVERNMENT. CITY COMMISSION Salaries - Commissioners 560.00 Surety Bond premiums 40.00 Miscellaneous Expense 150.00 1,050.00 MUNICIPAL COURT Salary- Judge 450.00 Office Supplies 25.00 Surety Bond Premium 7.50 512.50 CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Salary - City Attorney 750.00 Office Supplies & Miscellaneous 25.00 505.00 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Salaries of Election Officials and Miscellaneous expense 150.00 150.00 DIVISION OF STREETS, BRIDGES & SEWERS ( Including Street Cleaning and Garbage removal.) Superintendence Labor Convict Labor ( Meals & Clothing) Gas, Oil & Auto Supplies Machinery & Equipment Supplies Streets & Sewer Materials Emergency 6- Miscellaneous Supplies 2100.00 10000.00 1500.00 4000.00 1000.00 2500.00 200.00 1 i '92 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Sept . 30 at 7: 30 P 19_36 DIVISION OF STREETS, BRIDGES & SEWERS continued Communications License Tags New Equipment DIVISION OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS Labor - Lights, Fuel,Ice etc. `janitors' Supplies Repair Materials Miscellaneous ,ENGINEERING Engineer's Fees CEMETERY MAINTENANCE Superintendence & Labor Plants, Shrubs & other supplies (Including Repairs to buildings INSPECTION' Salary of Inspector Gas, Oil & Auto Supplies New Equipment STREET LIGHTING Street Lighting ( Current) Repairs to Equipment INSURANCE Fire, Automobile and Workmen's Compensation DIVISION OF POLICE PROTECTION Salary -'Chief Salary Lieutenant Salaries- 2 Patrolmen Salaries - Special Patrolmen Salary - Desk Officer Special Services Gas, Oil & Auto Supplies Office Supplies Communications Repairs to Equipment Drugs, Chemicals, Disinfectants etc. Uniforms, caps and badges Food & Supplies for prisoners Supplies except uniforms Surety Bond Premium Janitor's Supplies Ice, Fuel, etc. Gas purchased License Tags. 100.00 30.00 .750.00 750.00 670.00 100.00 1655.00 25.00 600.00 750.00 750.00 1200.00 200.00 300-00 9100.00 750-00 2000.00 1950.00 1440.00 2520.00 1220.00: 900.00 200.00 1,200.00 50.00 125.00 100.00 100.00 350.00 450.00 50.00 12.50 49.50 250.00 6o . oo 10.00 Motor Vehicles 500.00 22,450.00 3, 230.00 6o0.00 1,500.00 1,700.00 9,550.00 2,000.00 I 0 l 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Sept. 30, at 7:3-0-..P M 1936 DIVISION OF POLICE PROTECTION Cohtd. Other Misodllaneous Supplies for lJail, including bedding for prisoners etc. 130.00 $11,697.00 DIVISION OF FIRE PROTECTION 6 Salary - Chief 13,500.00 Salary - Atsistant.Chief. 1,320.00 Salary - Fireman Mechanic 12110.00 Salaries - 2 Firemen r 2,160.00 Salaries - Emergency Firemen 300.00 Gas, Oil & Auto Supplies i 200.00 Machinery & Equipment Supplies 200.00 Communications 213.00 Office & Quarters Supplies I 50.00 Chemicals , etc 75.00 Repairs , Replacements & Small tools i 50.00 Uniforms, badges & caps 1 275.00 I New Fire Hose 350.00 1 Gas, Fuel Ice, Laundry etc. 200.00 a Janitor's Supplies 25.00 Incidentals w 10 .00 Travel Expense 50.00 81088.00 j DIVISION OF PARKS f I Labor 3,000.00 Fertilizer, Seeds etc. 300.00 Feed & Supplies for Zoo i 500.00 Athletic Field Upkeep 500.00 Other Parks Upkeep and Miscellaneous 200.00 42500.00 i GOLF COURSE Appropriation for Maintenance 1,200.00-1\ 11200.00 DIVISION OF,PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION i Salary - City Physician I 900.00 Labor 1,000.00 i Gas, Oil and Auto Supplies 125.00 i � Testing Foods ( Milk) 104.00 Disinfectants 35.00 i Sanitary B>3akets �. 50.00 Miscellaneous Supplies 25.00 2,239.00 FERNALD LAUGHTON MEM-QRIAL HOSPITAL i Appropriation for maintenance. 1,200.00-,'\ 12200.00 i i PUBLIC LIBRARY Salary - Librarian 11200.00 Salary - Assistant 50.00 i Books, Supplies & Other Expenses I 565.00 1,515.00 CHARITY Chemicals, Drugs etc. 255.00 Lodging & Food for Indigent Transients 160.00 Seminole County welfare Board 600.00 � Miscellaneous 155.00 11200.00 a_� 94 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Sept. 30 at 7:30 P M -1936 AVIATION FIELD Upkeep & Maintenance ( Including Lighting of boundary lights and salary of care - taker.) 0.00 750.00 FINANCE- RECORDS & TAXATION Salary- City Clerk. 1320.00 Salary - Tax Collector 1560.00 Salary - Clerk 1320.00 Extra Clerical Services 1050.00 Audit 600.00 Legal Advertising 100.00 Recording Fees 25.00 Office Supplies 400.00 Communications 200.00 Surety Bond Premiums 1Z5.00 6,750.00 PUBLICITY Donation to Chamber of Commerce 1200.00t, Miscellaneous 100.00 1,300.00 CONTINGENT FUND Contingencies 0� 00.00 3,000.00 SPECIAL LITIGATION & FINANCING FUND Legal Fees & Miscellaneous Expenses 40_ 00.00 4,000.0o TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL GOVERNMENT $91,916.50 ****************************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DEPARTMENT OF WATER UTILITY ADMINISTRATION UNIT Salary - BitFrClerk. Salry - Bookkeeper Office Supplies Rental Office quarters, Prorata Insurance Premiuma, Telephone, Electri'cty, etc. DISTRIBUTION UNIT Salary - Service Man Salary Meter Man Extra Labor Salary - Fire Chief ( Care of Emergency Wells & Pump.) Gas, Oil & Auto Supplies Meters, Meter boxes, etc. Telephone Miscellaneous Repairs & Extensions PRODUCTION UNIT Salary , Engineer. Salaries - 2 Assistant Engineers Plant Labor Power Fuel & Lubricating Oil Maintenance of Plant, Repairs, Puri - fication.Supplies, New Equipment and Contingencies. 1980.00 2220.00 500.00 2000.00 156o.00 156o.00 300.00 190.00- 225-00 500.00 50.00 75.00 20000 1680.00 2040.00 500.00 3500.00 775.00 10,000.00 6P700-00 6450.00 Ir� 1 r 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Sept. 30, at D30 P M —19--3-6 PRODUCTION UNIT - contd. Telephone 60.00 Miscellaneous Expense 200.00 TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT OF WATER UTILITY DEPARTMENT CF DEBT SERVICE. For items of interest included in those certain two judgments of the United States District Court, wherein Kenneth M. Keefe , and others, were plaintiffs and the City of Sanford, Florida, was defendant, docketed as Case Numbers 2351 -T and 2511 -T , except coupons of bonds issued for the construction or improvement of the Waterworks Plant of said City. 19,755.00 31,905.00 55,000.00 For Interest coupons and intereston principal of bonds included in that certain Judgment f cr the sum of $23,151.39 and $7.95 costs, dated October 22nd. 1931, and of record in the Public Records of Seminole County, Fla. in Final Judg- ment Docket 2, Page 141, and rendered in that certain caouse wherein United mutual Life Insurance Company, a corporation was plaintiff, and said Cit of Sanford, Florida, a Municipal corporation, was defendant case No N 1922) 902.15 For interest coupons maturing January let, 1930, July let, 1930, January let, 1931, July let, 1931, January let, 1932, July let. 1932, January st. 1933, July let, 1933, January 1st. 1934, July 1st, 1934, January let, 1935, July 1st, 1935, January let, 1936, July 1st 1936, January let, 19371 and July! 1st, 1937, on bonds numbered 1 to 11, both inclusive 29,30,54 to 55, both inclusive, 61 to 65 both inclusive, 67 and 65 of that certain: issue of bonds of the City of Sanford Florida, designated " Public Improvement Bonds" dated July 2, 1923, in the aggregate sum of $160,000.00 and maturing July let. 1953, held by C.J. Root. 259.25 For purchase of City of Sanford, Florida, bonds and certificates of Indebtedness at market prices , the revenues for this pur- pose to be from net collections of delinquent taxes. 51000.00 That there is hereby appropriated for the payment of the several items of expenditures of said City during said fiscal year, all revenues received by said City during said year from the sources and in the amounts or percentages set forth below, to -wit: (1) 50 percent of all revenues during said fiscal year from taxes levied and assessed by the City of Sanford, Florida, on all taxable property except Homesteads, for the year 1936, and all of the miscellaneous revenues of said City of Sanford, Florida, including proportionate share of delinquent taxes collected as was orig- inally levied during the respective years to the Department of General Government, ratable and proportionately for the payment of expenditures hereby authorized and appropriated for the Department of General Government. (2) 50 percent of all revenues received by said City of Sanford, Florida, from taxes levied and assessed on all taxable property except Homesteads for the year 1936, and all the revenues from taxes levied and assessed for the year 1936 on Homesteads, and such amount of the proportionate share of delinquent taxes collected as was originally levied for Debt Service during the respective years, as will be necessary in order to realize $56,161.40 for Debt Service interest requirements, ratable and proportionately for the several items of expenditures hereby authorized and appropriated for Debt Service, except the appropriation for the purchase of City of Sanford, Florida, bonds and certificates of indebtedness; that is to say 97.93205 % of said revenues appropriated for Debt Service to items of _ interest included in those certain two judgments of the United States District Court wherein Kenneth M. Keefe and others were plaintiffs and the City of Sanford, Florida, was defendant, docketed as Case Numbers 2351 -T and 2511 -T, except those certain bonds issued for the construction or improvement of the Water Works Plant of said City , and 1.60630 of the same revenues to interest coupons and interest upon 95 bull MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 30 at 7:30 P M 19 36 the principal of bonds included in that certain judgment for the sum of$23,101,39 and $7.95 costs, dated October 22nd. 1931, and of record in the public Records of Seminole County , Florida, in Final Judgment Docket 2, Page 141, and rendered in that certain cause wherein United Mutual Life Insurance Company, a corporation, was plaintiff, and said City of Sanford, Florida, a Municipal Corporation, was defendant ( Case No. N1922); and .4616% of the same revenues to interest coupons maturing January 1st, 1930, July 1st, 1930, January let, 1931, July let, 1931, January let. 1932, July let, 1932, January let, 1933, July let, 1933, January let 1934, July 1st, 1934, January let, 1935, July let, 1935, January 1st 1936, July 1st, 1936, January let, 1937, and July let, 1937, on bonds numbered 1 to 11, both inclusive, 29, 30 54 to 58 , both inclusive, 61 to 65, both inclusive, 67 and 68 of that certain issue of bonds of the City of Sanford, Florida, designated It Public Improve- ment Bonds." dated duly 2, 1923, in the aggregate sum of $160,000.00 , and maturing July let, 1953, held by C.J. Root. (3) That all net amounts derived from the payment of delinquent taxes, other than that part heretofore levied during the respective years for the Department of General Government, and other than that part appropriated to the payment of interest, are hereby appropriated to the purchase of bonds and certificates of indebtedness of the City of Sanford, Florida, at their market value at the time of purchase. (4) All of the income, revenue and profits derived by the City of Sanford, Florida, in the operation of its waterworks plant in excess of the amount hereby appropriated to the Department of Water Utility, are hereby appropriated to interest upon bonds of said City issued to provide money for the construction or improvement of said water plaint, to -wit: those two certain issues of bonds of said City designated "Public Utility Bonds ", dated January 1st, 1924, and " Improvement Bonds ", Series "CC" dated July let, 1926, respectively. WHEREAS, each and every item contained and set forth in said budget prepared by the City Clerk has been carefully considered by this Commission. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said budget as prepared and presented by the ` City Clerk to the City Commission be and the same is hereby adopted as the budget of the City of Sanford, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning the first day of October , 1936, and ending the 30th day of September , 1937• BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon the collection of any revenues of said City the City Clerk shall allocate from each dollar collected and received the several amounts to the respective funds or purposes for which the same are hereby authorized and appropriated. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this 30th day of September 1936. Attest: T. S. ,LAM S ON -City Clerk.. ( Seal) S 0 Shinholser. M.J.Lodge W.R.D upree P.N.Whitehurst W.A.Leff ler. As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. L 1 1 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Sept. 30, at 7 :30 P M 19-36 Commissioner Lodge next introduced Ordinance No.249 entitled AN ORDINANCE MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNIM OCTOBER , 1, 1936 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30P 1937- and same was placed upon its first reading and read in full by the Clerk. Thereupon Commissioner Leffler moved that the rules be waived and that Ordinance No. 249 be placed upon its final passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Whitehurst. Thereupon the question recurred upon the waivure of the rules. The roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Shinholser Aye " Dupree Aye " Leffler Aye " Lodge Aye " Whitehurst Aye Thereupon ordinance No.J49 was placed upon its final passage and adoption, the vote standing as follows: Commissioner Shinholser Aye " Dupree Aye " Leffler Aye " Lodge Aye " Whitehurst Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by uanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 249, entitled: AN ORDINANCE MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNIM OCTOBER 11, 1936 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1937• On motion of Commissioner Whitehurst, seconded by Commissioner Leffler and carried, Ordinance No. 249 was ordered POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida. Consideration next given to the tax levy for the year 1936, due cognizance being given to writs of mandamus obtained by Kenneth M. Keefe , et al, and United Mutual Life Insurance Co., requiring the levying of certain millages specified in said writs to be used for payment on account of judgments held by Said Kenneth M. Keefe, et al, and United Mutual Life Insurance Co. Commissioner Whitehurst then introduced Ordinance No.,150 entitled: AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE AMOUNT AND FIXING THE RATE OF TAXATION AND MAKING THE ANNUAL TAX LEVY OF THE CITY OF SANFORD , FLORIDA for THE YEAR 1936. and same was placed upon its first reading and read in full by the Clerk. Thereupon Commissioner Leffler moved that the rules be waived and that Ordinance No. 250 be placed upon its final passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Dupree. Thereupon the question recurred upon the waivure of the rules. The roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Shinholser Aye " Dupree Aye " Leffler Aye " Lodge Aye " Whitehurst Aye Thereupon Ordinance No. 250 was placed upon its final passage and adoption , the vote standing as follows: Commissioner Shinholser Aye " Dupree Aye " Leffler Aye " Lodger Aye " Whitehurst Aye 97 98 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Sept 30 at 7 : 30 P M 19 36 Thereupon the `'hairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 250, entitled: " AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE AMOUNT AND FIXING THE RATE OF TAXATION AND MAKING THE ANNUAL TAX LEVY OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE YEAR 1936." On motion of Commissioner Lodge , seconded by Commissioner Dupree and carried, Ordinance No. 250 was then ordered POSTED on the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida. There being no further business, the meeting then adjourned. Vii) _.�►.► , ,� Attest: City Clerk. 1 1 D 1