HomeMy WebLinkAbout091337MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 13 at 7:30 P`'M 19 37 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session, at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 O'clock P.M. September 13,1937. Present Commissioner Ldward Hi,gins, mayor. " W H Dupree A.nY.Lee " W.A. Leff ler " M.J.Lodge City Att rney Fred R.71ilson City Clerk F.S.Lamson Chief of Police R.G.Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Current invoices and payrolls for the month of August 1937, properly audited and vouchered as evidenced by vouchers Nos. 9069 through 9145, submitted, examined, approved and payment authorized. 0 Monthly reports of the streets, sanitation, health, water, police, fire and library departments for the month of August 1937, submitted and examined. Bank statements in all accounts for the month of August , 1937, properly reconciled, submitted and examined. Financial statement and statement of revenues and expenditures during the month CD Communication next received from Pentalnd, Gray and 1oore, Accountants and Auditors making application for the annual audit for the fiscal year ending September 30th., of August , 1937, submitted and examined. Minutes of regular meeting of the City Commission and meeting of the Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board of August 23rd., adjourned meeting of the City Commission of August 24th. and special called meeting of the City Commission of September 5th, 1937, read and approved. Mr. H.H.Coleman, representing the Florida Power & Light Co., next presented letter requesting that the City c3nsider leasing the power line owned by his company connecting the eater Pumping Station and the City wells on the Orlando highway in place of the City constructing a new line as now contemplated. Thereupon Mr. Coleman was requested to submit a proposition for consideration by the Commission. Captain F.S.Feren of the Salvation Army next appeared with reference to the handling of meals and beds for indigent transients during the c:,ming year. Action deferred pending further consiaeration. Mr. E.F.La.ne, representing the owners of Lot 5 Block 3 Tier 6 next appeared with reference to an old street pevin-, lien against this property, recorded in the Orange County records in Lien Book K, Page 15, under date of uia.rch 11, 1910, but not shown as open on the City's books, and requesting that the City execute proper satisfaction in order to clear title to the property. Thereu:�on Commissioner Dupree :coved that satisfaction of the foregoing street paving lien against Lot 5 Block 3 Tier 6 be executed. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Communication next read from R. J Holly Jr.-editor of the Florida Municipal Record, with reference to the City carrying and advertisement in the November issue'. of this publication, and same was taken under consideration. Communication next received from Pentalnd, Gray and 1oore, Accountants and Auditors making application for the annual audit for the fiscal year ending September 30th., MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FFLORIDA,Sept 13 at 7 :30 P M 1937 the cost not to exceed $600.00, as heretofore, with an additional charge of $50.00 to consolidate certain funds no longer needed as a result of the refunding of the City's CD bonded indebtedness. Thereupon Commissioner Lee moved that the annual audit for the year ending September 30, 1937, be given to Pentland, Gray and lioore, in accordance with their application and at a cost not to exceed ;;:6!;0.00. Sewn ted by Corimissioner Dupree and carried. Request next received from R.L.Glenn, Chairman, Seminole County Planning Council, for payment of one half bill for telephone service for WPA telephone NO-4561,T for the months of July and August, and on ;notion duly adopted, payment of $5.76 for this purpose was authorized. Bill of Ernest F. Housholder for $75.00 covering per diem and expenses in connection with clearing property in Chapman & Tucker's Addition and First Street Extension between Sanford Avenue and the Mayfair Hotel, of State and County Taxes during the past session of the Legislature, next presented and on motion duly approved, ordered paid. Easement granted the City by the State Agricultural marketing Board to extend an electric power line across its property at Thirteenth St. and French Ave. next presented and ordered filed, said easement being as follows: KNOT, ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and other good and valuable considerations in hand paid by City of Sanford, Florida a municipal corporation, THE STATE AGRICULTURAL MARKETING BOARD has given and granted and by these presents does give and grant unto said City of - anford, Florida, a license to erect poles and wires for use in connection with its water plant, over, across, and upon the land and premises of said STATE AGRICULTURAL MARKETING BOARD At French Avenue and Thirteenth Street in the City of aa.nford, Florida, said poles and wires to cross French Avenue near 14th. St. and extend South along the East side of said property to south line and then west near South line of said property to Lake Street, provided, however, that the license hereby given and - ranted may be terminated by the undersigned upon sixty days written notice to the City of Sanford, Florida, its successors or assigns, whereupon said poles and wires shall be removed from said premises: IN 'XITNESS THEREOF, THE STATE AGRICULTURAL MARKETING BOARD has executed these presents by its duly authorized officer on this 8th day of September, 1937. THE STATE AGRICULTURAL MARKETING BOARD. BY: Wm. L . Wilson Executed in the presence of: Director Julia May Sampley J.B.Ihite On motion of Commissioner Lodge, seconded by Commissioner Dupree and carried, the Commission next approved the following applications for license to sell beer and wines: J D Dossey 110 N. Park Ave. L A Nader 114 N Park Ave. Ben Thomas 1301 N. 13th St. D.C. Brock 416 Sanford Ave. Lincoln Williams 162 E. 8th St. 1 [l 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Sept 13 at 7:30 P M 19 37 The meeting then adjourned until 7:30 O'clock P.M. September 15, 1937 after which the Board immediately re— convened as a Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjust- ment Board. Thereupon further consideration was given to the methods to be followed in the adjustment of taxes for the year 1933 and prior, also special assessments, after which the meeting adjourned. Attest: City Clerk. laayor.