HomeMy WebLinkAbout0505371 1 1 C MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, May 5, 10 A. M. _ -197 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Special Session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 10 O'clock A.M. May 5, 1937. Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins, Mayor. " W.R.Dupree " A. W. Lee if M.J.Lodge City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Clerk F. S.Lamson Absent: Commissioner IN.A.Leff ler Meeting called to order by the Chairman who announced that the meeting had been called to discuss with Mr. H.M.rPatson, President of the Sanford Baseball Association, and the representative of the Giant Manufacturing Co. the matter of installation of flood lights at the Municipal Athletic Field for night base ball playing. Thereupon Mr. Watson outlined the need for increased revenues with which to operate the Baseball Team and the representative of the Giant Manufacturing Co. presented figures showing where, based upon the experience of cities which have in- augurated night baseball playing, the installation of such equipment at the Sanford Athletic Field would result in increased attendance to such an extent that the revenues would be ample to pay all operating expenses and pay for the cost of the new equipment within a very short time. • M_r• Watson and the representative of the Giant Manufacturing Company then pre- rented the following proposition covering the installation of this equipment and .same was taken under consideration: approximately "The City to purchase this equipment at a price of/ $3800.00 completely in- stalled, 75 percent thereof to be paid by December 31, 1937, and the balance to be paid by December 31, 1938, deferred payments to draw interest at the rate of o per cent per an- num from date of final installation of the equipment. The Sanford Baseball Association to then enter into an agreement with the City whereby all receipts from any game played in excess of a figure to be determined as actual operating costs, as well as all receipts over and above actual expenses of other night uses of the park, to be delivered to the City to apply on the purchase price of the lighting equipment." Mr. rr.J.Ehlers and M:r.W.J.McCracken next appeared in connection with offer of Mr. Ehlers to purchase a part of the machinery in the City -owned McCracken Concrete Pipe Plant which is not being used and for which the City will probably never have any use, at a price of $800.00 After careful consideration, Cocm-fissioner Lodge moved that upon the assurance 6 g 9 of Supt. Moughton and fir. McCracken, the original owner and operator of this plant, that the disposal of this surplus equipment will have no effect upon the operation of the plant and the manufacture of pipe if and when needed, that the.offer of Mr. Zhlers to purchase this equipment for $800.00 be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Lee and carried. Thereupon City Attorney Wilson was instructed to prepare bill of sale to Mr. Ehlers covering the following described equipment covered by sir Ehlers' offer: 2 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, May 5 at 10 0' Clock. A M 19--U One McCracken Pipe Machine No. 2 Three six —inch jackets Three eight —inch jackets Three ten inch jackets Three twelve inch jackets Six four inch jackets OrP four inch Standard One Six inch standard One Eight inch Standard One Ten inch Standard One Twelve inch Standard Four four inch Pallets Four six inch Pallets Four eight inch Pallets Four ten inch Pallets Two twelve inch Pallets One Besser Concrete Mixer One 40 H.P.Motor. Miscellaneous lot of heads, wings and bellpackers etc. Two pipe carts. On motion duly carried, City Attorney Wilson and City Clerk Lameon were next authorized to proceed with the preparation and printing of the Certificates of Indebtedness to be used for payment of a part of the accrued interest on bonds not deposited with the Bondholers' Protective Committee after which the meeting adjourned. Attest: City Clerk. 1 1 1