HomeMy WebLinkAbout042830II I 1 f 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, April 28th, 1 g The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned session at the City Hall in Sanford, Florida, at 2 o'clock P. M., April 28th, 1930. Present: Commissioner H. J. Lehman, Mayor if F. L. Miller It W. A. Leffler it R. A. Newman " V. A. Speer City Clerk F. S.Lamson City Attorney Fred R. Wilson Chief of Police R.G. Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 14th, 1930, read and approved. Communication read from R. G. Higgins, Comptroller, Orlando, Florida, with re- ference to plan in operation there whereby tax payers may make payments on taxes and liens in installments, no tax receipt, however, being issued until the full amount has been paid. Commissioner Miller moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare Ordinance allowing tax payers of the City of Sanford the right to make payments on taxes in a similar manner as that followed by the City of Orlando. Seconded by Commissioner Leffler and unanimously carried. The Clerk next presented release, duly signed by Fred Hogan, injured policeman, re- lieving the City of any liability on account of accident in which he was injured, in con- sideration of the City paying his hospital and doctors bills and salary for a period of six months from the date of the accident, or such part thereof as he may be incapacitated, Commissioner Leffler moved that the release be filed. Seconded by Commissioner Newman and unanimously carried. Communication read from the Chas. B. Hawley Engineering Corporation requesting in- formation as to whether the City will accept Certificates of Indebtedness, dated July 1, 1927 and due July 1, 1929, as payment on their contract for purchase of the Gas Plant. Commissioner Miller moved that these certificates of indebtedness be not accepted in view of the fact that these certificates were issued for the purpose of deriving funds with which to pay maturing special assessment bonds and interest coupons, and special assess- ment bonds are specifically excepted in the contract as being acceptable. Seconded by Commissioner Leffler and unanimously carried. Report read from the CityAttorney advising the Commission that inasmuch as authority had heretofore been given for the acceptance of special assessment bonds in payment of street paving liens, the matured coupons an any bonds so presented should be accepted in payment of the liens. Thereupon, Commissioner Leff ler moved that the City accept the special assessment bond offered by Mr. Randall Chase in payment of paving liens, together with matured interest thereon. Seconded by Commissioner Miller and carried by the following vote: Commissioner Lehman Nay 11 Miller Aye Leffler Aye " Newman Aye " Speer Aye On motion duly adopted, the Clerk was instructed to issue checks to Special Coun- sel DeCottes and Boggs of $300.00 each, covering expenses to New York City in connection 1902- MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, April 28th i9 with hearing of the case of the City of Sanford, Florida, versus the Chase National Bank of N.Y. Communication read from Attorney George G. Herring, presenting claim of A.D• Rosier agai the City for damages alleged to have been caused to building at 915 W. First St. by dynamite blasting. After considerable discussion and it appearing that the blasting referred to was done al- most four years, and furthermore, that this matter was investigated at that time and no liabil ty for damage by the City could be ascertained, Commissioner Mill.er moved that this claim be refused. Seconded by Commissioner Leffler and unanimously carried. On motion of Commissioner Newman, seconded by Commissioner Leffler and unanimously carry it was ordered that hereafter lubricating oil for use in City owned motor vehicles be purchased in bulk and that the said motor vehicles be serviced with oil at the City repair shop, all purchases of oil to be from competitive bids. Commissioner Miller next moved that the Commission reconsider action heretofore taken with reference to discontinuance of the services of the Superintendent of the Cemetery and that Mr. Parker be retained in that capacity under the old rate. Seconded by Commissioner Newman and carried by the following vote: Commissioner Lehman Nay " Miller Aye " Leffler Aye " Newman Aye Speer Nay The Chairman next appointed Commissioners Leffler, Speer and Newman as a committee of three to investigate the possibility of bettering the City's water supply. On motion of Commissioner Newman, seconded by Commissioner Miller and unanimously carried, the following 1927 and 1929 personal taxes were ordered cancelled for the reasons given: 1927 Personal Taxes. Leffler Apartments $5.63 Recommended by Deputy Tax Collector Tarbell on account of - overassessment. Lizzie Lewis Holmes $6.63 Recommended by Deputy Tax Collector Tar bell on account of overassessment. 1929 Personal Taxes. Henry J. Thurston 13.95 Moved from City prior to January 1, 1929. Fred Thurston 21.60 r' If n n u It rt it Mrs. A.D. Fish 3.60 a it If It o It n if Mrs. E.A. Moffett 9.45 Assessed with wrong model automobile: Commissioner Newman next offered the motion that effective July 1st, 1930, all water bill are to carry two amounts, a net amount which represents the bill for water consumed, and the gross amount which is the net amount plus ten per cent; that the net amount be payable to the due date as specified on the bill, after which time the gross amount becomes due; and that a service charge of $1.00 be required in all cases where water is cut off for non - payment of bill. Commissioner Speer offered an amendment to the foregoing motion that as soon as the ser- vice man leaves to cut off water for non - payment of bill the service charge of $1.00 becomes due, whethcr the water is actually cut off or not, but said amendment failed for lack of a second. Thereupon Commissioner Miller seconded Commissioner Newman's motion and same was adopted unanimously. Commissioner Newman next offered Resolution No. 392, and moved its adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Miller and adopted by the following vote: Commissioner Lehman Aye if Miller Aye it Leffler Aye it Newman Aye It Speer Aye 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,_ aalz l 29th; '19 -..0_. Said resolution being in words and f inures as follows: Resolution No. 392 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR CANCELING CERTAIN BONDS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD NOW HELD AS AN INVESTMENT OF CERTAIN OF THE SINKING FUNDS AND ORDINARY FUND OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the City of Sanford, Florida, is carrying certain bonds of said City as 4-19011 investments of the Ordinary Fund, Sinking Fund and the Gas Plant Sinking Fund, the bonds carried in each fund being as follows: CITY OF SANFORD BOITDS CARRIED AS INVESTMENT OF THE ORI�TNARY FUND. Series A -1, Interest 6 per cent per annum, dated January 1, 1925, as follows: Nos. 196 to 200, incl. Nos. 221 to 2251 Incl. Nos. 246 to 2 01 incl. Nos. 271 to 2�5, incl. Nos. 296 to 300, incl. Nos. 321 to 325, Incl. Nos. 346 to 350, incl. Nos. 371 to 374, incl. Due Jan. 1, 1935 Due Jan. 1, 1939 Due Jan. 1, 1940 Due Jan. 1, 1941 Due Jan. 11 1942 Due Jan. 1, 1943 Due Jan. 1, 1944 Due Jan. 1, 1945 Total $5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 Series ABBS,Interest 6 per cent per annum, dated January 1, 1926: Nos. 145 to 157, incl. Due July 1, 1929, Total 10,000.00 Total in Ordinary Fund $49,000.00 CITY OF SANFORD BONDS CARRIED AS INVESTMENT OF THE SINKI.1G FUND. Series A -2, Interest 6 per cent per annum, dated January 1, 1925, as follows: Nos. 229 and 230, Due January 1, 1952, Total $2,000.00 Nos. 241 to 247, Incl. Due Jan. 1, 1953 7,000.00 Improvement Bonds, dated July 2, 1923, Due July 1, 1953, Interest 520, as follows: Nos. 12 and 15 to 28, incl. Total '$15,000-00 Improvement Bonds, dated July 1, 1922, Due July 1, 1952, Interest 521%, as follows: Nos. 465 to 475, incl. Total $11,000.00 Series A -1 Interest 6 per cent per annum, dated January 1, 1925,as follows: Nos. 174 and 175, Due January 1, 1937, Total $ 2,000.00 Total in Sinking Fund $372000.00 CITY OF SANFORD BONDS CARRIED AS INVEST',iENT OF THE GAS PLANT SINKING FUND. Series A -2, dated January 1, 1928, Due January 1, 1952, Interest 6 per cent per • annum as follows: Nos. 226 to 225, incl. Total $ 32000.00 Series RR, dated January 1, 1927, Due July 1, 1930, Interest 52 as follows: Nos . 98 and 99 Total 2,000.00 Series A -1, dated January 1, 1925, Interest 6 per cent per annum, as follows: Nos. 7 to 20, Incl. Due January 1, 1931, Total $142000.00 Nos. 51 to 53, incl. Due January 1, 1933 Total 3,000.00 Nos. 193 to 195, Incl. Due January January 1, 1, 1 345 lN5 3,000.00 1,000.00 No. 375 400, Due Nos . 390 to incl. Due January 1, 1946 5,000.00 Nos. x+21 to 425, incl. Due January 1, 1947 52000.00 Nos. 446 to 450, Incl. Due January 1, 1945 5,000.00 Nos. 451 to 490, Incl. Due January 12 1949 102000.00 Series A -1, dated January 1, 1925, Interest 5i% per cent per annum, as follows: No. 402, Due January 1, 1947 Total 11000.00 Series FF, dated July 1, 1926, Due July 1, 1956, Interest 52 per cent per annum as follows: Nos. 1, 25, 54 and 55 Total 4,000.00 . 1941, MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,___Ap_:9il 29, 1930. 19 Series HH, dated July 1, 1926, Due July 1, 1956, Interest 5z per cent per annum, as follows: Nos. 62, 63 and 75 Total $ 3,000.00 Series KK, dated July 1, 1926, Interest 5j per cent, Due 7/1/56, Nos. 56, 59/63, 151/153, 246/250, 256, 350/351, 431/444, 446, 451/455 554, 555, 566/570 Total 45,000.00 Series CC, dated July 1, 1926, Due July 1, 1956, Interest 51 %: Nos. 24/29, 172, 215/219, 232 and 316 Total 14,000.00 Series JJ, dated July 1, 1926, Due July 1, 1956, Interest 52 per cent: No- 15 Total 12000.00 Series G, dated July 1, 1924, Due July 1, 195.41 Interest 512- per cent: Nos. 32 to 35, incl. Total 4,000.00 Series GG, dated July 1, 1926, Due July 1, 1956, Interest 52 per cent: Nos. 3 to 8,.incl. Total 6,000.00 Series DD, dated July 1, 1926, Due July 1, 1956, Interest 52 per cent Nos. 34, 41, 42 and 119 to 125, incl. Total 13,000.00 Improvement Bonds, dated July 1, 1922, Due July 1, 1952, Interest 5j per cent: No. 623 Total 1,000.00 Improvement Bonds, dated July 1, 1924, Due July 1, 1954, Interest 5j per cent: Nos. 35 to 49, incl. Total 15,000.00 Improvement Bonds, dated January 1, 1910, Due January 1, 1930, Interest 6 per cent: Nos. 92, 95 and 96 Total 3,000.00 Total of Bonds in Gas Plant Sinking Fund $161,000.00 and, WHEREAS, Most of the above described bonds have not matured and the City Commissioners of said City of Sanford deem it expedient and advisable to cancel said bonds by perforation .so that said bonds cannot be negotiated: NOW THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cancel all of the above described bonds of said City of Sanford by perforating them. The foregoing Resolution was unanimously adopted this 29th day of April, 1930. H. J. Lehman Frank L. Miller W. A. Leffler Vivian A. Speer (SEAL) R. A. Newman As the City Commission of the City of Attest: Sanf ord, Florida. F.S.Lamson City Clerk. Commissioner Miller next introduced Ordinance No. 172 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REPEALI'LG SECTION SIX OF ORDINANCE N0. 46 OF SAID CITY, ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE REGULATIT ?G THE CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF SURFACE CLOSETS IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF TIiIS ORDINANCE: FIXING THE CHARGE FOR MAINTENANCE: DECLARING THIS TO BE AN EMERGENCY MEASURE NECESSARY FOR THE IM2,1EDIATE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH, TO TAKE EFFECT I'21AEDIATELY UPON ITS FINAL PASSAGE AND ADOPTION," SAID SECTION SIX RELATIi'G TO CHARGE FOR MAINTENANCE OF SCAVENGER SERVICE IN SAID CITY. and same was placed on its first reading. Thereupon Cammissioner Miller moved th - <.t the rules be waived and that said Ordinance be placed on its second reading and final passage. 1 1 1 C �n MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, April 28, 1930. 19 Thereupon the motion recurred upon the waivure of the rules. The roll was called and those voting in favor of the waivure of the rules were: Commissioner Lehman Aye " Miller Aye If Leffler Aye " Newman Aye " Speer Aye nz� Thereupon said Ordinance No. 172 was read in full and placed upon its final passage and adoption, those voting for the adoption of said Ordinance No. 172 being: Commissioner Lehman Aye a Miller Aye " Leffler Aye Nevmnan Aye " Speer Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted Ordinance No. 172 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REPEALING SECTION SIX OF ORDINANCE N0. 46 OF SAID CITY, ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE REGULATI TG THE CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF SURFACE CLOSETS IN THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA- PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATIOT OF THIS ORDINANCE: FIXI'�'G THE CHARGE FbR MAINTENANCE: DEG"LARING THIS TO BE AN EMERGENCY MEASURE NECESSARY FOR THE IMMEDIATE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH, TO TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY UPON ITS FINAL PASSAGE AND ADOPTION," SAID SECTION SIX RELATI?'G TO CHARGE FOR ",MAINTENANCE OF SCAVENGER SERVICE I? SAID CITY. Upon motion unanimously adopted, the Clerk was next instructed that Ordinance No. 172 should be POSTED. Co miissioner Speer next introduced Ordinance No. 173 entitled : AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON OR PERSONS TO RIDE UPON THE FENDERS, BUMPERS, RUNNIyG BOARD, HOOD OR TIRE RACK OF ANY MOTOR VEHICLE y'YHILE SUCH MOTOR VE- HICLE IS BEIN,� DRIVEN UPON ANY OF THE STREETS, AVENUES AND ALLEYS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AND TO PRESCRIBE A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. and same was placed on its first readin:­. Thereupon Commissioner Speer moved that the rules be waived and that said ordinance be placed on its second reading and final passage. Thereupon the motion recurred upon the waivure of the rules. The roll was called and those voting. in favor of the waivure of the rules were : Commissioner Lehman Aye It Miller Aye if Leffler Aye " Newman Aye Speer Aye Thereupon said Ordinance No. 173 was read in full and placed upon its final passage and adoption, those votin�rfor the adoption of said Ordinance No. 173 being : Commissioner Lehman Aye " "Miller Aye " Leffler Aye N eraman Aye r' Speer Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted Ordinance No. 173 entitled : AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON OR PERSONS TO RIDE UPON THE FENDERS, BUMPERS, RUNNING BOARD, HOOD OR TIRE RACK OF ANY MOTOR VEHICLE .'CHILE SUCH MOTOR VE- HICLE IS BEING DRIVEN UPON ANY OF THE STREETS'; AVENUES AND ALLEYS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AND TO PRESCRIBE A PEATALTY FOR THE VIOLA- iIOi,M OF THIS ORDINANCE. On motion duly adopted the Clerk was instructed that Ordinance No. 173 should be pub- lisped in the Sanf ord Herald. Commissioner Speer next introduced Ordinance No. 174 entitled : MINUTES. CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA-April 28, 1930 19— AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REQUIRING THE DRIVERS OF TOR VEHICLES TRAVELING ON ANY STREET OR AVENUE IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, UPON WHICH THE FIRE TRUCK OR TRUCKS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, AND/OR THE AUTOMOBILE OF THE CHIEF OF MR FIRE DEPARTMENT IS PROCEEDING TO A FIRE AND IN SUCH DIRECTION AS TO PASS SUCH MOTOR VEHICLES TRAVELING UPON SAID STREET OR AVENUE, IIAT !EDIATELY UPON HEARI--iG SUCH FIRE TRUCK AIND/OR AUTOMOBILE OF SAID CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROACHING TO PARK SUCH MOTOR VEHICLES AT THE CURB OF SUCH STREET OR AVENUE, OR, IF IMPRACTICABLE k TO DO, TO BRING SUCH "MOTOR VEHICLES TO A FULL STOP, AND ALLOW THE SAME TO REMAIN PARKED AT THE CURB OR AT SUCH FULL STOP UNTIL SAID FIRE TRUCK AND/OR AUTOMOBILE OF THE CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT SHALL HAVE PASSED SUCH MOTOR VEHICLES),AND TO PROVIDE A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. and same was placed on its first reading. Thereupon the Clerk read said Ordinance No. 174 in full for the first time. On motion of Commissioner Newman, seconded by Commissioner Speer-and unanimously adopted, payment of quarterly premium on accident insurance polity of George Gray, newly employed motor cycle officer, was approved. The meeting then adjourned. Attest:- City Clerk. L- I L� I 1 F� 1 1 1 1] 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, April 29th, 1930. ig Regular Meeting of the City Commission under date of April 29th, 1930, 7 :30 o'clock P. M. There being no quorum present, the meeting adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock P. M., April 30th, 1930. Attest: City Clerk. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED SESSION OF THE CITY COMMISSION' APRIL 30th, 1930- The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned session at the City Hall inSanf ord, Florida, at 2 o'clock P. M., April 30th, 1930. adoption: Present: Commissioner H. J. Lehman, Mayor It Frank L. Miller it W. A. Leffler R. A .Newman City Attorney Fred R.Wilson City Clerk F. S. Larson Absent: Commissioner Vivian A. Speer Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Commissioner Leffler offered the following resolution and moved its BE IT RESOLVED, that a warrant be drawn for $37,730.00 and the funds be deposited with the Sanford Atlantic National Bank with specific directions that the bank arrange credit with the Chase National Bank of New York in a like amount for the purpose of paying the interest coupons due July lst, 1929 and January 1st, 1930, on the following City of Sanford bonds issued to cover the purchase and extension of the water works plant: Utility Bonds, dated Jan. 1, 1924 and Due Jana 1, 1954, interest 521 per cent per annum, denomination $1,000.00, Nos. 1 to 375, inclusive, Total of Bonds $375,000.00 Total interest due July 1, 1929 and January 1, 1930 Series CC, dated July 1, 1926 and due July 1, 1956, interest 5'-J per c::nt per annum, denomination $1,000.00 Nos. 1/23, 30/1712 173/214, 220/231, 233/315, 317/325 Total of Bonds $311,000.00 Total interest due July 1, 1929 and Jania ry 1, 1930 Total $20,625.00 $17,105.00 $37,730.00 and with further directions to the Sanford Atlantic National Bank that as soon as the afore- said coupons are paid, that they be delivered to the City of Sanford. Also, that a notice be placed in the Bond Buyer, notifying the holders of the above mentioned bonds that the coupons due July 1st, 1929 and January 1st, 1930, would be paid upon presentation to the Chase National Bank of New York. vote: The foregoing motion was seconded by Commissioner Newman and adopted by the following Commissioner Lehman Aye " Miller Aye " Leffler Aye Newman Aye