HomeMy WebLinkAbout0328381 D 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Me rch 28, at 7: 30 P M 19 38 The City Commission of the City of banford , Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Parch 28, 1938. Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins, Mayor. " Walter S. Coleman " 'X.R.Dupree A.W. Lee " M.J.Lodge City Attorney Fred R. 'Wilson City Clerk F.S. Lamson Chief of Police R.G.Willisms. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of regular meeting of the City Commission and meeting of the Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board of March 14, 1938, read and approved. Mrs. J. P . Fells next appeared with reference to delinquent taxes against Lot 3 Block 9 Tier 7 and Lot 9 Block g Tier 3, matter being referred to the Clerk to ad- vise as to the amount necessary under the adjusted basis. Mr. Ed Rawson next requested that action be taken to have the dense undergrowth c cleared from the two lots on the S.E.corner of Fifth St. and French Ave., adjacent to his warehouse, and same was referred to Supt. Mou;_ };hton for attention. Ike Frazier next presented request for refund of $19.00 taxes paid for the year 1936 on the E. 33 ft of 130 ft. of Lot 1 Blk 7 Chapman & Tucker's Addn. it appear- ing that these taxes were paid in error on property no longer owned by him. Thereupon, after considerable discussion, Commissioner Coleman moved that in view of the fact that this tax was paid in error, that the amount paid be refunded to Ike Frazier. Seconded by Commissioner Dupree and carried. Communication next read from D.L.Thrasher agreeing to donate up to 3000 cubic yards of muck from his property lying south and east of Rose Court Subdivision, for use in the development of Fort Mellon Park, a "VPA pr©ject. The Commission was next ad- vised that an analysis of this muck shows it to be of very high quality, and that if purchased would cost not less than $600.00. Further consideration next given to the matter of group life insurance on City employees after which it was unanimously agreed that the amount of such insurance should be $500.00 per person. The question then arose as to where to place this insurance, the Prudential, Metropolitan, Aetna, Equitable and Sun Life Insurance Companies having submitted proposals. Thereupon, after considerable discussion, Commissioner Dupree moved that this insurance be placed with ,the Prudential Life Insurance Company through D.L.Thrasher, agent, and that the City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary application paperas. Seconded by Commissioner Coleman and carried. Further consideration next given to the request of the Board of County Commissioners that the City; cancel the street paving liens against the property adjacent to Country Club Road from the present City limits to the A.C.L.R.R. crossing, Hardy Ave. r9ss�a5t to point from Country Club Road to Geneva Street, and Geneva Street from ACL 593 feet. "N. of S.E. Corner of Section 35, Tp. 19 S.R 30 E. in exchange for deeds from the respective property owners for this right-of-w,-.y, these deeds being necessary in order to obtain approval of the proposed City and County sponsored WPA drainage attd- reipaving pro- �0Lt MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, March 28 at 7:30 P M 19_ _38 ject heretofore authorized. Thereupon, in accordance with the request of the Board of County Commissioners and in view of the doubt as to the collectibility of these liens due to the failure to obtain proper rights of way when the paving was laid, Commissioner Coleman moved that the liens be canceled. Seconded by Commissioner Lupree and carried. The Commission was next advised of the unwillingness of James A. McMurray to refund Bonds Nos. 170 to 182, Series RR Due July, 1, 1931, with coupons due July 1,1929 and subsequent attached , but would sell them at a price of 50 cents on the dollar, flat. Thereupon, in view of the fact that these bonds are past due, with a per value, including interest, of $1508.75, Commissioner Coleman moved that their purchase at a price of $500.00 each be authorized. Seconded by Commissioner Dupree and carried. The Clerk next presented offer of A.B.Sechrist of Jacksonville to sell cast iron ':tiestinghouse r *thiteway Posts, the same size as now used by the City, at a. price of $15.00 each, delivered, and $000 volt #$ double armored lead covered cable for whiteway system at a price of $.0$ per foot, delivered, the regular prices for this equipment being approximately $56.00 and .27 respectively. Matter taken under consideration. Engineer Fred T. Williams next reported the need for two cars of sand for the French Avenue repaving project; also the need for a heavier roller than the City owns, and a scarifier, for the same project. Thereupon the Clerk was instructed to purchase this sand as needed, and to request the Board of County Commissioners for the use of the County eight ton roller and scarifier. Mr. Williams next requested reconsideration of the offer made Mack Overstreet at the meeting of February 28th, of $37.62 to apply on his taxes, on the adjusted basis, for deed to the twenty -five foot strip across his property. Thereupon, on motion duly adopted,the Commission authorized Mr. Williams to offer Mack Overstreet $87.62 for this right of way, to be applied on his taxes, and to allow him until January 1, 1935, to pay the balance, as adjusted, amounting to $50.00, it being understood that if not paid by that time, the order of adjustment will be void. Mr. Williams next presented the case of Rosa Boykin Murff who has deeded to the City a strip of land across her property 14, feet in width for the same purpose as in the case of Mack Overstreet, her property being described as follows: Beg. 4o ft. w. of N W Cor of Lot 72 Fla.. Land & Colo.Co's Addition to Sou. Sanford, run W. 575 ft. S. 240 ft. E. *575 Ft. N. 244 ft. in Sec. 35 Tp . 19 S.R. 30 E. Thereupon, upon motion duly adopted, the Commission authorized bar. Williams to offer Rosa. Boykin Murff $50.00 for this right of way, to be applied on her taxes, and to allow her until January 1, 1939, to pay the balance of such taxes, as adjusted, amounting to $151.68, it being understood that if not paid by that time the order of adjustment will be void. Plat of Boykin's Place next presented and duly approved. Mr. Williams next presented WPA project proposal for reconditioning the Municipal Golf Course and erection of water tower, the total cost being $15,709.00 of which the City's share will be $4741.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L�J MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, March 28 at 7:30 P M_19_38 Thereupon, on motion of Commissioner Dupree, seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried , said project proposal was approved and the Mayor and Clerk auth aimed to execute same on behalf of the City. On motion duly adopted, Mr. Williams was next instructed to prepare project proposals covering the following: Improvements to Bandshell and Municipal Pier. Paving Fifth Street between Elm Ave and Myrtle Avenues. Paving of parkways in the business district. Repaving and widening Palmetto Ave. between First and Second Streets. Relaying brick paving and construction concrete gutter on Oak Ave. between Ninth and Tenth Street. Repairing broken sidewalks. Communication next read from E.A. Londonberg requesting that the City reduce the rent for the City -owned farm land described as Lots 2, 4 and 8 of Block X, St. Gertrude's Addition, for the year ending June 30, 1938, to $200.00, due to the low prices being re- ceived for celery. Thereupon, on motion duly adopted, the Commission agreed to reduce the rent for this property for the year ending June 30, 1938 from $300.00 to $250.00. On motion duly adopted, the Commission then approved application of L.C.Thomas to sell beer and Nines at the N.'y'. corner of Fifth St. and Pine Ave., and application of Kleanthis Ares to operate dance hall at 801 -303 W. 9th St. Application next received from Charles L. Garner for position in the Police Department and same was referred to Chief of Police`llliams. On motion duly adopted, City Attorney `•ilson was next instructed to institute foreclosure proceedings on delinquent taxes and special assessments against Lots 123,124,125, and 127 126/of Rose Court Subdivision. There being no further business, the meeting then adjourned to immedietely reconvene as a Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board. Application then received f rom Mrs. Carrie E. Nickel to be allowed do psy hue taxes for the year 1930/37, amounting on the adjusted basis to $815.12, against the N. 32 ft of Lot 10 Block 2 Tier 4, at the rate of $315.12 at once and the balance in monthly installments, the entire amount to be paid by Jan. 1. 1939. Application,approved, with the proviso that if the full amount is not paid by Jan 1, 1939, the order of adjustment will be void and the amount paid in at that time will be applied against the taxes against this property so far as it will go. Application next received from Otto Caldwell to be allowed to pay the taxes and special assessments, on the adjusted basis, against lots 1 and 3 Block 9 Mayfair, amounti to $186.26 with a ninety day note. Application refused due to no authority for handling in this manner. The following adjustments of taxes for the year 1933 and prior, and special assessments, were next authorized and approved: 61"6 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, March 29 at 7:30 P M-19 39 Lots 1 and 2 Blk 1 SanLanta Lot 4 Block 10 Tier 7 W. 32 ft of S 112 of Lot 7 and. W. 32 ft of Lot S Blk 4 Tr.2 Lot 30 Fla. Land & Colo. Co'ts Addn. to Sou. Sanford, Lot 34 Dixie Lot 30 Woodruff's Subdivision Lot 4 Block 7 Tier 1 Lot 1 Block 3 Tier 10 N. 50 ft of Lots 30 and 31 Block C South Sanford Grant Lot 3 Block 14 Tier 5 E. 50 ft of Lots 9 and 10 Blk 6 Tr. 2'- Lot 5 Block 14 Tier 5 Lot 7 Block 9 Mayfair E. 9.32 ft. of Lot 62 and W. 45.01 ft. of Lot 63 Sanford Heights. Lot 1 Block 7 Tier A Taxes & interest (1930/334 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted Street Paving Lien & interest. ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted Taxes and Interest (1932/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted $2523.63 to $173.79 597.56 to 39.30 ' 116.15 to 9.93 Taxes and interest(1931 -33) 175.42 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 12.71 Taxes and Interest ( 1932) 5.79 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes and interest for 1933 and prior canceled provided subsequent taxes and interest paid im full. Taxes and Interest (1932/33) 4.26 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes & interest for 1933 and prior canceled, provided subsequent taxes and interest paid in full. Taxes and interest ( 1930/33) 295.50 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 19.91 Taxes and interest(1930 /33) 544.07 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 37.50 Street Paving Lien & interest.)? 91.47 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 4.97 Taxes and Interest (1929/33) 400.51 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 27.24 Taxes and interest(1929 & 1930/33) 113.06 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED : Adjusted to 5.07 Taxes and Interest ( 1930/33) 77.20 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 5.69 Street Paving Lien & Interest 156.27 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 9.54 Taxes and Interest ( 1930/33) 409.43 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 29.26 Taxes and Interest ( 1932/33) 153.90 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to $11.60 Taxes and Interest(1927 /33) 197.74 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes and interest for 1933 and prior canceled provided subsequent taxes and interest paid in full. Street Paving Lien & Interest 1517.06 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to $93026 Taxes and Penalties ( 1927/33) 633.60 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 42.38 Street Paving Lien & interest 298.37 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 16.06 Adjustment of taxes and Special Assessments authorized at meeting of February 14,1938 extended an additional 30 days. 1 1 7 L.J' 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Marnh 29 at 7:30 P M 19-39- 'Lot 2 Block 7 Tier A Adjustment of taxes and special assessments authorized at meeting of February 14,1939, extended an additional 30 days. The meeting then adjourned. Attest: City Ole-R. Mayor. o 7