HomeMy WebLinkAbout0323369jb MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, March 23 at 7:30 P M '1 6 9 3 The City Corlmission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 O'Cloek P.M. March 23, 1936. Present: Cor:r,,Assioner S.O.Shinholser, Mayor. It VI.A.Leffler P.N.Whitehurst City Attorney red R.Wilson City Clerk FyS.Lar! son Chief of Police R.G.Williams. Absent: Commissioner W.R.Dupree. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of Regular Meeting of march 12th and adjourned meetings of the Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Bard of March 16th and March 20th. 1936 read and approved. Coriimissioner Whitehurst next introduced the following resolution and moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Lef -flex and carried unanimously, said resolution being in words and figures as follows: a 1 1 1 1 1 i� 1 1 1 0 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, March 23 at 7:30 P M -19-56 R E 0 L U T I 0 N WHEREAS, IT IS WITH DEEP REGRET AND PROFOUND SORR0I+I THAT THIS C®I;II;fISSION MOURI',3S THE DEATH OF HONORABLE T.L. DUMAS, ETHO HAS HONORABLY SERVED THIS CITY AS A CITY COMMISSIONER SINCE JANUARY, 1931, AND IN ADDITION SERVED AS MAYOR DURING THREE OF THESE YEARS AND WAS ON HIS FOURTH TERM AT THE TIME OF HIS DEATH, AND V`THEREAS, IN THE DEATH OF MR. DUMAS, THIS CITY AND COUNTY HAS LOST ONE OF ITS FOREMOST CITIZENS, AND THE PEOPLE A FAITHFUL, FEARLESS AND CONSCIENTIOUS SERVANT, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT WE BOYT IN HUMBLE SUBMISSION TO THE INSCRUTABLE WISDOM OF AN ALL WISE PROVIDENCE, AND AS A MARK OF RESPECT TO THE MEMORY OF THE DECEASED, THAT THIS RESOLUTION BE INSCRIBED ON A FULL PAGE OF THE MINUTE BOOK OF THIS 001,1 1ISSION, AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE CLERK C0121UNICATE THIS RESOLUTION TO THE PRESS AND TRANSMIT A COPY THEREOF TO THE FAMILY OF THE DECEASED. ADOPETED THIS 23rd. DAY OF MARCH A.D. 1936. S.O.Shinholser. t7.A.Lefler. P.N.Whitehurst "T.R.Dupree . As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. ATTEST: F.S.Lamson City Clerk. SEAL ) ?97 e MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, March 23 a-t 7:30 P 12 19 36 A Committee from the newly formed Sanford Baseball Association next appeared with respect to further repairs needed by the grandstand at the Municipal Athletic Field, particularly over the locker rooms to protect them from the rain, and submitted an estir:,ate of $150.00 to cover the cost of these necessary repairs. Thereupon, after carefuly consideration, Commissioner Leffler moved that $150.00 be appropriated to cover the cost of the repairs as outlined by the Committee from the Sanford Baseball Association. Seconded by Commissioner Whitehurst and carried. Cor:imunication next read from H 14 Papworth submitting his resignation as Chairman of the Committee in charge of the Municipal Athletic Field , together with statement of receipts of expenditures for the period January lst, to March 21st. 1936, and check for `13.24, sarle being balance on hand at the later date. Thereupon, Commissioner Whitehurst moved that the resignation and report be accepted, and that an expression of thanks and appreciation be extended Mr Papworth for his good work while serving;as Chairman of this Committee. Seconded by Commissioner Leffler and carried. Instructions next issued that the balance of this Committee be allowed to stand until new arrangements can be made. W.P.A Engineer Earl next presented the need for an experienced Superintendent to supervise the First St. and Park Ave. street paving projects, advising that the two superintendents employed on these projects had been laid off on account of becoming candidtates for elective offices in the corning primary election. Mr. Earl requested that the City assume the payment of the salary of F.A.Dyson to superintend both paving projects until such time as he is ,gain placed on the VTPA payroll, the rate to be the same as paid by the WPA, to -wit: $125.00 per month of 16 working days. After careful consideration of -the need for an experienced superintendent for this work, Mr Earl was authorized to continue Mr. Dyson in this capacity for the t_me being and until further notice. The Clerk next advised the Commission that the River Valley Transportation Co. Lessees of the dock at the foot of Myrtle Avenue formerly owned by the Winn & Lovett Grocery Co., had failed to comply with the terms of said lease in that no rental had been paid to the City nor had the proposed alterations to the dock been made. Thereupon City Attorney Wilson :was::insttucted to notify the River Valley Transportation Co. cf the cancellation of their lease and the intention of the City to immediately take possession of the property. Recommendation next received from the Municipal Judge and Chief of Police that $10.00 of the fine of Rossevelt Brown, sentenced in the Municipal Court under date of January 30, 1936, to pay a fine of $25.00 , be suspended, and on motion duly carried, same was approved. 1 1 1 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, March 23, 7:30 P M 19 36 Application next received from B.B.Baggett for license to operate package 1 1 1 Liquor Store under the name of Ba= gett's Liquor Store , at 106 N. Sanford Ave. and on recommendation of the Chief of Police, same was approved. Request next received from Mrs J C Roberts, SOlElm Ave. for permit to remove oak tree from the parkway in front of this location in x der to relieve a congestion caused by the trees being planted too close tobether. Permit granted. Communication next read from R.11.17arren applying for homestead exemption for the year 1933 on Lot 2 Musson & Abercrombie's Subdivision, it appearing that he applied for such exemption with the County Tax Assessor but overlooked making application to'the City. Thereupon, in accordance with ruling of Attorney General Landis,that Homestead Exemption must be allowed wherever applicable, even though application therefor has not been made at the proper time, Commissioner Whitehurst moved that the application of Mr. Warren be approved. Seconded by Commissioner Leffler and carried. The Clerk next reported the following amounts on hand applicable to Bond creditors: To Keefe et al, to apply on judgment To United Mutual Life Insurance Co, to apply on judL,ment to C.J.Root, to apply on past due coupons $6,x+60.00 106.00 852.50 Thereupon Commissioner Ley'fler moved that the fore"oing amounts be paid. Seconded by Commissioner 1,7hite'ZUrst and carried. Co.:Imunica.tion next read from i7.IS. Wall, owner of a triangular strip of land coniprisin approximately ( acres, located im ediately adjacent to the Muniez'pal Aviation Field, offerin`; to sell this tract to the Cit;;r of The Clerk then rep,Jrted that this tract is covered with trees which constitute a hazard to planes taking oLf and landin_ at t is Field and that Mr. . Wall had refused permission to have the trees reriyed although he read heretofore indicated a wi.11in, ness to sell this land. Thereupon, in view of the fact teat tl_e City already owns all the land sur- rounding this seven acre tract, and in view of the further fact that it is necessary that the trees be reraiv ed in order to acquire a proper Government rating for this Field, Commissioner Leffler moved that the offer of ih�. 1 a l be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Whitehu-rst and carried. On motion duly carried the Co__mission next a_�proved payment of "50.00 to the Seminole County Welfare Board for r:'elfare vrork during the monthof March 1936.. Co_irlissioner Leffler next introduced Ordinance No. 248 entitled: AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF MECHANICAL DEVICES, 11ACHINES, APPARATUS OR INSTRUMENTS, INCLUDING SOUND TRUCKS, FOR THE INTENSIFICATION OR AMPLIFI- CATION OF SOUND FOR ADVERTISING PURPOSES IN THE CITY '_F SANFORD, FLORIDA; TO REQUIRE THE PAYMENT OF A LICENSE TAX FOR THE USE OF SUCH MECHANICAL DEVICES, MACHINES, APPARATUS OR INSTRUMENTS, INCLUDING SOUND TRUCKS, FOR ADVERTISING PURPOSES, ON THE STREETS, AVENUES OR ALLEYS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLC-)RIDA, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS HEREOF. 7oj- MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MARCH 23 at 7:30 P Is 19_36 and same was placed upon its first reading end read in full by the Clerr_. There being no further business, the meeting then adjourned to immediately reconvene as a Municipal Delinquent Tax Adjustment Board. Thereupon further consideration was given to the matter of adjustment of delinquent taxes, after which the meeting adjourned to meet again at 7:30 P.11. March 24, 1936. Attest: City Clerk. �,, 11 1I 11 fl 1