HomeMy WebLinkAbout0509321 C 1 is MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, May 9 at 7:30 P M 193-2— The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Session at the City Hall in Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 O'Clock P.M. May 9, 1932. Present: Commissioner T. L Dumas, Mayor. " H.J.Lehman " V.A.Speer " C. A. Byrd. " W.A. Leffler. City Attorney Fred R.Wilson City Clerk, F.S.Lamson. Chief of Police R.G.Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 25th, 1932, read and approved. Current invoices and payrolls for the month of April 1932, properly audited and voucher( as evidenced by Vouchers Nos. 4347 through 4417, submitted, examined, approved and payment ordered. Monthly reports of the Streets, Sanitation, Health, Water and Library Departments for the month of April , submitted and examined. Financial Statement and statement of revenues and expenditures during the month of April, submitted and examined. Bank statements in all aceunts, properly reconciled, submitted and examined. Mr. H.M.Papworth, President of the Seminole Cbunty Chamber of Commerce, next reported that as a result of the Chamber of Commerce sponsered drive, 157 memberships had been ob- tained for the Municipal Golf Course, approximately $1200.00 in cash had been received, and that new officers and directors of the Golf Club had been elected by the members. Commissioner Speer then moved that an expression of thanks be extended to the Chamber of Commerce for the splendid work done by that organization in the drive to keep the Munici- pal Golf Course open and maintained. Commissioner Byrd offered an amendment that the Chamber of Commerce be relieved of any further responsibility with respect to the Golf Course and that all reports be rendered by the officers of the Golf Club directly to the City Commission. Amendment accepted by Commissioner Speer, both motion and amendment seconded by Com- missioner Lehman and carried. The Commission next proceeded to consider the status of the Municipal Athletic Field. After a thorough discussion, Commissioner Byrd moved that the action taken at the regular meeting of April 25th, requiring the payment of $15.00 per game played at the Munici Athletic Field, be rescinded. Seconded by Commissioner Lehman and carried. Commissioner Lehman next moved that a Committee of three comprising Mr H.M.Papworth, Mr. Fred T.Williams and Mr James Moughton, be appointed as custodians of the Municipal Athletic and regulations Field with authority to make such rules�as are necessary and make such charge for the use of the park as they may deem best, any such charges collected to be used for the upkeep of the park. Seconded by Commissioner Speer and carried. Commissioner Lehman next moved that the action heretofore taken calling for bids to re- pair the grandstand at the Athletic Field at a cost of not to exceed $100.00, be rescinded, the matter of repairs to the equipment at the ball park to be handled by the Committee d M MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,_ _ - MaY 9 at 7: 30 p M 19 -32- appointed as custodians. Seconded by Commissioner Speer and carried. Corrie Jones was next granted permission to occupy house located on Lot 1 and 2 of Block 9 Tier C, and now owned by the City, at a rental of $5.00 per month until she is able to make arrangements to purchase this property from the City. Communication next read from Mr Kenneth M. Keefe, Chairman of the City of Sanford Bond- holders Protective Committee, with reference to permanent settlement of the City's bonded indebtedness, and on motion,of Commissioner Lehman, seconded by Commissioner Speer and carried, same was ordered made a matter of record in the minutes and given to the press for publication in order that the citizens be informed as to the attitude of this Committee, said communication being in words and figures as follows: allay 6, 1932 Honorable T.L.Dumas, Mayor, Sanford, Florida. Dear Mr. 'Dumas: Your letter of April 15, has received the careful consideration of the Sanford Bondholders' Committee. The serious concern of the Commission about the city's bonded debt which-is evidenced by the Commission's communication of April 6 and your letter of April 15 is a natural result of the Commission's solicitude for the welfare of the community for which it is re -sponsible. On the other hand, the members of the Bondholders Committee are equally impressed with the serious responsibility which existing conditions impose upon them. The Committee is anxious to pursue a just and reasonable course for the protection of the large interests which have been confided to its management and best judgment. 'While the City Commission urges the view that an immediate and final solution of the debt problem should be found, the Committee, with equal desire to discharge its duties wisely and reasonably, feels that existing conditions, not only in Sanford but elsewhere, are not now consistent with any permanent program that would be just-to the bondholders. The conclusions:of; the Bondholders!,-:Committee on this subject were, we think, clearly stated in our letter to you on April 9 in which it was pointed out, among other things, that the collection of City taxes had not yet reached that degree of efficiency necessary to support any permanent program of debt service. The Committee realizes that the City Commission is acting in good faith and with confidence in the soundness of its position. We trust that the City Commission will acdept our assurances'\that the Bondholders' Committee has arrived at a different conclusion with equal good faith. The unwillingness of the Bondholders' Committee to negotiate on the basis of a permanent refunding operation such as has been suggested in your letters of April 6 and 15 does not preclude further discussion of important details of the City's debt ser- vice program for the next fiscal year and possibly for several years to follow. Accumulation of unpaid interest, the burden of which is so clearly pointed out in your letter of the 15th, might properly form the subject of future discussion and negotiation with a view to some reasonable form of relief for the City. The Bondholder's Committee is prepared to consider this and other features of a program for the next fiscal year when we meet with you to discuss the budget for 1932 -3. While our views may be widely apart on the subject of a permanent refunding operation at this time, we are willing, subject to the approval of our depositing bondholders, to make substantial concessions during a specified period to relieve the anxieties of the taxpayers in respect to the accumulating deficiency of interest payments and to make easier an eventual solution of the City's .debt problem. To this end the Committee or its representatives are ready to meet the City at the proper time and discuss the situation. Copies to C. T. Diehl Natt T.Wagner Thomson, Wood & Hoffman L'Engle & Shands E.P.Fleming. Very truly yours, Kenneth M. Keefe Chairman. Commissioner Leffler next moved that the City endeavor to secure list of names of holder of City of Sanford bonds by advertising through suitable publications, and that the Bondholde Protective Committee be requested to furnish list of names of those depositing bonds with this Committee. Seconded by Commissioner Speer and carried. Commissioner Leffler next made the motion that the City defer "Posting" the delinquent 1931 Real Estate Tax Roll for a period of sixty days. 1 1 1 1 1 1 fl MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, May 9' at 7:130 P M 19 32 Seconded by Commissioner Speer but failed to carry, the vote being as f ollows: Commissioner Dumas Nay it Lehman Nay If Speer Aye. n Byrd Nay " Leffler Aye Commissioner Speer next moved that the City Commission go on record as being opposed to the acceptance of bonds in payment of 1930 and 1931 City taxes. Seconded by Commissioner Lehman and carried by the following vote: Commissioner Dumas Aye It Lehman Aye " Speer Aye " Byrd Aye If Leffler Nay, Request next received from the Sanford Lawn Tennis Club, that the tennis courts at Ninth Street and Park Avenue, and Fourteenth Street and French Avenue; be placed in the custody of this club for the purpose of improving them, and that the Club be given authority to use the courts for club play on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays between 3 P.M. and 6 P.M., the courts to be open to the general public at all other times. After a thorough discussion of the matter, Commissioner Speer moved that the tennis courts located at Fourteenth Street and French Avenue be turned over to the Sanford Lawn Tennis Club, to improve, prescribe rules and regulations and have control of, for a period of one year. Seconded by Commissioner Byrd and carried. Invoice from Fernald Laughton Memorial Hospital for $15.00 covering hospitalization for Benjamin Ellick, next presented, and on motion of Commissioner Speer, seconded by Commissioner Lehman and carried, same was approved. Commissioner Speer next moved that the request.:of:the_:Seminole County-Welfare Board,to use the.house locatedgn.Lots 3 and 4 Block 4 Tier 9, now owned by the City for housing charity cases, until such time as the City may dispose of it, be granted. Seconded by Commissioner Lehman and carried. On motion duly adopted, instructions were next issued that the delinquent 1931 real estate tax roll be POSTED in accordance with law during the month of June , 1932• Communication and telegram next read from E.C.Metts requesting the privilege to purchase from the City Lot 6 Block 6 Tier A on a basis of $50.00 cash, one note for $30.51 and 16 notes for $25.00 each, the notes payable monthly, but request for handling in this manner refused. The Atlantic Coast Line next notified the Commission of their intention to pay all unpaid paving assessments against their property in Sanford in full, provided credit is allowed for certain errors in assessments as follows: STREET ASSESSMENT INTEREST TO 1 -1 -32 Total. Fourth Street $1,010.52 $336.96 $1,347.75 Mellonville Avenue 372.76 124.25 497.01 Holly Avenue 1,065.14 354.52 1,452.66 Sixth Street 2,050.55 751.97 2,502.52 (1) Third Street 122.57 �+5.o6 167.93 Pecan Avenue 756/44 253.14 1,069.59 Geneva Avenue 511.22 154.05 695.27 Geneva Avenue 116.55 36.63 153- French Avenue 54.09 26.35 110. Country Club Road 555.05 154.2 772.29 ( 2 ) Fulton Street 725.3 262.21 990.56 512. ( 7 ) Oak Avenue 565.5 246.93 7 Locust Avenue 1,123.20 3370.67 11493.57 ( 3 ) High Street 1,041.95 x+65.42 1,507.37 41558.74 McCracken Road 3,529.32 1,329.40 Douglass Avenue 171.50 57.73 229.23 ( 4 Elliott Avenue 171.50 57.7 229.2 ( 5 Summerlin Avenue 299.30 100.7 400.0 ( 6 ) Cedar Avenue �1 62.05 2,302.47 $-16)104-88 .5v755.39 $21,993.27 49p XA) x MINUTES, x CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, _ May 9 at 7:30 P M 19 32 (1) Railroad Crossing on Sixth Street between Poplar and Cedar Avenues. Assessed for. paving between the rails, whereas Railroad Company claims this paving was laid at sole expense of the Company. Principal Interest. Credit requested on Assessment $193.49 $70.94 (2) Railroad Crossing on Country Club Road. Assessed for paving between the rails, whereas Railroad Company claims this paving was laid at sole expense of the Company. Credit requested on Assessment. 62,70 (3) Railroad Crossing on Locust Avenue of S & E Branch. Assessed for paving between the rails, whereas Railroad Company claims this paving was laid at sole expense of the Company Credit requested on Assessment (4) Douglass Avenue in Buena Vista Estates. The paving on Douglass Ave. does not cross the right of way of the Railroad Company but stops at this point. Credit requested on Assessment (5) Elliott Ave. in Buena Vista Estates . The paving on Elliott Ave. stops at the right of way of the Railroad Company and does not cross it. Credit requested on assessment (6) Summerlin Avenue in Buena Vista Estates. The City entered into written agreement, copy of which is on file at the Ct:'V Hall that in exchange for opening Summerlin Avenue across the right of war }all costs of such crossing should be borne entirely by the City. 112.32 171.50 171.50 Credit requested on assessment. 299.30 (7) Paving on Fulton Street adjacent to Lot 6 Block 1, Tier 4. On August 6, 1887 the Board of Aldermen passed Resolution closing Fulton Street from a point 55 ft. E, of the N W Corner of Lot 6 Blk 1, Tier 4 West to Myrtle Avenue, as the railroad Company owned the property on both North and South sides of Fulton Street. Claim is made that that part of Fulton Street so closed became property of the Company. No action can be found re- opening that part of Fulton Street. Thee' paving of Fulton: Street extends to within 3.5 ft. of the N.W.Corner of Lot 6 Blk. 1, Tier 4, which would appear from the above to be an en- croachment on the railroad property a distance of 51.5 ft. in front of this lot. Claim is therefore made for credit against the assessment against Lot 6 Block 1, Tier 4 for the 51.5 ft. which was paved on railroad property. 362.42 (S) in addition to the above the City billed the railroad company and the railroad company paid, for paving crossings on Elm Avenue between Thirteenth and Fourteenth Streets, and Palmetto Avenue between Sixteenth and Seventeenth Streets. The City entered into written agreements, copies of which are on file at the City Hall, that in exchange for opening these avenues across the right of way of the railroad company, all costs of such crossings should be borne entirely by the City. The railroad Company therefore requests credit for the amounts erroneously paid. 1445.52 19.66 37.07 57.73 57.73 100.74 130.50 Thereupon Commissioner Speer moved that the corrections requested be allowed and that the Clerk be authorized to accept City of Sanford bonds and interest coupons in settle meat of special paving assessments against Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company property as per the foregoing statement. Seconded by Commissioner Lehman and carried. Communication next read from the U.G.I.Contracting Co. regarding interest on time warrant field by this Company, action being deferred. On motion duly adopted, bill of the Southern Bell Telephone Company, amounting to $ 19.39 and bill of the Florida Power & Light Company amounting to $ 49.75 for telephone service and electric service, respectively rendered during the month of March 1932, at the Golf Course, were ordered paid. On motion of Commissioner Lehman, seconded by Commissioner Byrd and carried, the Mayor and Mrs Moughton, the Librarian, were appointed as a committee to appear before the Board of County Commissioners for the purpose of requesting an appropriation from the County to help defray expenses of the Municipal Library. Commissioner Lehman next moved that all outstanding unpaid bills against the Municipal Airplane Hangar at the Municipal Aviation Field, totalling $691.93 as presented to the Commission at the meeting of April 25th, last, be approved and payment ordered. n .1 U 1 1 1 1 MINUTES. CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, May 9 alt 7:30P M 19 Seconded by Commissioner Leffler and carried. 32 Commissioner Byrd next moved that $700.00 be transferred from the Contingent fund to the Aviation Field Appropriation. Seconded by Commissioner Leffler and carried. City Attorney Wilson next presented to the Commission Masters deed to the following property acquired by the City at Master's Sale of May 2nd. 1932, said property having been foreclosed on by the City for non - payment of taxes: Lot 17 of Robinson's Survey ( Less the S. 120 ft.) U 10 Beg at N E Cor of Lot 1 Blk 11 Tr. 4, Run W. 7 ft S. 108 ft. .% W. 37 ft N. 5 ft. W.23 ft. N. 103 ft. W. 7 ft. S. 117 ft. E. 124 ft. N. 117 ft. to Beg.(Less S 112 of the E. 57 ft and less the W. 5 ft. of the S. 9 ft.) E.R. Trafford's Map of Sanfc S. 1/2 of E. 57 ft of Lot 1 Blk 11, Tr. 4, Less the S. 50 ft of E. 57 ft. n n It it S. 9 ft of Lot 8 and all of Lot 9 Blk 7 Tr. D. E.R. Trafford's Map of Sanford. Lot 2 Blk..9 Tr. C. E.R.Trafford's Map of Sanford. Lot 4 Block 9 Tier #E, E.R. Trafford's Map of Sanford. Lot 8 Block 8 Tier 19, Seminole Park. Beg. 100 ft. E. of S.W.Cor of Blk. 13, Chapman & Tucker Addn. Run N. 117 Ft. E. 50 ft. S. 117 ft. W. 50 ft to Beg. Lot 11 Blk. 11 Tier 14 of W M Clark's Subdivision of Blk 11 Tiers 14 and 15. Lot 7 Blk 35 of W.M. Clark's Subdiv. of E. 112 of Blk 25 : &.' all Blks 35 and 36 of Robinson's Survey. Lot 2 of A. D. Stendif ord's Addn. S. 112 of Lot 3 W.F.Leavitt's Subdivision.. Lot 11 and 12 Block A, of Subdiv. of Sou. Sanford Grant. Lot I, Blk. C. of H.L.DeForrest's Addn.-to Sou. Sanford. Lot 33 of Florida Land & Colo. Cos. Addn. to Sou. Sanford. All Sou. of S & E. Ry. West of Palmetto Ave. in Blk A. Markham Park Heights. E. SS ft of S. 117 ft of Lot 42 Blk A, M M Smith's Second Subdiv. of Blk. A.Sanford- -Fla Beg. 310 Ft. S. of N W Cor of N E 1/4 9f N W 1/4 of Sec. 36 Tp. 19 S.R. 30 E. Run E. 210 Ft. S. 210 ft W. 210 ft N. 210 ft t Less Beg. 310 ft S. and 210 ft E. of N E Cor of N W 1/4 of N W 1/4 of Sec. 36 Tp. 19 S.R. 30 E, , Run S. 210 ft W. 31 ft. N. 210 ft E. 31 ft to Beg. Request next received from the Standard Advertising Co. to place SANIKAN trash con- tainers on the streets of Sanford, the Company agreeing as follows: Height over -all of cans to be 42 inches. Trash containers to be 17 inches by 24 inches. Containers to be made of heavy 19 gauge galvanized iron No advertisements to be placed on top panels. Panels to never have any wet paint while on the streets. Inner containers and all other parts to be kept in perfect condition. Color of panels to be always same as model furnished and uprights to be of stainless steel. Permit granted. Request next received from Nettie Rembert to rent City -owned house on Lot 10 Block 9 Tier C, at $2.00 per week, and same was granted. The meeting then adjourned. Attest: City Clerk. - Mayor. ILI