HomeMy WebLinkAbout012537150 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLOR January 25 at 7 :30 P f9 37 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7 :30 O'Clook P.M. January 25, 1937. Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins, Mayor. " W.R.Dupree " W.A.Leffler " M.J.Lodge " P.N.Whitehurst City Attorney Fred R. I Wilsom City Clerk F.S. Lamson Chief of Police, R G Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of Regular Meeting of City Commission and meeting of Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board of January 11th., adjourned meeting of the City Commission of January 14th, and adjourned meeting of January 18th,, 1937, read and approved. Commissioner Dupree neat moved that Ordinance No. 253 entitled: AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO KEEP OR MAINTAIN WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ANY SURFACE CLOSET OR PRIVY USED FOR THE DEPOSIT OF HUMAN EXCRETA, WHICH CLOSET IS NOT FLY -PROCF IN CONSTRUCTION AND IS NOT IN CONFORMITY WITH PLANS RECOMMENDED OR APPROVED BY THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION HEREOF. be placed on its second reading and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried unanimously. Thereupon Ordinance No. 253 was placed on its second reading and read in full by the Clerk. The roll was then called upon the passage and adoption of said Ordinance No. 253 the vote standing as follows: Commissioner Higgins Aye " Dupree Aye Lodge Aye Leffler Aye " Whitshurst Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote, had passed and adopted said ordinance No. 253 entitled: AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO KEEP OR MAINTAIN WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY Off' SANFORD, FLORIDA, ANY SURFACE CLOSET OR PRIVY USED FOR THE DEPOSIT OF HUMAN EXCRETA, WHICH CLOSET IS NOT FLY - PROM' IN CONSTRUCTION AND IS NOT IN CONFORMITY WITH PLANS RECOMMENDED OR APPROVED BY THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION HEREOF. Commissioner Whitehurst neat moved that Ordinance No. 253 be published in the Sanford Herald. Seconded by Commissioner Dupree and carried. County Commissioners Thrasher and Dyson next presented to the Commission:a pro- posal, sponsored by the Seminole County Medical Association, that a full time City and County physician without any private practice be employed in place of a City physician and a County physician now employed and working on a part time basis only. Matter taken under consideration, the Chairman meantime appointing Commissioners Whitshurst and Dupree as a committee to confer with the County Commission and make recom- mendations. Consideration next given to the methodsto be follat6d in enforcing the provisions of Ordinance No. 253• 1 1 L 1 �l U 1 1 �J 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, !SANF0RD, FLORIDA, January 25 at 7:30 P Mi 9 37 1�1 offio Thereupon Commissioner Dupree moved that Mr. G.H.Brown be employed as Special Sanitt to serve at the will of the Commissions at a salary of $50.00 per month, for the purpose of cooperating with the State Board of Health in the enforcement of Ordinance No. 253. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge end carried. Instructions neat issued to make Mr. Brown's appointment retroactive to January 12th at which time he was temporarily employed on special sanitary inspection work. For purposes of confirming acceptance of the offer of the Umatilla Fruit Company to purchase City -maned or -.ange grove adjacent to the Municipal Golf Course at a price of $3500.00. Commissioner Whitehurst neat introduced Resolution No. 498 and moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Dupree and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Higgins Aye " Dupree Aye " Leffler Aye " Lodge Aye " Whitehurst Aye said resolution No. 498 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION N0. 498. A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE SALE AND CONVEYANCE OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, TO THE UMATILLA FRUIT COMPANY, A FLORIDA CORPORATION. WHEREAS, the City of Sanford, Florida, is the owner of the fee simple title to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Seminole County, Florida, to —wit: Beginning 20 chains west and 40 chains south of the northeast corner of Section 4 , Township 20 south, range 30 east, thence running south 10 chains, them e West 10 chains, thence north 10 chains , thence east 10 chains to point of beginning. Containing ten acres more or less, upon which there is located an orange grove of approximately six acres, from which the City has received and is receiving only a small income; and WHEREAS, the Umatilla Fruit Company, a Florida corporation of Umatilla, Florida, has offered the sum of $3500.00 cash for the above described land and premises, and the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, deems it expedient and for the benefit and be interest of the City of Sanford, Florida, to sell and convey said land and premises to said Umatilla Fruit Company for said sum of $3500.00 cash. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commissioners of the City of Sanford, Florida, that the offer of said Umatilla Fruit Company of the sum of $3500.00 cash for the a described land and premises be and the same is hereby accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver in the name of the City to said Umatilla Fruit Company a general warranty deed of conveyance of the above described land and premises upon payment of said sum of $3500.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this 25th day of January 1937. Attest: Seal) As City Clerk. Edward Hisxaine W.A. Leffler P.N.Whitehurst W. R. Dupree X.J.Lodize. As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. 12 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Janus 2S, at 7:30 P M 19 7- Applications neat received from Addie Calhoun at 423 E. 4th St., Jerry Swisher at a booth at the Seminole County Fair on East First St., and Robert Burns at 414 Sanford Avenue, for permit and license to sell wines and beer. Thereupon, on recommendation of the Chief of Police, Commissioner Dupree moved their approval. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Communication neat read from R.L.Glenn, Chairman, Seminole County Planning Council, presenting January bill of $15.55 covering telephone service on WPA business and requesting that the City pay one half of such bill. Thereupon Commissioner Whitehurst moved payment of one -half of the foregoing tele- phone bill. Seconded by Commissioner Dupree and carried. Communidation neat read from the Sanford Shuffle Board Club, composed principally of winter visitors, expressing appreciation for the fine work being done in the improvement of the shuffle board courts. Communication next read from Garland W. Spencer requesting action on application presented in August 1936, for building permit to build a store building on Lots 3,4 and 5 of Block 14 Tr. 4. Action deferred pending receipt of plans of the proposed building. On motion duly carried, the following ladies were next appointed to serve on the Cemetery Beautification Committee during the ensuing year: Mrs Claude Herndolx, Mrs Martin Bram Mrs Sandy Anderson Mrs I E Estridge Mrs E.S.Rookey Mrs M. Minarik Mies Lettie Caldwell Mrs. W.H.Tunnicliffe Mrs. H.H.Heeren. Mrs Frank Meisch Mrs R.B.Wight Yre W.A.Leffler. Communication next read from W.E,Kirohhoff Jr. with further reference to his request that 12th St. between Holly and Cedar Avenues be closed. Action deferred. Communication neat read from John Sanford, advising of his inability to present a library building to the City of Sanford as a- Memorial to Gen. H.S. Sanford after whom the City was named, it having been hoped that such a building would be presented to the City as a part of the Centennial Celebrationito be held on February 8th, 1937• communication neat read from Eckerson Fruit Canners Inc. concerning the disposal of oitrus hulls and the possible " nuisance " brought about by insect breeding therefrom, and same was ordered filed. Consideration next given to the proposal of Mr. Herbert L. Flint, Landscape Arohitso of Orlando, to prepare a comprehensive beautification and recreational plan for the waterfront park area between First St. and Seminole Boulevard, from Sanford Ave. oast to the Mayfair Hotel, at a total cost of $450.00. At this tine the Committee appointed to handle this matter, composed of Commissi Leffler, Dupree and Lodge, reported on,a conference held with Mr. Flint, at which time the matter was gone into with him in detail. Thereupon Commissioner Dupree moved that Mr. Flint be engaged to make the eom- prehensive study as outlined. Seconded by Commissioner Leffler and carried. 1 1 1 C 1 1 1 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, January 25 at 7:30 P M 19 37 Mr. D.L.Thrasher next appeared with a plan of group life insurance on all City employees and same was taken under consideration. The meeting then adjourned until 7:30 o'clock P.Y. January 29, 1937, after which the Board immediately re- convened as a Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board. Thereupon the following adjustements of taxes for the year 1933 and prior , and special assessments were authorized and approved: John I Stevens Lot 56 Pinehurst Subdivision_ Taxes and penalties 95.11 John I Stevens Mrs L. P Hagan Susie Handy H.E.Ellison A.W. Lee Jr. Adjustment: Adjusted to $16.90 cash and 33.38 payable with City of Sanf ord,bonds . Lot 57 Pinehurst Subdivision. Taxes & Penalties 95.11 15 el Adjustment, adjusted to $16.90 cash and 33.38 payable with City of Sanford Bonds. Lot 8 Keiley's Additions« Taxes & Penalties 109.29 Adjustment: Adjusted to $31.71 cash and 15.60 payable with City of Sanford Bonds. St. paving lien & interest $2032.93 Adjustment: Adjusted to $1136.85 payable with City of Sanford bonds. Lot 12 Blk 35 Clark's Sub. Taxes & Penalties 10.04 Adjustment: Adjusted to $5.15 090h Lot 18 Blk B, Sou. Sanford Taxes & Penalties Adjustment: Adjusted to $26.79 cash and 31.93 payable with City of Sanford bonds. Lot 99 and N. 25 ft- of Lot 100 Franklin Terrace. Taxes & penalties Adjustment: Adjusted to $272.40 oa h and 112,30 payable with City of Sanford bonds. St. Paving Lien & Interest Adjustment: Adjusted to $414.17 payable with City of Sanford bonds. 95.91 540.12 726.19 .Harry Lee S. 25 ft of Lot 100-and all 101 Franklin Terrace Taxes & penalties $540.12 Adjustment : Adjusted to $272.40 cash and 112.30 payable with City of Sanford bonds. St. Paving Lien and interest 726.17 Adjustment: Adjusted to $414.16 payable with City of Sanford bonds. . Lee Brothers Frao. Lot 9 & 10 Blk 5 Tr. 6 Taxes & penalties 767.39 Adjustment: Adjusted to $417.05 St. Paving Lien & Interest 814.20 Adjustment: Adjusted to $470.97 payable with City of Sanford bonds. Estate of T. J Miller S. 15.73 ft of Lot 9 and N. 29.33 ft. of Lot 10 Blk 3 Tier 4 Taxes & Penalties 3003.43 Adjustment: Adusted to $1391.08 cash and 300.60 payable with City of Sanford bonds. 154 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, January 25 at 7:30 P M 19_ 37 D. 0. Brock Lot 4 and N 61/2 ft. of Lot Blk 5 Tr. 1 Taxes & Penalties 411.94 Adjustment: Adjusted to $235.67 cash. 14.40.payable with City of Walter A. Holly Lot 16 Blk B, Sou Sanford Taxes & Penalties 65.99 Sanford bonds. Adjustment: Adjusted to $35.95 cash Realty Co Walter A Holly Lot 3 Blk 13 Tr. D Taxes & Penalties 50.23 Adjustment: Adjusted to $57.60 cash and Adjustment: Adjusted to $19.04 cash. St. Paving Lien & Interest 504.57 Adjustment : Adjusted to $275.37 payable with City of Sanford bonds. St. Paving lien & interest Chase & Co. Lot 7 Blk 4 Tr. 4 Taxes and penalties 636.65 Adjustment: Adjusted to $215.14 payable with Adjustment: Adjusted to $367.25 cash. A.A. Leffler N. 54 ft of Lots 9 and 10 Meisoh Realty Co. Blk 14 Tr. 2 T Taxes and penalties 1006.22 Adjustment: Adjusted to $379.82 cash and 210.25 payable with City of Sanford 1.26 payable with City of Sanford Bonds. Etta Sneed Lot 5 Blk 11 Tr. D Taxes and penalties 301.65 Lots 8, 9 Blk 35 Clark Sub. Taxes and penalties 69.45 Adjustment: Adjusted to $116.40 cash and Adjustment: Adjusted to $39.45 cash. $96.13 payable with City of Ruby E. Williams W. 231,35 Sanford Bonds. St. Paving liens & interest 335.33 Adjustment: Adjusted to $191.23 payable with City of Sanford bonds. Etta Sneed Lot 1 Blk 13 Tr. B Taxes and penalties 273.36 Adjustment: Adjusted to $104.75 cash and $55.35 payable with City of Sanford Bonds. Edward Higgins Lot 6 & 7 Blk 12 Tr. 4 Taxes and penalties 599.50 Adjustment: Adjusted to $337.21 cash. The Sanford Investment Co Lots 15 and 16 Blk 3 Tr. 1 Taxes and Penalties 1476.28 Adjustment: Adjusted to $599.38 cash. 11 F1�1 J*e&oh Realty Co Lot 4 Blk 4 Meisch Sub. Taxes & Penalties 66.60 Adjustment: Adjusted to $26.79 cash and 14.40.payable with City of Sanford bonds. Meisoh Realty Co Lot 5 Blk 12 Tr. D Taxes & Penalties 206.54 Adjustment: Adjusted to $57.60 cash and $65.50 payable with City of Sanford Bonds St. Paving lien & interest 387.24 Adjustment: Adjusted to $215.14 payable with City of Sanford bonds. Meisoh Realty Co. Lot 3 Blk 6 Meisoh Subdiv. Taxes & Penalties 10.70 Adjustment: Adjusted to $3.72 cash and 1.26 payable with City of Sanford bonds. Ruby E. Williams Lots 8, 9 Blk 35 Clark Sub. Taxes and penalties 69.45 Adjustment: Adjusted to $39.45 cash. Ruby E. Williams W. 231,35 Ft. of Lot 1 Robinsons Survey(Less W. 136.91 ft.) Taxes and penalties 154.67 Adjustment: Adjusted to $57.14 cash. Ruby E. Williams Lot 23 Fort Mellon Taxes and Penalties 136.60 1 1 1 'LJ ®, MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, January 25 at 7:30 P M 19 -17 Ruby E. Williams Lot 23 Fort Mellon Taxes and penalties 136.60 Adjustment: Adjusted to $20.13 cash and $55.48 payable with City of Sanford bonds. St. Paving Lien & interest. 1142.69 Adjustment: Adjusted to $644.42 payable with City of Sanford bonds. Ruby E. Williams Beg. S E Cor Of Lot 26 Robinson Survey Run N. 43.5 ft. W- 120 ft. S. 43.5 ft E. 120 ft. to Beg. Taxes & penalties Wm E Bader A.B.Peterson. Agt. Adjustment: Adjusted to $64.63 cash Lot 29 Woodruff's Subdiv. Taxes and penalties Adjustment: Adjusted to $32.57 cash. Lot 13 Rose Court Taxes and penalties A.B. Peterson, Agent Lot 11 Rose Court 114.63 53�- 80 82.54 Adjustement: Adjusted to $25.00 cash and $9.90 payable with City of Sanford Bonds. St. Paving lien and interest. 297.43 Adjustment: Adjusted to $175.59 payable with city of Sanford Bonds. Taxes and penalties 82.54 Adjustment: Adjusted to $25.00 cash and $9.90 payable with City of Sanford Bonds. St. paving Lien and interest. 350.87 Adjustment: Adjusted to $217.47 payable with City of Sanford bonds. E.D.Prics Lot 25 Blk 5 Palm Terrace Taxes & penalties 252.75 St. Paving lien & interest 1630.74 Adjustment: Adjusted to $948.09 payable with City of Sanford bonds. C.A.Partain Lot 27 E. of Ry. and W. 10 ft of Lot 28 Blk B. Sou Sanford. Taxes and penalties 193.71 Adjustment: Adjusted to $114.47 cash. Mattis Dawkins smith Est. Lot 5 Rand Addn. Taxes and Penalties 61.99 Adjustment: Adjusted to $11.50 cash and 20.85 payable with City of Sanford Bonds. J J Mausser S Her �n2 ddngo10 r.39and Taxes & Penalties 150-57 155 Adjustment: Adjusted to $117.82 cash and $24.30 payable with City of Sanford bonds. C A Partain E. 112 of Lot 1 Blk A South Sanford Taxes and Penalties N.01 Adjustment: Adjusted to $122.00 cash, and .80 payable with City of Sanford bonds. C A Partain Lots 71 and 72 fl�1a. Land & Colo. Co. Sou. Sanford. Taxes and penalties 80.73 Adjustment: Adjusted to $51.80 cash. C.A.Partain Lots 56 and 57 Blk D. South Sanford Taxes & Penalties 181.88 Adjustment: Adjusted to $107.79 cash. C.A.Partain Lot 11 Blk 7 Bel Air Taxes and penalties 318.15 Adjustment: Adjusted to $158.53 cash and $30.15 payable with City of Sanford bonds. St. Paving lien & interest 1630.74 Adjustment: Adjusted to $948.09 payable with City of Sanford bonds. C.A.Partain Lot 27 E. of Ry. and W. 10 ft of Lot 28 Blk B. Sou Sanford. Taxes and penalties 193.71 Adjustment: Adjusted to $114.47 cash. Mattis Dawkins smith Est. Lot 5 Rand Addn. Taxes and Penalties 61.99 Adjustment: Adjusted to $11.50 cash and 20.85 payable with City of Sanford Bonds. J J Mausser S Her �n2 ddngo10 r.39and Taxes & Penalties 150-57 155 156 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Jan 25, at 7.30 P M 19--R Adjustment: Adjusted to 54.70 cash. C R Mason Lot 20 Blk 7 Dreamwold Taxes & Penalties _ 30.97 Adjustment: Adjusted to $11.50 cash. St. Paving lien and interest 680.80 Adjustment: : Adjusted to $390.00 payable with City of Sanford bonds. C R Mason Lot 18 Blk 7 Dreamwold Taxes and penalties 48.65 Adjustment : Adjusted to $11.50 cash and 12.00 payable with City of Sanford Bonds. St. Paving Lien & Interest 680.80 Adjustment: Adjusted to $390.06 payable with City of Sanford bonds. E.D.Brownles Lot 14 Wellington's Addn. Taxes & renalties 22.17 Adjustment: Adjusted to $6. 75 cash. St. Paving Lien and interest $380.30 Adjustment: Adjusted to $221.09 Payable with City of Sanford bonds. Hazel N. Routh W. 112 of Blk 3 Tr. 19 ( Less E. 44 ft and less 30 ft E. and W. by 117 ftN and S. in NW corner. Taxes and penalties 649.38 Adjustment: Adjusted to $226.26 cash and $186.52 payable with City of Sanford bonds. St. Paving and interest 175.39 Adjustment: Adjusted to $91.35 payable with City of Sanford bonds. Richard McPherson Lot 2 Blk 18 Chapman & Tuckerfs Addition Taxes and penalties 43.51 Adjusted to 35.00 cash D.L.Thra4her, Executor Lot 6 Blk 8 Tr. 2 Taxes and penalties 963.64 Bulkhead lien and interest $2861.78 Adjustment: Adjusted to $902.48 payable with City of Sanford bonds. 1 1 1 1 Adjustment: Adjusted to $364.63 cash and $200.60 payable with City of Sanford bonds. John D. Jinkins Lot 1 Blk 5 Tr. 9 St. Paving Lien & interest 623.31 Adjustment: Adjusted to $343,27 payable with City of Sanford bonds. John D. Jinkins Lot 2 Blk 5 Tr. 9 St. Paving lien and interest 163.73 Adjustment: Adjusted to $97.09 payable with City of Sanford bonds. John D. Jinkins Lot 3 Blk 5 Tr. 9 St. Paving lien and interest 190.91 Adjustment: Adjusted to $113.20 payable with City of Sanford bonds. W. Theo Stiles Lot 6 Oak Hill Taxes and penalties 70.08 Adjustment: Adjusted to $31.19 cash and $8.10 payable with City of Sanford bonds. E.R. Purvis Lot 1 Blk 10 Mayfair Lake Front Addn. Taxes and penalties 189.60 Adjustment: Adjusted to $27.70 cash and- 76.63 payable with City of Sanford bonds. Bulkhead lien and interest $2861.78 Adjustment: Adjusted to $902.48 payable with City of Sanford bonds. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I �J MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, January 25 at 7:30 P 49 37 Mrs J E Jackson Ralpph A Smith Ralph A Smith Ralph A smith A J Coulter J. B. Crawf ord G.C.Eubanks G C Eubanks Mary Harrell APPLICATIONS FOR RE- CONSIDERATION Lot 182 Pinehurst Lot 22 and 23 Blk 3 Fairview Taxes and Penalties 615.07 Adjustment: Adjusted to $309.90 cash and 128.15 payable with City of Sanford bonds. St. Paving lien and interest Adjustment: Adjusted to $295.74 payable with City of Sanford bonds. Taxes and penalties Adjustment: Adjusted to $204.44 cash and 42 30 payable with City of Sanford bonds. Lot 15 thru 21 Blk 3 Fairview Taxes and penalties Adjustment: Adjusted to $110.95 cash and $44.10 payable with City of Sanford bonds. Lots 3 thru 11 Blk 3 Fairview Taxes and penalties Adjustment: Adjusted to $67.07 cash and 61.80 payable with City of Sanford bonds. Lot 12 Blk 9 T r. 13 Seminole rark Park. Taxes and penalties Adjustment: Adjusted to $22.53 cash and 13.88 payable with City of Sanford bonds. Lot 3 Blk 14 Tr. 5 Taxes and penalties Adjustment: Adjusted to $26.37 St. Paving Lien and interest $148.65 Adjustment: Adjusted to $95.31 payable with City of Sanford bonds. Lots 6 and 7 Blk 25 Clark's Subdiv. Taxes and penalties Adjustment: Adjusted to $78.15 cash and 69.65 payable with City of Sanford Bonds. Lot 8 Leavitt's Subdivision Taxes and penalties Adjustment: Adjusted to $7.47 cash and 16.08 payable with City of Sanford bonds. Lot 1 Blk 3 Tr. 10 Taxes and penalties Adjustment: Adjusted to $174.05 cash and 36.00 payable with City of Sanford bonds. M E Moye E. 67 ft of Lot 6 and N. 10 ft. of E. 67 ft of Lot 7 Blk 7 Tr 3 Taxes and penalties Adjustment: Adjusted to $149.00 St. Paving Lien and interest $142.96 Adjustment: Adjusted to $94.26 peYable with City of Sanford bonds. 509.68 432.76 362.60 265.66 58.41 72.09 210.10 43.48 371.99 182.97 Mrs J C Bennett Lot 9 Blk 9 Tr. 2 Taxes and penalties 401.95 Adjustment: Adjusted to $299.75 cash. The meeting of the Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board then adjourned until 7:30 o'clock P.M. January 26, 1937• Attest: ai Jty..Clerk.......... _ .... 1 57