HomeMy WebLinkAbout120830Z92 MINUTES. CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, December 9 19-3-0- The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Session at the City Hall in Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 O'Clock P.M. December 8th, 1930. Present: Commissioner H.J.Lehman, Mayor. a W.A.Leffler n R.A.Newman " V.A.Speer City Attorney, Fred R.Wilson City Clerk, F.S.Lamson Chief of Police R.G.Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 24th., Special meeting of November 26th., and Special Meeting of December 3rd. , 1930 read and approved. Current invoices and payrolls for the month of November 1930, properly audited and vouohered by the Accounting Department, as evidenced by Vouchers Nos. 3147 through 3230, submitted, examined approved and the Clerk ordered to draw checks in payment of same. Monthly report of the Streets, Sanitation, Health, water and Library Departments for the month of November. 1930, submitted, examined and ordered filed. Financial statement and statement of revenues and expenditures during the month of November 1930, submitted, examined and ordered filed. Bank Statements in all accounts, properly reconciled, submitted and examined. Request received from Committee from Prince Hall Colored Lodge of Masons #85, of Sanford, Florida, for permission to stage a carnival bazaar for charitable purposes on the City owned vacant lot on Palmetto Avenue between Second and Third Streets. At this time it was brought out that the City does not own the property referred to. Commissioner Leffler moved that the matter be referred to the Police Department with the request that another location be selected, at which time the Commission would again consider the matter. Seconded by Commissioner Speer and carried. Communication next read from the Sanford Atlantic National Bank requesting to be designated as a Depository for City of Sanford funds during the year 1931. Commissioner Leffler moved that the Sanford Atlantic National Bank be designated as a depository of City of Sanford funds for the year 1931. Seconded by Commissioner Speer and carried. Report next read from committee composed of Commissioners Leffler and Speer and City Attorney Wilson recommending that no action be taken upon the complaint of I.B:Davis against Police Officer Schaffer. The Clerk next presented requests from five insurance agents, two of which were so- companied by binders, to insure the Forrest Lake Hotel, which was recently acquired by the City through foreclosure on Street Paving Liens. Thereupon Commissioner Leffler moved that the City place $50,000.00 in fire insurance on the Forrest Lake Hotel, and that this business be divided equally among those agents ap- plying, towit: A.P.Connelly & Sons H.C.DuBose Walter L.Cooper Agency J.H.Colclough W.J. Thigpen & Co. Seconded by Commissioner Speer and carried. n 1 I� [I 1 i Minutes of Regular Meeting of the City Commission December 8, 1930. T1je City Commissn of the City of Sanford,Florida, met in regul r session at theCity Hall in Sanford, Flori da, at 7:30 oIclock P. M. December 8, 1930. Present: Commissioner.A. J. Lehman, Mayor V. �.. Leffler r R. A. Newmm " Y, °•A•Speer , • City Attorney Fred R. Vision City C1erkF.S. Lamson Chief of Polie R. G• Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of regular meeting of November 24th, Special meeting of November 26th, and special meetirg,of December 3rd, 1930, read and approved. Current invoices and payrolls for the monthrof November, 1930, properly audited and voachered by the Accounting Department, as, evidenced by r Voucher Nos. 3147 through 3'A30 , submitted, examined approved and the Clerk ordered to draw checks in payment of same. r Monthly report of the Streets, sanitation, .health., water and library departments for the month of November, 1930, submitted, examined and ordered filed. Financial statement and statement of revenues and ex- penditures during the month of November, 1930 , . submitted, examinift and ordered filed. Bank statements in all accounts, properl# reconciled, sub- mitted and examined. Request rec8ived from Committee from Prince Hall Colored Lodge of Masons, #85, of Sanford,Florida, for permission to stage a carnival City Owned bazaar for charitable purposes on the /vacant lod on Palmetto Avenue between 2nd and 3rd Streets. At this time it was brought out that the City does not own the pr8perty referred to. Commissioner Leffler mo-ed that the matter be referred to the Police Department with the request that another location be selected, at wk6ch time the Commissicnwould again consider the matter. Seconded by CommissicnerSpeer and carried. QI�4� J -4-- fruit and vegetable stand on the vacant. lot on the S. E. corner of First St. and Sanford (venue. Thereupon Comp ^issioner Speer moved that a restricted permit be issued granting permission to erect this bulldirg, with the understanding that in the the event of it becoming unoccupied, it will be removed at once, but said motiora failed for want of second. Mr. C. A.Byrd, Manager of the Florida Power & Light Co., neat appeared before the Commission with znzp regard to the proposed change in the present street lighting schedule so as to conform to the new budget. Thereupon Mr.Byrd was instructed to have certain street lights removed and others changed, in accordance with a plan outlined by him which would result in a saving of between $1700.00 and $1800.00 per annum axamakdnzathznzaroig to the Cityo Ahzxftn aadnM*innrzxdxIkzx:psnVnzatRn�g a i=x hmoza x; ntnxijnaa"&ntni knxitknaappanzainzofxtkaafznxudzntz Eflaxn2biln : 1- Payment of the bill of the Florida Power & Light Company for the month of November, 1930, having been held up pending rearrangement of the street lighting schedule as outlined above, Commissioner Woodruff now moved that the bill be paid, provided the new lighting schedule be as of December 1, 1930. Seconded by Commissioner Leffler and carried by the following vote: Commissioner Lehman Aye 11 Leffler Aye n Neiman Nay Speer Aye " Woodruff Aye • Communication neat read frcm Mr.- Frank L. Miller regarding the qualifioa- tions of Commissioners -elect C. A. Byrd and T. L. Dumas. Commissioner Woodruff moved that the letter be filed. Seconded by Commissioner Leffler and carried by the following vote: Commissioner Lehman Aye Leffler Aye " Newman Aye Speer Aye " Woodruff Aye The Clerk next reported the aatn sale of sufficient brick tothe Standard Oil Company to widen Park Avenue at the South East Corner of Third Street, and the lack of necessity of purchasing further brick by the City at this time. Thereupon the action taken at the regular meeting of November 24th, ordering the purchase of one .car of brick, was ordered rescinded. The meeting then adjourned to meet again at 7:30 o'clock P. M., Friday December 12, 1930. -3-- unexpired term of Commissioner Frank. L. Miller, resigned, wqs then sworn in and took office as a City Commissioner of the City of San ford, Florida. nxflmuzhzsli- nxnanla =a=nantnzoxa inthsatan the Mr. Commissioner Speer next moved brat appointment of /Frank L Miller as a Bond Trustee of the City of Sanford, Florida, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. F. L. Woodruff. Seconded by Commissioner Newman and carried. I . Commissioner Newman next moved the appointment of Mr. Randall Chase as a Bond Trustee of the City of Sanford, Florida, to fill thevacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Walter L.Cooper, but said motion lost for want of a second. Commiss iore r Leffler next moved tit ap -,ointment of Mr. John Meisch as a Bond Trustee of theCity of Sanford,Florida, to fill thevacanoy caused by the resignation of Mr. Walter L. Cooper. Seconded by Commissioner Speer and carried. Communication next read from the Sanford Chamber of Commerce, by its President and Secretary, notifying the Commission of the recommendation of the Chamber of Commerce that an effort be made, to ep read the levy recently ordered butagnsaden to be made b-T the Supreme Court of the State of Florida, over a period of years. Commissioner Leffler next moved that Attorneys Wilson and Landis be re- quested to confer with the attorneys for the Bond Holders Protective Committee and ask that the returnable date of the writ of mandamus with regard to the levying of City taxes for the year 1930,, be extended to January 15, 193A. Seconded by Commissioner .Woodruff and carried. Commissioner Leffler next moved that there be no change in the handling of any City litigation in bond matters. Seconded by Commissioner Newman and carried by the following vote: Commissioner Lehman Nay " Leffler Aye ti Newman Aye " Speer Aye Woodruff Aye Report of Engineer Fred T. Williams with reference to obtaining to deeds toright of way for State Road No. 3 along the South shore of Lake Monroe. Thereupon Mr. Williams and City Attorney Wilson were instructed to in- vestigate further the rights of the City in this respect. Request next received from H. B. McCall, Jr., for permit to erect portable 1 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, December 9, at 7:30 P V 9--30 Communication next read from the Sanford Chamber of Commerce, by its President 29,3. and Secretary, advising the Commission of the action of the Chamber of Commerce in recommend- ing the appointment of one of the newly elected Commissioners to fill the unexpired term of office of Commissioner Frank L.Miller, resigned. Commissioner Speer then moved that Mr. Frank L.Woodruff be appointed to fill the unexpired term of office of Commissioner Frank L.Miller, resigned. Seconded by Commissioner Newman and carried by the following vote: Commissioner Lehman Nay " Leffler Aye " Newman Aye " Speer Aye Thereupon, Mr. Woodruff tendered his resignation as a Bond Trustee of the %ity of Sanford, which was accepted on motion of Commissioner Newman, seconded by Commissioner Speer and carried. Mr. Woodruff then accepted the appointment as a City Commissioner to fill the un- expired term of Commissioner Frank ~L.Miller, resigned; was then sworn in and took office as a City Commissioner of the City of Sanford, Florida. Commissioner Speer next moved the''. appointment of Mr. Frank L. Miller as a Bond Trustee of the City of Sanford, Florida, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. F.L.Woodruff . Seconded by Commissioner Newman and carried. Commissioner Newman next moved the appointment of Mr. Randall Chase as a Bond Trustee of the City of Sanford, Florida, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Walter L.Cooper, but said motion lost for want of a second. Commissioner Leffler next moved the appointment of Mr. John Meiseh as a Bond Trustee of the City of Sanford, Florida, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Walter L. Cooper. Seconded by Commissioner Speer and carried. Communication next read from the Sanford Chamber of Commerce, by its President and Secretary, notifying the Commission of the recommendation of the Chamber of Commerce that an effort be made to spread the levy recently ordered to be made by the Supreme Court of the • State of Florida, over a period of years. Commissioner Leffler next moved that Attorneys Wilson and Landis be requested to confer with the attorneys for the Bond Holders Protective Committee and ask that the return- able date of the writ of Mandamus with regard to the levying of City taxes for the year 1930 be extended to January 15th, 1931. Seconded by Commissioner Woodruff and carried. Commissioner Leffler next moved that there be no change in the handling of any City litigation in bond matters. Seconded by Commissioner Newman and carried by the following vote: Commissioner Lehman Nay " Leffler Aye " Newman Aye " Speer Aye " Woodruff Aye Report of Engineer Fred T.Williams with reference to obtaining deeds to right of way for State Road No. 3 along the South shore of Lake Monroe. Thereupon Mr. Williams and City Attorney Wilson were instructed to investigate furth the rights of the City in this respect. Request next received from H.B.McCall Jr. for permit to erect portable f ruita and :1 R 294 MINUTES,.'. CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, December S. at 7:30P.M. '193 vegetable stand on the vacant lot on the S.E.COrner of First Street and Sanford Avenue. Thereupon, Commissioner Speer moved that a restricted permit be issued granting permission to erect this building, with the understanding that in the evert of its becoming unoccupied, it will be removed at once, but said motion failed for want of second. Mr. C.A.Byrd, Manager of the Florida Power & Light Company, next appeared before the Commission with regard to the proposed change in the present street lighting schedule so as to conform to the new budget. Thereupon Mr. Byrd was instructed to have certain street lights removed and others changed, in accordance with a plan outlined by him which would result in a saving of between $1700.00 and $1500.00 per annum. Payment of the bill of the Florida Power & Light Company for the month of November 1930, having been held up pending rearrangement of the street lighting schedule as outlined atove, Commissioner Woodruff now moved that the bill be paid, provided the new lighting ache ule be as of December 1, 1930- Seconded by Commissioner Leffler and carried by the following vote: Commissioner Lehman Aye " Leffler Aye " Newman Nay " S eer " Woodruff Aye ye next read from Mr. Frank L.Miller regarding the qualifications of Commissioners -Elect C.A.Byrd and T.L.Dumas. Commissioner Woodruff moved that the letter be filed. Seconded by Commissioner Leffler and carried by the following vote: Commissioner Lehman Aye n Leffler Aye " Newman Aye " Speer Aye Woodruff Aye The Clerk next reported the sale of sufficient brick to the Standard Oil Company to widen Park Avenue at the Southeast corner of Third Street, and the lack of necessity of purchasing further brick by the City at this time. Thereupon the action taken at the regular meeting of November 24th. ordering the purchase of one car of brick, was ordered rescinded. 1930. The meeting then adjourned to meet again at 7 :30 O'Clock P.M. Friday , December 12, Attest• City Clerk. �I 1 L 1 1 1