HomeMy WebLinkAbout102129124 MINUTES.. CITY COMMISSION, SANFdRD, FLORIDA, October 21 at 2 P i9 29 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in adjourned Regular Session at the City Hall in Sanford Florida at Two O'Clock P M October 21, 1929 Present: Commissioner : Vivian A Speer, Mayor. " Frank L Miller " R A Newman City Attorney , Fred R Nilson City Clerk. F S Lamson Chief of Police, R G Williams. Absent: Commissioner S 0 Chase. Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 23rd., Adjourned Session of September 30th. Adjourned meeting of October 1st, ; Adjourned Session of October 7th.; and Regular meeting of October 14th. 1929 read and approved. Application received from the Standard Oil Company , through Mr Hal Wight, for per- mit to erect gasoline filling station on Lot 5 Blk 4 Tier 4, according to E R Trafford's Map of the City of Sanford, Florida, located on the N.W.Corner of Third St. and Park Ave. Before action was taken upon this application, the Clerk presented communication from the City Planning Commissions by its Chatftan, Mr G D Bishop, approving the issuance of a permit for the erection of a gasoline filling station on this property. Thereupon Commissioner Miller moved that the permit be granted. Seconded by Commissioner Newman and adopted by the following vote: Commissioner Speer Aye " Miller Aye if Newman Aye Application received from the Literary Department of the Woman's Club for the use of the Municipal Pier and Band Shell on October 31st. and November let, neat, for a carnival. Commissioner Newman moved that permission be granted as requested. Seconded by Commissioner Miller and unanimously adopted. Request next presented by representatives of Seminole County Y M C A that additi al work at an estimated cost of $90.00 be authorized to be done on the Diamond Ball -Field adjacent to the American Legion Hut in order to place the field in proper condition for play- ing. adoption. Commissioner Miller moved that this additional work be authorized. Seconded by Commissioner Newman and so ordered by the unanimous vote of the Commis Commissioner Newman next introduced Resolution No. 397 and moved its passage and Seconded by Commissioner Miller and adopted by the following vote: Commissioner Speer Aye " Miller Aye " Newman Aye Said resolution being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION 397 1RHEREAS, In accordance with Section 59 of the Charter of the City of Sanford Florida, the City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, has made�up and submitted to the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, an estimate or budget of the revenues and expenditures of the City of Sanford, Florida, for the ensuing year, such estimate or budget having been made with particular application to the various departments of the City; said budget, so prepared, being in words and figures as follows, to -wit: M Fj 1 11 1 1 II 11 1 D MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, _ Oc=tober 21 19 9 BUDGET ESTIMATE 1929 -1930 RECAPITULATION Total Appropriation Less Miscella neous Revenues To Be raised by Taxation FORMULA FOR MILLAGE Amount to be raised Reserve for uncollected Taxes Total to be assessed Assessed Valuation Millage Back Taxed for 1929 0 20 mills Val DISTRIBUTION OF MILLAGE Department of General Government Department of Publicity Department of hater Utility Department of Debt Service Total BUDGET ESTIMATE 1929- 1930 SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT OF WATER UTILITY DEPARTMENT OF DEBT SERVICE TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR 1929 — 1930 ESTIMATED MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES ITEM NO. 1 Delinquent Taxes for 1929 and prior years 2 State Road and Br$dge Fund 3 Privileges 4 Pound Fees and'Dog Licenses 5 Sanitary Fees 6 Plumbing and Electrical Permits 7 Fines and costs 9 Water Division Revenues 9 Interest on Taxes etc 10 Interest on Bank Accounts 11 Sale of Cemetery Lots 243,990.00 121.,595.12 122,294.59 122,294.98 $5,344.91 207,639.79 1193699065.35 19 mills. 149,850.00 14.220 mills .295 mills. 1.603 mills 1.892 Mills 19.000 Mills. 192,670.00 4,000.00 21,710.00 25,500 .00 243,990.00 25,000.00 7,600.00 6,200.00 50.00 575.00 125.00 7,250.00 54,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 12 Interest from Gas Company on account of purchase ,of Gas Plant 17095.12 13 Sundry Miscellaneous income _ 500.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES FOR THE YEAR 1929— $121695.12 1930. 125 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 21 19 -BUDGET DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL GOVERNMENT City Commission Salaries - Commissioners- 1,600.00 Clerical Assistance 200.00 Surety Bond Premiums 25.00 Total City Manager's Office SfL;ary - City Manager _Gas, Oil and Car Expense Office Supplies - Stationery etc Surety Bond Premium Total Municipal Court Salary - Judge Uff ice supplies Surety Bond Premium Total City Attorney's Office Salary - City Attorney Office Supplies Total 2,x+00,00 365.00 25.00 25,00- 600,00 75.00 .00 600.00 Municipal Elections Salaries of Election Officials and Miscellaneous Expienses 250.00 Division of Streets , Bridges, and Sewers (Including Street Cleaning, Garbage Removal and Food and clothing for prisoners ) Superintendence 2,000.00 Convict Guards 21000.00 Sweeper Driver 1,500.00 Labor 16,:000.00 Total Labor and Salaries 21600.00 Gas, 011 and Auto supplies 5,000.00 Feed & supplies for animals 2,500.00 Machinery & equipment supplies 1,800.00 Street & sewer materials 5,000.00 0 1,825.00 2,815.00 750.00 250.00 Pound expense 75-00 Food & Clothing for prisoners 2600.00 Emergency & Miscellaneous supplies 200.00 New Equipment 500.00 Total Supplies 17575.00 Total for Division. 39,075.00 1 U it '1 II n 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, _ October 21 Divisiow-)of :Public Buildings Labor ( Janitor & Helper) 750.00 Light, fuel , ice , etc 1,200.00 Janitor's Supplies 100.00 Repair materials & new Equipment 700.00 Total Division of Engineeri Miscellaneous Engineering Fees 2000 Total Division of Cemetery Maintenance Superintendence 900.00 Salary of One man 600.00 Plants, shrubs, fertilizer, etc. 50.00 Water 800.00 New Equipment c Total Division of Inspection Salary of Inspector 750.00 Gas, Oil, and Car expense 20 Total Division of Street Lighting -& Water Supply Street Lights, Including repairs 16,000.00 Hydrants 9,000_ Total Division of Insurance _ Autos, trucks, etc 11000.00 Real Estate & Contents 2,200.00 Total ,Store Room Division Garbage Cans 00.00 Total Division of Police Protection Salary - Chief 2,500.00 Salary - Lieutenant 1,750.00 Salary - 6 Patrolment ® 125.00 per Mo. 91000.00 Special Services . 200.00 Gas. Oil & Auto Supplies 1,350.00 Office Supplies 150.00 Communications 300.00 Repairs to Police Equipment 300.00 Disinfectants, Drugs, Chemicals etc. 175.00 Uniforms & Badges 550.00 Police Supplies except uniforms 150.00 Surety bond Premiums 25.00 Janitor's Supplies 100.00 Ice & Fuel 100.00 Total 19 29 2,750.00 • • 67'41 2,400.00 950.00 24,000.00 3,200.00 200.00 16,650.00 i27 MINUTES V Y' October 21 CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, _ -19 29 Division of Fire protection Salary of Chief 2,250.00 Salary - Assistant Chief 1600.00 Salary - One Fireman 1,00.00 Salary - Four Firemen ® 1200.00 4,800.00 Gas, Oil & Auto Supplies 800.00 Machinery & Equipment Supplies 425.00 Communications 175.00 Office & Quarters Supplies 75,00 Chemicals 125,00 Replacements, repairs,& small tools 150.00 Uniforms, caps, etc 325.00 New Fire Hose 1,500.00 Water, Gas, Ice, fuel, etc. 350.00 Total. Division of Parks Labor 2600.00 Fertilizer, Plants, Shrubs & Misc. 175 00 Food & Supplies for zoo 725.00 Athletic Field Upkeep 500.00 Tennis Courts upkeep 200.00 Water used in parks 2,500.00 Total Division of Public Health & Sanitation Salary- Physician & Food Inspector 900.00 Labor- Night Soil collectors & Inspector 4,700.00 Testing Foods 100.00 Disinfectants, Drugs etc. 150.00 Sanitary Buckets 1 0.00 Total Fernald Lauahton Hosvital Care of City Patients 300.00 Maintenance 1,000.00 Total public Library Salary - Librarian & Assistant 2,000.00 Books &_Supplies 450.00 Gas, 'dater & Lights- 125,00 Miscellaneous Supplies 25.00_. Total Division of Charity City Poor 3.000.00 Total Division of Finance, Records & Taxation Salary of City Clerk & Assessor 3,300.00 Salary of Collector of Receipts 2,400.00 Salary of Bookkeeper 2,100.00 13775.00 6,600.00 6,000.00 1,300 00 2,600.00 3,000.00 r 1 1 11 II tj II 1 �1 MINUTES 129 CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 21, 19_?-9- Salary of Office Assistant 1,200.00 Extra Office Help (Including Personal Tax. Assess- 1,560.00 ing and collection of Delinquent Personal taxes.) 1,000.00 Advertising �2 0.00 Recording fees 5 1929 Audit 700.00 Office Supplies 11000.00 Communications 350.00 Incidentals 50.00 Surety Bond Premiums 225.00 Total 13,650.00 The Contingent Fund All Purposes 15,000.00 Total 159000.00 SPECIAL Litigation and Financing Account All purposes 35,000.00 Total 35,000.00 TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 192,670.00 ---------------------------- - - - - -- R-._-.---------------------------- -W- - -- ------- - - - - -- All Purposes DEPARTMENT OF PUBLICITY 4,000 00 TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 4, 0 0-_ 0_00 DEPARTMENT OF WATER UTILITY Administration Unit Office Clerk Salary 11200.00 Office Supplies 11000.00 Total for Unit 21200.00 Distribution Unit 1 Service Man Salary 1,750.00 1 Meter Man Salary 1,750.00 1 Meter & Service Man 11000.00. Labor setting and removing meters 11000.00 Gas, oil & auto supplies 500.00 Meters, meter boxes & Misc. Supplies 1,200.00 Total for Unit 7,200.00 Production Unit Engineer ( Day) 1,800.00 Engineer ( Night) 1,560.00 Assistant Engineer 1,300.00 Plant Labor 500.00 Power 4600.00 Fuel & Lubricating Oil 1000.00 Maintenance of Plant, repairs to equipment, Chlorine, and miscellaneous supplies 1,000.00 Incidentals 150.00 Gas, Oil and Car Expense 200.00 Total for Unit 12,310.00 TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 21,710.00 ------ - - - - -- --------- ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------------------ -------- --------------- - - - - -- 4.30 MINUTEfS and, CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 21 19 29 DEPARTMENT OF DEBT SERVICE. Notes, Interest on notes and Miscellaneous Expenses #25.5Q0.00 TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 25,500.00 WHEREAS, each and every item contained and set forth in said budget presented by the City Clerk has been carefully considered by this Commission, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That said Budget, as presente& by the City Clerk to the City Com- mission, be, and the same is, hereby adopted as the budget of the City of Sanford, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning the first day of October A.D. 1929, and ending on the thirti- eth day of September A.D. 1930. Adopted this the 21st. day of October, A D 1929• Attest: Vivian A Speer Frank L Miller . R A Newman F S Lamson CIty Clerk ( Seal) As the City Commission of the City of Sanford Florida. Commissioner Miller introduced Ordinance No. 168 entitled: AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE AMOUNT AND FIXING THE RATE OF TAXATION, AND MAKING THE ANNUAL TAX LEVY OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE YEAR 1929• and same was placed on its first reading. Thereupon, Commissioner Miller moved that the rules be waived and that said ordi- nance be placed on its second reading and final passage. Thereupon, the motion recurred upon the question of the waivure of the rules, the roll was called and those voting in favor of the waivure of the rules were: Commissioner Speer Aye " Miller Aye " Newman Aye Thereupon, said Ordinance No. 168 was read in full and placed upon its final passage and adoption, those voting for the adoption of said ordinance No. 168 being: Commissioner Speer Aye " Miller Aye " Newman Aye Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission-of the City of Sanford, Florida , by unanimous vote had passed and adopted Ordinance No. 168, entitled: " AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE AMOUNT AND FIXING THE RtATE OF TAXATION, AND MAKING ANNUAL TAX LEVY OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA , FOR THE YEAR 1929.N Commissioner Newman next introduced Ordinance No. 169, entitled: AN ORDINANCE MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD , FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1929 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1930. and same was placed on its first reading. Thereupon, Commissioner Newman moved that the rules be waived and that said Ordinance be placed on its second reading and final passage. Thereupon, the motion recurred upon the question of the waivure of the rules, the roll was called and those voting in favor of the waivure of the rules were: Commissioner Speer Aye a �l J 1 11 1 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 21 Commissioner Miller Aye " Newman Aye 19?9 1 Thereupon,said Ordinance No. 169 was read in full and placed upon its final passage and adoption, those voting for the adoption of said Ordinance No. 169 being: Commissioner Speer Aye " Miller Aye " Newman Aye Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote, had passed and adopted Ordinance No. 169, entitled: N AN ORDINANCE MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 11 1929 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1930•N On motion of Commissioner Newman, seconded by Commissioner Miller and unanimously adopted, invoice of George A DeOottes for $17.37, and invoice of Lucien H Boggs for $31.60 covering expenses incurred under their contract with the City of Sanford, were approved and payment ordered. The Clerk next reported the offer of the Rollins College Athletic Association to pur- chase the passenger bus formerly used by the Sanford Base Ball team for the sum of #500.00, and on motion of Commissioner Miller, seconded by Commissioner Newman and unanimously adopted said offer was ordered accepted. duly On motion /adopted, claim of W C Hill for $108.00 covering salary as City Commissioner from August 1927 to January 1929 was approved and payment ordered. Request received from B W Herndon, Proprietor of the Seminole Hotel, that he be given permission to widen Second Street Adjoining the Seminole Hotel from Park Ave to the Alley on east end of the building, from the present paving to the sidewalk, a space of about twelve feet wide, the space so widened to be covered with concrete of standard specifications, and to place gasoline pumps next to the inside edge of the portion to be widened, these pumps to be approximately twelve feet from the present street ourbing. After considerable discussion and in view of the opinion of the City Attorney that this action would not be in conflict with the curb pump ordinance. Commissioner Miller moved that the desired permission be granted. Seconded by Commissioner Newman and unanimously adopted. On motion duly adopted, the following personal tax cancellations were approved: 1927 Personal Tax of the Sanford Feek& Supply Co. 44 1927 Personal Tax. Mrs M Nelson ( Oier- Assessment 5. 88 1928 Personal Tax of C W Stokes Market ( Not 92�in business Jan 1 10. 00 On motion duly adopted the Clerk was instructed to file proofs of claim with the Receivel of the First National Bank of .Sanford, Florida , covering all City of Sanford moneys on deposit in the First National Bank of Sanford, at the time of closing. The Clerk was also instructed to file with the receiver of the First National Bank proofs of claim covering balances in all City of Sanford Accounts at the Sanford Bank & Trust Company at the time of closing, less payments heretofore made theron by the First National Bank of Sanford. Current invoices and payrolls for the month of September 1929, properly audited and vouchered by the Accounting Department, submitted, examined, approved and the Clerk instructed to draw checks in payment of same. C MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 21 19----?9 Bank statements in all accounts, properly reconciled, submitted and examined. Monthly reports of the Street, Sanitation, Health, Water and Library Depattments sub- mitted and ordered filed. Financial Statement and statement of expenditures and revenues for the month of Septem- ber 1929, submitted, examined and ordered filed. Petition received that the alley -way running east and west through the middle of Block Three , Tier Five, be opened for traffic over the Atlantic Coast Line Railway Crossing. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Newman moved that the matter be laid upon the table. Seconded by Commissioner Miller and unanimously carried. Communication received from the City of Miami Beach, Florida, urging that a protest be lodged with the Federal Radio Commission against the re- allocation of the wave length, raeduo of,::.Aower7,aAd dAtting to half time of Station WIOD, located at Miami Beach, Florida, on the grounds that such action would probably result in the closing of the only station in South Florida at present broadcasting chain - station programs. After a thorough consideration of the matter,Commissioner Miller offered the follow- ing resolution_; and moved its adoption; WHEREAS, It has been brought to the attention of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida , that a recent ruling of the Federal Radio Commission.re- allocates the wave length of Station WIOD, located at Miami Beach, Florida, to a very undesirable location, reduces their power to one half of what it now is, and their time to one -half of what it has been, and WHEREAS, this Commission has been advised that such action by the Federal Radio Commissi will in all probability cause station WIOD to be closed, as it will be impractical for them to continue operation under these.conditions, and WHEREAS, this section of the State has derived much benefit and entertainment from the chain programs broadcast from Station WIOD, particularly during the summer months when the northern stations were not coming through good, and this Commission f eels that the dis- continuance of Station WIOD would be a distinct loss both to this City, and the entire State. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this Commission urgently request that the Federal Radio Commission reconsider its recent drastic order and allow Station WIOD to continue in its pres- ent status, with full time 1000 watt power and present frequency. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Federal , Radio Commission at Washington D.C. for the attention of Judge. E.O.Sykes. Seconded by Commissioner Newman and unanimously adopted. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: City Clerk. III I /G!/ 1 D 1 a