HomeMy WebLinkAbout121431MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,_ Dedembpr 14 , 7:30 P M 191 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Sessiom. at the City Hall in Sanford Florida at 7:30 O'Clock P.M. December 14, 1931. Present: Commissioner T.L.Dumas, Mayor. " W.A.Leffler " H.J.Lehman M V.A.Speer a 0.A.Byrd City Attorney Fred R.Wilsom City Clerk, F.S.Lamson Chief of Police R.G.Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Current invoices and payrolls f or the month of November , 1931, properly audited and vouchered by the Accounting Department, as evidenced by Vouchers Nos. 3971 through 4056, submitted, examined, approved and payment ordered. Monthly reports of the Streets, Sanitation, Health, Water and Library Departments for the month of .November, 1931, submitted, examined and ordered filed. Financial Statement and statement of revenues and expenditures during the month of November submitted, examined and ordered filed. Bank Statements in all accounts, properly reconciled, submitted and examined. Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 23rd, adjourned meeting of November 25th. adjourned meeting of November 30th, special meeting of December 9th, and special meeting of December 10, 1931 read and approved. The matter of the condition of the boat derrick was brought to the attentioIn of the City Commission by Fred T.Williams, and on motion of Commissioner Speer, seconded by Commissioner Byrd and carried, repairs thereto were ordered made as soon as funds are available. Mr S.G.Gray, Auditor, next presented graphs showing comparisons of expendi- tures in the various departments during the past five years and same was accepted with the thanks of the Commission. Mr. Alex Johnsonl next appeared in connection with request for donatioix of $150.00 to help defray expenses of proposed Better Farming Show to be staged during January 1932, but action was deferred. Request next received from R.B.Wight and R.J.Reel for temporary permit to erect private airplane hangar at the new Municipal Aviation Field on Sou. Sanford Ave, with the provided the rental to be set by the City is not satisfactory, right reserved to remove at any timeh and on motion of Commissioner Speer, seconded by Commissioner Lehman, and carried, said permit was granted. On motion duly adopted, the Clerk was next instructed to obtain competitive prices on uniforms for the police and fire departments. On motion of Commissioner Byrd, seconded by Commissioner Speer and carried, City Attorney Wilson was next instructed to place the necessary legal advertising in connection with the first foreclosure suits for non-payment of taxes with the Sanford Herald. The City Attorney next notified the Commission that the Bondholders Protective Committee had obtained two writs of mandamus against the City, one requiring the payment of $2249.75 from the Special Assessment Account, and the other requiring the payment of $4097.50 from profits of the Water Department, bond interest coupons to an equal amount to be delivered to the City at the time payments are made. Thereupon Commissioner Lehman moved that the Clerk be instructed to comply with 1 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, _December 14 at ? -TO P M -31 the terms of the aforesaid writs of mandamus. Seconded by Commissioner Leffler and carried. Commissioner Leffler next moved that City "Engineer Fred T.Williams be requested to prepare drawings showing what lands the City may ask from owners of property in the completed portion of the West Side Bulkhead District in exchange for release of the bulk- head liens. Seconded by Commissioner Speer and carried. 44,1, On motion of Commissioner Speer, seconded by Commissioner Leffler and carried, bill of City Attorney Wilson for $52.65 , covering miscellaneous expenses incurred on City business , was approved. The Clerk was next instructed to notify Mrs Carrie Cash Sistrunk that unless the house located on Lot 2 Block J., Garner's Addition to Ua.rkham Park Heights, is placed in.a state of repair within thirty days, same will be condemned. On motion of Commissioner Speer, seconded by Commissioner Leffler and carried, the purchase of one Indian Four Motorcycle at a price of $475.00 less credit of $175,00 for two Harley Davidson Motorcycles given as part payment , by the Police Department was next authorized. On motion of Commissioner Speer , seconded by Commissioner Byrd and carried, the pay- went of $40.00 to the Sanford Country Club Inc. to apply on payroll at the golf Course for week ending December 12th, 1931 was next authorized. The Clerk was next instructed to make payment to apply on judgments obtained by Kenneth M. Keefe, C.T. Diehl, et al, covering past due bonds and interest coups , Of $4710.65, being the balance due in accordance with agreement as a result of the general operations of the City for the fiscal year ending September 30th, 1931. On motion duly adopted authority was granted for the Texas Oil Company to install gasoline and oil pumps at the Municipal Aviation Field for a term of five years, subject to the contract for this privilege being approved by the Commission. Application next received for permit to erect gasoline filling station on Lot A, Lake View Park, but action vas deferred pending receipt of plans and specifications of the proposed filling station, Communication next read from the Sanford Atlantic National Bank requesting to be designated as City Depository for the year 1932, the bank to furnish satisfactory security and pay interest on daily balances in excess of $2,000.00 at the rate of one per cent per annum:, payable quarterly. Thereupon, upon motion duly adopted, the Sanford Atlantic National Bank was desig- nated as depository of City Funds during the year 1932, under the foregoing terms, with the exception, however, that the rate of interest be subject to revision at the end of each quarter. On motion of Commissioner Lehman, seconded by Commissioner Speer and unanimously carried, the Clerk was next instructed to collect all occupational License taxes, in the City of Sanford in accordance with the terms of the Ordinances of the City of Sanford govern- ing said occupational license taxes. The meeting then adjourned. Attest: City Clerk. Ve //('