HomeMy WebLinkAbout0222321 1 �1- 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, February 22 1-9---3-2. The City Commission of the City of Sanford Florida, met in Regular Session at the City Hall in Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 O'Clock P.M. February 22, 1932. Present: Commissioner T.L.Dumas , Mayor. " . ' H J Lehman " V. A. Speer " C.A. Byrd. , r� '71. A. Leff ler City Attorney Fred R.Wilson City Clerk, F.S.Lamson Chief of Police R.G.Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of Regular meeting of February 8th. 1932 read and approved. Commissioner Speer next introduced Ordinance No. 202 entitled: ORDINANCE NUMBER 202. " AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REPEALING ORDINANCE NUMBER 105 OF SAID CITY, ENTITLED AS FOLLOWS: It AN ORDINANCE CREATIIyG AND ESTABLISHING A BULKHEAD DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS WEST SIDE BULKHEAD DISTRICT; RE�IJIRII�G THE BUILDIIrG OF A BULKHEAD OR RETAINING WALL IN SAID DISTRICT ALONG THE SHORE OF' LAKE MONROE; RE�UIRI. "G THE FILLING IN, RECLA.1'ATION AND BRINGING TO A TOPOGRAPHICAL LEVEL THE LANDS EMBRACED IN THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF SAID BULKHEAD DISTRICT; PROVIDING THE IMANZEER BY :WHICH THE COST OF SAID IMPROVEMENT SHALL BE DEFRAYED; PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF SAID IMPROVEMENT PROPERLY CHARGEABLE TO LANDS IN SAID BULKHEAD DISTRICT SHALL BE ASSESSED AGAINST THE LANDS I`:IPROVED IN SAID BULKHEAD DISTRICT; PROVIDING THAT SAID BULKHEAD I"_PROVEIUIENT ASSESSI11ENTS SHALL BE AND REMAIN A LIEN AGAINST THE LANDS ASSESSED UNTIL DISCHARGED BY PAYMENT; AND PROVIDING THE VAINER OF THE PAYMENT OF SAID ASSESS1ENTS11, AS TO THE PORTION OF SAID 'NEST SIDE BULKHEAD DISTRICT CREATED BY SAID ORDINANCE NUMBER 455 105 DESCRIBED IN SECTION 1 OF THIS ORDINANCE, AND EXCLUDING FROM SAID WEST SIDE BULK- HEAD DISTRICT THE PORTION THEREOF DESCRIBED III SECTION 1 HEREOF, AND ABANDONING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROVIDED FOR IN SAID ORDINANCE NUMBER 105 INSOFAR AS THE SAIviE AFFECTS THE PORTION OF SAID WEST SIDE BULKHEAD DISTRICT DESCRIBED IN SECTION 1 HEREOF, AND RESCINDING AND CANCELING ALL ASSESSMENTS ZADE AGAINST AIYY LANDS AND PREMISES IN THE PORTION OF SAID WEST SIDE, BULKHEAD DISTRICT AS TO 'WHICH SAID ORDIN1ANCZ NUMBER 105 IS HEREBY REPEALED, AND DECLARING SAID ASSE -3SMENTS TO BE NULL AIND VOID AND NOT LIENS AGAINST THE LANDS AND PREMISES SO ASSESSED." and moved that it be placed upon its first reading. Seconded by Commissioner Byrd and carried. Thereupon said Ordinance No. 202 was placed on its first reading and read in full by the Clerk. The Commission then proceeded to a further consideration of the objection re- ceived at the last meeting from a committee of local milk dealers to the issuance of a permit for Datson Dairies , Inc. of Orlando, to sell milk products within the City of Sanford. After a careful consideration of this matter, Co ;Kmissioner Leffler offered the motion that Section 11 of Ordinance No. 199, passed and adopted by the City Commission 4.5.6 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, .SANFORD, FLORIDA,_— Eebruary 22 19i_ on November 9th, 1931, be amended as follows: "That no milk, cream or milk products covered by this Ordinance, produced outside of Seminole County, may be sold within the limits of Sanford, Fla. unless pastuerized within Seminole County and in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance." Commissioner Leff ler's motion was seconded by Commissioner Byrd and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Lehman Thereupon City Attorney Wilson was instructed to prepare Ordinance covering the foregoing Amendment of Section 11 of Ordinance No. 199 for passage at. the next meeting of the Commission. The Commission next proceeded to consider the report of the Special Committee to Investigate Electric Rates, wherein what are considered just and reasonable rates to be charged by the Florida Power & Light Co. for commercial lighting and power in the City of Sanford -are recommended. After consideration of this report, Commissioner Speer moved that the Clerk be instructed to notify the officials of the Florida Power & Light Co. of the findings of this Committee, and ask for a meeting to negotiate for the reductions suggested; that the Committee be notified of this action by the Commission and requested to be present at the time of the proposed meeting; and that the Committee be thanked for their untiring efforts in preparing this report. Seconded by Commissioner Lehman and carried, Commissioner Byrd not voting. On motion duly adopted, -wir R.J.Holly was granted permit to lower curb adjacent to Lot 10 Blk 5 Tier 4, on Oak Avenue for a sufficient distance to allow entrance to private garage located on this property. Commissioner Speer next introduced the following resolution and moved its pas- sage and adoption: RESOLUTION OF RESPECT ON THE DEATH OF JUDGE WILLIAM WALLACE WRIGHT. WHEREAS, William Wallace Wright, Late Judge of the Twenty -Third Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, was for several years a resident of the City of Sanford, and always manifested a keen interest in our City and its problems, and was recognized as an exceptionally able and impartial Jurist, and, WHEREAS, The City Commissioners of the City of Sanford, Florida, in common with all of the people of said City, and Seminole County, feel the great loss to our City and County and State in the untimely death of Judge Wright. NOW THEREFORE, Be It Resolved that the City Commissioners of the City of Sanford, Florida, do extend to the widow of the Late William Wallace Wright their profound sympathy in her great loss and bereavement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk transmit to Mrs William Wallace Wright a copy of this Resolution. Adopted this 22nd day of February , 1932. The foregoing resolution ms seconded by Commissioner Leffler and unanimously adopted. On motion duly adopted instructions were next issued that a rental of $10.00 per month, payable in advance, be charged for use of the City -owned dock and ware- house located immediately West of the Sanford Yacht Club building. .y 1I L L. 1 1 1 MINUTES 4-57 CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, February 22, 7:30 P M i g 32 The City Attorney next informed the Commission that writ of Mandamus had been obtained by the City of Sanford Bondholders Protective Committee requiring the payment of $7250.00 from profits of the TtTater Department to apply on water bond coupons held by this Co- mmittee. Thereupon the Clerk was instructed to comply with the terms of the aforesaid writ of Mandamus. Request next received from V G Hasty for permit to erect vegetable stand or build- ing to house vegetables at the Northwest coArner of Geneva Avenue And state Road No. 3 and on motion duly adopted s id permit was ordered granted with the provision that the contemplated building be placedso as not to obstruct the view of motorists approaching this intersection. The meeting then adjourned to meet again at 7 :30 O'Clock P.M. February, 29, 1932• Attest City Clerk. Mayor.