HomeMy WebLinkAbout102537f 304 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 2 at7 :30P4937 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford Florida, at 7:30 O'Clock P.M. October 25, 1937. Present: Commissioner -Edward Higgins, Mayor. " d . R. Dupree " A .t' Lee " W.A.Leffler If M.J.Lodge City Attorney Fred R 'Nilson City Clerk F.S. Lamson Chief of Police R.G.+iilliams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of regular meeting of the City Commission and meeting of the Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board of October 11, 1937 read and approved. Consideration next given to the matter of the purchase of a truck and a "pick -up" truck for the Street Department, but due to inability of all dealers to submit prices at this meeting, action deferred. Mr. H.H.Coleman, local manager of the Florida Power & Light Co., next appeared with reference to his proposal to rent to the City the itlectric transmission line from the Water Pumping Station to the wells on the Orlando Highway, at a monthly rental of $47.00, including maintenance and use of transformers, in lieu of the City constructing its own line as heretofore planned. Action deferred On motion of Commissioner Lodge, seconded by Commissioner Lupree and carried, the Commission next authorized the purchase from 0v%L1. Cooper and cancellation of Series A Refunding bonds Nos 1508,1509,1510, 1511 end 1752, with coupons due March 1, 1938 and subsequent attached, at a price of ;242.50 per bond plus accrued interest- of $6.67 totalling in all $1219.17. On motion of Commissioner Dupree, seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried, the Commission next authorized the execution of Refunding bonds Series A Numbers 4935 and 4936, and the delivery of same, with Sept 1, 1937 coupons detached, to Mr Henry R. Brown of Brattleboro, Vermont, through the Sanford Atlantic National Bank, in exchange for bonds No. 36 and 37, Series A -3, with coupons due July 1, 1929 and subsequent attached; also the delivery to Mr. Brown , in settlement of past due unpaid interest on said Series A -3 bonds cash payment and five Certificates of Indebtedness in the sum of $20.00 July 1, 1938, July 1, 1939, July 1, 1940, July 1, 1941 and also the payment to Mr. Brown of $10.00 for the coupons d from the Series A Refunding Bonds Nos 4935 and 4936. In connection with the resignation of R.L. Glenn in the sum of :40.00 each, due respectively July 11 1942; ie Sept. 1, 1937 detached as Chairman of the Seminole County Planning Council and his removal from the City, Commissioner Lodge next offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Commissioner Dupree and unanimously carried: 1 1 1 I. 1 I1 J 1 r � i MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA RESOLUTION. October 25, at 7:30 P M 19_ 37 WHEREAS, Robert L. Glenn, Chairman of the Seminole County Planning Council, has tendered his resignation as such to take effect Iovember 1, 1937, owing to his election as Editor and Manager of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen's Magazine, with headquarters at Cleveland, Ohio, and +HEREAS, �Ir. Glenn, while serving a.s Chairman of the Seminole County Planning Council, has served faithfully and devoted much of his time and e:'f orts to the advancement of this City and County and the procuring of worth -while Federal projects. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Co- Timission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that we extend to Mr. Glenn an expression of appreciation for the valuable services he has rendered and for the splendid spirit of cooperation he has manifested at all times, both as a private citizen as well as while serving as Chairman of the Seminole County Planning Council, and while we regret losing him as one of our citizens, we extend to him our best wishes for every success in his new undertaking. BE IT FURTHE.E RESOLVED that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and 1r. Glenn be furnished with a copy h: -ereof. The Clerk next reported for information that r'.F.Ravenel had accepted the City's offer to pay $150.00 to pull all piling and other obstructions at the site of the old Flinn- Lovett dock at the foot of Myrtle Avenue. The Clerk next reported the receipt from the Bondholders' Protective Committee of the following additional coupons held by Halsey , Stuart & Co. without the Committee's knowledge and consequently not delivered to the City at the time the Committee's bonds were refunded: Coupon No. 10, due 7/1/29 from bonds Nos 88/108, Series F Z,C Coupon No 10, due 7/1/29, from bonds Nos. 149/50, 157/59 Series Public Utility dated 7/1/24 Coupons Nos 12 & 13 due 1/1/32 and 7/1/32, respectively, from bond No.275, Series A -bbc. The Clerk next reported Mr. Walter S. Coleman to be the only candidate to qualify for the Municipal Primary Election to be held November 2nd, 1937, and that accordingly in accordance with the law governing primary elections, this election would not be held. Thereupon, upon motion duly carried,-441r. Coleman was duly certified as the nominee for the position of City Commissioner and his name ordered printed on the ballot for the General Municipal Election to be held December 7th, 1937. On motion of.Co:imissioner Dupree, seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried, the Idayor was next authorized to issue an election proclamation calling a General Municipal Election to be held December 7th, 1937 for the purpose of electing one City Commissioner for a term of three years to fill the vacancy to be created by the expiration of the term of office of City Commissioner W.A.-Leffler, the following being designated as officials of said election: For Clerk E.F.Lane For Inspectors J.Beck , N.O.Garner and P . B. Smith. 306 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 25 at 7 :30 P M 197 Application next received from Mrl. H.R.Stevens for permission to remove two pine trees in the parkway on Seventh St. adjacent to Lot 10 Block 8 Tier 3, and on motion duly carried, same was approved. In accordance with an act of the 1937 Session of the Florida Legislature the Commission next authorized the cancellation of Tax Certificate No. 94 for 1935 against Lot 21 thru 26 of Block L, Tax Certificate No. 95 for 1935 against Lot 27 of Block L, and Tax Certificate No. 96 for 1935 against Lot 28 of Block L. All in First Street Extension, this property being owned and occupied by the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and the taxes ordered canceled by the aforesaid Act of the Legislature. Further consideration next given to the matter of an electric transmission line from the 4 -ater Pumping Station to the wells on the Orlando Highway. Thereupon after considerable discussion and it appearing to be to the best.interest of the City to own its own transmission line as well as the generating equipment, Commissioner Lee moved that the revised bid of Randall Electric Company to construct this line, complete, for a price of $3528.00 be accepted, this figure being based on the low bid submitted at the meeting of May 11th, 1937, adjusted to approximate- ly 4.1 miles of line, the additional distance being due to the necessity for a change in the route. Seconded by Commissioner Leffler and carried unanimously. Police Chief :Ulliams next reported on furnishing meals to prisoners for the ten month period from December, 1936 to September, 1937, through J.A.Howard, the method of handling having been as follows: Mr. Howard to furnish meals for prisoners at the same price heretofore paid, to —wit: 20 cents..per meal. From the profits, Mr. Howard to draw,as salary, up to, if made, an amount not exceeding that paid patrolmen, and in addition to furnishing meals, to serve as desk officer at the police station. Any cash surplus after payment of all expenses and salary of fir. Howard to be held for orders of the City Commission. Thereupon Chief 'nJilliams presented an itemized statement showing a net balance at Sept. 30, 1937 of $503.24 , which was ordered turned into the City and the Clerk in- structed to reserve same for purchase of new equipment for the Police Department. Instructions next issued that effective October 1st. 1937, the same method be pursued in feeding prisoners with the exception that Mr. Howard be regularly employed as Desk Officer and the City to pay only actual expenses in lieu of the $.20 per meal heretofore in effect. Consideration next given to the need of a police radio system for the Police Department and after considerable discussion the Clerk was ordered to advertise for bids for such a system for presentation to the Commission at the meeting of November 8, 1937 Communication next read from Fairbanks Morse & Co., inclosing form of revenue certificates for execution by the City covering deferred payments on the new gquipment for the water plant. Action deferred. �I 11 1 1 1 C 1 1 ca MINUTES 307 CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 25 At 7! 30 P A 9_37_. On motion duly carried the Commission next authorized cancellation of $5.00 of the 1935 Personal Taxes assessed against Swain's Battery Shop, due to over - assessment. Request of E.E.Bra.dy that he be reimbursed to the extent of $100.00 to assist in cost of moving business from condemned building on Lot S Block 11 Chapman & Tucker's Addition, again brought up for c.nsideration. Thereupon Commissioner Dupree moved that the City pay Mr. Brady $50.00 . Seconded by Commissioner Lodge end carried. In connection with the proposed 'XPA project for the repaving and widening of Jak Avenue between First and ninth Streets, instructions were next issued to the 4yater Department to change all water services connected to the old three inch main in Oak Ave. between First St. and Ninth Street , to the newer mains in the alleys, the entire cost of changes to be borne by the City. The_ meeting then adjourned until 7:30 o'clock P.M. October 27, 1937, after which the Board immediately re- convened as a Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board. Thereupon the following adjustments of taxes forthe year 1933 and prior were authorized and approved; Lot 10 Block 6 Tier 5 Taxes & penalties ( 1907 and 1910) $140.79 Adjustment: Adjusted to $17.60Vayable with City of Sanford bonds and .50 payable with cash. Lot 3 Block 5 Mayfair Taxes & Penalties ( 1931/1933) $396.30 V� Adjustment: Adjusted to $215.39 Payable with cash. The meeting then adjourned until immediately following the adjourned meeting of the City Commission to be held October 27, 1937. Attest: City Clerk. May or.