HomeMy WebLinkAbout102438C7 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, natvber 24 at 7 :30-P M 19-3-8 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida at 7 :30 O'Clock P,M. October 24th., 1938. Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins, Mayor. " Walter S. Coleman If A.W.Lee If M.J.Lodge City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Clerk F.S. Lamson Chief of Police R. G. Williams Absent: Commissioner W.R.Dupree ( excused on account of sickness.) Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of regular meeting of the City Commission and meeting of the Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board of October 10th., 1938 read and approved. Mr. yr.R.McCracken next presented drawing prepared by Engineer Fred T.Williams, showing the proposed diamond ball field on the City property between Hood Avenue and Palmetto Avenue; also revised list of the cost of the fence, flood lighting equipment and seats amounting to $897.05, Mr. McCracken next requested instructions as to whether the City would underwrite the cost of the equipment or accept the offer of Mr. Randall Chase for the Children's Home Society of Jacksonville to do so on a profit sharing basis. Action deferred pending conference with Mr. Asche, newly appointed -WPA Recreational Director for the City of Sanford. Mr. George Weinstein, Commander of the Campbell Lossing Post of the American Legion, next requested assistance from the City in clearing the property back of the American Legion Hut for a drill Also the tip of several reflect at night. Request granted. Mr. Weinstein then American Legion, for assistance field for the Sons of the Legion Drum and Bugle Corps. It, ors owned by the City in order that this field can be used presented request from the local Colored Post of the in cleaning the property East of the train Line of the Atlantic Coast Llne between 16th. and 18th. Streets owned by.the School Board and donated for use as a colored playground. Also that 17th Street in this vicinity be opened across the railroad right -of -way. Request for assistance in cleaning the property granted. Matter of opening 17th. Street referred to Engineer Williams. Mr. J.L.Marentette next presented petition signed by the merchants on Magnolia Avenue, requesting that colored overhead lights, similar to those on First Street, be installed on this Avenue between First and Third Streets. Thereupon, in view of the fact that tenthttve, agreement was made last year that this would be done, request granted and the Clerk -instructed to make necessary arrangements. Mr. H.H.Coleman, local manager of the Florida Power & Light Co., next read communication advising that effective on bills rendered after ten days from date, a twenty percent discount would be allowed on next electric bills for all municipal services, other than street lighting, based upon the Company's present standard rate 448 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, � `- October.24 at 7:30 P 49 38 (no bill, however to be less than the minimum) with the understanding that the arrangement could be canceled upon the Company putting into effect new schedules which would reduce the City's bills 20 percent or more, or upon 60 days notice to the City. Captain Rose of the Salvation Army next appeared with further feference to the need for additional funds for meals and bids for indigent transients. Thereupon, in view of the fact that $400.00 was placed in the current budget for this purpose, the Clerk was instructed to prorate this amount in monthly installments to be worked out with Captain Rose. Communication next read from the Sanford Insurers Exchange advising that a reduction of $48.00 in the premium on the five year fire insurance policy on City properties can be effected by the installation of two soda -acid fire extinguishers in the Library and two additional soda -acid extinguithers in the second floor of the City Hall. Also recommending, jointly with the Fire Chief, that one 1i quart carbon - tetra- chbloride fire extinguisher be purchased for the City Jail ( this type being non - injurious to the radio equipment) and using the soda-acid extinguisher now in the City Jail, together with three new ones to be purchased, for placing in the Library and City Hall in order to the makiragthe savings in premium., the total cost of the new equipment being approximately $30.00. Recommendation approved and the Clerk instructed to purchase the necessary extinguishers. Further consideration next given to the form of contract required in connection with the payment of the premium on the five year fire insurance policies on City properties in annual installments, and after opinion from City Attorney 'Nilson that such contract was proper, same was approved and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to execute same on be- half of the City, said contract being through the Barnett National Bank of Jacksonville, Florida. Communication next read from Fairbanks, Morse & Co, accepting offer authorized at meeting of October 10th, 1938, to exchange two semi - Diesel Engine c:linder heads and one combustion chamber now owned by the City for one 3/4 HP motor and pump needed at the water plant for pumping fuel oil from the tank car to the storage tank, and a cancellation of the claim for excess mechanic's time, amounting to $166.00 The Clerk next presented offer from Clyde C. Pierce, Jacksonille, Florida, to sell unrefunded City of banf ord bond No. 585, Series A -1 , with coupons due January 1, 1930 and subsequent attached, at a price of $425.00 flat. Thereupon, in view of the fact that the par value of the past due coupons alone amounts to $540.00, offer accepted and the Clerk instructed to handle with Mr. Pierce. Application next received from Eckerson Canneries, Inc., for permit to install gasoline service station adjacent to their plant, on Lot 1 Block 15 Tier 8, and on motion adopted, permit granted. Consideration next given to request of The Sanford Herald that the City place an advertisement in a " Mail Away" edition to be published on October 28th., and on motion duly adopted a one -half page advertisement was authorized to be placed in this edition of the Sanford Herald at a cost of $34.44. On motion duly adopted, the Commission next authorized the cancellation of the following 1908 taxes shown as outstanding on the records of the City, there being no tax certificates evidencing these liens and therefore considered uncollect&ble: Lot 3 -4 Blk 211 $6.00 Lot 10 Blk 411 3.40 W. 1/2 of Lot 6 -7 Blk 56 24.00 Lot 8 Block 56 4.00 Lot 3 Block 9 -B 9.00 v 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 24 at -7:30 P 1/5 of Lot 1 Blk 10 -0 .50 N 112 Lot 10 Blk 11 —D 3.00 W 1/2 of Blk 1111 90 Communication next read from Walter L. Cooper offering to pay the taxes against the Phillips Building, described as Lots 6,7 & 8 Block 3 Tier 4, at the rate of $100.00 at once, $500.00 on or before November 10th., and the balance on or before December 10th. 1938. Matter taken under consideration. On motion duly adopted, the Commission next authorized the purchase from J.A.Howatd of one Photorecord complete, purchased by him from Eastman Kodak Stores Inc., for use in the Police Department and being used in said Department, at a. total cost of $160.42 Communication next read from W.D. Bradford, Secretary of the City of Sanford Bondholders' Protective Committee, inclosing bill for $93.27 covering postage, telephone and telegraph and stationery, used in connection with efforts to obtain assents of owners of City of Sanford bonds to completion of the City's refunding program under the Wilcox Municipal Bankruptcy Act, and same was approved and ordered paid. On motion duly adopted, the Mayor was..next authorized to issue an election proclamation calling a General Municipal Election to be held December 6th, 1938, for the purpose of electing two City Commissioners for terms of three years each, to fill the vacan- cies to be created by the expiration of the terms of office of Commissioners W.R.Dupree and A.W.Lee, the following being designated as officials of said election: For Clerk E.F.Lane For Inspectors Mrs. F.E.Roumillat, Jay H. Beck and B.E*.Chapi;an. There being no further business, the meeting then adjourned, after which the Board immediately re— convened as a Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board. Thereupon the following adjustments of taxes for the year 1933 and prior, and special assessments, were authorized and approved: E. 1/2 'of Lot 6 Block 7 Tier 2 Taxes & Penalties (1931/33) 271.67 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: $18.88 Lot 37 Sanford Heights Taxes & Penalties ( 1927/33) 159 .01 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: TAaos & Penalties paihceled provided all taxes & penalties subsequent to 1933 paid in full. Special Assessment & Interest 714.57 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 35.26 Lot 38 Sanford Heights Taxes & Penalties (1927/33) 170.54 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes & Penalties for year 1933 and prior canceled provided all subsequent taxes & penalties paid in full. Special Assessments & Interest 1798.58 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to $92.92 Lot 2 Block 10 Tier 9,Sanf ord Taxes & Penalties (1930/33) 61.45 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes & Penalties for year 1933 and prior canceled provided all subse- quwnt taxes paid in full. 490 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 24 at 7:30 P MI 9 39 E. 65 ft of 1 and E. 65 ft of N 112 of Lot 2 Block 7 Tier 1 Taxes & Penalties(1932 /33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 31.03 436.49 N. 50 ft of Lot 3 Block 13 Tier 1,Sanford Taxes & Penalties ( 1932/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 3.74 Lot 99 Sanford Heights Taxes & Penalties ( 1927,33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 42.64 Special Assessment ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 20.99 Lot 3 Block 12 Tier 5 Taxes and penalties (1929/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 29.47 Lot 4 Block 14 Tier 7 Taxes and Penalties ( 1930/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Texes and Interest for year 1933 and prior canceled provided all subsequent taxes and interest paid in full. Special Assessment & Interest. ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 16.34 Lot 5 Block 14 Tier 7 Taxes & Penalties ( 1930/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 12.77 Special Assessment & Interest. ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 55.56 Lot 7 Block 9 Tier A Taxes and Penalties (1931/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 15.47 Special Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 52.20 Lot 10 Woodruff Subdiv. Taxes & Penalties ( 1929/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 16.23 Lot 5 Woodruff Subdiv. Taxes & Penalties ( 1927/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes and penalties for 1933 and prior canceled provided all subsequent taxes paid in full. 46.72 653.92 392.74 439-99 77.53 307.12 177.96 1101.10 217.13 1023.10 240.01 103.42 1 1 1 1 '1 7 L MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 24,_1:30 P M 19 38 Lots 12 and 13 Block 0, First Street Extension Taxes & Penalties (1931133) 75.36 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes & Penalties for 1933 and prior canceled provided all subsequent taxes & penalties paid in full. Special Assessment & Interest 290.84 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 17.-72 W 112 of Blk 5 Tr. 13 ( Less E. 15 ft. 9 In. of N W 1/4) E. 112 of Lots 1 and 2 Blk 13 Tr. 8 Lot 4 Block 10 Tier 6, Sanford. Lot 5 Block D, Buena Vista Estates Lot 6 Block 14 Tier 4, Sanford Lot 6 Block 12 Tier 5 Lots 1 and 2 Block 12 Tier 5 E. 112 of Lots 1 and 2 Blk 12 Tr. 4 Taxes & Penalties ( 1931133) 188.79 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 13.33 Special Assessment & In *erect 4003.76 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 212.98 Taxes & Penalties (1931133) 165.60 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 11.83 Special Assessment & Interest. 421.24 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 23,40 Taxes & Penalties ( 1932133) 150,47 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 11.05 Taxes & Penalties 1933 34.19 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 2.93 Taxes & Penalties (1933) 45.11 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 3.95 Special Assessment & Interest 556.86 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 47.17 Taxes & Penalties ( 1932/33) 37.66 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes & Penalties 1933 & prior canceled provided all subsequent taxes and penalties paid in full. Special Assessment & Interest 1100.68 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Itd ste t s:: 45446.._. Tdk6a &"Pena.ltiaO, (1932/33 __ �'!Jil.84 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 22.70 Taxes & Penalties (1931/33) 732.91 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 51.80 491 4,92 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Ontoher 24; 7!30 P —19-38 Lot 3 Block 12 Tier 4, Sanford Lot 7 Block 12 Tier 5,Sanf ord Lot S Long's Second Addn. Lot 7 Block 14 Tr. 4, Sanford S. 28 ft of Lot 14 N. O ft of Lot 15 Blk. 6 Tr. 1, Sanford. Lot 2 Block 6 Tier 9, Sanford Taxes and penalties (1932/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes & Penalties 1933 and prior canceled provided all subsequent taxes & penalties paid in full. Special Assessment & Interest. ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 29.9 Taxes & Penalties ( 1932/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes & Penalties for 1933 and prior canceled provided all subsequent taxes paid in full. Special Assessment & Interest. ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to $16.54 Taxes & Penalties 1927/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 40.74 Special Assessment & Interest. ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 36.37 Taxes & Penalties (1928/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes & Interest 1933 and prior canceled provided all subsequent taxes and interest paid in full. Taxes & Penalties (1929/33) AdJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 23.91 Special Assessment & Interest. ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 7.06 Taxes & Penalties(1930 /33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 23.64 Lots 4 & 5 Block 5 Chapman & Tucker Addn. Taxes & Penalties (1932/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Lots 6 and 7 Block 6 Tier 1, Sanford Lot 193 Pinehurst Adjusted to: 56.60 Taxes & Penalties(1932 /33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 47,30 Taxes & Penalties ( 1927/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes and interest for 1933 and prior canceled provided all subsequent taxes paid in full. Special Assessment & Interest Adjustment authorized: Adjusted to: 95.61 37.66 529.43 37.66 310.77 627.22 654 56 241.42 356.94 132.76 349.8o 793.76 669.58 115.57 1797.53 1 1 n �J �I L MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Oct 24, at 7:30 P M 19 38 Lot 9 Block 13 Tier 2, E R Traff ord's Map of Sanford. Lot 1 Block 12 Tier 10 Martin's Addn. Lot 3 t Less S. 40 Ft.) Blk 12 Tr. 11 Martin s Addn. Lot 2 ( Le:;s E. 117 ft and Less. Beg 117 ft W. of S.E Cor run W. 59 ft N 117 ft E. 59 ft S. 117 ft. to Beg. Robinson Survey. Lot 13 Stendiford Addn. Lot 39 Block G Chappell's Subdiv. Lot 12 Stendiford Addn. Lot 4 Block 13 Tier 9, Sanford Lot 3 Block 13 Tier 9, Sanford Lot 2 Block 10 Tier 10, Sanford. Taxes & Penalties (1929/33) 115.98 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes & Interest for 1933 and prior canceled provided all subsequent taxes & Interest paid in full. Special Assessment & Interest. 222.54 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 11.54 Taxes & Penalties (1932/33) 63.94 Adjustment AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 4.94 Taxes & Penalties ( 1931/33) 50.94 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 3.92 Taxes & Penalties ( 1932/33) 44.22 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 3.56 Taxes & Penalties ( 1932133) 20.43 Adjustment AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 1.90 Taxes & Penalties (1913/26 and 1931/33) 121.33 Adjustmert authorized: Adjusted to: 7.32 Taxes and Penalties 1932133) 32.22 Adjusted to: 2.72 Taxes & Penalties ( 1929/33) 96.75 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes & interest for 1933 and prior canceled provided all subsequent taxes & interest paid in full. Special Assessment & Interest 447.77 ADJUSTMENT Au,4,uniijj:.: Adjusted to: 24.55 Taxes & Penalties ( 1929133) 111.25 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes and Penalties for 1933 and prior canceled provided all subse- quent taxes and Int. paid in full. Special Assessment dc Interest. 573.13 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 31.54 Taxes & Penalties ( 1930/33) 75.22 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes and Int. for 1933 and prior canceled provided all subsequent taxes paid in full. 494 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 24, 7:30 P M-19-38 Lot 1 Block 10 Tier 10, Sanford. Taxes & Penalties(1930 /33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes for 1933 and prior canceled provided subsequent taxes & penalties paid in full. S. 40 ft of Lot 3 Blk 12 Tr. 11, Martin Addition. Taxes & Penalties (1927/33) Lot 7 Block 10 Tier 10, Sanford. Lot 1 Block 7 Tier B, Sanford Lot 5 Block 10 Tier B, Sanf ord E. 39 ft of Lot 1 Blk 10 Tr. A, Sanford W • 39 ft of Lot 1 Blk 10 Tr. A, Sanf ord Middle 39 Ft. of Lot 1 Blk 10 Tr. A ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes & Penalties 1933 and prior canceled provided subsequent taxes paid in full. Taxes & Penalties ( 1931/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 10.76 Taxes & Penalties ( 1931/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 19.54 Taxes & Penalties ( 1931/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 10.76 Taxes & Penalties ( 1931./33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 5.63 Taxes & Penalties ( 1931/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 5.63 Taxes & Penalties (1931 /33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxe.stardtpenalties 1933 and prior canceled provided all subsequent taxes paid in full. Special Assessment & Interest. CADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 16.96 Beg S.W.Cor Lot 19, Run N. 65.8 ft. E. to Pump Branch Sally along same to Pt. of Beg. W. to Beg. Chapman & Tucker (1931/33) Addition Taxes & Penalties S. 26 ft of Lot 4 Block 19 Chapman & Tucker Addition. Lot 3 Block 18 Chapman & Tucker Addn. E. 100 ft of Lot 16 Dixie ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 6.28 Taxes & Penalties (1931/33 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: 75.22 117.06 151.92 251.23 151.92 76.16 76.16 76.16 330.46 Td:Xes ,aridtpenalties for year 1933 and prior canceled provided subse- quent taxes paid in full. Taxes & Penalties (1931/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to $9.05 Taxes & Penalties ( 1927/33) 85.67 64.os 126.60 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes & Penalties for 1933 and prior canceled provided subsequent taxes paid in full. 93.33 1 D 1 � 11 r- 1 u 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FFLOR W. 95 ft of Lot 16 Dixie Lot 7 Blk 12 Tr. 10 ( Less 1.1; . 4 ft.) Martin's Addn. Lot 6 Block 12 Tier 10, Martin Addn. (Less S. 4 ft.) Lot 11 Block 6, Mayf air Lot 25 Sanf o Park October 24, 7:30 P M 5 19_ 3 Taxes & Penalties (1927/33) 77.69 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes & Int. for 1933 and prior canceled provided subsequent taxes paid in full. Taxes & Penalties ( 1932/33) 33.15 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 2.75 Special Assessment & Interest. 692.49 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: '36.83 Taxes & Penalties (1932/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to 7.16 Special Assessment & Int. ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 36.66 Taxes & Penalties ( 1927/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Taxes for 1933 and prior canceled provided subsequent taxes paid in full. Special Assessment & Interest. ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: Taxes & Penalties 1933 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: 19.75 Adjusted to: 3.95 W. 112 of Lots 9 & 10 Blk 5 Tier 5, Sanford Taxes & Penalties ( 1931/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Lot 4 Blk 11 Tr. F, Sanford Lot 9 Block 13 Tier 3, Sanford Lot 2 Block 13 Tier B, Sanford Lot 6 Block C, Markham Park Hts. Adjusted to: $29.15 Taxes & Penalties (1927/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 7.55 Taxes & Penalties ( 1931/33) Adjustment Authorized: Adjusted to: 24.65 Taxes & Penalties ( 1931/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 9.05 Taxes & Penalties ( 1932/33) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: 95.66 659.21 202.44 - 355.96 45.34 423.02 70-80 346.53 125.50 37.95 Taxes & Penalties for 1933 and prior canceled provided subsequent taxes & penalties paid in full. Special Assessment & Interest. 611.51 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 33.13 4q6 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 24, 7:30 P M —19. 39 Lot 5 Block 11 Tier 9 Martin Addn. The meeting then adjourned. Attest: City Clerk. Taxes & Penalties ( 1927/33) 542.80 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 35.72 SPEcial Assessment & Interest. 510.51 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 25.36. Mayor.