HomeMy WebLinkAbout1123361 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, November 23 at 7:30 P M -19-16 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 O'clock P.M. November 23rd. 1936. Present: Commissioner S.OShinholser, Mayor. " W.R.Dupree " W.A. Leffler " M. J. Lodge " P.N.Whitehurst City Attorney, Fred R. Wilson City Clerk F. S Lamson: Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of regular meeting of the City Commission and meeting of the Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board of November 9th. 1936, read and approved. Communication next read from W.J.Pell tendering Cashier's check for $60.00 in payment for licenses on two coi; cated at the State Farmer's Market requesting that proper licenses be that State and County licenses had date of the referendum on the Slot only through an oversight. a vending devices for the year 1936 -37 to be lo- st Thirteenth Street and French Avenue, and issued therefor by the City in view of the fact been obtained prior to November )rd. 1936, the Machine Law, and City licenses had not been obtained Thereupon, upon opinion of the City Attorney that the City would be justified under the circumstances in issuing these licenses, Commissioner Lodge moved that the check be accepted and said licenses issued. :::Seconded by Commissioner Dupree and carried. Mr. Firman Church next appeared with reference to leasing the Municipal Aviation Field under the same terms and conditions as that offered to Marvin H. Smith under date of June 8th, 1936, with the exception that he be allowed 90 days in which to obtain his Mechanic's license. Thereupon, after considerable discussion and on recommendation of the Aviation I13 Committee appointed by the Commission at the time Marvin H. Smith was being considered to handle this field, Commissioner Whitehurst moved that the matter be referred to the Mayor, City Attorney and City Clerk, with authority to execute contract with Firman Church similar to that offered to Marvin H. Smith, with the exception that he be allowed 90 days before being required to furnish a licensed mechanic, and in addition a clause to be inserted that in the operation of the Airport Mr. Church will be acting solely on his own account not as an agent of the City of Sanford. Seconded by Commissioner Dupree and carried. Instructions next issued to the Clerk to have the boundary lights at the Municipal Aviation Field connected as soon as Mr. Church has taken charge. The Clerk next presented third analysis as prepared by R.L. Robertson, of milk from dairies operating within the City of Sanford, all being well within the require- ments of Grade "A" milk. sa 114 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, November 23 at 7:30 P M 19 -36 Consideration next given to the lighting of the colored lights across First St. from Park Ave. to Palmetto Ave. and on motion of Commissioner Whitehurst, seconded by Commissioner Dupree and carried, these lights were ordered lighted each night commencing with November 28th, 1936, and ending with January 2nd. 1937. Further consideration next given to a proposed ordinance restricting the keeping of horses, cows, or other grazing animals within a certain specified distance of any dwelling house, final action being deferred until the next regular meeting of the Commission. A delegation of colored residents of Goldsboro next registered a protest against the operation of a package liquor store by Mitchell Kalikakis on W. Thirteenth St., and 1 although the permit issued for the operation of this store could not be revoked except upon proof of being disorderly or violating the law, was given the assurance that the store would be kept under observation by the Police Department. On motion duly carried, the Commission next authorized the allowance of Two percent discount on 1936 taxes paid during the month of December and one percent discount during the month of January 1937, this action being taken due to the delay in opening the 1936 tax roll by November lst, and consequent delay in preparing tax bills. 1 1 On motion duly carried, City Attorney Wilson together with any Commissioners who may be able to attend were next authorized to represent the City at the meeting of the Florida League of Municipalities to be held in Daytona Beach on December 10th and 11th, 1936, the necessary expenses to be borne by the City. Authorization next issued covering the donation of water to PWA white nursery for this purpose having become exhausted,also 6 o. supply school to the amount of $20.00, the previous authorize on to the PWA Sewing'Room in an amount not to exceed $18.00. On motion duly carried, the Commission next approved the following suspensions or adjustments of sentences imposed in the Municipal Court, same being recommended by the Municipal Judge: Case No 22721 Rex Chastine , sentenced $200.00 or 60 days,$100.00 suspended on Case No. 22672 Tom:Bronson, sentenced $5.00 or 10 days. Served 9 days, Balance ordered suspended on recommendation of Dr. Tolar. r Case No. 22680 Frank Purdon' Sentenced not less than 5 days nor more than 60 days. Served 4 days, ordered released to accept position out of town. Case No. 22719 Hubert McLendon. Sentenced 90 days straight. Served 4 days. Ordered released to accept position out of town. on payment of balance. Case No 22693 Link Kennedy, sentenced $200.00 or 60 days, served 12 days. Ordered released due to physical condition. Case No. 22564 Henry Will Jones, sentenced $50.00 or 90 days, served 60 days. Balance ordered suspended on account of good behavior. Case No. 22634 Paul Caustus, Sentenced $200.00 or 60 days, served 30 days Balance ordered suspended, account of special service rendered in painting City Jail building. Case No 22638 Beauford Brooks, sentenced $5.00 or 10 days, served 7 days, ordered released to secure employment outside City. Case No. 22679 Otis Jackson, Sentenced to $200.00 or 60 days and changed to 90 days on re- consideration. Sentence suspended on good Case No. 22644 behavior. Bill Johnson, sentenced $10.00 or 20 days. Served 11 days. Balance suspended on account of good behavior and good work. Case No. 22672 Tom:Bronson, sentenced $5.00 or 10 days. Served 9 days, Balance ordered suspended on recommendation of Dr. Tolar. r Case No. 22680 Frank Purdon' Sentenced not less than 5 days nor more than 60 days. Served 4 days, ordered released to accept position out of town. Case No. 22719 Hubert McLendon. Sentenced 90 days straight. Served 4 days. Ordered released to accept position out of town. '1 l_ J 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, November 23 at7: 30 P M-19 36 There being no further business, the meeting then adjourned until 10:30 o'clock A.M. November 25, 1936, after which the Commission immediately re- convened as a Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board. Thereupon the following adjustments in taxes for the year 1933 and prior, and special assessments, were authorized and approved: Lot 22 Lanes Addition - Taxes and penalties 427.42 Adjustment authorized: Adjusted to 235.71 payable with cash. Street Paving Lien & interest-585.47 Adjustment authorized, Adjusted to 383.07 Payable with City of Sanford Bonds. Lots 7 & 8 Block D, Markham Park Heights Taxes & Penalties 293.48 Adjustment authorized: Adjusted to 167.00 Payable with Cash. The meeting then adjourned. Attest: 0 City Clerk. -W yor. 115