HomeMy WebLinkAbout010438MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, January 4 at 7:30 P M-19- 38 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Annual Session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. January 4th. 1939• Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins, Mayor. " W.R.Dupree a A.W.Lee " W.A.`effler " M.J.LOdga Commissioner -Elect Walter S. Coleman City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Clerk F.S. Lamson F a 'r Chief of Police R.G. Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of regular meeting of the City Commission and meeting of the Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board of December 27th. , and adjourned meeting of the City Commission of December 28th. 1937, read and approved. At the request of G.H.Carlton and on motion duly adopted, the Commission next authorized the Clerk to issue Mr. Carlton license to operate a temporary skating rink to be located on East First St. at the rate of $8.00 per week, payable weekly. Communication next read from the Sanford Atlantic National Bank agreeing to ex- tend payment of the balance due on December 31, 1937, on the contract with Randall Electric Co. f or,the purchase and installation of the flood lighting system at the Municipal Athletic Field, amounting to $1963.33 until October 1, 1938, provided the with City and Mr. Randall willsign a joint letter agreeing to pay this balance/ accrued interest on or before October 1. 1939• Agreement approved and the Mayor authorized to sign such letter on behalf of the City. In connection with the policy of the Sanford Atlantic National Bank to furnish ` security for City of Sanford funds in said bank in the form of Depository Receipts issued by the Atlantic National Bank of-Jacksonville_,covering Federal Bonds deposited for that purpo e the Commission next instructed that the Janf ord Atlantic National Bank be requested to transfer such security to the Federal Reserve Bank. Communication next read from the Sanford Buick Co. advising that in accordance with agreement, the rentals paid to Dec. 30, 1937, on one Diamond T. Truck, with dump body, which amount to $262.50 can be applied on the purchase price of $450.00 for this truck, and requesting that if the City intends to buy this truck, that it do so at this time. Also offering to apply rentals paid on one Chevrolet Truck, amounting to $135.00 and rentals paid on one International Truck amountin to .00 on the � g $75 � purchase price of $450.00 of the International Truck, and if the City wishes to purchase this truck on this basis, that it take title at once, deferring the balance of the payments until February. Thereupon in view of the fact that these trucks are needed on the various WPA . under wa projects y, proposition accepted, the Clerk being instructed to make payment of the balance due on the Diamond T truck at once. In connection with difficulty encountered in City well No. 5 on the Orlando Highway 1 _ and caused by loose shell in the pipe, report next read from H. James Gut /associate advising 'r MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, At 7!30 P Y -19_ 39 that the trouble is caused by the casing not being seated upon the limestone and recommending that the casing be driven sufficient to seat it in the rock. Thereupon the Clerk was instructed to obtain prices for doing this work. Bill of Mr. Gut and associate covering services in connection with this examination,, amounting to $18.00 , next presented and on motion duly carried approved and payment ordered Request next received from Charles Kanner to be allowed to pay the taxes, as adjusted amounting to $247.55 against the W. 1/2 of Lot 3 Blk. 3 Tr. 3, en., the basis of $150.00 a once and the balance in not more than 60 days. Request approved. There being no further business to be transacted by the out -going Board, Commissioner Lodge then moved that the meeting adjourn Sine Die. Seconded by Commissioner Lee and carried. The Commission then re- convened for purposes of organization, Mr. Coleman signing the oath of office and being seated as a Commissioner of the City of Sanford for the three year term. Thereupon Commissioner Lee moved that Commissioner Dupree be made temporary Chairman;, pending the biection of a Mayor. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Thereupon Commissioner Dupree took the Chair. Commissioner Lodge then nominated Commissioner Higgins as Mayor of the City of Sanford for the ensuing year, said nomination being seconded by Commissioner Lee. There being no further nominations, Commissioner Coleman then moved that the nominations be closed. Seconded by Commissioner Lee and carried unanimously. Thereupon Commissioner Higgins was declared to be unanimously elected as Mayor of the City of Sanford, Florida, to serve during the year 1935• Commissioner Higgins then signed the oath of office as Mayor of the City of Sanford, Florida, and took the chair. Request next received from R.J.Holly Jr. representing the Seminole County Sentinel that the City place an advertisement in a " Mail out" edition of this paper, and on motion duly adopted $5.00 was approved for this purpose . There being no further business, the meeting then adjourned. Mayor. Attest: dity Clerk. i [7 1 1