HomeMy WebLinkAbout07013022jt= MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 1, 7:30 P M 19 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned session at the City Hall in Sanford, Florida, at 7 :30 P.M. July 1, 1930. Present : Commissioner H.J.Lehman, Mayor " F.L Miller " W.A. Leffler " R.A.Newman " V.A.Speer. L.F.Boyle, for City Attorney Wilson City Clerk F.S.Lamson The First matter for consideration was a report from former City Engineer Fred T.Williams and County Engineer T.C.Pitchford concerning the present high water in Lake Monroe and what effect the fill at each end of the railroad bridge at the mouth of the lake has upon the water level remaining high. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Newman moved that this matter be taken up ], with the War Department, through the Government Engineers at Jacksonville, calling attention to the menace we now have here, and endeavor to have them come to Sanford immediately and see what steps can be taken toward lessening the danger. Seconded by Commissioner Speer and carried by the following vote: Commissioner Lehman Nay " Miller Aye " Leffler Aye " Newman Aye " Speer Aye Communication read from W.M.Tarpley of Tampa, Florida, inquiring as to whether the City of Sanford would be interested in going into the proposition of disposing of the Municipal Water Plant. Commissioner Leffler moved that Mr Tarpley be notified that the City is not prepared to discuss this matter at this time. Seconded by Commissioner Newman and carried. Superintendent of Streets Moughton was next instructed to clear away all shrubbery on Parkways at intersections where such shrubbery interferes with clear view of approaching traf- fic at such intersections. Mr. Linton E.Allen, President of the Sanford Atlantic National Bank next appeared before Commission and requested a revision of the interest rates paid on City Deposits on the grounds that due to the fact that City deposits are protected almost entirely with Government Bonds, that Government Securities are at present bringing a very low rate of interest, and that a lar reserve is required to be kept in the Federal Reserve Bank, upon which the Bank is paid no interest, the Bank is losing money under the present schedule of interest payments to the City. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Miller offered the motion that the rate of interest on City deposits be Two Per cent in all accounts, interest to be computed Quarterly on average daily balances; that a free balance of Twenty per cent of the total deposits be al- lowed upon which no interest will be required, provided, however, that this'f ree balance will at no time exdeed 030,000.00 , and that this schedule of interest payments be effective for the period from April 1st, 1930 to September 30, 1930- The foregoing motion was seconded by Commissioner Leffler and carried. The matter of granting a permit for the erection of a gasoline filling station at the south east corner of Park Avenue and Third Street was next re- opened Thereupon the Chairman relinquished the Chair to Commissioner Speer. n 7 L i 1 1 II IL i; 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 1, 7 :30 P M 19--30 Commissioner Lehman next made the motion that a permit be granted The Standard Oil Company for the erection of a gasoline filling station at the south —east corner of Park Avenue and Third Street, provided, however , that the cost of the improvements contemplated shall not be less than $10,000.00 and that woek shall commence within ninety days from the date of the issuance of the permit. vote: The foregoing motion was seconded by Commissioner Miller and carried by the following Commissioner Speer Aye " Miller Aye Leffler Aye Newman Nay n Lehman Aye Thereupon Commissioner Lehman resumed the Chair. The meeting then adjourned. Attest: City Clerk.