HomeMy WebLinkAbout091238U 1 1 L_ 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 12, 7 :30 P M 1938 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida., met in Regular Session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7 :30 o'clock P.M. September 12,193. Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins, Mayor. " falter S. Coleman 11 A.W.Lee if M.J.Lodge City Clerk F.S. Lamson Chief of Police R.G.Williams Absent: Commissioner W.R.Dupree, (Excused on account of sickness.) Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of regular meeting of the City Commission and meeting of the Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board of August 8th, special meeting of the City Commission. of August 16th., regular meeting of the City Commission of August 22nd, adjourned meeting of the City Commission and meeting of the Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board of August 24th, adjourned meeting of the City Commission of August 26th., special meeting of the City Commission of August 30th., and adjourned meeting of the City Commission of September lat., 1938, read and approved. Current invoices and payrolls for the month of August 1938, properly audited and vouchered, as evidenced by vouchers numbers 158 thru 244, submitted, examined, approved,and payment authorized Monthly reports of the Streets, Sanitation, Health, Water, Police, Fire and Library Departments for the month of August 1938, submitted and examined. Bank statements in all accounts for the month of August , 1938, properly reconciled, submitted and examined. Financial statement and statement of revenues and expenditures during the month of August , 1938, submitted and examined. Mr. T.E.Simpson, President of the Seminole County Chamber of Commerce next dis- cussed the desirability of a Recreational Director to supervise-and direct the enter- tainment and recreation not only of the winter visitors but of local residents as well. Mr. Simpson then introduced Miss Dunbar, representing the Recreational Division of the Works Progress Administration, who offered to furnish a trained Recreational Director, provided the City would appropriate a fund sufficient to care for the Director's room and board expense and also a few items of equipment, the total estimated cost being 4600.00 for a year. Matter taken under consideration. Mr. Sam Fleischer next requested that necessary action be taken to place back in service the all -night whiteway street light on the East side of Cypress Avenue in San Lanta Subdivision midway between Plumosa Drive and Valencia Street. Thereupon the Clerk was instructed to prepare the necessary resolution as required by the Florida Power & Light Company where changes in lights are made, the Chief of Police to recommend what light can be eliminated safely in order to place this light back in service. Mr. H.B.Pope, representing the Orange State Oil Company, owners of all of Blocks 1N and 2N , Tier 6, next requested that the necessary action be taken closing the alley running north and south through these blocks, in order that the plans of the 451 MINUTES CITY' COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 12, at 7:30.-P 1J9 38- Orange State Oil Co. to enlarge their terminal facilities at this point may be carried out. In exchange for closing this alley Mr. Pope offered to deed to the City a fourteen foot strip on Western edge of these blocks to be used for alley purposes when needed. Thereupon in view of the fact that the alley requested to be closed has never been opened and consequently serves no purpose, that the property abutting on both sides of such alley. belongs to the Orange State Oil Co. who are requesting that it be closed, and that the Orange State Oil Co. has agreed to deed to the City a strip of land of the same width as the alley on the western edges of these blocks , to be used for alley purposes, request approved provided adequate provision is made to take care of the water now being drained by the present alley. Bids next received for repairs to the reservoir roof, aerator house roof, and downspouts at the Municipal Pumping Station in accordance with the following specifications as prepared by Architect E.J.Moughton: BIDS: Bids will be received in three ways: (1) Specification A will edge cap sheet. (2) Specification B will 15# felt and selvage (3) Specification C will 15# felt and cap sh include leaving old roof on and covering with selvage include leaving old roof on and covering with two layers edge cap sheet. include removing old roofing and covering with two layers eet. Miscellaneous work will be a part of all specifications. SPECIFICATION A: The entire roof surfaces shall be swept clean of all loose or decayed roofing and roof coating. All breaks, cracks, etc, shall be patched with cold asphalt and asbestos mastic preparation and 15# felt. This cold preparation shall be troweled into joint and over surrounding surface. The 15# layer of felt shall be embedded over this to make a smooth, tight finish. The entire surface shall be then covered with an 88# slate surfaced, half selvage cap sheet, mopped with genuine Trinidad asphalt. The upper edge of each cap sheet shall be nailed down every 6" with 1" barbed nails driven through flat tin disks. SPECIFICATION B: The old roof surfaces shall be cleaned and patched as above noted in specification A, and shall be covered with two layers of 15# asphalt felt and 88# slate surfaced half selvage edge cap sheet. The 15# felts shall be lapped 19" and shall be embedded in Trinidad asphalt. Each sheet shall be nailed in two staggered parallel rows 3/4" and 911 from the lower edge of the shee spacing the nails 12 ". The felt shall be covered with selvage edge cap sheet, lapped 19" and embedded in Trinidad asphalt. Asphalt shall be applied at the rate of 30 lbs. per square per mopping. SPECIFICATION C: All old roofing shall be removed. Decayed and broken sheathing shall be replaced and repaired, loose sheathing re- nailed, and the entire surface put in proper condition to receive new roof. The entire surface shall be covered with same roofing as specified under Specification B. MISCELLANEOUS: Roof under Specification A shall be guaranteed for a period of 5 years, and under Specific tion B and C for a period of 10 years. All roofing shall be turned up on cupola not less than 3" and shall be counter flashed with 26 gauge galvanized Toncan metal. After roofing has been applied, the gutter straps shall be securely re- fastened and the inside and outside of gutter steel brushed and painted two coats of an approved lead and zinc paint. All old roofing shall be removed from aerator house. All sheathing shall be put in propel condition to receive new roofing. New roofing shall consist of one thickness 15# asphalt felt cobeTed with uar'e. , 3-in-1 stril asphalt slate surfaced shingles, weighing not less than t 1 1 D 1 1 MINUTES (CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, SentPmher 12. at 7! 3.0 P 99_J& Shingles shall be applied in strict accordance with the manufacturer's directions. Hips and ridges shall be made with individual shingles ( cut from shingle strips) laid with 4" exposure. The downspouts on pumphouse shall be removed and replaced with 26 gauge galvanized Toncan metal conductors of same size as existing ones. The conductors shall be securely strapped in place and all joints shall be neatly soldered. After erection they shall-be cleaned with vinegar, washed down with clear water and when dry, given one coat galvanized iron paint and two thin'coats of lead and zinc paint. Alternate prices shall be given on using 55 lb. talc surfaced cap sheet instead of 55 lb. slate surfaced. Said bids being listed as follows: J.T.Po a Chase & Co. Clarence Smith =J7.25 Specification A 110 1200. V Alternate ( with 55# cap sheet) 1016.50 1065.50 1172.25 Specification B 1719.00 1613.00 1736.25 Alternate ( With 55# sap sheet) 1627.50 1455.50 1643.25 Specification C 1544.00 1655.00 1799.25 Alternate ( With 55# Cap sheet) 1752.50 1560.50 1706.25 F,M.English F.A.Dyson. 1190.50 1449.36 (75 #) 1074.25 1300.00 (664) 1575.00 1959.65 (75 #) 1455.75 1540.32 (66 #) 1645.00 2259.54 (110 #) 1525.75 2140.15 (66 #) Thereupon, after consideration of the work to be done end the responsibility of the various bidders, Commissioner Coleman moved that the work be done in accordance with Specification,-.B and that the contract be awarded to F.M.English, the lowest bidder, provided quarantee satisfactory to the Architect is furnished. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Engineer F.T.Williams next reported the necessity for asphalt and slag to complete the French Avenue repaving and widening project, these materials being set up in the project application a.s a. part of the City's donation.. Thereupon said materials were ordered purchased when needed. In accordance with new Federal regulations governing WPA project applications, and Commissioner Lodge next introduced Resolution No. 536/after being read, moved its passage and adoption.. Seconded by Commissioner Lee and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Higgins Aye Coleman Aye " Lee Aye Lodge Aye said resolution No. 536 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION No. 536. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, has submitted to the Florida Works Progress Administration a Project Proposal for the Country Club and Golds- boro Drainage Improvement, which said project has been designated as Project No. 59 -2 -A -109, Official Project No 665- 35 -1 -40, and WHEREAS, there is now pending in the Congress of the United States an Act appro- priating funds for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1935, which Act may change the 454 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 12 at 7:30: - 1-9 38 methods and manner of allotting funds to projects and require changes in the regulations of the Works Progress Administration with reference to the duties and responsibilities of sponsors: THEREFORE , Be It Resolved by the City Commission of said City of Sanford, Florida, in a meeting duly and regularly held , that said City of Sanford, by and through its City Commission, Sponsor of the above project, hereby agrees to conform to and abide by the provisidns of said Act appropriating funds for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 19391 as the same shall be passed and enacted by the Congress of the United States, and further agrees to conform to and abide by any changes in the rules and regulations of the Works Progress Administration, made pursuant to said Act of Congress or otherwise. Passed and adopted this 12th day of Sept. 1938. Edward Higgins Mayor. Walter S. Coleman 4.W.Lee M.J.Lodge As the City Commission of Attest: the City of Sanford, Florida. 1,-S. Lamson As Cry Clerk ( Seal) In accordance with the terms of the Charter the Clerk was next authorized to open the Municipal Registration Books on September 19, 1935 for the Municipal Primary Election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November , 1935. Engineer Williams next reported that in accordance with new Federal regulations the Boat Basin project heretofore approved by the Commission and submitted to tht'lorks Progress Administration had been returned for revisidn, and that under the revised figures the total cost of the project would be $46001.00, of which the City's share would be $20,164.10. Thereupon Commissioner Coleman moved that the revised project be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk,be authorized to execute the application therefor on behalf of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Lee and carried. Commissioner Lee next introduced Resolution No. 537, and after being read in full by the Clerk,:r.moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Coleman and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Higgins Aye " Coleman Aye " Lee Aye " Lodge Aye said Resolution No. 537 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 537. A RESO LUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD , FLORIDA, RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING THE ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 533, ADOPTED ON THE 24th DAY OF AUGUST, 1938, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO 532, ENTITLED:" A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A PLAN OF COMPOSITION FOR THE READJUSTMENT OF ITS INDEBTEDNESS UNDER THE ACTS OF CONGRESS RELATING TO BANKRUPTCY ", ADOPTED ON THE 8th DAY OF AUGUST, 1935. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: That the adoption of Resolution No. 533, entitled: " A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO 532, ENTITLED, # A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A PLAN OF COMPOSITION FOR THE READJUSTMENT OF ITS INDEBTEDNESS UNDER THE ACTS OF CONGRESS RELATING TO BANKRUPTCY', ADOPTED ON THE 8th DAY OF AUGUST , 1938 ", adopted on the 24th . day of August, 1938, I MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 12 at 7 :30 P M19 -38 rescinding Resolution No. 532, entitled: +i A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CCMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD , FLORIDA, ADOPTING A PLAN OF COMPOSITION FOR THE READJUSTMENT OF ITS INDEBTEDNESS UNDER THE ACTS OF CONGRESS RELATING TO BANKRUPTCY ", adopted on the Sth. day of August, 1935, be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this 12th day of September , 1935. _Edward Higgins Mayor. Walter S. Coleman M.J.Lodge A.W.Lee As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. Attest: F.S.Lamson City Clerk ( Seal) Commissioner Lodge next introduced Resolution No 535, and after being read in full by the Clerk, moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Coleman and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Higgins, Aye " Coleman Aye ++ Lee Aye " Lodge Aye said Resolution No. 535 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 535. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING THE ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 535, ENTITLED: " A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE PLAN OF COMPOSITION OF THE DEBTS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AS EVIDENCED BY RESOLUTION N0. 499, ADOPTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ON THE FIRST DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1937, and RE- ADOPTING SAID PLAN, THE CCM- pletion of said plan of composition to be under chapter X OF THE ACTS OF CONGRESS RELATING TO BANKRUPTCY, AS AMENDED BY ACT OF CONGRESS APPROVED JUNE 22, 1935" , ADOPTED ON THE 26th DAY OF AUGUST 1935- BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: That the adoption of Resolution No. 535, entitled: ++ A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE PLAN OF COMPOSITION OF THE DEBTS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AS EVIDENCED BY RESOLUTION NO. 499, ADOPTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, on THE FIRST DAY OF FEBRUARY , 1937, AND R*- ADOPTING SAID PLAN , THE COMPLETION OF SAID PLAN OF COMPOSITION TO BE UNDER CHAPTER X OF THE ACTS OF CONGRESS RELATING TO BANKRUPTCY, AS AMENDED BY ACT OF CONGRESS APPROVED JUNE 22, 1935 ", end adopted on the 26th day of August 1935, be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this 12th day of September , 1935. Edward Higgins Mayor. Walter S. Coleman M.J.Lodge A W Lee As the City Commission Attest: of 1th city of Sanford F.�ILamson ( Seal) Clerk. Lr ` 456 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 12 7: 30 P M 1 g_ 38 H.James Gut next submitted report of amount of f lourine in the Municipal water supply as determined from analyses made by Dr. A.P.Black, as follows: REPORT OF THE FLUORIDE CONTENT OF SANFORD MUNICIPAL WATER SUPPLY. In 1931 the cause of " mottled enamel" was definitely associated with the presence of minute quantities of fluorine in the water used for drinking purposes. The drinking of waters high in fluoride content may also be the possible cause of other pathological effects. A:,survey made by Dr. A.P.Black in 1934, during which time he analyzed 421 samples from Mrs. Rhoda B.Ewing protesting against the parking of of water from Florida showed that 24 contained no fluorine, 307 contained from 0.01 to of First 0.49 parts per million, 53 contained from 0.50 to 0.84, 35 contained from 0.85 to 1.99 and 2 contained over 2.00 parts per million of fluorine. investigation. The danger limit is 0.8 parts per million, waters containing less having no Communication observable harmful effects. from Alex R. Johnson requesting that a street light be in- According to analysis made by Dr. A.P.Black of the water from the City of Sanford of Wells the following results were obtained — and Lake Ave.,a.nd same was taken under con- City Well #2 0.10 ppm City 'Aell #3 0.10 ppm. City Well #5 0.20 ppm. City Well #6 0.20 ppm. City well #7 0.20 ppm Analysis of Elder Springs water showed 0.10 ppm In view of the above results the City of Sanford Municipal Water Supply is well within the safety zone. Respectfully submitted, H.Jam es Gut. 9/7/38 Communication next read from W.A.Holly as Commander of the Colored World War Veterans requesting the license on three shows to be sponsored by this organization be waived in order that it may obtain funds in this manner to carry on its charitable program. No action. Communication next read from Mrs. Rhoda B.Ewing protesting against the parking of trucks on the corner of First Street and Avacado Ave., and same was referred to the Chief of Police for investigation. Communication next read from Alex R. Johnson requesting that a street light be in- stalled at the intersection of W. 18th St. and Lake Ave.,a.nd same was taken under con- sideration. Consideratiln next given to the fact that the lien for paving against the property on the south side of W. 15th St. from Oak Ave. west to the Plat of The Oaks was placed against the entire plot extending through to 16th. Street, whereas the liens for paving against the property adjoining in the plat of The Oaks were placed only against those lots facing on 15th. Street, and which extend only half way to 16th. Street. Thereupon Commissioner Coleman moved that the south half of that property between 15th. St. and 16th St., and extending from Oak Ave. west to the Plat of The Oaks be relieved of the Street paving lien so far as the paving of 15th St. is concerned. �J 1 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 12#-,,3:30 P M 19 Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. 35 Communication next read from E.C.Woodcock applying for a position with the City and same was ordered filed. On motion duly adopted the Board next approved the attendance of Inspector Paxton at the State Plumbers' Convention at Daytona. Beach, the expenses for such not to exceed $10.00. Consideration next given to the fact that when the acceptance of City of Sanford bonds in payment of special assessments and taxes prior to the year 1930 was discon- tinued, several property owners had bond credits remaining which cannot be used. Thereupon the Clerk was authorized to adjust these bond credits to cash credits on the basis of 30 cents on the dollar, and allow such cash credits to be used in the payment of taxes and / or special assessments as the property owner may direct. Commissioner Lee next introduced Resolution No. 539 and after being read in full by the Clerk, moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Higgins Aye " Coleman Aye " Lee Aye " Lodge Aye said Resolution No. 539 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 539. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO FILE AN APPLICATION TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THROUGH THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR A LOAN AND GRANT TO AID IN FINANCING THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANT, ADD DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, AND DESIGNATING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO FURNISH SUCH INFORM - ATION AS TIME GOVERNMENT MAY REQUEST. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That the Mayor and City Clerk be, and they are authorized to exe- cute and file an application on behalf of the City of Sanford, Florida, to the United States of America for a loan and grant to aid in financing the construction of an_ electric light and power plant, and distribution system in said City. SECTION 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information as the United States of America through the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works may reasonably request in connection with the application which is herein authorized to be filed. SECTION 3. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this 12th day of September, 1935. Attest: F.S.Lamson As City Clerk. ( Seal) Edward Higgins, Mayor. Walter S. Coleman M.J.Lodge A. +V.''ee As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. 5S MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Sept 12 7: 30 P M 19 3S The meeting then adjourned until 7:30 o'Clock P.M. September 16, 1939, after which the Board immediately re— convened as a Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board. Thereupon the following adjustments of taxes for the year 1933 and prior, end special assessments, were authorized and approved: Lot 10 Block A, Buena Vista Estates Lot 2 Block 9 Tier 14 Seminole Park. Lot 14 Block 9 Mayfair Lot 13 Block S Mayfair Lot 7 Sanford Heights S. 26 f t of Lot 3N. 13 f t of 4 Blk 13 Tier 9 Lot 5 Block 14 Tier 3 Lot 3 Blk C Buena Vista Estates N. 100 ft of Lot 5 Blk A Buena Vista Taxes & Penalties (1930/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: $14.99 Special Assessment & Interest. ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 14.60 Taxes & 2enalties (1929/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 5.45 Taxes & Penalties(1927 /33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes & Penalties for 1933 and prior canceled provided all subsequent taxes & penalties paid in full. Special Assessment & Int. ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: 216.99 239.44 76.59 179.55 1517.06 Adjusted to: 93.25 Taxes & Penalties (1927/33) 179.55 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes & Penalties for 1933 and prior canceled provided all sub- sequent taxes & penalties paid in full. Special Assessment & Interest. 425.59 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to $22.64 Taxes & Penalties 1929/33) 314.75 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 20.94 Special Assess. & Int. 402.94 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 22.39 Taxes & eenalties(1930 /33 ) 291.62 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 19.79 Special Assess. & Interest. 132.22 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 7.62 Taxes & Penalties 1930133 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 40.97 Taxes & renalties Adjusted to: 19.37 Special Assessments & Int, Adjusted to: 22.70 Taxes & `enalties Adjusted to: 6.29 Special Assessment & Interest Adjusted to: 22.70 274.92 409.60 95.29 409.60 1 I I D I'l MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 12 7:30 P M -19---3S Lot S Block 12 Tier S, Sanford Lot 43 Florida Land 61 Colo. Co. Addn. to Sou Sanford Lot 10 Block 7 Tier C. Sanford Attest: City Cle# . Taxes $ Penalties 1929/33 253.3' ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 17.07 Special Assessment & Int. 447.77 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 24.98 Taxes & 'enalties 1930/33 62.26 ADJUSTMENT AU`T`HORIZED: Adjusted to 4.59 Taxes & Penalties 1930/33 139.37 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Tax6d and epetalties for 1933 and prior canceled provided all subsequent taxes & interest paid in full. Mayor. ` 'i .' •R ♦,�1 {, � <� Y: ., �; 45s� MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, 19 0 1 1 1 1