HomeMy WebLinkAbout070129The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned session at the City Hall in Sanford, Florida at Two O'Clock P M , July 1, 1929• Present: Commissioner Nelson Gray, Mayor. It S�''O Chase " Frank L Miller R A Newman It Vivian A Speer City Attorney, Fred R Wilson City Manager, G H Cairns. City Clerk, F S Lamson Chief of Police, R G Williams. I The Clerk submitted preliminary tax roll for the year 1929, but in view of the necessity for further consideration and possible changes, hearings for the purpose of equaliz and adopting said Roll was deferred until a later date. The Clerk next submitted tentative budget for the fiscal year 1929 -1930. Action deferred. Commissioner Miller next offered resolution No. 393, and moved its adoption. Said Resolution being in words and figures as follows: WHEREAS, The City of Sanford has not met the interest on its bonded indebtedness for the past six months, dut.,�July 1, 1929, and, WHEREAS, The First National Bank of Sanford, Florida, and the Sanford Atlantic National Bank of Sanford, Florida, hold certain funds of the City of Sanford, Florida, and as security for a portion of these funds they have placed an amount of City of Sanford Bonds to secure a like amount of City deposits. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the said First National Bank of Sanford, and the Sanford Atlantic National Bank of Sanford, be not requr6d to pay to the City interest on de- posits amounting to the amount that they have secured by City of Sanford bonds. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That in the event the City of Sanford shall at some future date pay unto the Said First National Bank of Sanford, and the Said Sanford Atlantice National Bank of Sanford, interest due on said bonds placed as security for the deposits of the City of Sanford, Florida, then the City Clerk of Sanford, Florida, shall proceed to collect from the said banks the interest that might be due on said deposits. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be in effect so long as the City of Sanford, Florida, shall remain in default on the interest due on said bonds placed as securi y by said batiks for the deposits- of the City of Sanford. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution shall not become effective until each of the above banks shall have agreed thereto , in writing, and agreed to pay the interest on th aforesaid deposits, which is now due, when interest on the aforesaid bonds is paid. Adopted this 1st. day of July A D 1929• Nelson Gray S 0 Chase Frank L Millet R A Newman Vivian A Sneer As the City Commission of the City of Sanford; Florida. Attest: F S Lamson ( Seal) C.it.y. Clerk 1 1 C r] MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, JulY 1, 1929 2 P M 19 Seconded by Commissioner Newman and adopted by the following vote: Commissioner Gray Aye " Chase Aye " Miller Aye " Newman Aye " Speer Nay. The Clerk next presented letter from the Sanford Atlantic National Bank asking that the City's deposits be divided between the Sanford Atlantic National Bank and the First National Bank >: on a Fifty per Cent (50 Jo) basis for each. 0 After considerable discussion, Commissioner Gray moved that the Clerk be instructed to gradually build up the deposits in the Sanford Atlantic---National Bank to a point where ap- proximately 45% of the City's total funds will be on deposit at that bank and approximately 55% at the First National Bank. Seconded.by Commissioner Speer and unanimously adopted. The Clerk next reported the 1929 Tax Certificate list ready for filing with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, the cost to be Five cents per line for such filing. Thereupon, Commissioner Gray moved that the Tax Collector be instructed to file said list with the Clerk of the Circuit Court at once. Seconded by Commissioner Newman and unanimously adopted. Commissioner Miller next introduced Ordinance No. 166, entitled: " AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD; FLORIDA, TO AMEND SECTION 289 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA, SAID SECTION 289 RELATING TO LICENSE TAXES ON DOGS AND DISPOSIT ON OF DOGS FOR WHICH LICENSE HAS NOT BEEN PAID; SAID SECTION 289 BEING HEREBY AMENDED SO AS TO REQUIRE VACCINATION OF DOGS AGAINST RABIES AS HEREIN PROVIDED BEFORE ISSUANCE OF LICENSE TAG." and same was placed on its first reading. Thereupon, Commissioner Miller moved that the rules be waived and that said ordinanc be placed on its second reading and final passage. Thereupon, the motion recurred upon the question of the waivure of the rules. The rol was called and those voting in favor of the waivure of the rules were: Commissioner Gray Aye " Chase Aye Miller Aye " Newman Aye " Speer Aye Thereupon, Said Ordinance No. 166 was read in full and placed upon its final passage and adoption, those voting for the adoption of said Ordinance No. 166, being: Commissioner Gray Aye " Chase Aye " Miller Aye " Newman Aye " Speer Aye Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Cozy mission of the City of Sanford Florida, by unanimous vote, had passed and adopted, Ordinance No. 166, entitled: " An Ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida, to amend Section 289 of the revised Ordinances of the City of Sanford, Florida, said Section 289 relating to license taxes on dogs and disposition of dogs for which license has not been paid, said section 289 being hereby amen ed so as to require vaccination of dogs against rabies as herein provided before issuance of license tag." Commissioner Newman next moved that the foregoing Ordinance be "posted" instead of published in the Newspaper. g. MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 1, at 2 P M_19_ 29 Seconded by Commissioner Miller and unanimously adopted. The Clerk was next instructed to place an advertisement in the Newspaper notify the;- people of the provisions of said Ordinance No. 166. On Motion duly adopted Dr. C W Baker was designated as the Veterinarian to vaccinat the dogs in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 166. Resignation of Mrs A K Powers, employed at the Municipal Library, presented and accepted, effective July 15, 1929. The request of Randall Chase, heretofore submitted to the Commission, that the City purchase and lay, in accordance with plan drawn by Fred T Williams, Engineer, 350 feet w of 12" and 175 feet of 10" drain tile on the tract of land called the "Gabbett Place ", ad- jacent to French Avenue and fronting on the Lake, was next brought up for consideration. After considerable discussion and it appearing that the damage to the drainage system of this tract of land was caused by the City placing certain improvements in this locality and the cost of repairing should therefore be borne by the City. Commissioner Gray moved that the request be granted and the City Manager be instructed to have the work done , as requested by Mr Chase, at an estimated cost of between $350.00 and $500.00 Seconded by Commissioner Miller and unanimously adopted. Commissioner Speer next introduced Ordinance No. 167, entitled: It AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA REPEALING SECTION TWO OF ORDINANCE NO. 153 OF SAID CITY, SAID ORDINANCE NO. 153 BEING, to AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING CERTAIN OCCUPA- TIONAL LICENSE TAXES IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA" AnD SAID SECTION 2 THEREOF PROVIDING FOR AN ANNUAL LICENSE TAX OF $200.00 FOR THE SALE OF CERTAIN BOTTLED DRINKS." and same was placed on its first reading. Thereupon, Commissioner Speer moved that the rules be waived and that said be placed on its second reading and final passage. Thereupon, the motion recurred upon the question of the waivure of the rules, The Roll was called and those voting in favor of the waivure,mf the rules were: Commissioner Gray Aye " Chase Aye, " Miller Aye Newman Aye " Speer Aye Thereupon , Said Ordinance No. 167 was read in full and placed upon its final passage and adoption, those voting for the adoption of said ordinance No. 167 being, Commissioner Gray Aye " Chase Aye " Miller A ye It Newman Aye if Speer Aye Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford Florida, by unanimous vote, had passed and adopted Ordinance No. 167, entitled: " An Ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida repealing Section 2 of Ordinance No. 153 of Said City, said Ordinance No. 153, being " An Ordinance imposing certain occupat al license taxes in the City of Sanford, Florida," and said Section 2 tiiereof providing for an annual license tax of $200.00 for the sale of certain bottled drinks." Commissioner Speer moved that Ordinance No. 167 be "Posted" instead of publishe in the newspaper. Seconded by Commissioner Miller and unanimously adopted. the Lon- D 1 1 1 F� 1 F---� MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 1, 2 P M 19__ 29 Chief of Police Williams appeared before the Commission with reference to purchasing shirts for the Policemen and discarding coats during the hot weather. Commissioner Newman moved that the Chief of Police be authorized to purchase three shirts, of uniform color, for each policeman, at an estimated cost of $10.50 for each set of three, and that the policemen be allowed to discard coats during the hot weather. Seconded by Commissioner Miller and unanimously adopted. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Attest: City Clerk