HomeMy WebLinkAbout011429Minutes of Regular Meeting of City Commission January 14th . at 2 O'Clock P M 1929• The City Commission of the City of Sanford Florida met in Regular Session at the City Hall in Sanford Florida at 2 O'Clock P M January 14th 1929. Present Commissioner Nelson Gray , Mayor. " S 0 Chase " Frank L Miller " R A Newman " Vivian A Speer City Attorney, George A DeCottes. City Manager, G H Cairns. Chief of Police, R G Williams Minutes of adjourned session of January 8th, 1929 held at 2 O'Clock P M and Regular Session of January 8th 1929 held at 3 O'Clock P M Read and approved. Commissioner Miller moved that the tentative contract which has been heretofor4 considered and tentatively adopted by the old Commission, be returned to Attorney George A DeCottes and Associate Counsel Lucien H Boggs, with instructions to revise said contract so as to include-.all items mentioned in letter of December 28th, 1928 from Messrs DeCottes and Boggs, upon the terms stated in said letter, and that when contract has been so re —dra ted in conformity with this.motion and presented to this Commission, same will be executed by the Commission on behalf of the City of Sanford, Florida. Seconded by Commiss: as follows: Commissioner Gray Commissioner Chase Commissioner Miller Commissioner Newman Commissioner Speer Loner Chase, and upon the roll being called, the vote stands Aye A ye Aye Aye Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the-Commission by its unanimous vote had adopted said resolution. Commissioner Speer nominated Mr Fred R Wilson as City Attorney of the City of Sanford Florida to serve at the pleasure of the City Commission , effective at once. Seconded by Commissioner Newman. Thereupon Commissioner Miller arose to a point of personal privilege and nominat Mr George A DeCottes for re— appointment as City Attorney of the City of Sanford Florida. Seconded by Commissioner Chase. The Roll was then called and the vote stands as follows: For Mr Fred R Wilson: Commissioner Gray " Newman " Speer Fir Mr George A DeCottes; Commissioner Chase " Miller Thereupon the Chairman announced that the Commission had appointed Mr Fred R. Wilson as City Attorney to serve at the pleasure of the City Commission, effective at once. Commissioner Miller then moved that his statement made prior to his nomination. 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, January 14 2 P M 19 9 of Mr. George A. DeCottes be made a Natter of record and spread upon the minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and the roll being called, the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Gray Aye " Chase Aye Miller - -- " Newman Aye " Speer Aye Thereupon the Clerk was ordered to spread said statement upon the minutes of the meeting, said statement being in words and figures as follows: "Gentlemen of the City Commission of Sanford, Florida: I rise to the point of personal privilege to place in nomination for the position of City Attorney a man with whom I have served for the past year, and one whom when I took the office of Commissioner was in disrepute and was being attacked by citizens and newspaper alike. There is nothing personal in my desire to retain our present City Attorney, neither have I anything personal against the most splendid gentleman who has been nominated. It is a matter of service performed and performed faithfully. One of the reasons set forth for securing other counsel is because Mr. DeCottes has received certain fees which those who oppose contend were entirely too high. I wish to state that whatever fee, or fees, he has received since I have been on the Commission I am willing to accept the responsibility for, and in no way should he be cen- sured. If any responsibility needs to be placed, place it on the past Commissions who have served you. I do not grant that his compensation has exceeded, or even reached, those paid by other cities for a similar service. The past Commission made investigations as to legal fees paid by other cities, and we have on file information which will justify fees paid by Sanford. Our bond issues being high, naturally fees amounted to more than cities which have issued less number of bonds. Our fees will not average for the entire time one per cent (1 %) . Consider well the position you three gentlemen now occupy. You are now a Director, not a stockholder. There is not a corporation in this world operated by stockholders, only by Directors, and when the Board of Directors fails, then the stockholders elect other Directors. Be careful, then, that you do not do something that will cause Sanford's stockholders to seek other Directors. You are now, as it were, behind a certain sort of glass. When looking out, you can discern everything, but those outside cannot see within; they are not expected to. I You were placed here because you might be allowed to see the real needs, and I cannot believe that after carefully weighing all matters, you can do but one thing in the interest of the City in which you live, and that is to throw around it that protection to which it is entitled. I believe that my very close association with the affairs of the City for the past year, and the undivided attention given, gives me the right to feel that you should in some way at least investigate, before arriving at a conclusion, and up to this time I know of no investigation made by either of you at and in such places where you might find information which would at least give you light, even though you might not see it from the same angle as I do. I have never voted for Mr. DeCottes, nor for anyone advocated by him, except last year, when I arose above political subserviency and supported him as your City Attorney, because the accusations against him failed of proof, or even the semblance of truth. My support was purely and solely because, in my opinion, he was best fitted for the position, and to this very minute, in keeping with good business judgment, he occupies that same enviable place. I have been criticised, and some have even gone so far as to pretend that they may dictate to me as to whom I may mingle socially. That man, or set of men, have never been born who-may tell me with whom I may associate in a friendly manner. I say that this person, or persons, do not exist. I would be an official ingrate were I to allow Mr. DeCottes to leave the office of City Attorney without a vote of confidence by the members of the City Commission who have been associated with him in an official way, and in a most satisfactory manner, and when his entire mind was lent towards solving the problems that have confronted us during these trying times in the history of Sanford. It is with pleasure, and a degree of great satisfaction, that we have an able attorney, and one who is familiar in every detail with the affairs of this City. I saysit is a pleasure to nominate Mr. Geo. A. DeCottes, our present City Attorney, to succeed himself as attorney for the City of Sanford. In closing I wish to advise that I have prepared a written address because if I am quoted I shall expect to be quoted correctly. I move you, gentlemen, that this letter be made a part of the minutes so that my record in this matter may be recorded in the records of the City of Sanford. 11 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, _January 14., 19 -9L• Mr. DeCottes then assured the Commission of his - whole - hearted support in the future as a private citizen, as in the past as City Attorney. That he holds no animosity whatever against the Commission for their present action, and that he will be glad to assist the Commission in any way possible, and at any time that the Commission may call upon him. Thereupon Commissioner Speer moved the adoption of the following resolution: "We wish to thank Mr. DeCottes for his expression of cooperation and support and that there was nothing personal in the action taken by the City Commission; neither was it accompanied by accusations and he has our good will in resuming his duties as a private citizen." Seconded by Commissioner Newman, and the roll being; called, the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Gray Aye Commissioner Miller Aye Commissioner Chase Aye Commissioner Newman Aye Commissioner Speer Aye Commissioner Miller then asked to be excused in order to attend a funeral, which per- mission was granted by the Chair. The Clerk then presented application from R.W.Ware for the position of Municipal Judge, in case a vacancy should occur in that Department. Action deferred. Commissioner Speer then moved the adoption of the following: "That it is the privilege of the City Commission to bring up applications for City positions at their pleasure, and not to cause a state of uneasiness in the different departments by the mere presenting or filing of applications for positions." Seconded by Commissioner Newman, and the roll being called, the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Gray Aye Commissioer Newman Aye Commissioner Chase Aye Commissioner Speer Aye The Clerk presented notice from the Sanford Atlantic National Bank that they have received from the Austin Mfg. Co. for collection, note for $2,000.00 plus interest at b per cent per annum from January 9, 1925, said note having been executed by the City of Sanford as part payment of street sweeper. Thereupon, upon motion duly adopted, the Clerk was authorized and instructed to draw check in payment of said note. The Clerk next presented letter received from the Sanford Herald, requesting payment of an old account amounting to $17.22, this account having never been previously approved for payment. Action deferred. Upon motion duly adopted, the surety bonds of Edward S. McCall and Louis Vincent Duane were ordered cancelled from October 27, 1928, these men having ceased to be employed by the City of Sanford, it being understood that this cancellation does not release the Surety Company for any liability prior to the above date. City Manager Cairns next presented the need for material to be used in repairing City streets, and upon motion by Commissioner Newman, seconded by Commissioner Chase and unanimously adopted, the City Manager was authorized to purchase two cars of rock and one car of slag, at a total estimated cost of $500.00, to be used for the above purpose. Mr' G. W. Spencer, Jr., ap_eared before the Comm -. ssi on and requested that he be allowed to redeem all outstanding tax certificates and unpaid taxes amounting to $260.95, plus interest, against Lot 10 Block 10 Tier D, for a flat sum of $50.00, Mr. Spencer claiming that the property is not worth the taxes standing against it. Matter referred to the City Attorney. A representative of the Manufacturer's Reoord appeared before the Commission and solicited a subscription to this publication by the City. Request refuseq. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, January 14 —19 22 Chief of Police Williams presented to the Commission the need for a new motorcycle for use in patrolling the streets of Sanford, it a,;pearing that one now owned by the Police Department is practically unserviceable, and the other is not sufficient for properly patrolling the streets of Sanford. Thereupon, upon motion of Commissioner Newman, which was seconded by Commissioner Chase and unanimously adopted, the Chief of Police was authorized to purchase one new motor- cycle at an estimated cost of $384.50, an allowance of $59.50 to be allowed by the dealer on the old machine. Upon motion of Commissioner Newman, seconded by Commissioner Chase and unanimously adopted, the Chief of Police was authorized to employ Chas. H Shaffer for Thirty days as Motorcycle Officer, and was also authorized to employ one additional patrolman for the winter months. Current invoices, properly audited and vouchered by the Accounting Department , were examined, approved and the Clerk instructed to draw checks in payment for same. Financial report and statement of expenditures and revenues for the month of Dec. 1928 was submitted, and examined. examined. Report of the City Manager for the month of December, 1928 was submitted and examined) Bank Statements in all accounts for the month of December 1928 were submitted and There being no further business , the meeting adjourned subject to call. Attest: City Clerk 0 OF- �/ 220' 19rh