HomeMy WebLinkAbout0411321 Fj 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, April 11 —7:30 P M 192 T he City Commission of the City cf Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Session at the City Hall in Sanford, Florida, at 7 :30 010lock P.M. April 11, 1932. Present: Commissioners T.L.Dumas , Mayor. " H.J.Lehman " V. A. Speer " C .A.Byrd. " W.A. Leffler City Attorney Fred R.Wilson City Clerk, F.S.Lamson Chief of Police R.G.Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 28th, and special meeting of April 6th. 1932, read and approved. Current invoices and payrolls for the month of March 1932, properly audited 4a� and vouchered, as evidenced by Vouchers Nos. 4278 through 4281, and 4283 through 4346 submitt examined, approved and payment ordered. Monthly reports of the streets, sanitation, health, water and library departments for the month of March, submitted and examined. Financial Statement and statement of revenues and expenditures during the month of March, submitted and examined. Bank statements in all accounts,properly reconciled, submitted and examined. Mr. Richard P. Daniel next appeared with request for payment to former Special Counsel Lucien H. Boggs on account fdr services rendered in the case of the City of Sanford Vs The Chase National Bank of New York. Thereupon Commissioner Leffler moved that #2,000.00 be paid to Messrs Geo. A. DeCottes and Lucien H. Boggs on account of services rendered under their contract with the City in the Chase National Bank suit. Seconded by Commissioner Byrd and unanimously carried. Commissioner Byrd next moved that house located on Lots 6 and 7 Block 5 Tier 7 and recently acquired by the City through foreclosure of liens, be rented to J.H. Urquhart at a monthly rental of $10.00 worth of City of Sanford Bonds, such house to be vacated upon due notice at such time as it is sold by the City. Seconded by Commissioner Speer and carried. Two communications, dated respectively April 8th and 9th from Kenneth M. Keefe, Chairman of the City of Sanford Bondholders Protective Committee, with reference to request of the City for a definite and final settlement of the bonded - indebtedness, were next read ters and ordered made a matter of record in the minutes, said let-��Ibeing as follows: " April 8, 1932 Hon.T.L.Dumas Mayor, City of Sanf ord, Sanford, Florida. Dear Sir: Following our meeting with the city commission on Thursday, March 17-we have given careful consideration to the discussion which took place concerning some method of providing for payments on the bonded indebtedness of the city to become effective upon the expiration of the present, agreement on October 1, 1932• We are impressed at -the outset with the fact that tax collections in the City of Sanford for the fiscal year 1930 -31 approximated 60% of the tax roll, whereas collections in Seminole County during the same period amounted to app= oximately 87% of the county tax roll. Furthermore, it appears to us even more significant that the city's tax collections for the current fiscal year now amount to only about 30% of the current tax roll, while the percentage of tax collections for the county exceeds the percentage of tax collections for 47R`;"� CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,_ Aoril 11 at 7:30 P M 19_32, the same period of last year by about 6 %. We are forced to conclude from the foregoing facts that the collection of city taxes has not yet attained the degree of effectiveness which is necessary to support any constructive program. It must be evident to everyone that the existing ratio of tax collections presents very serious problems both to the city and the bondholders. Unless this ratio is materially improved, the city cannot continue to provide the necessary police, fire, and sanitary protection, or the other services which it is expectsd'tbµ furnish to its citizens. It is unnecessary to point out to the commission that substantially all of the cash the city now has on hand represents money due to the bondholders under exist- ing arrangements. We suggest for your consideration that further discussion of any future program be deferred until after appropriate measures for collection of 1931 taxes have been taken. The results of such measure cannot be knomauntil after your tax sale. The bondholders' committee would be pleased to try to reach a mutually satis- factory agreement with the city officials for debt service during the next fiscal year, or perhaps during a period of years. Nevertheless, it seems entirely clear that we are not i, a position at this time to formulate or discuss any program until the attitude of the tax- payers of Sanford has been disclosed by the tax enforcement methods available. Very truly yours, KMK:KO Kenneth M Keefe Copy to- Mr. C.T.Diehl Chairmam. The Provident Savings Bank & Trust Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. A.C. Mittendorf Prudden & Company Toledo, Ohio. LIEngle and Shands Law Exchange Jaoksonvil7v, , Fla. Mr. F.p.Fleming Barnett National Bank Bldg. Jacksonville, Fla. Thompson, Mood & Hoffman 120 Broadway, New York. " " April 9, 1932. Hon. T.L. Dumas, Mayor City of Sanford Sanford, Florida. Dear Mr. Dumas: I received your letter of April 6th with enclosures outlining a refunding plate for the City of Saiford, Florida, shortly after I had signed and sent you my letter outlining the Committee's views as to the inadvisability of discussing any refunding plan at the present time. Nevertheless, I will of course be very glad to submit your communi- cation to the Committee.f or consideration and you will hear from us within reasonable time. I also want to add that after I had written you I received word from Messrs. LIEngle and ahaxj& that you were paying us a part of the various sums due us under the Agreement.of January 21, 1931. I expect to be in Jacksonville for a day or so next week and will discuss this entire matter with counsel for our Committee at that time. KMK: EL Copies to: Messrs. LIEngle and Shands F.P.Fleming " With kind regards, I am Very truly yours Kenneth M Keefe. Three oommunicatiore next read from LIEngle and Shands, and Fleming, Hamilton, Diver & Lichliter, attorneys for the City of Sanford Bondholders Protective Committee, making request for the profits of the Water Department, funds on hand in the Special Assess- ment Fund, and balance due for Debt Service in the Ordinary Furd, to apply on judgments obtained by this Committee against the City. Thereupon, upon motion duly adopted, the Clerk was instructed to make payment of $14,020.41 to apply on judgments obtained by Kenneth M. Keefe et al and $236.95 to apply against judgment obtained by United Mutual Life Insurance Company, these amounts being,_ balance as of March 31, 1932, applicable for payment for these purposes as provided in the budget. 1 1 1 LJ L 1 1 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, April 11 at 7:30 P M 19_32 Communication next read from LIEngle & Shands, advising that the City of Sanford Bondholders Protective Committee will not pay for the advertising of the delinquent 1931 Real Estate Tax Roll. Thereupon action taken at the meeting of March 28th. was confirmed and the delin- quent 1931 Real Estate Tax List ordered POSTED in accordance with the terms of the Charter. Commissioner Lehman next introduced Resolution No. 429 and moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Byrd and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Dumas Aye " Lehman Aye " Speer Aye " Byrd Aye " Leffler Aye Said resolution No. 429 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 429 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD , FLORIDA, TO W.D. THORNTON. WHEREAS, CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, has acquired by foreclosure proceedings that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Seminole County, Florida, described as follows, to —wit: Lot 6 Block 9, Tier 8 of Sanford, Florida, according to E.R.Trafford's Map thereof of record in the public records of Seminole County, Florida, in Plat Book 1, Pages 56 -64, and WHEREAS, W.D. THORNTON has offered to pay the sum of FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY FOUR AND 39/100 ( $594.39) DOLLARS, in bonds of the City of Sanford, Florida, for said property and the City Commissioners of the City of Sanford, Florida, are of the opinion that it would be expedient and for the best interests of said City to sell said proprty to the said W. D. Thorntorry for said sum of $594.39 in bonds of said 'City of Sanford,, Florida, and that said amount is a fair price for said property, said property being encumbered by delinquent State and County Taxes: NOW THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the City Commissioners of the City of Sanf ord, Florida, that the above described lands and premises be sold to the said W.-D. Thornton for said sum of $594.39 and that the Mayor and City Clerk of said City be, and they are hereby authorized to execute and deliver a deed of bargain- and sale of said lands and premises to said W.D.Thornton or to whomsoever he may direct upon payment of said sum, of $594.39 in bonds of the City of Sanford, Florida, said deed to be made subject to all unpaid State and County taxes including taxes for the year 1932. Be it Further Resolved that this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. P assed and adopted this 11th day of April , 1932. Attest: F.S.Lamsom City Clerk ( Seal) T. L. Dumas 0.A.Byrd V.A.Speer H.J.Lehm W.A. Leffler As the -City Commissioners of the City of Sanford, Florida. Communication next read from the Seminole County Chamber of Commerce requesting 48,01 MINUTES, CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,_ April 11 at 7:30 P M 19 32 $500.00 to assist in defraying expenses of this organization, but action was deferred until a later date. On motion duly adopted, payment of Golf Course Payroll for the week ending April 9th amounting to $37.75, and payroll for the week ending April 16th, to an amount not exceeding $45.00 were next approved. Petition next received from the residents in the vicinity of the 1000 block on Locust Avenue, protesting against the issuance of a permit to operate a store in this block, and same was referred to Inspector G.P.Paxton for investigation and report. On motion of Commissioner Lehman,saconded by Commissioner Speer and carried, the fbilowing 1929 and 1930 real estate taxes were ordered canceled against Lot 5 Blk. 7 Tier 3, due to having been vacant and assessed as improved: 1929 Taxes. 1930 Taxes 19.35 32.25 On motion of Commissioner Lehman, seconded by Commissioner Speer and unanimously carried, instructions were next issued that Mrs Lillian Long be allowed to redeem tax certificate No. 57 for 1925 City of Sanford taxes, amounting to $9.10, without the payment of penalties, or interest, all subsequent year's taxes on this property having been paid. Mr Leffler next moved the cancellation of lease,with A. Minchew for the orange . grove at the Sanford Golf Course. Seconded by Commissioner Speer and carried. Communication next read from American Bakeries Company concerning license tax for non - resident bakeries, and was ordered filed. Communication next read from Kenneth M. Keefe, -Chairman of the City of Sanford Bondholders Protective Committee, concerning the method of handling sales of property foreclosed on for non - .-payment of City of Sanford taxes. On motion duly adopted, Commissioners Leffler and Byrd were next appointed to investigate the Municipal Water supply, after which the meeting adjourned. Mayor. Attest: City Clerk. 1 1 1