HomeMy WebLinkAbout03112910 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Regular Meeting March 19-99- The City Commission of the City of Sanford Florida, met in Regular session at the City Hall in Sanford Florida at Two O'Clock P M, March 11, 1929• Present: Commissioner Nelson Gray , Mayor if S 0 Chase If Frank L Miller If R A Newman it Vivian A Speer City Attorney, Fred R `Nilson City Manager, G H Cairns. City Clerk F S Lamson Chief of Police, R G Williams The first matter for consideration was the request of the First 'Church of Christ Scientist, for adjustment on paving assessment against their property on Union Avenue in exdhange; for right of way for Locust Avenue , action having been postponed from last regular meeting of the Commission. After considerable discussion, and it appearing that the City has no claim to this right of way for Locust Avenue, although included in Plat of First Street Extension. Commissioner Miller moved that the proposition of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, be accepted, ie., that in exchange for warranty deed to the property described as follows: "Beg at Point on N line of Union Avenue 260 ft E of Int. of N Line of Union Ave. with E. line of Chapman Ave, run Ely along N line of Union Ave. 43.63 ft , Nly and parallel with E line of Chapman Ave. 120 ft , Wly and parallel with N line of Union Ave. 43.63 ft. Sly and parallel with E line of Chapman Ave. 120 ft to Pt. of Beg." which is to be used for Locust Avenue, the City will pay the paving lien amounting to $451.89 now assessed against the balance of the property of this Church for paving on Union Ave. f ollows: Seconded by Commissioner Newman, and the roll being called the vote stands as Commissioner Gray Aye " Chase Aye if Miller Aye it Newman Aye if Speer Aye Commissioner Gray next moved that the City Attorney be instructed to draw Ordinance placing the licensetax for carnivals at 4300.00 per week or fraction thereof, it appearing that the license now charged is excessive compared to other cities in Florida. follows: Seconded by Commissioner Newman, and the roll being called, the vote stands as Commissioner Gray Aye " Chase Aye Miller Aye " Newman Aye If Speer Aye Mr G W Spender Jr. appeared before the Commission and requested further considerati of his request heretofore made and refused by the Commission that the City accept a flat sum of $50.00 for all delinquent taxes against Lot 10 Blk 10 Tr. D, Sanford, Florida. Commissioner Newman moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager and City Attorney for investigation and report. lows: Seconded by Commissioner Gray, and the roll being called, the vote stands as f ol- Commissioner Gray: Aye 11 Chase Aye it miller Aye If Newman Aye " Speer Aye 0 1 1 1 1 1 MINUTES March 11 at 2 P M CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, 19 29 Mr Fred T Williams appeared before the Commission with a report of streets where the paving has been practically completed and where by the additional expenditure of approx- may be imately $9,500.00, over $100,000.00 in additional street paving liens/ levied. Mr Williams was requested to investigate the cheapest and best way to have this work done and report at the next meeting of the City Commission. Mr S F Doudney and Mr Frank L Woodruff presented a petition that the City Commissio recommend to Hon. L P Hagan and Hon. C W Entzminger that they pass a bill at the next session - of the Florida Legislature to exclude certain lands in the southern part of the City from the corporate limits of Sanford. Commissioner Newman moved that the matter be taken up at a special meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Speer and unanimously adopted. Mr Clyde Byrd , Mr W.A.Leffler and Mr E J Trotter, representing the Sanford 3g Chamber of Commerce, reported as to the activities of the Chamber of Commerce and the need of financial assistance with which to carry on its work until funds derived from a "Drive" about i be made, are realized, and asked that the City advance $1,000.00 from its publicity fund as a temporary loan, this amount to be returned as soon as the money from this "Dove" is obtained. granted. lows: Commissioner Newman moved that the request of the Sanford Chamber of Commerce be Seconded by Commissioner Gray, and the roll being called, the vote stands as f ol- Commissioner Gray Aye it Chase Aye if Miller Aye it Newman Aye it Speer Aye Mr Leffler next requested the City Commission to consider the possibility of developing the water front on City property west of Cloud Branch, platting the property into warehouse sites and leasing these sites at nominal rental for a period of years, at--an- estimated cost Of $30,000.00, the Chamber of Commerce agreeing to secure new industries to lease these sites prior to work being started. Commissioner Newman moved that Fred T Williams be authorized to draw a plan of the 9 proposed project and that the matter be given further consideration when this plan is presented. Seconded by Commissioner Gray, and the roll being called, the vote stands as follow to Commissioner Gray Aye 11 Chase Aye Miller Aye Newman Aye H Speer Aye Commissioner Gray introduced Ordinance No. 160 entitled: Ordinance No. 160. It AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION, TO ERECT IN THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA, ANY GASOLINE FILLING STATION WITHIN HUNDRED SANFO DrLORIDA FIFTY ANDFEET TOOPROVIDEU OR WALL OF ANY BUILDING IN THE CITMtF ORDINANCE." and moved th t it be place on its first reading. Seconded by Commissioner Newman, and the roll being called, the vote stands as f ollows: Commissioner Gray Aye Chase Aye Miller Nay Newman Aye Speer Aye. 1 s 4� MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, March 11 at 2 P M 19-29 Thereupon said ordinance No. 160 was placed on its first reading and read in full by the Clerk. Commissioner Newman offered the motion that the City Commission revoke instruct- ions heretofore issued with respect to the payment of current year's taxes and that the City Tax Collector be instructed to accept current year's taxes without requiring the payment of any prior year's taxes which may have become delinquent. Seconded by Commissioner Miller, and the roll being called , the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Gray " Chase Miller " Newman " Speer The Clerk next presented a gasoline filling station at the Commissioner Speer mcmed Seconded by Commissioner as follows: Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye letter from Dr Jas N Robson requesting permit to erect Zorthwest corner of. Park Avenue and Third Street. that action be deferred until a later date. Newman, and the roll being called, the vote stands Commissioner Gray No. Aye It C #ase Aye -Aye It Miller No. Aye it Newman Aye Aye if Speer Aye. Aye The Clerk next presented letter from Mr R J Gallespie agreeing to accept one City of Sanford Bond , Series A -1 , drawing interest at the rate of Six Per cent. per annum, and City of Sanford Check for $244.90, settlement of balance of account in full for construction of City of Sanford Reservoir, this proposition having been made to Mr Gallespie's Representative, Mr Lee, at the last regular meeting of the City Commission Thereupon, Commissioner Newman made the motion that the offer made by the'Com- mission at the last regular meeting be confirmed and that one City of Sanford Refunding Bond No. 596, Series A -1 , dated January 1, 1928, and due January 1, 1951, with interest at the rate of Six Per cent per annum , be sold to Mr R J Gallespie at and for the price of $1,000.00; that the Clerk be instructed to draw check on the Bond Trustees Refinancing Bond Fund at the Sanford Atlantice National Bank in favor of Mr R J Gallespie for $244.90 and that in lieu of cash for the above bond, obtain from Mr Gallespie at the time the above bond and check are delivered to him, receipt in full for b &lance of account for constructio of City reservoir. Seconded by Commissioner Gray, and the roll being called,the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Gray Aye Chase Aye " Miller Aye " Newman Aye " Speer Aye_ Communication read from Mr Frank L Woodruff requesting that 1925 valuations on certain property in Pine Level Subdivision be reduced , due to the fact that the valuation of the property exceeds the valuation before being subdivided. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Gray moved that the request be refused. as follows: Seconded by Commissioner Miller, and the roll being called, the vote stands Commissioner Gray Aye " Chase -Aye " Miller Aye n Newman Aye Speer Aye 1 L'1 1 MINUTES � CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, March 13., 2 p M 'I9 -_2q Commissioner Gray moved that the following 1927 personal taxes be cancelled due to over - assessment: as f ollows: P A Mero 7.07 B H :'Guthrie 19-15 Haynes & Ratliff 100- 3 IT R Edenfield 4.75 E L Burdick 5.75 Seconded by Commissioner Chase, and the roll being called the vote stands Commissioner Gray Aye " Chase Aye Miller Aye " Newman Aye " Speer Aye. Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 25, 1929 , read and approved. Current invoices and payrolls for the month of February 1929 properly audited and vouchered by the Accounting Department, were examined, approved and the Clerk instructed to draw checks in payment thereof. Financial statement and statement of expenditures and revenues for the month of February 1929, submitted and examined. Report of the City manager for the month of February 1929, submitted and examined Bank Statements in all accounts submitted, examined and ordered filed. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned to meet again Friday , March 15, 1929 at Three O'Clock P M. Attest City Clerk. AMENDMENT TO MINUTES OF MARCH 11TH, 1929, AS AUTHORIZED BY CITY COMMISSION UNDER DATE OF APRIL 22, 1929• Commissioner Miller read a statement pertaining to the DeCottes -Boggs contract with the City of Sanford, Florida. Commissioner Gray moved that it be tabled. Seconded by Commissioner Newman, and the roll being called, the vote stands as follows: Attest: Commissioner Gray Aye Commissioner Chase Nay Commissioner Miller Nay Commissioner Newman Aye Commissioner Speer Aye 7A�ct���� City Clerk.