HomeMy WebLinkAbout0217301 L 1 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Adjourned Meeting Feb. 171930— The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned session at the City Bali in Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., February 17, 1930• Present : Commissioner N N N N City Clerk 11. J. Lehman ( Mayor ) Frank L. Miller W. A. Leffler R. A. Newman Vivian A. Speer F. S. Lamson Chief of Police R. G. Williams The first matter for consideration was that of advertising or posting the delinquent tax list for the year 1929• Commissioner Newman moved that the 1929 delinquent tax list be published in the San- ford Herald, provided the rate is the same or lower than has been paid in the past. Seconded by Commissioner Miller for the purpose of bringing to a vote, but failed to carry, the vote being as follows : Commissioner Lehman Yes " Miller No " Leffler No " Newman Yes " Speer No. Commissioner Speer moved that the delinquent 1929 tax list be "Posted ", and that 171 notice be published in the Sanford Herald calling to the attention of the people the fact that the delinquent tax list will be posted instead of published as heretofore. Seconded by Commissioner Miller and carried by the following vote Commissioner Lehman No " Miller Aye " Leffler Aye " Newman No " Speer Aye Request received from Mr. R. J. Holly that oak trees around his property at 518 Park Avenue be out down. Commissioner Newman moved that the request be refused. Seconded by Commissioner Speer and oarried, those voting for the adoption of this motion being : Commissioner Lehman " Leffler " Newman " Speer Those voting against the adoption of this motion being : Commissioner Miller. Commissioner Leffler next made the motion that the City contribute from the Publicity Fund $100.00 towards defraying the expenses of a City of Sanford exhibit at the Central Florida Exposition at Orlando. Stevens. Seconded by Commissioner Speer and carried by the following vote : Commissioner Lehman Aye " Miller No " Leffler Aye " Newman No " Speer Aye The Clerk was next instructed to make payment of the amount contributed to Byron The Clerk presented Safe Keeping Receipt No. 570, issued by the American Trust Company of Jacksonville, and made direct to the City of Sanford, Florida, for the following U. S. 172 MINUTES : CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Adjourned Meeting Feb. 171,9-39- Treasury Certificate of Indebtedness 4 -7 /9%, Series TJ -1930, numbered as follows : 13815 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 59000.00 23687 - - - - - - - - - 10 000.00 23688 - - - - - - - - - - 10;000.00 this receipt being delivered to the City by the Sanford Atlantic National Bank as additional security for City of Sanford deposits at said Sanford Atlantic National Bank. Commissioner Leffler moved that this collateral be accepted and that the other receipts given as collateral be placed in the same form. Seconded by Commissioner Speer and unanimously carried. Request received from agent of the St. Johns Transportation Co. for permission to use hard tired trailer for transporting 4 spools of electric cable over the City streets from the dock to the City limits, the width of the tires on the back wheels of the trailer being from 12 to 14 inches wide and the width of the tires on the front wheels being from 6 to S inches wide. It being the opinion of the Commission that hard tires of this width would not damage the city streets, Commissioner Speer moved that the permission be granted, the load at any time not to exceed 6 tons. Seconded by Commissioner Leffler and unanimously carried. On motion of Commissioner Speer, seconded by Commissioner Leffler and unanimously car- ried, the Clerk was instructed to draw check for $2,000.00 in favor of Hornblower, Miller & Garrison, payment on account for services as associate counsel in the suit of the City of San- ford, Florida, vs. the Chase National Bank of New York. Application received from Mr. 0. J. Meriwether to widen Second Street on the North side from Magnolia Avenue West to the alley and to pave that portion so widened between the present curb and the sidewalk. Commissioner Speer moved that the permit be granted, the cost to be borne entirely by 'the applicant and the paving to be laid to be of standard specifications on a four inch base. Seconded by Commissioner Newman and carried unanimously. The neat matter for consideration was that of possible reductions in operating expenses of the various departments. The question arose as to the advisability of reducing expenses of the water department by the removal of the assistant to the Service Man and having the Assistant Engineer at the Water Plant act as assistant to both the Engineer and the Service Man. The vote was taken, resulting as follows : Commissioner Lehman Aye " Miller No " Leffler Aye " Newman No " Speer Aye Thereupon the Clerk was instructed to see that the above mentioped,,ohange is made. The meeting then adjourned to meet again at 3 o'clock P. Mvv, ary 21st, 1930. Attest: w LJ 11 I I I I