HomeMy WebLinkAbout0512301 1 1 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, wY 122 7 :30 P M 19-3q- The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida , not in Regular Session at the City Hall in Sanford, Florida, at 7 :30 OlClook P.M. May 12, 1930. Present: Commissioner H J Lehman, (Mayor) • . W A Leffler N R.A.Newman $ V.A.Speer City Attorney, Fred R Wilson City Clerk, F.S.Lameon Chief of Police, R GE Williams Absent: Commissioner, F.h.Milier. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of Adjourned Meeting of April 28th, Regular Meeting of April 28th. and Adjourned Meeting of April 30, 1930 read and approved. tsA; Current invoices and payrolls for the month of April 1930 properly audited and vouchered by the Accounting Department, as evidenced by vouchers too. 2600 to 2671 , inclusive, submitted, examined, approved and the Clerk ordered to draw checks in payment of same. Monthly reports of the streets, sanitation, health, water and library departmen submitted, examined and ordered filed. Financial statement and statement of revenues and expenditures during the ■ohth of April 1930, subamitted, examined and ordered filed. Bank statements in all accounts, properly reconciled submitted and examined. Request received from Mr. T.L.Dumas, representing the Atantio Coast Line R.R. Co., that alley running north from Fulton St, between Myrtle Avenue and Oak Avenue, be aloe Fulton Street at this point having been heretofore closed and there therefore being no inlet for the alley requested to be closed. Commissioner Newman moved that the Chairman appoint a committee to investigate and report at the next meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Speer and unanimously carried. Thereupon the Chairman appointed the Commission as a whole as a committee to investigate this matter. Request received from R.W.Ware that fine against W.Gi.Banks, of $100.00 be re- dueed to $50.00 and the prisoner be released , due to poor physical condition. Commissioner Leffler moved that $50.00 of the $100.00 fine against W.GP.Banks be remitted on payment of the balance. Seconded by Commissioner Newnan and unanimously carried. On motion of Commissioner Newman, seconded by Commissioner Leffler and ly carried, Superintendent of Streets Moughtou was authorized to increase the size of the bird cage at the City Zoo at &.cost of approximately =50.00. On motion of Commissioner Leffler, seconded by Commissioner Newman and adopted, Superintendent Houghton was empowered to give certain men in his Department Thursday afternoons off, during the months of June, July and August, provided this does not impair the efficiency of the force or the work to be dons" Communication from Sanford Chamber of Commerce, by H.M.Papworth, President, that $2535.00 had been collected and deposited in the Sanford Atlsatio Sational Bank as a re- 200 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Nay 12 v 30 at 7.30 P M 19 cult of drive for membership in the Sanford Country Club. Thereupon, in line with resolution adopted by the City Commission under date of April 14th, 1930, Commissioner Newman moved that the Clerk be instructed to comply with the terms of said resolution with respect to monthly payments to the Sanford Country Club, and that the payments due April let, and May let, amounting to $416.66 be made at once. Seconded by Commissioner Speer and unanimously carried. Request received from Mr. George Hoy for renewal of lease for lots 2 and 4 and the south part of Lot g in Block 1, St. Gertrude's Addition, the present lease expiring on November 15, 1930• Commissioner Newman axw ed that Mr. Hoy be tendered lease for this property at $500.00 per year, said lease to expire on duly. 1, 193. Seconded by Commissioner Leffler and Wanimously carried. Commissioner Speer next introduced for its second reading Ordinance No. 174, entitled: • Al ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD , FLORIDA, REQUIRING THE DRIVERS OF MOTOR VEHICLES TRAVELING ON ANY STREET OR AVENUE IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, UPON WHICH THE FIRE TRUCK OR TRUCKS OF TEE FIRE DEPARTMENT, AND /OR THE AUTOMOBILE OF THE CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT IS PROCEEDING TO A FIRE AND IN SUCH DIRECTION AS TO PASS SUCH MOTOR VEHICLES TRAVELING UPON SAID STREET OR AVENUE, IMMEDIATELY UPON HEARING SUCH FIRE TRUCK AND / OR AUTOMOBIL$ OF SAID CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROACHING, TO PARS SUCH MOTOR VEHICLES AT THE CURB OP SUCH STREET OR Am. NUE, OR, IF IMPRACTICABLE SO TO D09 TO BRING SUCH MOTOR VEHICLES TO A FULL STOP, AND ALLOW THE SAME TO REMAIN PARKED AT THE OtTtB OR AT SUCH FILL STOP. UNTIL SAID FIRE TRUCE AND / OR AUTOMOBII OF THE CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT SHALL HAVE PASSED SUCH MOTOR VZKICL289 AND TO PROVIDE A PEN- ALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE.• and said ordinance was read in full for the second time. The roll was then called upon the passage of said Ordinance No. 174, the vote being as follows: Commissioner Lehman Aye Leffler Nay N Newman Aye N Speer Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, had passed and adopted Ordinance No. 174 entitled: M AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA, REQUIRING THE DRIVERS OF MOTOR VEHICLES TRAVELING Ot ANY STREET OR AVENUE IN THE OI+Y OF SANFORD UPON WHICH THE FIRE TRUCK OR TRUCKS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, AND / OR THE AUTOMOBILE OF THE 6HIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT IS PROCEEDI ND TO A FIRE AND IN SUCH DIRECTION AS TO PASS SUCH MOTOR VEHICLES TRAVELING UPON SAID STREET OR AVENUE IMMEDIATELY UPON HEARING SUCH FIRE TRUCK AND / OR AUTOMOBILE OF SAID CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROACHING, TO PARK SUCH MOTOR VEHICLES AT THE CURB OF SUCH STREET OR AV&- NUE OR, IF IMPRACTICABLE 80 TO DO, TO BRING SUCH MOTOR VEHICLES TO A FULL STOP, AID ALLOW THE SAM TO REMAIN PARKED AT THE CURB OR AT SUCH FULL STOP WTIL SAID FIRE TRUCK AND/ OR AUTOMOBILE OF THE CRIES' OF FIRE DEPARTMENT SHALL HAVE PASSED SUCH MOTOR VEHICLES, AND TO PROVIDE A PEN- ALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE .N Oommissioner Newman next moved that Ordinance No. 174 be published two times in the Sanford Herald. Seoonded-by Commissioner Speer and unanimously carried. Report nest read from City Attorney Wilson advising the Commission that it not be legal for the City to accept in payment of delinquent taxes, past due City of Sanford Bonds, and same was ordered filed. Comissioner Speer nest offered Resolution No. 393 and moved its adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Newman and adopted by the following vote: Commissioner Lehman Aye. " Leffler Aye N Newman Nay * Speer Aye said resolution being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 303 A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 392 ADOPTED ON THE 28th DAY OF APRIL IN , AND ENTITLED RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR CANCELING CERTAIN BONDS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD 111 HELD AS AN "INVESTMENT OF CERTAIN OF TAE SINKING FUNDS AND ORDINARY FUND OF THE CITY OF 1 1 D 1 1 I� 1 1 J MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MAY 12 at 7 :30 P Y 19--3p. 20 SANFORD , FLORIDA,N AND PROVIDING FOR THE DELIVERY OF THE BONDS DESCRIBED IN SAID RESOLUTION 110. 392 ENTITLED AS ABOVE STATED TO THE BOND TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: WHEREAS, on the 28th day of April .9 1930, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, adopted Resolution Ito. 392, entitled as follows: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR CANCELING CERTAIN BONDS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD NOW HELD AS AN INVESTMENT OF CERTAIN OF THE SINKING FUNDS AND ORDINARY FUND OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA "; and, 11AEAEAS, In the opinion of the City Commission, the bonds referred to in said Resolution as being carried as an investment of the gas plant sinking fund should not be canceled and all of the bonds referred to in said resolution should be delivered to the Bond Trustees of said City: NOW THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the City Commission of the City of Sanford Florida, that said Resolution No. 392 entitled as follows: N RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR CANCELING CERTAIN BONDS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD NOW HELD AS AN INVESTMENT OF CERTAIN OF THE SINKING FUNDS AND ORDINARY FUND OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA,0 be and the same is hereby rescinded. Be It Further Resolved that all of the bonds referred to in said Resolution be delivered to the custody of Messrs. FRANK L. WOODRUFF, WALTER L. COOPER and RALPH B. WIGHT, as the Bond Trustees of the City of Sanford , Florida, upon their executing surety bonds in the amount of $10,000.00 each as such Bond Trustees, the expense of said surety bonds to be borne by the City. The foregoing Resolution was unanimously adopted this 12th. day of May 1930. H. J. Lehman - ... 1..1..1. W. A. Leffler Vivian A 8nees. R.A.Newman As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. Attest: City -Clark, ( Sear The Clerk next reported the receipt from Mr. Randall Chase of one City of Sauf Improvement Bond, Series ABBC, No. 211, in payment of Special Assessments against property owned by him, and same was ordered delivered to Board of Bond Trustees with those authorised by Resolution No. 393• On motion duly adopted, Invoice of Dr. A.W.Knox for medical services to Fred amounting to $5.00, invoice of Cary D.Landis for expenses during the month of April , 1930 amounting to $24.09 , and invoice of W. J. Thigpen 46 Co, premium on Insurance Policy No. AV amounting to $32.02 were approved and payment ordered. on motion duly adopted , the Clerk was authorized to purchase one dozen canopies for white way lights from the General Electric Supply Corporation of Jacksonville, Fla. commissioner Leffler next moved that the City proceed with the destruction of-the uncompleted apartment house building located on Park Avenue between ligUh and Ninth Streets, as provided in ;Resolutions Nos. 389 and 390, it appearing that the time limit has expired and no steps having been taken by the owners to either complete or demolish said building. 202 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,. " 10 at 7130 R -H. 19 -30 Seconded by Commissioner Newman, but failed to carry, the vote being as follows: Commissioner Lehman Nay N Leffler Aye M Newman Aye Speer Nay Request fooeived from Special Counsel DeCottes for an additional payment to Messrs DeCottes and Boggs on account of Fee Contraot in Suit of City of Sanford, Fla. Versus Chase National Bank of New York, sufficient to bring the total amount, including amounts here- tofors paid to 1109000.00 In view of the fact that the trial has been completed and now is only awaiting the decision of the Judge, and in view of the further fact that the minimum amount due De0ottes and Boggs for conduct of this case, whether won or lost , is $109,000.00, Commissioner Newman moved that the request be complied with and that the Clerk be instructed to draw check to Goo. A..De0attes for #997.55 and Check to Lucien H. Boggs for #1500.00 making the total paid to each of the-said Special Counsel on account of the Chase National Bank Suit #59000.00 Seconded by Commissioner Newman and adopted by the following vote: Commissioner Lehman Nay r Leffler Aye Newman Aye /Z N Speer lye The meeting then adjourned to meet again at 1:30 PS May Attest• City Clerk* rl _, ... ........ - h I I 1 C 1