HomeMy WebLinkAbout093029I II 1 G MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Sent • 30 2 P M. 19 29 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned Session at the City Hall in Sanford, Florida, at Two O'Clock P M September 30, 1929• Present: Commissioner Nelson Gray, Mayor. " Frank L Miller +� R A Newman a Vivian A Speer City Attorney , Fred R Wilsom City Clerk, F S Lamson Absent: Commissioner, S 0 Chase. The Clerk presented budget for the year 1929 -1930, prepared in accordance with instructions heretofore issued by the Commission, and after examination and consideration, Commissioner Newman moved its adoption and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare for Passage and adoption at t1ae next Regular Meeting of the City Commission the proper ordinance and resolutions governing the adoption of said budget. Seconded by Commissioner Gray and unanimously adopted. The Clerk was next instructed that beginning with October lst. 1929 all expenditures applicable to the new fiscal year shall be made on the basis of the appropriations set forth in the budget this day adopted. Commissioner Miller next introduced Resolution No. 396 and moved its adoption, said resolution being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION N0. 386 WHEREAS, it has home to the attention of the City Commission of the-City of Sanford, Florida , that the passenger trains running through Sanford from Jacksonville and Tampa have been designated as through runs for the locomotive Engineers, and WHEREAS, this action will cause many families to be removed from our City, causing a distinct loss to us in population as well as financially, and WHEREAS, this action will furtter cause that is known as the Extra Passenger Board to be eliminated.. causing a further loss by a forced removal of the extra engineers from our City and, HWEREAS, it has been reported that this action was brought about by the action of the and that the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad did not propose or endorse such action until after the engineers had asked for it, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Governmeit feels that a very close relation- ship exists between the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad and the entire Citizenship of Sanford, and that it is our desire that this relationship shall continue, and that there shall be nothing to happen which might mar our present friendly and business intercourse. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Commission of Sanford, Florida, do petition the officials of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad to use their efforts to have the Brothe of Locomotive Engineers rescind their action causing the Engineers to be run through Sanford, thereby eliminating Sanford as a terminal , and causing the ultimate removal of many families from our City, and .BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to Mr Lyman Delano, Executive Vice - President of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad at Wilmington, N.C., to Mr P R. Albright, Vice - President of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad at Wilmington N.C., to Mr R A. McOranie, Assistant General Manager at Jacksonville, Florida, and to Mr. T L Dumas, Superin ent, at Sanford, Florida, and BE IT FURTHER RXSQLVED, that the City Commission of Sanford, Florida, do also petiti MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Sept 30 at 2 P M i 9__29_ the officers of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers that they use their influence to have the order allowing the engineers to run through Sanford rescinded, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to Mr W E Cox, General Chairman of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, R.F.D. f3, Florence , S C. and that hb be petitioned to use his efforts to rescind the action placing the passenger runs through between Jacksonville and Tampa, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Commission in passing these resolutions does not intend to dictate or in any manner interfere either with the Atlantic Coast Line Rail- road or the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, but has only the interest of all parties concerned. Passed this 30th day of September A.D. 1929, at a meeting of the City Commission of Sanford, Florida. Nelson Gray _Frank L Miller R A Newman Vivian A Speer. As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. Attest: F S teams on (Seal) City Clerk, Seconded by Commissioner Gray and adopted by the following vote: Commissioner Gray Aye " Miller Aye W Newman Aye Speer Aye The Clerk was next instructed to mail copies of the foregoing resolution to Messrs. Delano, Albright, McCranie, Dumas and Cox. Acting on instructions from the Commission, the Mayor next appointed the following committee to proceed to Jacksonville at the earliest possible moment with a view to retain- ing associate counsel, if necessary, to assist City Attorney Wilson in the event of suits being brought against the City due to the inability to pay interest coupons due July 1, 1929.E Commissioner Miller, n Speer. City Atty. Wilson. The next matter for consideration was certain decisions of the SILpreme Court of the State of Florida with reference to street paving assessments where the entire cost of the paving has been assessed against the abutting property and the uncertainty as to whether th decisions are applicable to Sanford. Thereupon, in order to determine the status of the special assessments levied agai property in Sanford for the paving of the streets adjacent thereto, in view of the deois rendered by the Supreme Court of the State of Florida, Commissioner Newman moved that the City Attorney be instructed to bring friendly s in some particular case where the entire cost of the paving has been charged to the adjao property and where the installents have not been paid, in order to determine the right of the City to enforce collections of paving installments levied on a hundred per cent basis. Seconded by Commissioner Miller and adopted by the following vote: Commissioner Gray Aye 1�' I 1 1 1 II I L7 1 l MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORI Commissioner Miller Aye " Newman Aye n Speer Aye Sept 30 at 2 P M 19 29 119 The Mayor was next authorized and instructed to issue an election proclamation call for a primary election to be held on November 5, 1929, and designating D L Thrasher, as Clerk, and J D Woodruff , R C Bower and Wm. C. Woodruff as Inspectors, said election procla- mation to be posted as required by Section 7 of Chapter 2 of the Revised Ordinances, City of Sanford. The Clerk was next instructed to open the Registration Books, said registration books to remain open up to and including October 26th. 1929• On motion duly adopted, the following 1929 personal tax valuations were set: Churchwell Company 109000.00 Speer & Son 101000.00 Yowell & Co. 10,000.00 Hill Hardware Co 15,000.00 Hill Implement -,10 o. 3,000.00 Ball Hardware Co 7,000.00 J C Penney Co. 10 000.00 McCrory Stores Corp. 10,000.00 Tyree Persona Co. 5,000.00 The meeting then adjourned to meet again at Two O'Clock P M , October 1, 1929• Attest: City Clerk. r